A Crystal Ball to Prioritize Technical Debt • Adam Tornhill • GOTO 2017

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good morning everyone and welcome to this talk where we're going to look out for a crystal ball that will help us to not only identify but also prioritize technical depth so let's jump right in and see what this is all about my starting point is martin fowler's well-known definition of technical depth and what i want us to do here is to focus on the key aspect and the key aspect of technical depth is that just like its financial counterpart technical eft incur some interest payment and this is something that i've found that we in the industry we tend to misuse and sometimes misunderstand and the consequence of that is that technical depth the concept is not as useful or helpful as it could be so let me show you what i mean about that by having you do a small experiment so what's going to happen now is that i'm going to put up a piece of code here and your task is to judge the quality of that piece of code all right ready you do look ready so have a look at this beauty how many of you think that this is excellent code how many would let this for a code review so looks like we're just two of us of course this is not good code this is not the kind of code we write and of course we would never write something like that ourselves never ever write but is it a problem it's a technical depth without more context we just cannot tell because it's not technical depth unless we have to pay an interest rate on it an interest rate interestingly enough is a function of time so in order to identify technical depth we will need to have a time dimension into our code where can we get such a thing in a few minutes I'm going to show you technique but before we go there I would like to share a little story with you as as part of my day job I go to different companies and I analyze their code bases and a while ago I worked with a company that prior to my arrival they had used the tool capable of quantifying technical depth so they had taken this tool and thrown it at our 15 year old codebase and this tool reported that on your 15 year old codebase you have accumulated 4,000 years of technical depth 4000 years just to put it into perspective for if 4000 years ago that was here when Moses parted the Red Sea so 4000 years of technical depth may well be accurate but it's not particularly helpful I mean where do we start it's all depth equal the sites actually think it's a mistake to try to quantify technical depth from code alone and the reason I say that is because most technical depth isn't even technical and this is something I found over and over again that we as developers we tend to mistake organizational problems for technical issues and the consequence is that we start to address the symptoms instead of the root cause so just to give you some quick examples perhaps you have seen this that you come into a new company right and someone helps you the first day and tells you alright but be a bit careful with this part of the code it's a complete mess it's really really hard to understand or my personal favorite you may might have heard this one we spend a lot of time merging different feature branches we need to buy better merge tools have you heard that one some of you not yeah so as you will see there may be an organizational side to that and we're going to discuss that later but I think that the main reason that we make misattributions like this is because the organization that builds the code is invisible in the code itself and that's unfortunate because there is a strong link between technical depth and the organization and I'm pretty sure we cannot address technical depth without taking a holistic view of it and that holistic view has to include our social dimension so based upon what I've told you so far I put together kind of a wish list kind of the information I think that we need in order to address technical depth and the first thing our starting point is to find out which part of the code has the highest interest rate the second aspect is does our architecture support the way our system evolves are we working with or against our architecture and the third and final and perhaps most important point how does it look from our social perspective order any productivity ball next you know those pieces of the code were five different teams have to work together all the time now please think back to the project you work on right now do you think this kind of information would be useful to you in your day job I see that some of you are nodding that's why we're good you're going to enjoy the rest of the session what I want you to focus on here is that none of this information is available in the code itself most importantly we like some critical information we like a tight time dimension and we miss social organizational information so how can we get that where's our crystal ball it turns out you all already have one we're just not used to think about it that way I'm talking about our version control data so this is a simple example from get and version control is amazing in that it's actually a behavioral log it tells us exactly what parts of the code we have changed at what point in time so we get the time dimension right and based on that time dimension we can calculate a lot of interesting statistics and frequencies but even more important version control data is social data so we know exactly which programmer that worked in which parts of the code so let's embrace version control later and let's see how it helps us find code with high interest rate and my starting point here is a concept I call hotspots let me show you how that works this is a hotspot analysis of a well-known Java system Tomcat as anyone who worked or used Tomcat yeah a lot of you cool so Tomcat is a mature system with a rich history and I'm going to show you how to interpret this visualization so have a look at those large blue circles that blink right now each one of those represents a folder in the Tomcat repository and you see that you have other smaller circles inside it those are subfolders right so this is a hierarchical distillation that follows the folder structure of your code it's also interactive which i think is