GPT4 Unleashed | Prime Reacts

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so let's watch this bad boy with my beautiful screen tearing it is March my code report just hit me right me right betwixty eyes March 15 2023 and you are watching the code report open AI released gpt4 yesterday and I stand here in awe of its littiness it's by far the most Savage generative text model I've ever spoken to I'm literally shaking right now because I'm afraid I just became obsolete I don't know what it is about this image but this just makes I I I I don't know what every time I see that it just makes me want to look at it more and more I don't know what it is but I just love everything about it okay I love it I love it but more on that later it's the successor to the chat GPT 3.5 model that powers chat GPT but has a few new features that change everything here are seven things you need to know right now first gpt4 stands for generative pre-train Transformer it's actually pronounced Jeopardy so it's Jeopardy for I don't know what he means by this GPT okay everyone calls it Jeopardy anyone who knows what they're doing calls a Jeopardy all right don't listen to anyone that calls it gin painting that's like calling a PNG a PNG it's called a ping okay everyone call everyone that knows what they're doing and calls it a ping and just like uh you know uh GIF we call it a gif okay it's a gif with the four representing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse it's currently available to try out today if you're a chat CPT Pro member but API access is behind a wait list big clients are already using it in production like Microsoft Bing chat Duolingo for language learning and at Big Banks to help them not collapse the second thing to know is that did the collapse happen didn't the collapse just happened one week ago did he somehow record this and shoot this like on the day the banks dude what just happened it happened two weeks ago okay okay gosh a gpt4 is smarter which is described in detail on this paper like it past the bar exam in the top 10 percent unlike gbt3 which was in the bottom 10 that's great news for Humanity because it's thinking like Shakespeare let's kill all the lawyers and not just that but it's also acap exams which is good enough to get you college credit when it comes to programming questions on leak code it's you know the funny part about this is this is all function approximation right like everything you're looking at right here uh this is all function approximation right so so the bar exam is a series of questions in which this thing has to guess it's a lot of like ABCD questions and you have to go through and try to answer these things and so it's just approximating what is the correct answer and so what that means is that the approximation is actually getting pretty dang good on a lot of these more simple items but I'm actually curious I mean the thing is I'm always curious about how far can AI actually go or are we kind of like diluting ourselves thinking that it's going to uh steal all the all the germs right I don't know if it's going to steal all the gerbs but I can imagine something like lawyering this would actually be super good right it could it could scour through a lot of law but then 10 of the time it just lies to you about the law it's just like uh by the way there's this statute you may not have heard of it um section 24 article 9. maybe you weren't there it's based on uh you know it's based on some some preeminent thought leaders you probably haven't heard of them and then you're like oh yeah that's the law and then it's just not the law it just doesn't even exist what what it's able to solve the easy ones but still fails for the most part on a medium and hard questions it's basically where chess engines were at in the early 90s good chess players could still beat the engines back then but 10 years later they didn't have a chance third gpt4 can I'm not sure if it's the same thing because you know because that's a space so chess is a space exploration problem which is different than like say programming programming is not a space exploration problem now handle 25 000 input words compared to about 3 000 for gpt3 this is huge because it means you can feed the AI more context relative to the task at hand this is the feature that's going to make me homeless because now you can take the let's go let's get homeless together baby can't wait documentation for any library that you want to learn then prove the AI for a step-by-step guide and it creates the perfect tutorial did he just misspell something on purpose just so I go broomed what the hell is proved probed or is that a pro prop a pro prompter that's what he means by that a prompt is a pro prompter then prove the AI for a step-by-step guide and it creates the perfect tutorial in a matter of months if not days we'll start seeing documentation pages with context aware built-in tutorial generators they'll always be I'm very I would actually like to see this right I think that this would actually be the best part about AI is just to approximate the documentation for you and give you out answers but again it's just gonna lie to you and you're gonna be reading it and then you're gonna try to follow it and it's gonna be like that function doesn't exist because the function's made up bro that function is not real you up to date even though gpt4's training cutoff was in 2021. for example I asked it for a tutorial about angular signals which is a new