Joe Armstrong & Alan Kay - Joe Armstrong interviews Alan Kay
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Channel: Erlang Solutions
Views: 56,098
Rating: 4.9533076 out of 5
Keywords: codemesh, alan kay, joearmstrong, erlang
Id: fhOHn9TClXY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 55sec (4615 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 22 2016
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
thanks for posting, awesome interview
I have still only mostly two heroes - Alan Kay and matz.
Alan is still my all-time favourite, matz comes in as close second. Linus is pretty cool too so comes third... harder to make more hero calls below that. This isn't due to them being cool per se, but mostly what they did/said (in the programming area, obviously I have a much longer list outside of that and also female ones, outside that area then.
Alan is unfortunately a bit too old these days, similar to Noam Chomsky who also is a bit too old. But when they were younger, the speeches or interviews they gave were really really awesome.
It's still cool to see that Alan is doing interviews, I hope he can still get people to keep on learning and "stand on the shoulders of giants" e. g. see older lectures/interviews there (ok that last quote is not that old but you get the idea).
So he's not a fan of Monads. He complained about them twice in that video. I thought it was strange since before that he had a couple of very strong pro mathematics statements. Seems contradictory to me.