important once we get to systems of scale so you can sue min on the level of detail you're interested in and if you do that you will see that each file is represented as a circle and you will see that the circles they have different size that's because the size is used to represent the complexity of the corresponding code now how do we measure code complexity we have a bunch of different ways right I guess most of you are familiar with things like mccabe's cyclomatic complexity we also have things like health stats volume metrics that we could use and it doesn't really matter what kind of metric you use because what they all have in common is that are equally bad complexity metrics are terribly terrible at measuring complexity so what I tend to use is the simplest thing that could possibly work which in this case is the number of lines of code has a very high correlation to things like cyclomatic complexity and besides this is not the interesting part of the data the interesting part of the data is what's the interest rate so what we're going to do is that we're going to pull out some data from a version control system and look at the change frequency of that code so how often do we actually into work in that to the code and when combined those two dimensions were able to identify complicated code that we have to work with often and that's our hot spots so let's return to Tomcat and you see that in tongkat the hot spots are relatively few hot spots right now just because something is a hot spot that doesn't mean it's a problem what it means is that this is the most important part of the code when it comes to technical lab so you want to inspect that code and ensure that the code is nice it's clean it's easy to understand it's easy to evolve because that's where you spend most of your time however in practice more often than not I found that the opposite is true and that tends to make hot spots great refracting candidates and there's a fascinating reason why that's the case and I want to show you why by borrowing a quote from their great George Orwell perhaps you remember those of you have read George Orwell that he actually said that all code is equal but some code is more equal than others now what will mean with that statement well let me show you please have a look at the following graphs they all show exactly the same thing so in the x-axis you have each file in the system and they're sorted according to their change frequency that is how many commits do I do to each file and the number of commits is what you see here on the y-axis now if you look at the free examples here you see that dos represent three radically different code bases they're implemented in different languages to target different domains they use completely different technologies they're developed by different organizations they have a different lifetime span everything is different yet do you see any patters that's right they all show exactly the same distribution the show a power-law distribution and this is something I've found in every single code base that I've analyzed this seems to be the way that software evolves and this is important because this gives us a tool to prioritize because what this means is that in your typical code base most of your code is here in the longtail it represents code that you rarely if ever need to work with and most of our development activity is focused to a relatively small part of your code and that's where we want to focus improvements in order to be pretty sure that we get a real return on that investment so hotspots are a great starting point but sometimes they are not enough and I want to show you an example where hotspots doesn't quite work and I want to show you a different case study this is a hotspot analysis of the.net core runtime from microsoft and when I did this analysis it was like six months ago most of the hot spots were here in the JIT package the just-in-time compilation support right but you also see there's kind of like a satellite hot spot here something called GC dot CPP that's that dot net garbage collector now GC that CP team looks quite innocent here on screen but that's just because the scale of dotnet core dotnet is huge it consists of what you see here on screen is approximately four million lines of code and GC dot CPP so a relatively big file how big I have no idea so let's look at that on github Wow so pretty big right so we need to look at the raw file and when we do that we will see that GC that CPP is a file with 37,000 lines of C++ further 7000 lines of C++ let me tell you I used to be a C++ developer I did C++ for 10 years and yeah I know what you think that's 10 years I never get back right I kind of agree but at the same time it gives me a lot of respect for 47,000 eyes of C++ it's it's the stuff nightmares of Madoff and besides how useful is it to know that you see that CPP is a hot spot so let's pretend I come to your organization and say hey look I found your worst maintenance problems I've found your technical depth with the highest interest rate you just rewrite this file and everything is fine again it would be accurate but not particular helpful right so we need to do better because how do we act upon such information the answer is we don't so what I suggest is this when we denta fie those big hotspots what we do now is that we take the source code I will parse it into chunks of different methods and then we look at where does each commit hit right so it's exactly the same measure but on a function method level let me show you how that looks on GC the CPP so our hotspot analysis on a function level reveals that the number one hotspot on a function level is a function called grow brick card-tables that function consists are three hundred thirty two lines of code that's kind of a lot forcing a function isn't it but it's definitely much less than three to seven thousand lines of code which is the size of the total file and it's definitely less than four million lines of code which is the size of a total system so even more important we are now at the level where we can act upon the information and do a focused refactoring based on how we have worked with the code so far so we're going to return to the hot spots but before we do that I would like to