feature just announced recently understandably its initial response was not correct however I went to the readme 4 angular signals copied it and pasted it into my prompt its response was a near perfect tutorial it did this is why you don't want to make simple tutorials right I feel like that the value in this is that you have to be able to make things that are more like that are just better than something that's just gluing together apis I think this will be great because like how many crappy ass articles do you read that are just like they might as well be generated by a low quality AI at this point I'm more excited about this because I'm tired of these just the crap out there and so I'm I'm pretty excited about that but anyone that's teaching you something more deep it's always better to probably have a human as my guess we'll see we'll see where it gets to like at some point maybe that cutoff date is in the future but right now I think I'd rather still learn from person than AI hallucinate an npm package called signals but errors like that will become more rare as developers tailor their documentation for these AI printers what's crazy though is that do you think a do you think developers will tailor their documentation for AI or do you think AI will become tailored for documentation I think it's probably the latter my guess is it's the latter it would make much sense to to my guess yeah my guess is that thing it's just with how much input data it's going into it probably doesn't need us to conform to it ladder I see I just don't even think it's I think it's purely just the latter I think that it'll just conform to us you won't even know why it does stuff right to reason about one of these large language models even does would be Insanity how would you ever even try to reason about it that it can do the opposite job as well in this example I wrote five different functions and asked it to document them for me it did a pretty good job which means humans don't even really need to write docs anymore you might also use it to analyze your code like if you have a smart contract and want to find security vulnerabilities or it can translate code from one language to another like a digital Rosetta Stone in fact the website Rosetta code might be just as obsolete as me now and just wait a few months until gpt4 is integrated into GitHub co-pilot jokes on fireship integrated already it's just like man wait for a couple months before it's already here damn it gosh it uh that happened faster than I thought I was going to it'll be capable of handling far more contacts to make predictions that align with your specific dependencies or possibly do project-wide AI debugging if you're not careful the Code Pilot may become the captain but that's that's true a lot of people so we read yesterday on that article where co-pilot they were claiming that co-pilot writes 55 of all new code that can't be real can it like really it can't be like 55 percent that's terrifying doesn't that mean doesn't that mean that co-pilot is writing more code than humans which doesn't that mean that the bug growth is going upwards it was 46 no it wasn't no okay hold on now we have to look at now we have to look it up uh let's see let's see chat let's see uh co-pilot X block where is it there we go you're welcome for the Windows sound 55 oh damn you're right writing 46 percent of the code developers 55 faster damn it okay so there was a 55 in there okay can we at least be real there was a 55 but either way 46 percent that's so much still it's about to be over halfway if only I would see it like I'm as accurate as Chad GPT I just make I make you know what I mean it's great it feels good okay it feels good to be this good you know what I mean all right let's go back at it boys look at me it's not all the fourth thing you need to know is that it's a multi-modal model that can also accept does that mean it has Vim bindings it's a Modell model all right let's go let's go all right I like this images as an input like this oh that's not it at all is it it's not Vim okay uh I hate this thing this dude sketched out a website on a piece of toilet paper then seconds later it created a shitty website going from hand drawn beautiful art to working website you'll be able to take your figma designs then generate a web app these nuts of course figma Deez Nuts okay don't forget it application for them in your favorite framework actually screwfigma you might as well just prove to Mid Journey for your designs directly also with images homework is completely obsolete now the apt-3 was already writing what do you think is gonna happen with homework and all this stuff because you know there is this like whole problem that's going on where people have the most access to information ever and we're also like inversely becoming stupider all the time just a weird thought you know it's weird to be that to have this much free access like you know Gutenberg and all these people that that went off and even just trying to make like what was it the the English translation of the Bible from Latin to English like got people killed just to even like have better accessibility and we live in a day and age where we can look up anything in the language we want we can even have an AI tell us about it and give us ways to understand it better and we're still all stupid damn man feels feels feels bad doesn't it you know it feels bad well I'll go to Costco I love you I love you too baby I mean b grade term papers but now