How To Speak β€œREAL” English? | πŸŽ™οΈ 8 Minute English

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[Music] hello everyone this is the 8-minute English podcast series on the learn English podcast Channel I am Nathan your host and I am so excited to have you on our podcast today now let me ask you a question have you ever listened to a native speaker and thought wow I wish I could speak that naturally imagine being able to order your favorite burger without stuttering or being able to chat with people from different countries without missing a beat that natural fluency is the dream for many English Learners isn't it there are some key things you can do to speak English smoothly and naturally so get ready to dive in we're about to explore some practical tips to help you on your fluency Journey [Music] the first tip to speaking like a native is to immerse yourself in the language it's like diving into a pool of English words and phrases try to hear and see English as much as possible watch movies listen to music read books and have conversations with English speakers whenever you can and talk to people in English every day even if it is just for a little while surround yourself with the language and it'll become second nature another useful tip to learn English speaking is simply talking in English with native speakers or anyone you know that can speak English well but this way can be difficult if you don't live in an English-speaking country there are some great ways to find native speakers online or in your local community you can join language clubs or use apps like tandom or Hell talk to connect with native speakers from around the world they can help you with your pronunciation idioms and even teach you some cool slang words imagine this you're chatting with a native speaker and they say hey that's lit instead of panicking you'll be like oh I know what that means it means something is really cool or awesome and then you'll high-five with the speaker and carry on with a conversation like a true native let's talk about pronunciation and intonation these are the keys to sounding like a native speaker you can have perfect grammar and a huge vocabulary but if your pronunciation is wrong it'll be hard for people to understand you and intonation that's what gives your speech that natural Rhythm and flow so here's what you need to do listen to native speakers as much as you can watch movies TV shows and podcasts in English pay attention to how they say words and how their voices go up and down then practice practice practice when you watch English speakers pay attention to how they use their hands and face to express themselves try to copy this when you speak also try to use contractions more often instead of saying I am say I'm instead of do not say don't this will make your speech sound more natural and fluent another important tip is to learn the common phrases and expressions that native speakers use for example instead of saying I don't know you can say duno this helps you sound more like a native speaker practice speaking with a natural Rhythm native speakers often connect words and don't pause between them try to imitate this Flow by listening to native speakers and repeating after them use fillers like um uh you know when you speak native speakers use these fillers naturally when they are thinking or pausing adding these to your speech can make you sound more like a native finally try to learn the different accents and slang used in different English-speaking countries this will not only make you sound more like a native but also help you understand the language better next up let's talk about slang and idioms these are the spices that make English so flavorful and fun native speakers love to use phrases like piece of cake hit the sack and hang in in there learning these Expressions will help you sound more natural and cool so start listening to them in movies and TV shows and don't be afraid to use them in your conversations and last but not least you need to adopt a learning method that works best for you one great technique that I highly recommend is called shadowing it's basically when you try to copy the speech of native speakers it's like having a conversation with them but you're just repeating with they say it might feel a bit silly at first but trust me it works wonders another fun way to practice your speaking skills is by using short film clips you can find plenty of these on channels like learn English with Jessica and English speaking course they offer exercises where you can practice your speaking skills by shadowing and doing duet exercises with the videos now I know what you're thinking but won't I sound like a robot if I just repeat what others say not at all the more you practice the more natural and smooth your speech will [Music] become let's talk about some important words related to this episode's topic stutter is the first word when you stutter your speech isn't smooth it might sound like you're stuck on a word or you might repeat sounds stuttering could be a sign that language Learners are not confident enough next we have fluent if you're fluent in a language you can speak it smoothly and easily like waterf flowing the more you listen to English and practice speaking it the more you become fluent at it the third word is immerses to immerse yourself in something means to surround yourself with it completely immersing yourself in the English language is probably one of the most popular ways of learning English let's move on with slang slang is an informal language that's often used by a particular group of people it can be words phrases or even ways of pronouncing words for example cool is slang for good or excellent and finally relatable if something is relatable it means it's easy to connect with or understand you can see yourself in the situation or you've had a similar experience understanding English but not being able to speak English fluently is a relatable experience for many [Music] Learners before wrapping up the episode let's explore some of the fun facts about the English language did you know that English is the only major language that doesn't have any organization to regulate it unlike French or Spanish there's no official Academy that decides what's correct or incorrect in English this means that English is constantly evolving and changing new words and expressions are added all the time for example words like selfie binge watch and hangry have all become popular in recent years so as you learn and practice English remember that it's a living breathing language don't be afraid to embrace the changes and have fun with it believe it or not the letter J is actually the newest member of the English alphabet Club back in the day there were even more letters 29 to be exact the Latin alphabet which English uses didn't have a J at all English is a growing language like a giant word tree that keeps adding new branches every year around 4,000 new words are added with all this growth it's no wonder there are over a million words in the English language don't worry though most people don't use all the words most English speakers use around 20,000 words regularly like like hello friend and pizza there are another 40,000 words we might understand when we hear them but maybe we don't use them ourselves there you have it folks a simple effective way to start speaking like a native remember practice makes perfect and most importantly have fun until next time keep practicing and happy speaking [Music]
Channel: LEP - Learn English Podcast
Views: 9,074
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: learn english podcast, lep, english podcast, podcast in english, english, learn english, english learning, how to speak english fluently, speaking english, fluent english, 8 minute english, daily english, english conversations, learn english with podcast, can you speak english fluently, english for beginners, speak like a native, learn english online, learn english free, free english online, how to speak english with american accent, american english, british english
Id: 60kTShtxdWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 0sec (540 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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