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hi grade 7 students and welcome to another art venture here in valenzuela live it's me again mom chancellor jean pima nowadays de leon national high school your art teacher for today before we begin here are few reminders that you need to observe in this learning engagement first me on time second avoid unnecessary word in the comment box third no hate speech fourth stay focused on the lesson peep take down notes while listening or watching and lastly have fun and enjoy learning i hope everyone will be guided by the reminders to ensure in order in our session at the end of this lesson you are expected to analyze elements and principles of the art in the production once art and crafts inspired by the arts of mindanao second identify characteristics of arts and crafts in specific areas in mindanao third reflect on the derived mood idea or message imitating from selected artifacts and art objects fourth appreciate the artifacts and art objects in terms of its utilization and their distinct use of arts elements and principles and last incorporate the design form and spirit of the artifacts and objects from in the now to one's creation let's let's play the jumbled letter games rearrange the anagram or jumbled letters to form the word or term that is being defined in each item you will be given 20 seconds to type your answer in the comments section number one the dress includes of a specified kind timer starts now [Music] do [Music] the correct answer is attire number two a flexible material made by creating an interlocking network for yarns or threads timer starts now [Music] the correct answer is next style number two a form of textile art traditionally woven by hand on a room timer starts now [Music] the correct answer is tapestries number four it is a pastime or a profession that requires skills and knowledge of skilled work timer starts now [Music] the correct answer is craps number five a subordinate or supplementary part object or the like mainly for convenience attractiveness safety timer starts now [Music] the correct answer is accessories number six it involves body modification it involves body modification permanent tattoos branding body piercing body art timer starts now [Music] [Music] the correct answer is study ornaments the art or practice of designing and constructing building timer starts now [Music] a correct answer is architecture it is a branch of a visual arts that operates in three dimensions timer starts now [Music] [Music] okay the correct answer is culture from what place can we find those arts and crafts revealed in the jumbled letter games correct it is from mindanao thank you for your participating now let's dig in into the arts and craft of mindanao mindanao referred to the land of promise it is the second largest and southernmost island in the philippine archipelago mindanao is composed of the following region zamboanga peninsula northern mindanao davao region top surgeon region karaka region and armm region mindanao has also the largest concentration of ethno-linguistic groups and culturally diverse islands these groups are mostly muslims other groups are the lumas or those who have maintained their indigenous beliefs and tradition instead of converting to islam or christianity early filipino worship nature and believe that plants and immediate objects are home to ancestral spirits they also believe that natural phenomena are caused by gods this indigenous beliefs system is called animating let's proceed to the lesson number one attire textiles and tapestries number one villain is an anti-linguistic group that is inhabits a part of south cotabato north cotabato and davao del sur villain is a combination of two words which means house and and which means people they are known for embroidery brass ornaments and beadworks that are integrated in their traditional clothing the pillar and workloads made from abaka with embellished embroidery buttons and beads they also cut the mother of pearl into small shapes that look like sequins called moon to form geometric patterns next is icad pilan we've highly polished abbaja textile using hikar it is a process of dyeing the fabric where the yarns are tightly rubbed with spring and dyed before weaving bugobo are the group of people that live in dabao according to the anthropologies the name of the ethnolinguistic group come from the word pago new and oppo wrote a lot is a woven from deep brown avaca created in the process to obtain intricate design only the women are allowed to weave this fabric the men wear tanalak shorts and undershirt and thin a lacquered the pagani hiro or warrior wear blood red clothes and a hector chip called canculo these articles of clothing represent their courage the women were wrapped around in a lock squirt and blouses their blouses are adorned with floral patterns checkers and paisley prints it has short bells sleeves and waist area that pulls right above the abdomen they also wear row of bells around the waist and ankles that produce tickling sound when they walk tiboli who live in around lake cebu south cotabato are famous for their complicated beadwork wonderful woman fabrics and beautiful brass ornaments evenly flavors themselves are used to stain these hand spun abba have fibers long doulay the famous tibalist dreamweaver who received the national living treasures tawatman lirighanangbayan the mapa awarded by the national commission for culture and arts ncca in 1998. tina lab is a painstaking process that requires patience a lot of creativity good memory and a range of skills learned from a young age by the weavers men are not allowed to touch the materials used in the weaving process the weavers are forbidden to mate with their husband during the time that the cloak is being moved similar to the bagovos they regard the tinala traditional wedding rituals include the exchange of these textiles [Music] means people of the lake preparing to the people who occupy the land surrounding the lake la now they are famous for their artwork intricate living wood carving metal crafts and their epics maranao are known for their malone it is a traditional filipino tube skirt that is made of hand woven and machine made multi-colored cotton cloth pairing a variety of geometric or floral design the malone is similar to the