Gospel Preaching And Teaching Lessons Volume I!

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from an ethnological perspective we use respect basically to say to esteem and or to honor and that's not really the first definition nor is it the second to steam and to honor is the third definition of respect the first definition of respect is to discern and to notice and when people are disrespectful they're not insulting you they're ignoring you from 1896 to 1954 the pre civil rights movement we had a thing called forced collaboration forced collaboration is when you had to deal with each other because white America would not do business with you so you had forced collaborations so I had to notice you to do business with you Paul civil rights we have chosen collaborations where I can deal with who I want to deal with and there's no reason or obligation for me to notice you because I'm dealing with other people so from an economical perspective the priests of a rice error african-americans were better off economically because the dollar turned over and over and over in the same community just 51 years ago 1963 was the height of the Jim Crow law anti black law that time John F Kennedy was the president he's gotten assassinated lyndon johnson lyndon b johnson had become president and under the urging of dr. Martin Luther King he signed the Civil Rights Act and when he signed it it was to combat the Crow law where you couldn't call a black man with an appellative you couldn't say mister and you couldn't be introduced you had to be introduced to someone else so they would say Johnny this is mr. Johnson a lady couldn't be called mrs. or miss you couldn't have public affection you couldn't acknowledge each other publicly and the sign said no dogs no Mexicans and no Negroes it was a Jim Crow law and so as a result it has spilled over to the point that we don't deal with each other the way we ought to know public affection American language is the laziest language in the world we smash words together the Word was God being your night God be in your morning God be in your evening we reduced it to good night good morning good evening then it came to this night morning evening then it got to this what's up then that digressed sup then it got to this now as comical as it sounds it's the incorporation of a paradigm that we should have never had that's why respect becomes the usher to our next dimension it's called respect it's called respect I told the young men wanted to date my daughters what they could and could not do whether they couldn't couldn't not go and I didn't scratch where I didn't eat I didn't look at the floor I had no reservation I didn't embellish on the truth I said they're Hemings and I'm gonna protect the womb in their future and if you get the horn ain't worth the ride let me get back here to the text he said now because of this your countenance does speak witness against you and they declare their sin as Sodom they hide it not I don't want to get into a theological debate on this but it wasn't simply Sodom's behavior of homosexuality and lesbianism that God destroyed them pry according to the Book of Ezekiel pry is what really got him destroyed you're looking at me funny you'd be surprised how many people have messed up but repented but when you do what you want to do and then celebrate it that's plain ol dis breathe [Music] [Applause] so he says because of this I'm going to shift the authority verse 12 he says as for my people children are their oppressors and women rule over them see the the convocation we come to convocation to convoke to convoke means we've been summoned to get something and take something back so he says since you don't want to respect me I'm going to demote you and put your children and women in charge oh god help us tonight now I'm not misogynistic I'm not misogynistic I'm not a a hater of women matter of fact our church is forty-five percent male and we celebrate women there our help meets there a gifted they're anointed the word helped me just build a TLP MP Te Ching James belted him Det but meter is the root of the word women bring balance but God did something for her that he didn't do for us he gave her irreconcilable hatred for the devil he didn't give it to a man because you hated this fruit I will put enmity between you woman and the serpent and his seed enmity is from the Hebrew word Eva it means irreconcilable hatred so now the woman lives with a chip on her shoulder saying devil you fooled me once but you will never fool me again that's why a woman will spot a devil in the midnight on the bottom of the ocean tell somebody is Congress back [Applause] a man wait will say I don't see nothing wrong I could that's the devil I can see that ain't nothin but the devil I can smell that devil from here uh-huh I can see that ain't nothin but a devil that's nothin huh honey you overreacting I'm not overreacting I got a chip on my shoulder that lets me find every demon every devil and that's why her praise is different from a brother's has anybody ever had it lost it and then got it back that's what the woman did she had it lost it and got it back and now she's saying there was no way in the world I'm gonna lose it again so call for the coming women call them but let the priests lay between the doorpost and the altar it's called Church and stop for your church and say tractor command do you know who you brothers and sisters let's examine our church this morning because I would text introduces to us the start of the what we believed to be the modern day Church what happens is Jesus is hanging out with his boys the Bible the Bible said he just completed a crusader revival if you will and he's hanging out with his boys he's on a cruise if you will I'm mostly all read King James Version I read Sprewell version it's a little kettle but it gets the job done he's hanging out with his boys on a cruise and then the Bible says they're right about the time he pulls up to Caesarea Philippi he begins dialogue with his disciples and he begins to ask them who do men say that I am Jesus understand that his time on earth is coming to an end and he wants to know what is the general consensus about me around town watch this Jesus purcha it's concerned about his reputation I hope to get into much trouble this morning but cannot Paul's parenthetically to tell you also pray