Gordon Ramsey vs Fake Italian..

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MozlTovCocktail 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/MozlTovCocktail 📅︎︎ Nov 22 2022 🗫︎ replies
that was a gun bros today we're checking out get your nightmares that's right I love this show I think I watched every single one of the British ones they're hilarious so today we're checking out by Cyrus recommendation an American wine what could go wrong Laverne California just 30 miles from Los Angeles this suburb is home to a neighborhood Italian Bistro called Charlie's and in 2010 it was bought by the Leva family and so many Italian restaurants I almost want March's feedback on this to tell everything wrong with it but I didn't have the money or the collateral so I had to go to my mom and my sister no full-time School teachers Finance the restaurant and put their houses up as collateral no don't do that they always do that there's one thing I learned from watching Gordon Ramsay is never start a restaurant it seems awful they all get tied up in a bunch of debt they don't know how to fix it they're all just miserable and their whole family's involved it's just a night it's a nightmare it's a kitchen nightmare my mom and I don't know about the restaurant business and so we put a lot of trust in my sister's experience to run the restaurant daddy maybe if you don't have experience you should not invest in how many tables did you have Jen I only had one but look they got a tablecloth that looks like and it matches the chairs why we one thing Marty always says authentic Italian restaurants will always give you the the bread sticks the grissini I don't see them it doesn't even pay for the cost of just running electricity who's gonna bring the people in I don't know before we continue quick word from sponsor that's right we are back with another Rhino Shield drop I know you're thinking about doing your Christmas shopping why not do it now I know you have that one friend or yourself that like PewDiePie because you're watching this video right now Rhino Shield is having the biggest sale of the Year up to 60 sales the greatest time of year to get the case you always 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make sure to use my code PewDiePie my name and you get 10 off you're welcome I will expect a thank you you're welcome and this 10 is addition to the already sales on the website get a gift for yourself or loved one thank you Reiner Shield best phone cases just keep watching video the problem with the restaurant is Tatiana the fact that she feels like she doesn't have to change things it's ridiculous they don't like the service damn they're ripping into the owner huh imagine like 15 years from now to completely run down someone will do this video to me I'll ask some popular YouTuber for help Mr Beast please save this channel it comes in sign has to sit down the problem is he's a idiot I have to edit out so much that makes sense casimero is our head chef he's been here for 14 years and he's pretty awful it's a little chewier actually come on that sounds dense [Music] when Tatiana manages the restaurant usually that consists of standing around with a glass of wine in her hand all right so I was like he just drinks all the time he's addicted to G feel he snorts I have to edit it out I have the CGI under his nose so if we don't get more customers we would lose our houses it is very serious I really need Chef Ramsay's help so it sounds like they're pretty desperate right because a lot of times they just they get Gordon Ramsay this world famous chef to help them but they're not receptive at all like they will not take any advice and it always blows my mind how stubborn these people are even though like they have they have no other choice like what else are you gonna do which is clearly how they got in that point to begin with when she just walked in I just laughed get yourself together your business is you're not gonna be giggling for long I know that because that's what I don't know what to do with this nervous energy and this anxiety how are you they have customers oh my God Tatiana yeah is uh is Charlie in no he's not okay the Russian's called Charlie who is he Charlie was the original owner Charlie owned it Charlie owned it how much money do you need to get on the table before you took over Mom put all her retirement money into it no a collateral no oh God can you imagine like I know everyone's gonna be but you had many you should give me I didn't always have okay I can't imagine going to my parent like Mom can you give up your pension because I want to be a YouTuber why can't you start small they always go all in it's always Americans it's always American I have a house on the line whatever who cares I understand it works for some people but for most people they don't so maybe just like yeah it's the same it's the same with YouTube everyone's like I gotta have the best computer in the best microphone because I want to be a streamer and YouTuber you can just start off you don't have to go all in I don't know I don't know anything about running a business but I watched enough Kitchen Nightmares okay so where's the restaurant goes it's your houses go wow um and how much money did you put in um probably like a thousand bucks that's it okay financially where are