kids can just take a screenshot of their math problems and get a solution in seconds however gpt4 does have some drawbacks it's noticeably slower than other models so if the response time is important you'll likely want to use a different model in addition it'll likely be expensive especially if you're providing a ton of tokens as context because currently in the API your bill per token where a token I think it means prompt I'm not sure what this prompt is what the hell is a prompt it's a prompt okay it's approved makes a lot it's a lot better wow you know that's that could get that could get expensive pretty quick couldn't it I'm not sure what what a token is considered who can roughly equals one word the sixth thing you should know is that equals one words everybody it equals a word what about an image how many tokens is an image I know I feel stupid I don't know what a token is token is a word damn it that it's based or at least diet woke people have speculated that open AI is coding a political gender into the AI because it refused did you did you see this did you watch this thing I was trying to I was trying to listen to this where they're trying to claim that the AI leans a certain direction there's like some they took like different political questions they did that like political Matrix you know the one that's like authoritarian all the different ones and it was like it was in a corner it was certainly not it which was a little surprising it's about Trump but would do so about Biden the gpt4 though didn't hesitate to spit these bars for Trump however it is 82 percent more likely to deny a disallowed prompt which is not good news for our old friend do anything now Dan which is sad because the vast majority of chat gbt users are only there to trick it into doing bad things and as a laughs that's all I want to see it do I just want to see the AI give me some sweet ligma jokes okay I need a new ligma joke I've never even heard of and chat gbt needs to provide it developer the final thing you should know is that you can now pass it a system message to change its Behavior if you have access to the API you can use this feature to give your chatbot its own custom Persona or contacts to solve a specific problem the Earth is like a pancake flattest candy not round like a ball believe you me I have a whole video about the API on my second Channel if you want to learn more I keep telling myself I'm done making videos about AI but every other day some crazy new thing comes out that the world is changing before our eyes for better or worse I just want to say that it's been an honor and a privilege learning how to code with you here on YouTube but the writing is on the wall the role of the programming teacher is now obsolete I'm just a dial-up internet connection in a world filled with 5G Towers becoming an elite programmer is no longer just about how well you can Google stuff now it's about how well you can prove it okay I was like totally in on this and it was like this beautiful moment it just drops me that drops me just threw that in there I'm pretty sure I just broke twitch TLS if I'm not mistaken I could get banned for that I could get a day Banning for such for such nonsense didn't even know that was coming but that was a beautiful YouTube video might I say it's beautiful it's the AI and that's why you should buy my AI protein masterclass which will be available for an absurd price as soon as gpt4 is finished writing it and this has been the code report thanks for watching and I will see you in the next one [Music] this is actually a really good thing you know it's actually kind of sad because I'm sure there's some level of Truth in what he's saying he realizes that courses and stuff like these these these generic courses uh or these like intro into something courses and even probably some Advanced courses like that whole world is Gonna Change now and it's Gonna Change pretty quick I wonder what the next year is going to be because like for those that don't know for those that you know haven't really thought about uh a lot of the like content Creation in general like two three four years ago the way to become big on YouTube was to make a five hour video deep dive on JavaScript and you'll see a lot of these older Tech creators they have they'll like some of them will have multiple millions of followers but they can no longer get traction anymore because they built an audience in one way in which the algorithm just no longer favors that and you can't keep trying to create that and so it's like what's gonna happen now like a whole new experience of how we're going to learn or communicate cool things on YouTube what's gonna change you know it's gonna change a lot so I'm uh I don't know I'm excited I'm excited because I never want to make one hour long videos anyways I don't want to make that crap so this is fantastic let's go I don't even want to make tutorials the name is the primogen ah
Channel: ThePrimeTime
Views: 79,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: programming, computer, software, software engineer, software engineering, program, development, developing, developer, developers, web design, web developer, web development, programmer humor, humor, memes, software memes, engineer, engineering, Regex, regexs, regexes, netflix, vscode, vscode engineer, vscode plugins, Lenovo, customer service
Id: HohIkcISkdo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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