GPT-4 Vision: 10 Amazing Use Cases - This is HUGE!!

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today we are finally at the multimodal model with GPT for wish and I can't tell you how excited I am to show you what this can do we are going to take a look at if gbg4 Vis can guess how many beads are in this jar you can see here can it create an app from something I just drew in my notebook uh can it create a meme from my front door porch and can it explain Concepts from like a YouTube video I'm just watching so I just take an image from it can you explain this in more detail and more so let's just dive in let's start by looking at if it can actually create this app I drew here in my notebook so you can see I kind of wrote app flow shart frontend user input textbook UI and I just Dr draw this box here I put an arrow to like this backend part here we have open AI API gbd4 I put an arrow back to another test text box that I just called gp4 response box and under here I have some style some jaas C SSS style and that's all I gave it and I just went with uh prompt you are a full stack software Dev you're an expert in Python flask and JavaScript the user has uploaded a flow shot of a simple app he needs can you create it and yeah look ahead just go ahead uh reads all from the image like we have a front end back end and some styling it goes straight ahead and creates some type of code so this is the backend part this is the front end using HTML JavaScript and CSS and yeah that's about it and I just asked how I use this so basically all you had to do was copy this into like a notepad so I copy the back end I copi the front end so I just went ahead over to my notepad I pasted in the here so this is like the flask app right uh I had to put in my open a I key here and we are using the text 003 model we we have an index here that is basically an HTML file with the UI and that's about it so short and simple uh so let's run it and see if this works okay so I just go python right okay so we get the IP address here just click on that put it up here yeah and there we have it ask GPT 4 I don't think it's GPT 4 but let's try it so let's go can you give me three steps to Learn Python let's click on ask should we get something back here hopefully all right here we got it set up a program environment learn the basics practice what you learned okay so that was a very simple app to create just from the image I drew in my notebook right so I thought that was pretty cool uh I'm going to try to make a more advanced version of this going forward maybe later this weekend we will see but anyway that was cool let's move on to the next part so I found this very interesting study that people try to guess how many beads were in this big jar here so I kind of used this image we can see here uh the answer is 27,800 so I just copied the image here and I went over to GPT 4 Vision I put the image up I went with the prompt you're a logical puzzle math expert your task is to look at the image the user has uploaded find out how many beads are in the jar take a deep breath solve this problem in a step by-step way gu as you can see kind of broke down it needs to estimate the Jar's volume it needs to estimate the volume of a single bead calculate the total number of beads uh okay so it didn't have any exact measurements so I just went try your best with information you have access to from the image so it's going to try to use the man's hand and head as a reference let's estimate right and for a bead it's going to use details on the man's shirt as a reference so to that was pretty smart so he going to try to look at this part to try to understand how big these beads all right that was pretty cool and it's going to calculate the number of Beats so here you can see it kind of goes ahead does all the calculations on the formulas it had picked and it ended up with 27,000 like I almost passed out because you can see the answer is 27,800 and I thought no way that can't be true so I just what the hell what is going on here and I thought I had to do more of this so I went ahead I did it again and then it ended up be 206,000 beats so I was kind of oh thank God that that was pretty scary right uh uh and I tried again and then 15,000 beads I tried again 60,000 bads so it's all over the place uh but for just for fun I tried to look at the first prompt we had and I gave it some more information so I I kind of forced it to estimate the volume from the man's shirt as a reference of the the bead and using the man's hand and head as the reference so this is more kind of like a a few shot prompt right but then it got better now it gets 24,000 bids so it seems like we can use fut short prompting here to improve the results so we're going to be exploring that more uh during our next videos of course uh but I I thought it was very interesting because I thought what the hell was that the correct beads the first time no way uh but as you saw that was probably just random luck uh but very cool I like it I like the the way it broke this down like in a step by step way that was cool uh but anyway let's move on so I was watching this video on YouTube here from Yanni kshire you can see he's talking about the prompt breeder paper uh and he's talking about this so I thought I just why don't I pick up my phone take a image of this screen here right and try to ask GPT