kind of try to answer a question like how do you get to a file with 37,000 lines of C++ I really can't let that go so this is a book recommendation for me this is the best book I know on how organizations fail it's written by Diane Morgan and Diane Warren the interesting thing here is she's not a software developer she's a sociologist and she used the Challenger accident to coin her fear of normalization of deviance so how many of you remember the space shuttle Challenger yes so like half of you may be right so let's do a quick recap on what happened so this is their Challenger on its final launch and that's the actual space shuttle and what you see here is this huge object that's a solid rocket booster that's a huge thing right it's so big so it's delivered in three separate segments that are then assembled and what you see here is a puff of gray smoke you see it not a good thing it's not supposed to be there so what actually happened was that here's a joint between two different segments and that joint failed to seal and the consequence was that some hot rocket gases could escape and impact the whole structure of the Challenger so that spaceship basically disintegrated once it got into there and when Diane Morgan writes about this she tells the story of already back in their 70s when they made the first design tests on the Challenger and the solid rocket boosters it turned out that the actual performance of those solid rocket booster joints deviated from the predicted performance what do you do in that case well this is no sir so they formed a committee and they discussed the problem and they decided to pass it off as an acceptable risk years later during the first in flight tests again it was revealed that the actual performance deviated from the project performance again they discuss the problem had passed it off as an acceptable risk and it went on and on like that for years before actual and a weary eve of the launch there were some very real concerns raised by some of the engineers working this stuff due to the unusually cold temperatures in Florida at that time again it was discussed and passed off as an acceptable risk and the consequence was a tragic loss of lives now this is what Diane Warren calls the normalization of deviance that each time we accept a risk the deviations become the new normal we get a new point of reference and this is interesting because this is not really about spaceships this is about people and we have plenty of normalization of deviance in software too so let me give you an example let's say that you join a new organization and you inherit a file with 6,000 lines of code wow that's a lot but if you work with that long enough that becomes your new normal you start to get to know those lines of code and I mean besides seriously what difference would it make you with a few extra hundred lines of code right so soon we have seven thousand lines of code then we have eight thousand and so on so we need to find a way to identify and stop the normalization of Debian's here's one technique that I found really useful for software this is something I call complexity trends and the way this works is basically that when I find a hot spot I pull out all historic revisions from the version control later of that code and then I measure the code complexity at each point in time and plot a trend like this so all systems they tell stories right we just lean to learn to read them so here's an example so you see the blue line shows the growth in lines of code the red line is one of the complexity metrics like cyclomatic complexity and you see here that there was some kind of refactoring down here back in April right but somehow they seemed to have failed to address the root cause because Preda seen the complexity starts to sneak in back again before there was a dramatic increase here just at the beginning of the era so this is a warning sign that we need to take a step back and consider what actually happens and in the direction that this code grows so the normalization of deviance is one of the reasons why whistleblowers are so important in organizations and I found that complexity trends make great whistleblowers in code so to sum up this first part hotspots help us identify that code with the highest interest rate and the reason they work is because all code isn't equal what I want to us to do now is to climb up the abstraction ladder and look at the architectural level and try to find out how well does the architecture supports the way our system evolves and as you all know you cannot really talk about architecture without mentioning art so does anyone recognize this piece of work none of you that's a good thing because it doesn't exist this is something called a liquid crystal light projection done by the artist Gustav Metzger so this is an object that changes all the time right so this work of art looks completely different today than it did yesterday it's kind of fascinating to watch it now the interesting thing is the way it changes because the way it changes is that any new form necessitates the destruction of an existing form and this is exactly how code is supposed to evolve so successful code will evolve and it will change and that's a good thing however the reason I say it's order destructive is because changes and new features they often become increasingly more difficult to implement over time and some systems they just seem to reach some kind of tipping point and beyond that point they get virtually impossible to maintain so how can we catch that how can we detect that well we have our hot spots right but I would say that the fire level makes it pretty hard to reason about the macro aspects of the system so we would like to raise the abstraction lateral illness so one way of doing that is this instead of measuring hot spots on our filin function level let's introduce logical components but taking a set of files and dripping all aggregating all contributions to that file and put a logical name on it so we can have our logical components follow the folder structure of your code if you want that's quite typical you can use any kind of mapping here that you want the only important thing is that whatever group or maps you introduce logical components those should carry on