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blessed be our day virtual learners i am miss florida isaac from paolo national high school and i will be your live streaming teacher for today how have you been i hope that you are all fine and feeling fulfilled as we are about to conclude this school year's fb live according to the philosopher and founding father of daoism allow to a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and so here we are unfolding the last chapter allow me to say my advanced congratulations to you for making it this far today may be the finale of our fb live streaming yet we must not stop learning exploring and discovering join me as we embark the last few pages of our learning mojun i believe that we are all ready to jumpstart today's topic before we begin with our lesson i'd like to remind you of the following first prepare your module and path next observe courtesy and respect all throughout the streaming third type at the comment section your name school and section for your attendance and lastly for your questions about the lesson you may ask during the question and answer part of this trimming this generation's youngsters certainly spend much time maximizing the internet well let us see if you are familiar with the following icons and symbols type your answer in the comment section here is the first one your timer starts now time's up if your answer is video or film you are correct let us proceed to the next one your timer starts now of course you are right if you answered podcasts amazing let us start or let us try another one timer starts now time's up you are again correct if your answer is picture or image that was easy right moving forward we will be discussing about multimedia bibliography of our learning packet prepared by mrs richelle s season from big night national high school let me present our lesson with the most essential learning competency and that is develop annotated bibliography let us first recall the lesson about apa let us first recall the lesson about apa apa stands for american psychological association it is a style of documentation of sources in addition it is very important to cite our sources properly and that is to avoid plagiarism or not acknowledging the source of information it is just proper for credible sources to be even married at this point allow me to lead you to the main topic by providing you with a definition of multimedia multimedia means that computer information can be represented through audio video and animation in addition to traditional media as you can see a good general definition is that multimedia is the field concerned with the computer controlled integration of texts graphics drawings still and moving images or video animation audio and any other media where every type of information can be represented stored transmitted and post-processed digitally can you still follow if so click the hard react now let me present to you the apa formats of multimedia bibliography let us start with the audio such as podcast and here is the format you have to include first the writer or producer the function the date produced or posted the title of the podcast or audio recording and then of course followed by the type of work and retrieved from url of the website here is an example so as you can see we made use of the hanging indention and followed the format which was given earlier next format is for images online as you can see there we have the images or the image that is taken from the internet so we have to include or write first the entry which is the author or the artist if available followed by the year the image was created the title of work the type of work and the force lastly retrieved from the url of the website and once again for you to have clarification here is our example now take note that you have to mention the title of the website if it is different from the author the next format is for video or film so let us have it this is in terms of recorded video first you have to write or include the producer and or director and then the function followed by the year of release the title of the video including the medium consulted plus of course the available are available from url of distributor website and for the example let's have this now if you are unable to find the distributor's website simply include country of origin followed by a follow-on and then the name of the studio now for the in theaters we have this format as you can see we have the director and slash or the producer you have to include the function as well followed by the year of release the title of the film the type of work the country of origin followed by a colon and then the name of the studio for example well well i hope that at this point or part you are still eagerly watching dear students let us move forward to video format on television episodes for videos which is for television episodes and again this is recording you have to include first the writer and slash or director including the function which is inside parenthesis followed by the year of broadcast the title of the episode the type of work which is inside braces in the name of producer including the function the title of the television series the medium consulted which is again inside braces followed by the available from url distributor website phrase for instance we have this example the next format is for broadcast as you can see again we have to start with the writer and or director which is including the function followed by the year of broadcast the title of the episode the type of work which is inside braces followed by the phrase in name of producer you have to include again the function the title of the television series the city of publication and the name of the studio for example we have this one and lastly the format for online or for video online so here it goes we have to include first the author the screen name which is inside braces again followed by the date produced or posted followed by the title of video the medium consulted and then retrieved from url of website for example this may be quite long but take note that we are making use of the url which makes the format a lot longer now that we are familiarized with the different formats i believe that we can test what you've just learned i will be giving you an example of multimedia bibliography entry then you have to choose what particular multimedia is used as a reference based on the format type your answer in the comments section so here is number one what multimedia source uses this bibliography format is it a podcast or b motion picture or fill your timer starts now time's up the answer is letter b motion picture or film let us proceed here is number two is it a tv series or b image or visual work your timer starts now if your answer is letter b image or a visual work then you are correct very good virtual learners lastly we have number three is it a tv series or b streaming video your timer starts now time's over if your answer is letter a tv series then that's perfect now that we are going to proceed to the question and answer part a minute will be given to you to type in your questions and a teacher moderator will gather them so your timer starts now [Music] [Laughter] [Music] the questions the first question is from bhagwagin national high school how can a student make sure that multimedia or the multimedia source is credible well do not forget that whether your sources are multimedia or not it is imperative to check the validity accuracy and credibility of your sources because of the wide area of sources from the net you may find it really confusing however stick to those multimedia sources which are legit such as legal companies university libraries and government websites let us now have the next one the second question is from lauren baton national high school aside from capitalization of the most important entries in the multimedia bibliography what else do we need to consider nice question aside from capitalization of the initials of every entry in the multimedia bibliography do not forget that these entries are separated by period and other punctuations and symbols can also be used such as colon parentheses braces and in addition do not forget that we are using the hanging indention in the apa format let us proceed to our third question which is from paso de blas national high school what is the difference between hyper media and multimedia what a very bright question multimedia refers to multiple forms of media while hyper media is used in as much in a much broader sense to refer to media with links to other media multimedia is anything you can see and hear whereas hyper media is something you can see and interact with at the same time you all have been wonderful today for questions which are not addressed today they will be answered by your subject teacher during your follow-up discussion it seems that you have understood our lesson today why not try to practice more by answering some activities in your mojo which will be tested by your english teacher thank you so much to our technical team and teacher moderator who made this learning engagement possible and great then learners thank you for attending today this has been miss martinel isaac your live streaming teacher temporarily signing off always keep safe and god bless until next time
Channel: Val Live
Views: 340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: education, valenzuela, deped, SDO-VALENZUELA
Id: tn3CVj6uiK0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 25sec (985 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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