GPT store pics leaked + Can GPTs pull in $20,000+ per month? Here's how to start building.

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we're all eagerly awaiting the launch of the GPT store by open AI That's supposed to happen this week some are even claiming it's going to happen today this which is see on screen is a leaked image of what that store is going to look like but please understand I have no clue if it's real or not you know they have this trending section at the bottom with grimoire by Nick Doos here at the bottom which he by the way commented on we'll take a look at that in just a second these are real gpts and I wouldn't be surprised if this is a real screenshot so somebody this danis koves right he's number one with his new GPT 5 the thing is if I open up a incognito window and I search for GPT 5 in Google this is his GPT 5 you know GPT so I think this is just somebody that really figured out how to get ranked in the Google search results and he's at the top this is real I checked some of the other ones they this seems legit but we have no idea until it's actually launched one of the interesting things here is that they show these categories which I didn't think about it obviously there will be categories how else that's just a simple way to organize them help people find the right ones sort of have rankings in different ones so they have you know by default top picks then you have Dolly writing research and Analysis programming education productivity and lifestyle so in this video Let's quickly talk about what can we expect the store to look like how you can get prepared and at the very end I'll put in my tutorial how to set up your profile in the right way we'll put that towards the end because some of you have already seen that but if you're not set up yet that's a quick one minute tutorial on how to get set up correctly there's a few tricky things in there when you're setting up your profile that you need to be aware of otherwise you might have issues down the road and I do want to spend a little bit of time talking about will you be able to make money from gpts now there's a lot of people that have a lot of different opinions people even in the comments for some of the videos that I've done about this say well it's too easy to replicate gpts you know if if you're create a good GPT that's making money somebody else is going to rip it off and we'll have to see how they structure everything and of course people will be able to take some of your ideas maybe create their own versions of that ideas that's always the case but I'll show you a few reasons why I think that there will be protections for your GPT so if you create something that's really good that's really helpful that has users that are interested that are using it number one you will be able to make money with it and I'll show you exactly what I mean by that number two it will not be that easy to just come in and copy it I mean somebody might recreate your product but that doesn't mean that they're going to start getting all your users and all the new users that are searching for that but really fast I want to point something out here a few of these trending gpts are gpts that are for talking to your PDF which has been an extremely popular subject extremely popular use for Chad GPT as a whole now whether or not this is true the fact that you're going to see gpts dealing with with PDFs that part is true I can guarantee that when when we launch within the top 10 there will be at least one GPT that chats with your PDFs now in one of my previous videos we took a look at this PDF aai by Damon Chen so as you can see here this is the monthly searches for PDF aai so for a while it wasn't really a thing and then you can kind of see this inflection point in 2023 somewhere where it's like it's it's now a thing it's up 244 % year-over-year there's over quarter million searches in the past month here I'm actually going to run this upto-date search right now so this is PDF aai worldwide for the past 5 years so as you can see here somewhere in January 2023 takes off and just goes into the stratosphere and so Damon Chan created PDF AI where users can upload a PDF and ask a questions what does this mean explain the legal jargon what is my termination Clause Etc this is extremely useful for any legal documents for if you're signing a lease for research for school for just anything you can think of this allows you to extract information from PDF documents and so Damon is making 500,000 a year with over 500,000 customers and we've talked about all the other ones so formula bot where you ask jgpt for Excel formula help right that person is making two to 300,000 year one person team the PDF guy is making 500,000 a year with a one person team photo AI 900,000 a year with a oneperson team and they're doing a lot of this with no code meaning that they're not they're not coders they're not software developers they're using things like bubble to create websites with API connection stuff like that so bubble is the world's only full stack no code platform now I'm not affiliated with them they're not paying me money to say this although I should probably get an affiliate link to put in the description since they they do legitimately have a very good product that a lot of people use to build something like this so this is PDF aai so you can get started for free and he's also got a kind of a free demo that you can run with the Satoshi Nakamoto Bitcoin paper what else it comes pre-loaded in case you wanted to ask questions about it so you for example can say explain proof of work with out jargon and it's going to go through and try to explain that so it explains it and it gives you you know page three and page eight as it's this page three where it first talks about page eight so it's pulling from the document to explain it now why is that important take look at this so this is ask your PDF research assistant when you Google PDF a PDF a that's the one that we looked at that was the number one that's Damon's product making 500,000 a year probably at this point more like 700,000 a year if you know the income scaling off as users and this is ask your PDF that's that trending or you know if the screenshot is real a trending PDF app so it's number was that number two on the Google organic results right because all this is sponsored so really this is number one this is number two so this takes you to that website it has the pricing very similar to PDF 20 bucks a month for the pro version that gives you things like chatting with multiple documents at once so here's their GPT so this is the thing that's going to appear on the GPT store so when somebody goes to the open ai's GPT store and they type in PDF a this is one of the things that are going to appear and notice this ask your that's this page and this is their app or their GPT that's listed on the openi store so for example you can say how can I use this GPT and so it tells you what it does so it it has an AI essay writer it has an AI references and citation tool and it has the sort of chat with GPT where it can help you extract information from your PDF documents and now you can have documents on your account but to have documents on your account so meaning your own kind of private documents that are saved that you can chat with back and forth well guess what you got to sign in with Pro . askyou that's this you have to have an account with them so in case you're new to stuff like this what this means is that there will be people that make a lot of money of this and it won't even be because they are making money from openi paying them for gpts it will be because they will connect their services to a GPT so users will find the GPT on the store it