we the restaurant's been dead at this point that's not good and who makes the decisions here Tatiana well they have other jobs as well so you have a full-time job and you come in here to run the restaurant right wow so what's gone wrong then you don't know wow so then what's the changes you made when you bought it wow I can't believe it's not going great I kind of want to do this with other YouTubers like funny trying to measure washed up YouTubers and tell them they're what do you mean you didn't ask for subscribers the first five seconds what you're trying you for likes and subscribers immediately but what if they don't want to watch them or even trying you have to bait them in to keep watching the video with like a something that's not that interesting but keep it at the end so they keep watching but but not interesting it doesn't matter by the way guys surprised at the end of this video You're Gonna Love it another thing I don't think they trust me you brought them into a mess what it comes down to is that she does not treat us as equals don't even start you talk down to me you bulldoze me and you do not treat me like an equal you don't treat me like one-thirds of this restaurant well I have the burden of the money and I make and it's also like going into business with your family which seems nice on paper but like look how miserable they all are like damn guys don't don't do that let me see it don't put your face don't put your house on the line there's always like the villain in these shows and it's not always clear who the villain is so far it's pointing towards Tatiana all right he's gonna try the food every time he tries the food he hates it no matter what it could actually sometimes look good but he just spits that out okay let's go um right let's start off with the toasty the fruit of the Mahoney the lasagna it's not your typical lasagna so be prepared for something different and I guarantee you the lasagna is frozen and they're just gonna heat it up which means something different we're in California so why not some chicken pizza how do you mess up a lasagna and who makes the bread uh casimiro or a head chef yes ready thank you [Music] Red's Dreadful how do you mess up right soggy yeah ew do it toasted ravioli for the Chef Ramsay I don't like any of the food so I really you're the chef we're the sous chef I don't know what that I guess that means she does helps which bits The Toasted bit yeah I've recommended the ravioli I mean the room yeah a lot of people don't like that a lot of people don't like raw like cardboard oh she hates it just let them be calm why does she talk to the chef like that that's okay thank you [Music] it's also funny because like they know they're cooking for Gordon Ramsay he's getting the best version of the the Polish turd right on top yes it is can you put mozzarella on a fruta de Mare you can't do that she says she can't do that what an idiot well I can't take complaints to the chef seriously I'm really listen to any of us wow not good the hell is that what's on here [Laughter] look at that that's a monster the lasagna is vile it's embarrassing to serve that to Chef Ramsay what's in the sauce why is it that color it's pink stuff she doesn't know what's a pink sauce or lasagna is it his own recipe yes it is [Music] and the mouthful I had oh God that looks that actually looks disgusting just make a lasagna just make a lasagna doesn't make your lasagna it's hot one side cold the other yeah I knew it it was frozen it might be don't don't answer a question you don't know oh wow um is there a problem with this microwave it feels like the microwaves on the blink yes it is wow when a restaurant can't get food microwaved properly still there's always hope for the pizza it's actually looking nothing like that all right all right they have a sauna then Pizza it's crispy over there [Music] where's my pizza garlic chicken yeah how do you mess up a pizza oh God I hope he likes something sorry oh bass Gordon Ramsay eats pizza with knife and fork you are all wrong that's how you eat a pizza thank you I rest my Kings me and Gordon so pretty so dummy and we've got all this raw pastry underneath there oh no he doesn't like the pizza it resembles nothing homemade how do you mix mess up a pizza that's impossible it looks a little close to Kay's kitchen cooking I'm sorry actually never mind I take it back oh my God you seriously have a kitchen it's almost like we're on the show have you watched the show would you know what you sign up for yeah do you speak a little English no no I I'm upset I mean you have a really bad depressing restaurants this place is a mess you know what it's not even mediocre food is hideous but you don't need me to tell you that for bread that's the kind of bread that you're serving touch it soaking wet it's bland and it's a thousand miles away from anything called Focaccia let me tell you that's the [Music] stuff that's Marcia's favorite brand she makes a really good one it's supposed to be soft and fluffy like that I guess a little chewy not like that pink lasagna stone cold in the center piping heart on the right hand side disgusting I just I trust them so much I trust him you can still try the food you can trust someone but still be like all right I'll try the food see if it's good I love him do it yeah what he