for my generation because my generation is the generation that don't care nothing about their reputations anymore I'm living in a generation where our people will do whatever they wanted to they live a raggedy dirty lifestyle and then come up in church and want to lead worship and preacher and then calls you to sit there and you don't want to get with them and they got nerves to get an attitude because you won't say Amen my generation is the crazy Pope let's put all that business on social media Facebook to learn you bipolar and crazy and you get manda when you get up the bridge don't nobody want to say Amen someone told me years ago if you don't help deliver itself discretion don't need to know you crazy Jesus is concerned about his reputation so he begins to inquire what do men say that I am NOT the Bible says they began to answer some say John the Baptist he lies here - that's pretty good Jesus not concerned too bad because they understand they know my hand but they don't know my face so he wants to know little closer whom do you say that I am you hang out with me you know me when I'm not in the convocation what do you know about me watch what happens though because when he inquires about their personal convictions it is Simon that gets up and says thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God I take issue for that because Simon is the least likely one out of the twelve that shouldn't know about Jesus yeah I mean you do know who Simon is don't you I know you've been saved a long time but you remember Simon don't you Simon is that one that loves God but still cuts sometimes okay you're looking at me with that morning mana look on your face that you don't know what I'm talking about okay that's the son Simon is the one that loves God he's faithful to church but he still carries he still packs a little heat and there's at least three or four often here that got a little heat and you ain't on the security team Simon Simon Simon is the one that will cut you Simon son his name tells you who he is his name in the original text it literally means grass-like which denotes unstable so his name tells us that he is unstable watch this but when you study his name further I used to just preach the assignment was unstable but when you keep researching his name you find out that not only is he grass-like but his name also means listening so I'm crazy I'm unstable I've got issues but I've got my ear to his voice I'm not perfect I know I'm sitting in morning matter but I've got some flaws I've got some missions but I'm listening for Jesus I need you to hop on somebody and tell em I might be poor crazy but I still love me some Jesus it is Simon with his unstable self that gets up and says thou art the Christ the Son of the Living God you would think that after being with Jesus all this time that him being the Christ would be common knowledge but Jesus was response to him is a little bit strange because he almost surprised Jesus looks back at him as yes you have information that I did not teach you sir have been talking to my dad rather does not come from going to church but revelation comes from spending time with the father here's my problem my problem bishops app is there were 12 men in the boat but only one had a revelation which suggests to me that just because you in the boat don't mean you know Jesus that's probably one of the problems we're dealing with in this 21st century church we got a whole lot of people in the boat but does anybody really know we get in trouble pastors when you start giving people positions just because they've been in the boat for a long time before you give them a position before you give them an auxilary did not need to know how long they've been in the boat but ask them do they know the car over the broken that's another problem I have with my generation because they're here in the convocations you'll see them all week long they come waiting for the next praise breaker but they tip out when the word comes and the singing so many emotional thrill people who say they love God the problem is they're in the boat but they don't know ask your neighbor do you know him are you just in the boats the problem is we've been in the boat so long that we know Church but we don't know God oh we something we'd answer but we don't know come you'll see that maybe you want up there now what the glory hits you on your cellphone something up the glory is real thick in here y'all should be wait if the glory that's it why you won't go oh I'm sorry I'm getting messy let me stay in the texture ask your neighbor do you know who he is are you just taking up space in the boat hmm please be seated give me about 10 minutes and we're gonna raise up out of here people they often ask me what one event led to the shift in your ministry it's kind of hard to answer that in them because it's never any one event it's a series of events that when you look back on it if this hadn't happened that wouldn't happen if that one happened this one happens that when that happens isn't it but in the middle of all of those series of events there's always one primary thing that is a destiny point and my destiny point ministerial it was this sit out y'all are so excited I was preaching everywhere preaching for everybody the Lord was a blessing full-time ministry going forward I had already done woman Art Loosed nobody knew it nobody heard of it and like that already writing nobody knew it nobody heard nothing like their preaching and major facilities but not on a major major scale major for me I happened to get an invitation to go to speak for higher dimensions in Tulsa there were three speakers to speak at a pastors conference it wasn't a zoo so when the big one it was a zoo surpassed his conference held at Carlton Pierce's Church three speakers were to speak one wins to 131 Friday I was to speak thirsty Frankie Williams for Wednesday and dr. Henry spoke Friday we spoke I spoke a message behind closed doors Pastor Pierson was on television I wasn't he decided to play a clip of each one of the three speakers he it was a femine minute clip seven minutes three times seven is twenty-one the time he did his opening his clothes and his advertisement it took up to 30 minute one seven minutes he played seven minutes of my sermon whoever was in the editing booth had to choose which section of my sermon the plank he in