will probably have a number of things that you can do for free and most people will use it for free and be happy with that and share it and because they're using it and reviewing it right it's going to slowly sort of float up in the in the GPT store more and more people will use it but then some percentage of them will want to have the pro features whatever those may be so for example in this case I means basically more more pages per document more questions 50 documents per day using different models including GPT 4 and Claude using multiple documents at once so for example if you have a knowledge base with five different PDFs and you want to be able to query like all of them wherever that information is and so those people will create an account now with you directly it will be linked to their GPT in here right they might be paying you 10 20 30 bucks a month or whatever it is for your services or some onetime fee or whatever it is and that's going to give them the full functionality of Chad GPT alongside with whatever functionality that they provide whether that's storage or some additional services or whatever and they will be able to access that through through this GPT profile all in here here's another example by Ben from Ben spites so chatbase lets you set up your own Chad gbt using your data makes 1 million annual recurring Revenue with a solo co-founder the market is there so this is Chad base so looks like you have a free version all the way up to an unlimited version for 400 a month so my point here is that right now it does seem like the opportunity is massive you're able to make money from open AI them paying for people using your GPT you can hook it up to your own payment system off site on your own site I think the key is going to be thinking in terms of like a frontend SLB backend product so front end is something that everybody can use and enjoy and get benefit from potentially for free right that's kind of like what most people will be using but some percentage of those will be the pro users that will sign up for some sort of a recurr recurring monthly service that they're interested in I guess with apps and software that's referred to as free premium right so it's free but you have your premium part of it and it seems like the opportunity to create new Solutions like this is wide open there has been not enough time for people to fully understand everything that's available to build with Chad gbt there might be apps on there that we haven't even thought of as use cases but will that will go on to make millions when the App Store launched the fart app was one of the top 10 apps on there making millions it was an app that you pushed a button and it would make make a rude noise that's pretty much all it did that game Flappy Bird it was making like 50,000 a day I think at at the peak so at the end of this video I'll play a quick how to get started that will show you how to set up your account but I do want to hear from you what are you going to be building cuz you will try something at least right it's free to get started you'll at least try to build something don't don't sit this one out this one's kind of important do something what ideas do you have or at least what category are you thinking of doing do you want to do something in writing or productivity or or gaming that wasn't one of the categories that I saw in there but I mean gaming could be a fun one you can have some sort of a back and forth AI assisted games I think that learning and education apps will be huge let me know what you're going to be building let me know what gpts are you excited to see let me know what I can do to help what content what training what information do you need to keep going right now we're waiting for the launch because that's kind of like the ghost signal plus that's when we'll know more about how everything works but for the time being what are you excited to see my name is Wes R and thank you for watching all right so really fast I'm going to make a brand new open a account and we're going to go ahead and get in there and create our Builder profile and start building all right so step one try Chad GPT sign up so you put your email address in there continue for password I'll put abc123 no I'm just kidding all right we have a password verify our email opening ey verify email address tell us about you well my name is natural 20 you know what I'm going to go with West Raw and then we're going to have to enter the code they sent us to verify our phone number all right let's go so I think here we're going to have to upgrade in order to to have access to all the features so I'm going to go ahead and upgrade to plus caramel Mountain Road San Diego let's go success so I've just traveled about 10 minutes in the future to show you this this is what your Builder profile will look like notice what it says there name is populated from your billing details and I'm not able to change it so it sounds like whatever you put in the billing details under name is what's going to show up here all right next we're going to head over to my gpts we will click on create a GPT all right so I'll click create one called home base and in the description tells you about all the products that West Roth has in store and for instructions we're going to consult the attached documentation about existing products gpts by West Roth list them and answer questions about them and so for conversation Stars we're going to do something like list all available gpts by westro all right we're going to keep that as is for now and we'll come back in just a second and let's go ahead and save it so we're going to click confirm let's go back to add a GPT and now this GPT may appear in the GPT store coming soon so we'll click public and we're going to click this little button right there to create our build Builder profile all right and here we have let's select a domain we're going to verify a new domain we're going to add the new domain so I have my natural 20 domain let's go ahead and just use that submit so gave me an error message so looks like they just want the uh just a domain all right to verify ownership of your natural navigate to your DNS provider and add a txt record so basically whoever's your wherever you bought your domain or your hosting provider you need to add this as a record under the DNS it's usually pretty straight forward so we're going to copy this so for me that's Cloud flare natural 20 I'll click on the DNS settings just find DNS settings with whomever you're hosting or whoever your registar is as you can see here these are the various records these are the various txt records that are here so we're going to add one we'll kind of type what type is it it's txt the con content is whatever they gave you name natural you can look at to see what the other ones are but and we'll click save so there it is a it's a txt record natural 20 open AI domain verification and so this can take a while but every once in a while it's pretty fast all right yeah that's been successfully verified and we're done so once we've verified the domain we click on so it's not showing up let me click refresh here and see there it is okay so if if it doesn't show up I click refresh and now we have natural 20 as our verified domain we'll go ahead and click here to enable it all right and now this one's going to be public so let's click public confirm and there's our beautiful GPT publicly available to all with a link to our website
Channel: Wes Roth
Views: 42,772
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zoWF1N3uK4k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 49sec (889 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2024
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