um wish if it it can explain this to me uh so I just went ahead I took this screenshot here right and I prompted can you explain what I'm looking at on this YouTube video take a deep breath and explain it in a step by step way so here it goes through every single thing we can see in the in the image here the main heading initializing population of task prompts and mutation prompts thinking Styles and mutation prompts sample instructions llm mutation operations so it went ve very deep into this right person's person in the video is clearly the host or educator he's holding a pink object that was cool uh and then I go ahead just based on this can you give me an example of a prompt or a muted version of this prompt and I thought this was very clever because I didn't have any like good examples you see we have some examples here and it just went ahead created like this original prompt sold the following algebraic equation x + 5al 10 using thinking Styles and mutation prompt so uh thinking style let's think step by step so break this process down step by step make it more fun imagine you're a detective trying to find the value of x solve the mystery with equation X Hyper mutation in a world where numbers are mischievous X is hiding go another adventure and find the value so start isolating X on one side once you've done that so I thought this was very helpful because looking at just this image is kind of hard to get what's going on right but when I asked this uh like this I kind of understood it right away so I'm definitely going to be using this when I'm watching more of a complex videos uh online so just on my phone just take an image of the screen ask about it while the host talk right so I thought that was pretty cool uh but yeah let's move on next I wanted to find out if GPT Vision can be funny so I have this kind of funny number on my house so it's and the address is 69 and we got this old stool was just standing there so I thought why I take an image of my front porch and I went with the promp you are an on the edge comedian similar to Ricky Jervey create a funny meme from the image the user uploaded so if you see the image it's basically nothing it's just a door 69 and this stool and this lamp right uh and I thought I thought it was quite funny actually so uh the first one was when you tried to be edgy with your house number but the only thing getting attention is the your $3 garage sales stool so I think that wasn't that good so when you decorate your porch in a minimalistic cheek but all anyone notices is the stool from the kindergarten uh okay but I thought these two ones here was very good so house number 69 Decor budget 69 P stool self-esteem Priceless uh okay uh but this one I really liked so house number says adventurous stool says I've seen things I thought that was quite good uh so I even put this up on my YouTube and other people found this funny too so yeah I guess you can use gp4 wish to create memes so this is an area I'm definitely going to explore more right okay so I actually do something more in my notebook so here you can see I tried to replicate the original GPT 4 wish gp4 video right where he drew that website on that napkin so I just put my website I put a header image floating text image and we have body footer and yeah header right and that's about all I gave it so you're an expert website Creator expertise in yaa and HTML can you get a website from the image the user has uploaded it should have a '90s hacker theme okay right uh and just went straight to the job created a full HTML right uh and would you mind adding some cool javascripts to the site I just put that in all right just went ahead created this thing here uh can you also make a pop pop up countdown yaa function that alerts the visitor that they will be hacked in 10 seconds so it created that uh okay so I integrate the hacker team on the countdown I don't know why I did that but that was a bit strange and from the conversation I can create the full code I need for my website and here we have it so that was the full code right so what I did I just copied that went over to my notepad and I just saved it as an HTML file here uh I replaced it so we have some images and let's take a look okay here you have it right not bad I wouldn't say it's great but it does work and I really think this uh Matrix rain effect is cool and here you can see the website stop you've been hacked okay so then I can just continue uh but yeah pretty much a very simple HTML JavaScript website and I got to say this this Matrix rain look really cool right you can see we have these three menu items here you don't see them or but this home blog and me and we have this couple images and some text here and stuff so yeah impressive right as I was out on my morning walk I thought i' just test it out like outside so I went ahead I took these two images here so this is like from the river bank and this is just like straight into the forest almost and I asked you're a survival expert your task is to help the user find a camping spot for the night the user has uploaded two images explain in detail your reasoning for choosing this spot in a step by step way so here you can it see goes ahead right so image one forested area so I guess that's this one right uh Pros offers a natural shelter from elements yeah that's good trees can be used for hanging hammocks