architectural significance in your context so once we do that we can start to reason about our system evolves so let me show you a specific example from our service-oriented architecture so what I would do in this case is that I will introduce a logical component for each service error and then I would measure hot spots on that level let level of services now when we do that we get help to answer one of the most important questions we have about micro services and this is a serious question right I mean serious in the way that flame wars have been talking about it friendships have been ended and the question is how big is micro service supposed to be 100 lines of code 1,000 mm we know it's a bit misdirected to reason about service size in terms of lines of code because what we're actually after is business capabilities we want each service to implement a single business capability right so the key here is cohesion so once we start to measure hotspots on this level we can identify hotspots services so this is actually some real data from a real system and we see that the number one hotspot here is something called the recommendations service we see we have done a lot of changes to that piece of the code and it now consists of around five thousand lines of code now just that will calculate complexity transfer individual files we can aggregate the contributions from multiple files and get a complexity the whole service and we see that this service is pretty much was some rapid initial development and now it seems to have stabilized on that higher level of like five thousand lines of code with a lot of changes all the time but without any significant growth in this kind of data it doesn't really solve any problems well it does is that helps you ask the right questions and the question here is if that service with five thousand lines of code that changes all the time really represents a single business capability perhaps it's a service that's better off when split into two parts or free but we can do even more with this kind of data and I would like to show you how by introducing a concept called temporal coupling or change coupling here's how it works let's say we have three different subsystems the first time we do a change to this system we modified a fuel injector and diagnostics module together the next time we do a change we modify something else the third time we're back to modifying the fuel injector and diagnostics module now if this is a trend that continues there has to be some kind of relationship between those two subsystems right because they keep changing together this is something we can use to reason about their architectures and I want to show you an example from a few different architectural styles and I would like to start by talking about layers while layers well because layered architecture have been so popular so a lot of what we call legacy systems are implemented in layered styles so this is basically the canonical building blocks of a Model View controller and I assigned a light code basis for our living when I come to a company I always ask them what's kind of architectural style you have and they often tell me that yeah we're using a model view controller or a Model View presenter or model view viewmodel or some of those variations right and then you look at the code and that's never what the code looks like and the reason for that is that we all know that this is not enough right we need a services layer too right of course we need a services layer and but below that we must have a repository layer and the reason that we must have a repository layer is because I actually have no idea so let's call it a best practice shall we and then we need an object relational mapper beyond that below that because we don't want to access the sequel directly and then maybe we have some sequel and we all know that in reality it's quite likely that we have a few extra layers right we may have a view helper or something like that now this is interesting because if we do a temporal coupling measurement on this level we consider each layer a logical component component what does our change pattern actually look like here's what they look like I have found and this is real data from real systems that somewhere between 30 to 70% of all commits ripple through the entire architectural hierarchy and this is kind of interesting because it impacts what we can do with that system so what this means is that few changes are local right and I have found that work like this that architecture like this is basically built around a technical partitioning into technical building blocks but kind of work we do is feature oriented its end user oriented so there is a kind of conflict between those two styles and it will kind of work with you now I've found that layered architectures may work really really well for small teams where have seen it work less well is when the team is a little bit larger and I think the kind of point is as low as four maybe five people so if you have a large organization this may well become a real problem and it might become a real problem because now we have all developers working all parts of the code all the time not only is that on quite an increased coordination overhead it also puts you at risk for things like unexpected feature interactions and I would like to claim that one of the original motivations for layered architectures is this or separation of concerns but that will claim that if most of our commits have to ripple for all the layers perhaps just perhaps it's the wrong concerns we are separating honor and I think this is one of the main reasons also due to the recent popularity of things like micro services and you all recognize this right because that's what micro services look like in PowerPoint in reality we know that micro services they are much much more complex right so we're share building blocks we have service templates we've client IP eyes we may have cross-cutting concerns like diagnostics and monitoring and all that stuff so that additional complexity it when should comes with a risk and that risk is coupling which is like the cardinal sin in micro services right tight coupling so that's something we want to avoid because the moment we start a couple different