Grand Canyon Rim2Rim2Rim

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all you guys stocking up on yep it adds two miles to the canyon what trailer are we going to to the south carolina ready to start our trim to rim to rim you guys ready i will you guys starting trawl heads right here straight down somebody take it yeah buddy here we go okay here we are at south kiabab trailhead it's 4 50 a.m ready to go derek i'm ready here we go let's do it on to the great unknown derek and i just caught our friends two and a quarter miles down the trail had lamps on the trail just before sunrise ah six o'clock am about four miles in here comes denver and brent and jared best day ever that's right do you still see this challenge that's doable i do i do i i woke up feeling dangerous i think that will go a long way in driving you through the next 40 42 miles look how sweaty this guy is wow sponsored by pure gift of god i just wanted to get a picture of somebody snacking you make it look so good honey stingray here we go there they go i got a lot of catching up to do making their way down to the big bridge and there goes toby with a 20-yard lead on sean right behind him is brent miller followed by furman miller bridging the tube the lead group with the peloton benji mass followed by rick koblins kevin kendrick i'm not sure who else denver jared and anyone else i missed bringing up the back and the way back derek miller wild goat get him toby ride that thing take the free pass down to the colorado crossing the colorado 6.5 miles two hours how's everybody feeling the most prestigious running club in the world presses forward at an incredible pace making the north rim ascent seem almost too easy wow almost eight o'clock and you can see the sun with its heat is moving in and we love it oh yeah our red blood cells are primed for this should be no problem born for the heat born for the vertical the elites continue their ascent on the north face morale is still solid my first level is up i could use an ice cold cola benji continues to pick his way through the rocks like a nimble billy goat this is awesome it's teal guy that we don't know headed for the bridge followed by furman breaking into a run furman is cutting the distance in half he looks to be making a move here comes rick garrett sean brent denver benji and kendrick it's gonna be a tight finish as they reach the midway part of the bridge and the weary travelers enter the manzanita watering hole 18 miles in brent and furman have been turned around there's one wolf behind us danger danger danger danger danger let's just stay to the left it's so far up to go yeah so steep so dangerous the task is almost too great so you were saying benji if we get back late you're going to call kendra how late would it need to be for you to say nah i'll just let her wake up at 2 30 in the morning and wonder if she's gonna have a dad for her little baby do you have life insurance no i don't do you guys have a plan like do you have somebody that would she remarry why are we talking about death right now i'm just i don't know you look down there don't look down there there's a lot of wind very narrow trails eight thousand feet drop-offs sixteen dollars a month got me a two hundred thousand dollar policy i think sarah could live a year or two off of that i hope we don't have to go right it's very steep we are hugging the wall i don't know i'm too i'm too bullheaded the look of an athlete weighing it a little bit of a wise old trail guide cautioning him the look of three sheep up ahead like if you think you feel trash now benji by the time you get back to phantom ranch and have to make that nine mile you're we're climbing just like this yeah but will i die you want to hunt dog or what i'm just kidding i'm not trying to encourage you to to go do something you shouldn't do i've freaking out again it's one of those spots and yet i'm holding my camera and not paying attention yeah sarah's not gonna be happy when she sees this i wanted to document that benji back there has decided to press on towards the north rim because he's a dog and he wants to hunt goodbye i quit now you know what's going to happen you will regret it i'm going to wake up tomorrow morning and i'm not going to think about the 40 miles i ran yep but i'm going to think about the freaking 5 i didn't the 11 30. how's everybody feeling we're grinding it out working hard the furnace with which your men steel and your mind is formed benji you're gonna you're gonna feel so good when you get back tonight you're gonna i'm you might i said this is my last rule you're gonna sign you're gonna get up my mind get on that broadband over there and you're saying i don't care what it costs i'm signing up for mohican baby would there be anything wrong with just yeah putting it out there right now to we probably have about six or seven churches here maybe request a prayer hotline for all of us to make the rest of the way oh my gosh we reached the top of the north rim about 12 30. brent and firmam turned around a good while ago sean how you feeling good for the return trip 25 and a half 2 o'clock you know when you're snow skiing and you cross your skis that says come paint my oh here they come cottonwood campground four o'clock p.m derek how do you feel so far about your day well actually we've had some a couple setbacks but um overall i think we're yeah look funny in there it's okay here we go let me let me just redo this while we're here yeah there we go yep looked like a marathoner now overall i think we've recovered well and i think i think it's turning the right way for us here okay it's uh five o'clock we estimate that we're about three and a half to four miles from phantom ranch we've been walking ever since the last aid station and everybody seems to be in fairly good condition walking is definitely the only option right now we'll regroup take about a 15-minute break at phantom and most likely tackle the south side of the river and all the climbing in the dark so probably not a whole lot of more videos the rest of the trip out because it'll be dark doing okay back there 608 pm we're rolling into phantom couldn't be more proud of these guys good work guys jeremy way to go man you're doing awesome jason way to go can't see much here but we're taking a rest break about four miles from the top it's 9 30 p.m everyone's been real troopers since we left phantom ranch we left phantom ranch about 6 30. 48. thank you guys appreciate it you guys want a group photo anywhere tomorrow south kayabab is way over here we ran down into phantom ranch out through the box canyon up the other side to the north rim turned around back down into phantom ranch up into indian gardens here you can see the trail up through indian gardens [Music] you
Channel: klmullet
Views: 1,249
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: nL9Wpe5cC9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 26sec (1346 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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