the editing booth chose a particular section of the sermon where I was talking about Christ showing his wounds so that was the clip he chose he chose that clip it was edited into the show Carlton aired that show he decided Carlton decided when to air that show and he decided to air it at another time even though he used that particular clip it would have made any difference Paul Krause happened to come home at the time that Carlton Pierce's show was on he happened to reach for the remote control at the particular seven-minute window that my particular clip of a sermon happened to be on if he would have went in the kitchen to eat a ham sandwich it just so happened that that Paul France was writing a book call I had no father but God and he was struggling with whether he should tell the details of the story of his life and so when I start talking about showing people your wolves it just so happened that that was what he needed to hear at that particular moment in his life if the person in the editing booth had a chose another section of my message even though it was me preaching it wouldn't have gotten done would it need to get done but because I happened to say yes to a conference at Carleton happen to have and Carlton happened to put it on television and it happened to be the right seven minutes that the right person heard it at the right time when Paul heard it he started crying call Carlton on the phone said fine who this big Joker he is from West Virginia and break them to California is anybody in here [Applause] all of a sudden I ended up in a situation that nobody understood I'm gonna fall talking of one of my friends said you'll never be on television you don't have no way to be on television you don't know anything about television you don't own no cameras you don't have no staff you don't have no crew you don't have no people you don't have no backup you didn't come from a major Church you don't preach the right style you holler too much you sweat too much you make too much noise you will have to change everything before you can do it but don't let nobody mess you up [Applause] [Applause] slap somebody say something's about to happen [Applause] I can feel my foot but they hit the place where something is about to happen [Applause] I don't know who I'm preaching to but I feel like I'm talking this son back and whoever you are you might think that you just happened to come to the Potter's House today but no this was a setup you're in the right place at the right time getting the right message for what you're going to let this moment God want you to know is almost [Applause] [Applause] and so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the people in the office [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] I said again let go of harmful non-productive regrets and sorrow about past failure past hurts and past defeats nothing deserves a funeral every day nothing deserves a daily funeral if it died have one funeral and move on look at your neighbor and say one funeral [Applause] some people are so obsessed about failures and hurts in their past that they cannot walk into their funeral into their future and they are visiting what died everyday if it died have the funeral and get on with your life I'm not saying that you should not try to fix the problems and the offenses and the failures of your past I'm not saying that you should not try to state church straighten things out but listen after you've done your best to fix it move on pay a debt pay the child support pay the alimony do right by the people in your past and in your present and get on with your life somebody in here needs to get on with your life some things in your life are done they are over they are finished stop crying and talking about how you wish you had them back and how you missed him so much and it's been 20 years since they left listen they are gone and when water is don't stand there looking at the daftar da MP there [Applause] move out before you die first people are obsessing they're obsessing are in a detrimental way over variety of things missed opportunities loafs love foreclosures he diction's lost jobs stupid mistakes hateful and malicious things that they've done misunderstandings a thousand other things but listen don't cry over spilled milk you may have to cry watch but don't cry every day not saying that they didn't happen not saying they did not hurt I'm just saying that you can't live them you gotta let them go and you gotta move may I also suggest that some of you need to get rid and let go of your concern about what other people think about you I'm not gonna dumb down just so you won't feel uncomfortable I'm not gonna cut back and be mediocre just to make you feel good I'm not gonna let you drag me through mess and negativity just because that's the kind of world you want to live in I'm gonna elevate my mind I'm gonna elevate my conversation I'm not going to drop my friends and look pitiful because you are alone and lonely I'm gonna be the best I can and I'm not gonna let you stop me just because you might feel I'm being uppity and ambitious I'm gonna be the best I can be and if you can deal with me the way I am good but if you're can't deal with me the way I am by let go I'm convening a mass funeral on tonight we will have a funeral I pronounce that you're Hertz regrets and pass that your concern regarding other people's attitudes about you things that that you need to let go everything that you ought not be worrying about things that ought not be in your life I'm pronouncing that they are dead tonight there they are right there they in the casket we say funny stuff around the casting oh he looks almost like he's alive that need old a mortician did a good child i but they then go ahead scream and cry fall out do all that stuff you do I'm closing the casket now going our way to the cemetery here's the gravesite we're burying it right now the grave is filled and closed we on our way travel away in the limousine to go get us some fried chicken you know people love to have fried chicken it's over now the funeral is over now buried in your future time is up he enrolled in this [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that wasn't fasting today does my net orange and the presence of the people [Music] got in front of the class now just say no word how this open up his mouth huh