services to each other we lose a lot of the advantage as a micro services we are left with an excess mess of complexity so if we have an important architectural principle like that why don't we measure it so again let's consider each micro service our logical component and let's measure temperature pling on that level so that we can detect patterns like this change parents that ripple across multiple repositories and if we start to use that from the very beginning we can use that as an early warning system and prevent those things from happening and if we do that we can avoid things like what I call them micro services shotgun surgery pattern now what's the micro service a shotgun service surgery pattern that's basically the idea that you want to tweak a single business capability and you end up modifying five different services and there's several reasons why that may happen the resource I've seen that our most common is first of all that those different services they may share code that itself isn't stable from an evolutionary perspective another reason I've seen that some services are just leaky abstractions then our services tend to depend upon their implementation details which makes them change together I've also seen that this tends to be a bit more RAM common when the same team is responsible for several services it seems to become much much easier to send more directed information and assume more about the receiver so what tools do I use to analyze these kind of architectures and to do a hotspot analysis and temporal coupling analysis well when I've wrote my book like three or four years ago with your coders crime scene the warrant really on the tools available that could do the analysis I wanted to do so I put together my own tool suite it's available on my github account it's open source just download it play around with it it's a pretty good starting point if we want to start to get a feel for what these kind of analyzers can do to you you can do for you so what I working right now is something called code scene that you can have a look at that code see an i/o I have a bunch of different case studies there it's free to use for open source projects so if you work in that space have a look at it there are also some interesting options from the academic space my personal favorite is this one I call it evolution radar which is particularly strong on change coupling it's a really really good tool for that and finally if you want to create your own tools I recommend that you have a look at the moose platform so the moose platform is a platform for building yak code analyzers moose is also the best excuse I know to learn to program in small talk it's a wonderful language so to sum up this part we have seen that our hotspots they scale to all different levels we can use the same measure on a function level on a file level as we can on architectural level and we have seen how to use temporal coupling to evaluate our architectures the evolution of them now I want to spend the final minutes of this presentation on exploring the social side of our code so let me start by asking you how many of you develop software as part of a team so that's like 99.9 percent of something so most of you write and that's what you have to do because we take on larger and larger problems our systems become more and more complex and we simply cannot work on them alone so we need to get together in the team to achieve what we want to achieve however what I want you to know is that teamwork is never free teamwork always comes with a cost and that cost is what social psychology is called process loss so process loss is a concept that the social psychologists have taken it from the field of mechanics and ideas yet just like a machine cannot operate at 100% efficiency all the time due to things like friction and heat loss neither can our team so let me show you how this model works so we have a bunch of individuals and together they have a potential productivity that's never what we get out of a team the real productivity is always somewhat smaller and part of potential is simply lost how is it lost well the kind of process loss you get depends upon the tasks you do but I would say within something like software most of the process loss is coordination and communication overhead and you may also have software aspects like for example motivation losses which is a very real thing on several in several life projects the bad news are that you can never avoid process loss entirely you can never eliminate it but what we can do is to minimize this of course so let's look at another common source for process loss this is another concept from social psychology called the diffusion of responsibility and the diffusion of responsibility is something that you can experience if you're unfortunate enough to witness on emergency or an accident the Crossway turns out the more bystanders the more people present when something happens like that the less likely that an individual will offer help kind of scary isn't it and there are several reasons for that one common reason is of course that the more preper present we just assumed that our well someone else will help instead and we have plenty of diffusion of responsibility in software - and now I'm going to talk a little bit about the weary weary weary controversial topic the kind of topic you never talk about on our conference right it's stupid to do that so I'm going to do that I'm going to talk about I believe it or not I'm really scared to say this but I'm going to talk about code ownership Wow so and I want to talk about it because I want to make it clear that when I say code ownership I don't mean ownership in a sense of hey this is my code stay away no not at all I mean code ownership in the sense that someone takes a personal responsibility for a piece of code and for its quality and for its future and that someone could be an individual it could be a pair or it could be a small team within a larger organization so things like that help us minimize the diffusion of responsibility and if you have an important principle like that we should try to supervise and measure it here's one way of doing that since we're in version control Wonderland we have access to all that social data so we know