was doing because he's been doing it for so long no the problem is he's got away with it for so long yes with the overcooked Linguini in a seafood dish no salt the shrimps solid like a bullet yeah oh my God shrimp shrimp is on bad restaurant I don't know how many bad shrimps I've had I don't know when look at this Mom it's almost like chewy Swedish shrimp good shrimp okay I have to tell you this the best shrimp I have shrimp in UK it's hard it tastes like rubber why do people even eat shrimp in other countries I don't understand it's disgusting sweet and shrimp good shrimp bad shrimp chewy show me ah I mean Mamma Mia what a mess I don't know everything in my heart your heart is frozen why did they do that one thing I learned about running kitchen don't froze the food don't do it Gordon Ramsay will come in and be mad you can tell when you eat it too I'm angry because I've had this food you've had it too you should be angry angrier it's okay everything's frozen meatballs do not defrost the meatballs what is in this madness and I gotta say Italians say you don't know how to make a meatball don't dislike video I'm joking come on you have Italian meatballs you don't do them good they just make meatballs you have to mix the cream and the bread crumbs and the bean your ham it tastes much of better you can't have meatballs with anything either we buying you buying meatballs of course you can't make a meatballs you speak in Spanish they can't make a meatball he doesn't want to look it is oh wow can you make a meatball yeah my hands are tight it's pretty hard actually you take a thing Italian food I learned from Italian wine is so simple they always it up what is that noodles noodles how can you be an Italian restaurant owner and you call Pasta noodles that's illegal Americans how much pasta does one Chef need a lot of times all overcooked can't you just wait so they cook it oh my God so they cook it and then they freeze it or uh what is it called Kool-Aid it's 10 it's tenants you just keep boiling water running not even that if you have fresh pasta this is just for the pizza not the bread yeah yes she came in there we're like okay it was like how much stuff do you have Frozen she's like what you want to see and there's not enough time to prepare everything with everything he has to prepare in the day so what happens when he doesn't sell this where does it go he throws it away don't believe you I don't believe what there are times where we've thrown away a lot of pasta because people aren't ordering it no this is your house this is you this is your life right here in the trash Tatiana what I'm more concerned about is the fact that you're oblivious I don't know why you bought the place and I certainly wouldn't pull my sister down and bring my parents into it yeah facilitate your ego dream yes he throws what's the expression and like I look at my mother and I feel horrible I feel horrible excuse me don't start looking for sympathy now yes I'm sorry it wasn't your mother's dream it said it wasn't Val's dream yeah or am I wrong no it was tati's dream tati's dream which is now come back to bite you on the ass what hurts me is that how you feel it's what's gonna happen to them if this doesn't work how's gone how's gone what are you gonna do I don't know Gordon I don't know but why did you do it because I I thought I could make it successful because I believed in myself why not make changes yeah how are we gonna make it successful like keeping it the same idiot [Music] where you going wow what a joke he decides to make one change right away okay we're gonna make homemade meatballs I want you to make me a meatball and I want you to make me meatball I'd like to say Shores I'd like to say shorts yes later yeah yes ah come on I hate that when they chop I don't want to taste onion pieces in my meatballs no I like the taste of onion I don't like that piece of onion in my meatball take that away from me casamero shouldn't have a problem since he's working in an Italian it looks like little zits in the meat am I the only one so it's a hexbrew he's not even frying them off because the sauce you have a pan frying pan finish it off in sauce oh you don't know that no excuse me look at meatball I love that I'm better than a chef that's been working for 20 years that's amazing cat food you cooking yours in a pan like you're supposed to [Music] oh it's nice okay soft yeah crumbling delicious I'm gonna use them tonight they're going to the menu tonight you don't want the swimming meatballs you're the sweet Chef yes I get nervous when a chef can't even make a meatball I mean honestly and this young lady's flavor of her meatball 10 times greater you're right darling yeah he just says he wants to work slowly he wants to work slowly why because you're awesome what an old crusty Chef customers want to pay the chefs say I want to work slowly are you kidding me no no no [Music] do restaurants normally just microwave food that seems insane to me customers find out I think the pasta is a little overcooked it was definitely not worth the wait Chinese food yeah what the is that that looks Chinese [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh come on I know I showed him how to cut one off my back's turned to two minutes and that's what I've got but it's just stuck to a pan he turned around