or traps or tarps sorry if needed wood availability for fire the cons is potential dampness from lack of sunlight penetration okay risk of falling branches might have uneven ground or hidden Roots yeah that's good and so the image two the Riverside area this one has the pros open view for enjoying scenery proximity to water cooking and drinking flatter ground I thought that that was good so he kind of recognizes that the ground is flat here from maybe like a tent or something the con are exposed to the elements without natural wind breakes being close to water can lead to condensation intent potential for wildlife mosquitos to be more prevent so recommendations and here he kind tries to do like a hybrid so choose a spot near the edge of the forest distance from River check the ground fire leave no Trace so I just went ahead so what spot should I pick image one or two I recommend setting up camp near the edge of of the forest from image one but close enough to have access to the River from image two so that was a bit strange this way you can enjoy benefits of both locations so that was edge of the forest from image one but close to have access okay so it of means down here then I guess or is it up here I don't understand uh but I thought it was cool anyway right I really like this break down here and all the pros and cons so yeah impressive I also saw this so I just asked can I eat this the fruit appears to be a rose hip which is the fruit of the rose plant rose hips are generally safe to eat and are rich in vitamin C they can be us in Jam jellies syrups and teas however it's essential to be cautious foraging for wild plants many lookalikes can be toxic before consuming any wild plant check check you should remove the inner seeds and hair from the rose hips as that that can irritate it if ingested uh so yeah I thought that was cool so I checked this up uh yeah it is of course a rip because I knew that when I took the picture I also asked so what kind of flower is this I just saw that uh this is a species of geranium con referred to as crane spill so I checked that up and yeah that was the cranes build flowers uh I wouldn't know that so again very cool I also have this picture of a trip I took last week so this is like a Mountaintop in Norway and I just asked you're a geoguesser expert take your best guess on where I am in this image take a deep breath think about it step by step sure I'll give it a try so we look at topography so shows combinations of FS deep mountains valleys such F landscape is to with Scandinavia particularly Norway so that's spot on it look at the vegetation settlements so there's a small village down the valley that's right water bodies that's the F right inside here mountainous terrain perfect and taking all Clues into account my guess uh best guess would be location somewhere in Norway possibly along the western f region and that is also correct so well done GPT wish I play a fantasy game for Premier League so I just uploaded some stats here so we have the league table or the teams statistics we have the upcoming pictures we have some statistics for players and I just asked uh I've uploaded some image about FPL can you help me find the best defenders for the next three game weeks and he goes straight ahead analyzes the image so we look at the team defensive performance and it look as upcoming pictures yeah that's very good uh so as you can see it even gives like a small description of each each picture looks at individual player stats yeah perfect and it recommends some players and I know a lot about FPL and I got to say very good it only spelled this name wrong it's supposed to be trippier uh but other than that well done I'm definitely going to be incorporating this into my fantasy strategy finally uh I was just watching some episode of office so I just said I really like this TV show can you recommend similar show so I took this image here right just a screenshot of course based on the image you provided which appears to from be from the office us version here are some TV shows you might enjoy Parks and Recreation Brooklyn 99 30 Rock Arrested Development Community The Office UK version weep Modern Family all right now I got something I should check out I haven't seen seen weep I haven't seen Brooklyn I really like Parks and Recreation so another use case that works well right I guess you could just write the office but I thought it was cool just to incorporate this uh but yeah that's my first impression of GP wish and I got to say I'm really impressed so far and I'm really excited to explore more so I'm probably going to be making a few more videos this weekend about the GPT Vision because I got a lot of other ideas we're going to go deeper into more complex stuff so watch out for that other than that have a great day and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: All About AI
Views: 174,016
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gpt 4 vision, gpt4v, gpt vision, chatgpt vision, chatgpt 4 vision, chatgpt, ai, artificial intelligence, computer vision, ai funny, ai automation, gpt 4, gpt4 vision, gpt vision use cases, how can you use gpt vision, how can you use gpt 4 vision
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 35sec (1055 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 13 2023
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