exactly which individual that worked on which parts of the code what we do now is to aggregate individuals into teams right because that's the interesting level to operate and measure on so let's see how a diffusive responsibility metric looks like so it's the same kind of visualization as we saw earlier with the hotspots only now the color carries a different meaning the color shows the amount of inter team coordination so the more often different teams work in the same parts of the code and the more fragment that their development efforts the more red the corresponding module and file here now how do we use this data well we area here with a lot of potential a lot of access parallel development by lots of different teams how do we react to that well it's really really hard there are in general two things that I've seen work the first thing is that you start to investigate that part of the code from a technical perspective because you will find that code changes for a reason and the reason that part of the code attracts so many different teams is probably because it had many reasons to do so it has too many responsibilities so you will see that if you take that code and you identify those responsibilities and you split it according to responsibilities not only will you get a more cohesive system you will also get a system that helps you minimize the amount of coordination needs between different teams another thing that you may find from time to time is that your organization may lack a team to take on a shared responsibility so you may actually have to introduce a new team to take on that ownership but we can do so much more with version control later we can start to measure things like Conway's law right so here's an example now this time the contributions of each team are marked up with different colors right so each team has unique color and here we can see this is a package by feature architecture you can see basically each circle here represents one feature and you see from the perspective of Conway's law this looks absolutely wonderful doesn't it each team works in perfect isolation with a minimum of coordination overhead between them is that the way we want to go I'm not sure because I don't know I have to make a confession here all day that you have seen so far or from real-world systems except this one I had to fake it because I never seen that happen in reality and and I don't think it's a good idea to go all that way I'm not going to talk so much about that but I think when we separate teams too much we run the risk of introduced or falling into a lot of different social traps that may be more expensive than the actual coordination itself but please ask me about that afterwards and I'll be happy to talk about it but now I want to show you a more realistic example the next one is real data so this is an organization I worked with a couple of years ago and what this organization did was that they decided to introduce feature teams so they took their existing organization and sliced it into twelve different teams and then they worked in sprints so at the beginning of each sprint each team got assigned a number of tasks and then they get working on the codebase and this is what the contribution patterns look like after one month do you see any patterns neither do i this is basically collective cows and the reason I say that is the chorus happens here this is a coordination nightmare because what happens here is that you have basically 12 different teams working in the same parts of the code all the time for different reasons so not only is there and you need to start to put processes and stuff on top of that in order to be able to control the quality at all and it's going to be really really expensive another things that's going to be expensive is that in this case you miss synergies between different features so that is you missed opportunities to simplify not only the problem domain but also the solution domain so please align your architecture and your organization your code is going to thank you for it now I hope you have enjoyed this journey through the fascinating field of evolving code and ultimately it's all about writing better software software that can evolve with the pressure of new features novel you suggests and change circumstances and I'm pretty sure that writing code of that quality is never going to be easy so we need all the support we can get and I hope that this session has inspired you to investigate the field in more depth if you want to read more about this I have two books about the topic your code is a crime scene and my new book available from a pragmatic shot a bookshelf now software design x-rays I also blog a lot about this so if you look at ampere Komar I have a lot of different case studies from different open-source systems there you can read about and now before I take some questions I like to take this opportunity and say thanks a lot for listening to me and may the code be with you thanks Thanks yeah thanks a lot for the talk so there are some questions that came in to the earth through the app one of them is I think quite an interesting one in the common one what's the best way to share the necessity of code refactoring to stakeholders a management sorry one more time what's the best way to sell the necessity of code refactoring to stakeholders and management oh yeah that's a good one yeah so it's actually not that hard so what I think we need to do is that we need to bridge that gap between us developers and management and the way to do it is by ensuring that we kind of speak the same language we have to let it's I think it's mostly our responsibility as developers to give management to glimpse into our word and several managers are non-technical they don't code perhaps they'd never done it and so what I've found is that visualizing the stuff really really helps the hotspots tend to be quite intuitive most managers tend to understand them that yes this is really where we work all the time so they tend to because what they are afraid of is of course to make a decision like all right let's go ahead hey we have a refactoring badges or to improve this stuff and then you don't get any effect out of that so if you show them real data they can base their decisions