MAPEH 7 3rd Quarter-Mental and Emotional Health

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[Music] good day students i am monsieur will because the city of palanga national high school and i will be your muppet teacher for today and before we proceed to our discussion let's have a short prayer let us pray our loving father we praise and glorify your name each day we thank you for all the blessings especially the gift of life you showered us [Music] thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn in this time of global pandemic [Music] bless our classmates teachers in school that we may bring hope to our community humbly ask for your forgiveness dollar short comments and help us to be a better person crank as wisdom peace of mind and a pure heart to be a blessing to other people [Music] father we are grateful that you are true to your word that you are with us and will not live us may you continue to bless us with your grace and love [Music] we ask all this through christ our lord who lives and reigns forever and ever mean [Music] no the question is are you ready to learn new things today aha now we are going to have a short activity that is called the wing we got a gulen all you need to do is to combine different words to form or create another word that has something to do with our discussion for today now i'll give you an example if you're going to combine the words is and tris it is equivalent to stress okay our first word is is stress anyone who can guess the second word [Music] that's correct it is emotional how about the third one [Music] the third one is distress correct how about the fourth one good job because our fourth word is q stress and the the last word that we are going to have in this week arabella is [Music] excellent it is mental now all these words have something to do with our discussion for today because our lesson for today will be about anyone who can guess the lesson that we are going to discuss today using this jumbled letters [Music] that's right our lesson for today will be about the mental and emotional health now for today's lesson this is our most essential learning competencies number one explain the factors that affect the promotion of good mental health number two differentiates you stress from distress number three identify situations that cause feelings of anxiety or stress [Music] now it is very important for us to know how to take care of ourselves not only the physical health but also the mental and emotional health especially during this time of pandemic we need to take care of our mental and emotional health why because being healthy mentally and emotionally can promote productivity and effectiveness in everything that we do it allows us to adapt to different changes in our lives and also to cope up with a diversity now for today's discussion we are going to discuss about the stress and common stressor now the question is what is stress when you see stress it is defined as the physical and emotional responses to a significant or unexpected change in one's life now it may also refer to what we may feel when we react to pressure now stress can either be negative or positive now one perfect example of stress that we are facing right now is the global parlement and we are not used with this kind of life set up it is not easy for us to group up and to adapt with this kind of life situation and what important is we must continue moving forward [Music] now let's proceed with the meaning of stressor and when we say stressor it refers to the things that make a person is stress and later we are going to discuss about the common stressor that we may encounter in our lives now we have two kinds of stress we have the eustress and the distress okay when we say you stress it refers to a positive and healthy response of the body from a sore well when we say distress it refers to a negative reaction of the body towards a given is transformed now i will give you an example okay what you're going to do is you're going to analyze the question let's proceed with the question number one when a person woke up late for work he or she may feel anger and disappointment what kind of stress is this letter a use stress or a positive response letter b the stress or a negative response letter c is stressed what do you think is the correct answer very good the correct answer is letter b the stress let's proceed with the question number two which are the following situations a source of pure stress again a source of view stress letter a are doing with a classmate letter b choosing a gift for a friend letter c losing your money what do you think is the correct answer very good the correct answer is letter b choosing a gift for a friend let's visit with the number three and last example which is not a cause of distress again not a cost of distress letter a getting a failing rate letter b going to a new place letter c losing your job what do you think is the correct answer very good the correct answer is letter b going to a new place because getting to a new place can relax our mind can give us peace of mind like that [Music] now before we proceed to our discussion about the common stressors we're going to have an activity that is called word search now in research all you need to do is to have or to get a piece of paper and a ball pen and all you need to do is to list down all the words that you can see and discord search okay now all the words that you can see here have something to do with our discussion about the common stressor now are you ready okay let's start [Music] [Music] [Music] now to check if your answers are correct now this are the words that you receive in this word search now let's start number one family number two friends number three environment number four loss number five death and number six riff okay now we are going to start to discuss about the whole monster source and when you say common stressors it is brought about by our experiences with our family with our friends and in our environment that we have the loss the death and it now these are some of the common stressors number one that it refers to the end of the physical being of a person that is caused by an illness aging or an accident just like what you can see on the screen next one we have loss occurs when someone dies where life situation changes or ends for example the victim of the volcanic eruption victims of the typhoon okay next we have grief or in tagalog refers to the emotional suffering caused by a lost disaster or misfortune ribbing is important and healthy to one's well-being this normal natural and healthy to one's well-being now it may also consider it a sign of the capability of a person to heal and movement so meaning breath or breathing is part of the process for you to heal for you to move on now stress is part of our lives live with it deal with it and above all worry about it if you are tired rest if you're a sad and you need someone to talk to talk with your friends talk with your family and always remind yourself that it is okay not to be okay at all times don't just hope for better days are yet to come that will provide and fix all the brokenness and stress that you are experiencing right now and for our next activity all you need to have is a piece of paper and a bow pen now i will read some situations and all you need to do is to put or to draw smiling face if you considered it as a source of fused rest and sad face if it causes distress okay now that start number one choosing a gift for a friend smiling face or sad face the correct answer is smiling face next one we have arguing with a [Music] the correct answer classmate sad face next one we have going to a new place going to a new place happy face next having a newborn sibling happy peace or sad face happy pace next one getting a feeling mark or grace getting a feeling mark or grades happy peace or sad face sad face next losing your money losing your money [Music] sad face okay next getting a birthday surprise getting a birthday surprise happy days next attending a party birthday party attending a birthday party happy pleasure sad face happy face next witnessing a tribal dance [Music] [Applause] happy face next month we have watching a traditional play [Music] happy days i hope you get a perfect scores good job [Music] for our quiz and to check if you really understand our lesson for today just click the link below and answer the following questions that's all for today thank you for watching i hope you understand and enjoy our lesson for today goodbye
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Id: 798u5tjC-nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 24 2021
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