Danielle hold on and said to Danielle I've got uh I'm busy I can't wash my meatballs that's what I'm gonna work for what's Sean can play on the meatballs they said it was like toasted on one side but not toasted on the other really how about telling your chef his house was on the line he wouldn't be cooking like a idiot [Music] now he thinks it's funny what do you want to do what he's not gonna cook he doesn't want to cook bro get that guy out of there I feel like I don't know what I'm doing here maybe I have no idea how to run a restaurant oh wow you think no way wow what what why high level of introspection like you to believe that the most impressive thing about kazoo Mary's the fight he convinced people he's an actual Chef for a year telling me like I just don't have enough time it costs at a time next stop and the other dish you just sit there and you're scared of that I don't know why it's so refreshing calling these people I am it's horrible but they're going through and I feel all the mistakes that he's made tonight he doesn't take any direction he's giving shove attitude he's he's the problem okay so it's the chef's fault now all of a sudden you haven't told him a single piece of criticism for 20 years yeah okay oh yeah [Music] [Music] well I got depressing Jesus can they turn it around come on Chef Ramsay is now completely focused on rebuilding Charlie's today is about moving forward what we haven't got is somebody at the helm someone's getting a promotion good kitchen I'd like to introduce you to someone who's pretty unique Jonathan come through here thank you now this man knows how to put restaurants on the map more importantly he's been working with me for the last three years he's opened four restaurants for the last five years you've got him for the month I am oh wow thrilled we have a chef it's like Christmas morning I'm so excited I've never made it I never made lasagna ever that's crazy let's start off with mixing take your white sauce nice and clean with your fastest paper good get close to it wait they don't even make their own white sauce I need to learn what needs to happen in a kitchen and how it functions let's see two again take your time I don't know why I thought I couldn't do it it's not difficult I'm telling you so you guys just made pizzas they look so much better than those pizzas and then lasagna looks so much better I can do anything oh my God I just can't wait to get it's almost like it's not even that hard oh my God all right first of all we have yeah simple clean menu right now let's start off with a homemade focaccio bread yeah yeah salads we have the chopped salad in there we've got garbanzo beans provolone cheese salami finished with some fresh and maltry lemon so it's got that really nice oomph to it as well ah those are meatballs those meatballs look disgusting I prefer casamiros okay the prosciutto pizza for Audrey on the patio seven yes I'm doing cooking right now okay I'm leaving them here leaving them here with Tatiana stepping up and organizing her staff talk to each other Jen you're walking around everyone is now in sync is it almost ready for the prosciutto the prosciutto is ready yeah this it's me lovers and entrees are quickly making their way out to the tables together and here's pizza so good I know it's impossible Captain America Society look way better come on I'm proud of this restaurant now I'm proud of it thank you so much you're very welcome all tickets are gone Tatiana has finally stepped up and I'm so proud to say that she's my boss that's nice it was nice in the end but will the restaurant make it thank you I'm betting absolutely not because they always it up it wasn't expecting to be a perfect night let me tell you but trust me overall it was successful customers love the food and what you did get an Insight tonight too was the the potential of this place we can't give up the foundation's here run with it yeah yes good well done to you all have a little word with you please good night ladies after Gordon left I've got the two stakes going okay so I'm working this salad Chef Jonathan maintained the high standards in the kitchen is there anything you want me to have the girls push right now and immediately helped Jonah launch the search for a new chef thanks to her transformation not only is her business back on track it's the first Charlie's staff meeting so is her relationship with her family I owe Chef Ramsay like everything okay so it actually turned out well I don't need to be I almost don't believe it it's gonna be like you've got it Tatiana yes that was the worst British accent don't ever do that again he was Spanish yeah Cooks Italian food that tastes and looks Chinese a man is a cultural all right here we go all right what happened she became an actress but what happened to casimiro oh no cancel mirror I want to go to his restaurant it seems amazing love a good Kitchen Nightmares I hope you guys enjoyed as well smash like subscribe what are you doing smash like subscribe see you in the next one bye bye
Channel: PewDiePie
Views: 5,632,082
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pewdiepie, pewds, pewdie
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 2sec (1742 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 18 2022
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