sarong worn by the people in malaysia brunei and indonesia but unlike the sarum the mallow is longer and is stitched together at both ends to make a tube ma long is an important part of maranao life papa malon or sambisa malu demonstrate the various ways of wearing a malon and its uses [Music] their home is in basilan they are popular for their skills and weaving they weaves very intricate design in their textiles which they use for their clothes and other accessories japan hand loop fabrics are known for their use of bold colors and geometric patterns fabrics are traditionally used as garments taputangan is a square cloth used by the jacquard women as a head cover or azabelle pajulapi a tight blouse with long sleeves it is an ornamented with gold silver and ground spot on towel is a traditional type fighting trousers made of jahan fabric characterized by its vertical stripes a type of skirt is layered over the trouser for lesson number two we have crafts accessories and body ornaments first we have sari madok it is a legendary bird of the mourinho it comes from the word sari meaning cloth or garment and manok for chicken it has become significant symbol of where now art it is depicted as a pole with colorful wings and feathered tail holding a fish on its feet or talons the head is previously decorated with a scroll leaf and spiral motifs it is said to be the symbol of good fortune second is akir it is refers to the traditional and unique carvings and prominent to any design among the moral ethno-linguistic communities the name came from the old malayan word which means grave or ukid in filipino it is referred as okier in maranao while uphill in maginda a new partner known for the appear motive has people from the ancient style bird life and naga team and the islamic tradition of using glowing flowers vines and geometric pattern as well as local artisan style number three face makeup and body ornaments a distinct form of visual arts of the yahan it is a visual makeup applied on the brides and the grooms after applying the foundation of white powder dots and the line are painted in various patterns on the faces creating the effects of the formal and elaborated masks which matches the ornament costume of the couple the bride and groom wear different accessories wedding attire for the male we have peace and women head blood poured a symbolic protection from spears and knives and deep 15 meter belt or sash made of gilim a red god script that is believed to be bullet troop with arabic script design prepared by imams and hajjis female short skirt over trousers for both male and female staru had warned to add elegance ornaments profitable good fortune triangular amulets with symbols wrapped in a black clothing against bullets snake bones belts to guard from pain manectegias as a necklace or bracelet or beads from dried fruit seed to protect from illness caused by the evil spirits mannequin boolean necklace or bracelet made of bamboo stem cut into the short pieces serve as added protection functional article combo container for chewing metal nut [Music] a small bronze box with engraving carried at the waist next we have tivoli's accessories pilot and suave movies pilot is a heavy brass belt worn by a woman during the festivals the table is ability where it is bracelet and angles grenish with a ball hearing that makes a sound as true wearer walks twelve minutes a wooden pond with colored glass beads hanging from its foreign toward the back of the head brass making [Music] it is a musical instrument composed of eight different sizes brass booms played upon the wooden rock [Music] two-headed cylindrical dams pair consisting of papua a giant-sized gum a narrow shape nope now let me see if you really listen to our discussion choose the letter of the correct answer type your answer in the comments section you only have 10 seconds to answer each number number one what do you call the famous stimulus dreamweaver a [Music] starts now [Music] if your answer is letter c you are correct number two it is a ethnolinguistic group that is inhabit some part of south cotabato north cotabato and davao del sur a villain [Music] see or letter d timer starts now [Music] if your answer is letter a you are correct number three it's demonstrate the various way of wearing a malon and its uses a cape [Music] timer starts now [Music] if your answer is letter d you are correct number four it is a legendary bird of marina or letter d aguila timer starts now [Music] if your answer is letter c you are correct and last number five it is refers to the traditional and unique carving among the moral ethno-linguistic communities [Music] timer starts now [Music] if your answer is letter d you are correct congratulations keep it up mindanao is often depicted as a place of danger hate division politics and chaos but to really see its beauty one experience the middle now pulled you up one experience the mental culture dreaming with life and colors and once you've experienced the culture of mindanao you will love the land of promise as much you love the other region in the philippines for your performance task you will try to create your own version of salman accusing paper and paint or colors what are the materials needed any coralling materials pencil ball pad or pen and band paper for the procedure draw the image of sarimano on the one paper scratch it with a ball pen flap or pencil pen color the image using any coloring materials watch the short video clip on how to make sari madoka [Music] do [Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] here are the rubrics elements of arts and principles of design that is 20 creativity and originality 30 percent effort and perseverance thirty percent craftmanship skills and consistency that is twenty percent the total of one hundred percent enjoy crafting kids i hope you have learned something from our discussion once again this is mom jaisal jinpi baglinawan see you in another art venture here in valencia live thank you and have a nice day bye
Channel: Val Live
Views: 10,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, valenzuela, deped, SDO-VALENZUELA
Id: axDbvW_F5Pk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 25sec (1585 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 21 2022
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