Gouging with cheap plasma cutter

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I think you what you wanted my buddy eyes Lockley awesome to see here getting guys tagged today I want to talk about plasma kind of gouging and can you gauge with a plasma cutter especially a cheap plasma cutter when you can't buy the gauge and consumables and chips for the torch so I you guys know what gouging is you know when you're eating you what I'm getting a bit of a well with out of whatever it's welded together you're trying to separate the weld or you trying to do it a little channel and a lump of Steel you know you don't really want to cutting too because that that will cut through you still all you want to do is sort of dish yet a little bit then they call it dousing plasma gauging and you can't really do it with a chick with a plasma cutter you know these Chinese plasma cutters because they don't sell the individual consumables for do that with a anyway guys alright a little trickier and might help you wanna do a little bit of gauging with your chick plasma cutter so what I use your voice remember to subscribe to my channel if you like what I'm doing drop near like drop me a comment and let's get into a day so you're wanting to put a ridge or a bit of a hole in it and a lump of steel or something like this say for example this is topic just Harper steel plate and so if I use a normal tip it's gonna go there it's gonna try and cut it but what we need to do is try and get it so we can actually see like put a ridge in it along here without cutting right through it because the normal typical just cut it and that's what we don't really want to accomplish that what we want to do love it you imagine that you have this here like so and you have this piece here welded on there and you have a whole lot of tech welds down here and what you want to do is you want to take this piece off but you don't want to cut through this piece so if you use a normal if you use a normal plasma took and you're cutting down here chances are you're going to cut through this piece and you also don't want to be left with all the all the weld on the side that you have to grind off at the grinder so what they use is they use their gagging tip whereas they just blow the little world out without like damaging both sides of the phone if you understand what I'm saying but the trouble is with these cheap torches like with like I use here and the cheap consumables they don't come with the variation of the tips though they don't come with a gouging tough and they don't come with the piercing took so you're all you're basically left with so I've just got this little idea that I had and I'll be using it the last couple years and it seems to work perfectly fine on this sort of torture I'll cut any reason why it wouldn't work on any other sort of tortures that if you just want to do some now you want to dig out a little hole where you want to do something in your steel but you don't want to cut right through it then yeah just watch this guy's so I've got my trusty talk to you guys as per usual way as you can see it's just got a normal consumable a PT 31 just got your normal consumables in there now I'll show you what's the headings when I try and get out that's the way it won't guide you will try and cut it say well just be a wooden ting I'll show you see that's just cutting it off there guys just going straight through that half inch plate here we want to carve out a little for the funding where we had some welds here we want to take them off we don't want to cut through the whole college place so how do we do that check a little this so what you need here guys it's just a normal cutting tip just your normal cutting tip like so and you're going to need a cause a stroll or a drill or something and a drill bit so what we'll do so we get my drill now drop it I'm using as a young 332 so it's you American guys or about two and a half millimeters for us Imperial Guards so what anyway about that size it wouldn't go very much bigger because your work you put too much play on you on your run on your gouge so what you want to do is get you get your new cutting nozzle don't use it old one for the simple reason that the old ones are already burned out and what they've done is they've already started to go in different directions see that hole is sort of blown out one way or the other whereas a new one you can redraw it and you can drill it Center so what you do is you need to need your vise and turn your consumable this sword anyway the other thoughts you might be able just put on there and the doors writers turn these upside down because this has got a little Ridge here that'll sell the doors your vise so turn it upside down and just put it in your voice like that and don't squash it too much since you'll squash the end of it just so it's tight and so that that little little lip holds down there and just get your drill because we're drilling through the bottom oh we're not coming through the top of what we're going through the bottom of it so you're already going to hold it so put your drill but in the Sun see this it'll automatically Center in the hole don't put too much pressure on sonny's early setting drill bit and we'll just roll it out [Music] there we go right now I shall show you and take it out of the voice can you see that now can you see the whole size in there now it's probably one of the half times bigger than what the original hole was and the thumb like I say I use a all use a two and a half mil or or 3/32 drill bit but you can go one size bigger but I wouldn't go any something any bigger than that because like I said it's plays out your um it's plays out you cut too much so what that's it basically that's what we do and then we just the reassemble it in the torch so what we need to do guys it should take out our regular consumable how stock standard consumable cutting tip take that off like that and put it on the one that we just modified so put that on the top just that similar exactly the same way I'll try and do is just select put a little V in here and just see if I can do a little channel or something down to here without actually cutting through the steel so let's have a go at doing that guys see well that stung guys can you see that and they catch this out you see that's probably four millimeters three millimeters lower than this without bugger in the end of it and you can just tidy that up like just hook it off with a grinder and then you've got a little gouging there so that's good this also cooks will run for tapering off the edges and that sort of thing I'll try and show you how it looks cutting it through the through the young through the glasses that I've got because you can actually see it cutting it out you can see it boiling it out whereas would be normal cutter oil it'll do is cut it because see here you've got a wide really wide now and when you're plasma cutting normally with a normal trip it's very narrow because it says it's a very forced line of ear that's trying to cut directing the through but what you're doing there is just laying out your um your splaying out your plasma arc little more expensive torches like I said you can buy the different models and that sort of thing for them but the cheaper ones are all like using yes I'll put put my welding lens on the camera so hopefully you'll be able to see the way it carps it out so what we basically do is we're trying to cut maybe gouge out between these two lines here you can see these two lines maybe we GAD yet and half of us or something something like that so hopefully view better see it and yeah we'll see how we go so let's give this a go guys guys I hope you can see that yeah so it just pushes the most of mickle forward all the time and as you can see here we've cut that out quite deep now oh I'll take the eye lens off and I'll show you see that glow I see a box that's cut into there that's cut quite a bit in there it's probably you know maybe five millimeters maybe this is a half inch thick so maybe five move and there so you can just carve it out and carve a notch or put some wires in there whatever you do it might be a trailer or something you know if you're running it along the running along the structure is Charla but um yes so it definitely works if you try doing that with the normal trip wait you can't do it you can't you can't roll the ball of molten forward if you understand what I'm saying so you need to splay it a little bit like at us so that little simple heck we'll do that for you and it doesn't do any damage to your tee consumables look you see me do that and you see me do the other thing look at this end of this torch here no damage whatsoever it's as clean as a whistle but just remember guys don't go too big in the hole there's some more useless information for you boys remember guys if you like my videos subscribe drop me a line drop me alive drop me a comment come say g'day hey please always better to say hi to you anyway guys once again thanks for watching and we'll see you next week bye [Music]
Channel: pete's tools
Views: 6,404
Rating: 4.9261994 out of 5
Keywords: gouging, plasma gouging, gouging tip for plasma cutter, gouging a weld, gouging machine, arc gouging, gouging welding machine, air arc gouging, beginners guide to arc gouging
Id: JaiqDV7k0DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 24 2020
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