but he peels on top and started eating it everybody got back the professor couldn't figure out how what was going on top why is this man half eaten this orange top in front of everybody ha well perhaps when he got down ahead to that last piece of on top and begin to light his face and he looked over and his professor hop and said all professor I got one question that I won't have you that that I just ate cap I want you to tell me how was it sweet or was it better [Music] the professor thing huh I haven't tried it out for myself I haven't eaten it house for myself how so how can I know half whether it's sweet or bitter huh the young man say cap is the same way with the god I serve how can you tell me help Betty gonna get tough if your heavens riding now pouring yourselves huh I'm riding up for myself I found out he's all right with me huh I got the flu caps and all the questions huh can I ask your question [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] who painted glorify the tunes on the outside but in the inside is dead bones and he said woe unto us for building beautiful sanctuaries in confidence chandeliers and new Quattro's went down on the heart of the people is bimbo it's time for us as preachers and pastors and teachers and prophets to provoke people and got me goodness a to me he said when people leave your services and welcome to you and their ring since a Mayan gorge your message sees that that's not a compliment what a sinner walks up to you and say to you after one of your meetings I enjoyed you that's not a compliment he said because I said to you that you ought to have the kind of power on your life through prayer and sacrifice that a sinner man can't sit in your service without running to the office saying what must I do to be saved and he said woe unto us and I was sitting here telling you that a few minutes ago there if every time I see you you just you just make my insides jump because we know and I said this to you a few minutes ago that anybody can give blood to a person that that that's dime but the only person that can keep him alive is somebody with your blood type right and so when you look at that whole that hold facet of it and God beginning to say to me he said you you've got to begin to make sure that every opportunity that you get every time you mount a platform every time you mount a pulpit every time you go in television every time you go on radio that you let my people know that I'm soon to come that's the voice of the Prophet to run as the voice of God and and check in the temperature of God and saying this is what God is saying I know what somebody else is telling you over here and I know they telling you Gettys InDesign but he said in the Book of Ezekiel woe unto the prophets that bring pillows into the house of God for the elbows about people willing to us that tells ayan it's all right and take a take a chill pill woe unto us that are preaching the thousands and not preaching the plan of salvation woe unto us because it's no longer the world that's lost the church's loss to us that kind of death here they turn a deaf ear and act as if we don't see sin because that's your favor quite directly and that's your favorite organist and if I say that I made the one to us because what we're doing is we're giving permission for a low standard and that's why you don't see a lot of people in this hour and you do know the Saints of all when we were when we were growing up in the church in and unless the summer other they didn't take that kind of garbage off of us and then we I mean you look around the church now and everything goes and anything goes and whatever you want to do it whatever you want to say it you know what I'm saying and and and and while looking at that then we have to ask ourselves where is the power of God you don't know how it excites me when I look on TV and and watch you laying hands on people because people say I want to be counted we got bigger churches bigger sanctuary and whole list of counseling to be done because we don't have the power that we used to have when our preachers used to get up and preach when I was a child and the power God would come demons would try out in the service people would be knocked out of their seats on the power on the preach gospel whatever happened to that day but I'll tell you what happened to that day is coming back again [Applause] about to be a takeover but whether we see it or not and god legenda he began to let me know don't fool yourself don't fool yourself with the fact that yes that the better body of Christ is more educated then it used to be he said don't fool yourself he said because in between those pews is a remnant that's crying out for the annoying yes yes it is the anointing that destroys are you giving up and getting dressed and going to church and going through the motions I'm tired of the ply and the praise and worship see I love something else got to be something it's got to be of greater power hectic and I told my mother I told my mother I said you've raised being Church all in my life you raised up in the church out of my life and I get here and all I get is the choir and the praise and worship whatever happened to the papal honesty demons come out I wanna see devil scream let's the walk-in services then I sloppy drunk and walk out sober should be deliveries right I want AIDS virus is to be healed to come out on the spot and whatever it takes whatever it is Lord if you want somebody you can send me I don't mind sweating for the glory of God I don't matter I don't mind getting ugly because the summer said when I think of the goodness of Jesus God I was that to have some church in hitting that [Applause] [Applause] and your brother meant it for evil what I'm not gonna sit here and let my enemies feel like I'm dead Nevel is alive come on do what you want God's gonna use everything you throw at me to make me what he wants me
Channel: Jonathan DesVerney Gospel Channel
Views: 91,747
Rating: 4.6298342 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel, Noel Jones, Bishop Hennings, Bishop Blake, Juanita Bynum, Bishop Hankerson, Bishop Noel Jones, Bishop Jakes, Gary Sprewell, Prophet Nathan Simmons
Id: kIxepv-EDAY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 14sec (2894 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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