on data which makes them feel much more comfortable I've also found that visualizing things like complexity trends helps a lot because what I find in practice is that when identify a hot spot in a large organization and I look at the code and I see yeah this is really really tricky we really need to do something here then you look back in time and you see that this code has probably been a problem for years and trends are really really good at visualizing that you can see that all right you worked most of your time in this part of the code and as you do it becomes more and more and more complicated all managers understand that that's not a good thing so that's my recommendation put numbers on it instead of just relying on a gut feeling and visualize it another one is can you have examples of process gains opposite of process loss for example when a developer works together with a domain expert on the domain-specific development project yes of course you can and we do have a lot of process gained to in that way but really sorry to say but that's not something I can measure now for job there but yeah it's definitely a case so you recommend for limited cross team coordination what would such a process look like so I think there's an important distinction to make here because what we want to do is basically we want to minimize the coordination need between different teams I think that's really fundamental at the same time we don't want to isolate teams because then we run into a lot of strange social traps like fundamental attribution errors and we may get long lead times between the teams so we need to make a distinction between what I call the operational boundaries and their knowledge boundaries so there are several ways of achieving that so your operational boundaries the parts of the code where you spend most of your time should be relatively small right so your team should carry a meaning from an architectural perspective I think that's important but your knowledge boundaries have to be much much broader so there are several ways of achieving that one is to start to invite people from other teams to your code reviews and design works to to get to know them and exchange context get to know each other another thing you can do is to encourage people to wrote their team's not everyone wants to rotate the team but if they want to do it they should be free to do it and the third thing is to what I think work really well as this open source ownership model where a team kind of owns a piece of code in the sense detective responsibilities anyone can make changes to it but the team has the final say on what's going inside into the code and what not that this actually worked quite well because it takes away this ball neck right if I need to make a change to this part of the code can do it I don't have to wait for someone else so whatever you do make it a conscious and deliberate decision because this is not something that will happen automatically hope I manage to answer a question so there were a lot of questions about the truths you were using that was you did show that on the slides still which one did you actually use to do the the visualizations that you have in your presentation oh yeah so I use quotes in for that because that's kind of my life these days that shall be solace Asians you can use whatever tool you want to do them you can I've started out just using Excel you can actually get pretty far with that d3 is wonderful at visualizing data like that that's what codes in uses for most of the visualizations isn't focusing on hotspots making them even hotter it depends on what you do with them of course so yeah I mean in the short term of course when you start to refactor a hotspot it may indeed lead to increased activity in that hotspot however what you shall see what a typical find is that most really really scary hotspots what happens with them when you refactor them and refactoring a hotspot is not something you do like alright let's factor it let's start this week and let's finish in two months so it's something that has to be an iterative process right we will make smaller and smaller improvements over time so they should actually cool down over time and many hotspots just go away because they don't exist in the new design they are represented by different design elements and during your factories if you see a noticeable drop in complexity if you start to measure trends like that so you can actually and it's another one that ties back to a question I got about how about how to sell this stuff to management right is that you can show them that I look we're actually getting our measurable effect of our refactorings how can you create code ownership how you create code ownership yes I don't think you can I don't think you can create I mean again whatever model your shoes I mean I've seen everything and I've seen a lot of different styles that work I think the key is really to make it a deliberate choice decide upon one model and go with it okay final question have you used sonarqube no I haven't used sonic qube I I do use a lot of static analysis tools I used to work back in my days when I was on net consultant yeah it's true I used and depend a lot is now I do closure these days I use other static analysis tools for that and I'm actually a big fan of static analysis right I just think the issue is that we need something on top of static analysis we need techniques like this to prioritize and say hey this is where we should start to address those findings that the static analysis tools gives us so it's just another input source and I think they're they complement each other quite nice okay thanks a lot again thanks a lot for the great talk and hope to see you sometime yes thanks and please come and grab a bunch yeah there are stickers
Channel: GOTO Conferences
Views: 15,791
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Keywords: GOTO, GOTOcon, GOTO Conference, GOTO (Software Conference), Videos for Developers, Computer Science, GOTOber, GOTO Berlin, Adam Tornhill, Empear, Architecture, Technical Debt, problematic code
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 9sec (3009 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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