Gordon Ramsay's Kid Friendly Recipes

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lightly fried my delicious Lumi and courgette cakes squeeze every last bit of flavor out of those vegetables but first i'm preparing a simple slow roast tomato and Watercress salad these cherry tomatoes are perfect if you haven't got cherry tomatoes Vita Tomatoes good or even just big normal plum tomatoes lay the tomatoes on the tray and these go into the oven for about 90 minutes if you turn the oven down really low you can leave them in overnight to be honest the longer you leave them the better they taste once you've seasoned them with salt sprinkle over with some sugar on the salt and sugar combined speeds up the drying process because you want that nice chewy texture and then you get these little thyme flowers and just pick off the buds garlic sliced then just spread that on now the tray looks quite full and compact for 90 minutes in the oven you'll see everything shrink down all the Skins blistering and the flavor intensifies so nicely extra virgin olive oil that gives a nice earthy flavor to the tomatoes place your Tomatoes into an oven preheated to 150 degrees C and cook long and slow for an hour and a half now halloumi cakes there's something quite exciting about halloumi cheese it's a very firm cheese and it fries brilliantly [Music] fill the carrots [Music] great not too finely you want that nice texture next courgette the secret is keeping it all grated the same put that into a sieve a sprinkling of salt will draw out liquid from the vegetables then grate the halloumi halloumi cheese doesn't look that tasty but once you've got color on it in the pan it's really really delicious now really important to squeeze out the excess water from the veg and we'll see all that water that needs to come out of there if we didn't do this it'll make your little patties non-friable because the whole thing starts to separate and then mix in with the cheese spring onions chop up the whites and the greens now we're going to season that with some delicious fresh mint and fresh coriander whenever it's vegetarian I like to put a combination of herbs in there tarragon and parsley minted coriander basil and lemongrass all delicious on their own but in tandem their flavors play off each other next two eggs in give that a little mix add the eggs to the mixture and then finally a couple of tablespoons of breadcrumbs the breadcrumbs help dry out any excess moisture mix all the ingredients together before you start shaping these taste the mixture it's really important to identify the seasoning now if you wait until you've cooked them it'll be too late to adjust the seasoning roll them to a large golf ball shape them it's like a little mini burger you can spice these up with some chili in there if you haven't got fresh chili chili flakes and it's something that can be done up a day in advance to get your cakes firm and ready for frying put them into the fridge uncovered for 25 minutes pan on get that nice and hot boss and wait for that I'll get the dressing ready slice of red chili seeds and all on an angle into shards then chop fresh ginger season with a Sprinkle of sugar and salt add some rice wine vinegar add a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to finish off some chopped coriander [Music] because that's sweet sour spicy flavor with my chili dressing done I can start frying off my halloumi cakes in a hot oiled pan look at that nice crisp Edge you can already start to smell that sauteed halloumi with the courgettes and carrots smells delicious really important for a nice amount of color on them as my cakes Sizzle away I can finish off with my roast tomato salad one of my favorite leaves has to be border Crest it's cut off stalks [Music] foreign s Watercress and shallot they're brilliantly well together shallot looks so dainty when you open up these little ringlets [Music] don't forget to turn your cakes now Tomatoes whatever you don't use just jar them and put them in the fridge [Music] just drop those slow cooked warm Tomatoes over the Watercress the sweetness is incredible absolutely delicious a little drizzle of age of ultimate vinegar gives that tartness to the watercress Watercress is naturally peppery so it doesn't need any pepper just a little touch of salt and then a light sprinkling of extra virgin olive oil after five minutes on a medium heat my halloumi cakes are ready so important to have taken out that water [Music] you can see it doesn't disintegrate and then just get your dressing take a spoon of it and then tilt it to the side because I want the garnish I don't want the juice but that does not turn you on to become a vegetarian for the night I honestly don't know what will delicious [Music] my crispy golden halloumi courgette and Herb cakes with a Sumptuous roast tomato and Watercress salad all of the flavor with none of the meat My ultimate comfort food dinner is a stunning sausage Hot Pot which will serve with a gorgeous potato and beetroot gratin no I love Hot Pot you love Hot Pot and you love sausages right yeah what'd you enjoy most about sausages um I just love having them with a baked beans sometimes with baked beans sometimes these are butter mushrooms okay you just take them into there like that and keep the hall and cut them into quarters please now the important thing about cooking sausages is they need a bit of color right no color no flavor exactly get the pan nice and hot how was school today school was good thanks we got to go out and make snowmen sausages in okay butter mushrooms in there please my darling see now I want you to watch your fingers but you know how to slice onions right definitely definitely now sausages I get in lots of color because this is going to cook slowly and it's sort of Daddy's version of the kind of hot pot the other one nannies to make for me yeah yeah once you've got the color on them and take them out the rest okay a little knob of butter okay into the pan now it looks like a lot of onions right yeah as they start sweating down they caramelize so that'll go down by half give that a little fry okay salt in I want you to put a nice tablespoon of brown sugar in there that gets them really nice and dark now get your thyme in pick off all the little buds that will get the onions pack the flavor this feel nice smells nice washrooms in give them a nice little stir did you like to help me make your hot spot when she made them for you I used to always help now make the hot pot always now my mum would never have used this but age balsamic vinegar brings out the flavor of the onions right now look at her onions look beautiful caramelized the vinegar has given that nice sort of gloss I'm gonna put my sausages back in here now from there some red wine red wine in got the flavor underneath there going into the sausages now the sausage is going to release all that flavor inside as well look at the color of that does that look beautiful smell and it's still not cooked yet up to the ball really important to boil it here because it won't boil in the oven 170 in the oven literally 18 to 20 minutes and she goes nice to go with my hot pot Rich golden creamy potato gratin it's a true comfort food classic and I'm adding a delicious twist beetroot start by gently heating double cream [Music] then peel and thinly slice potatoes and cook beetroot next rub garlic around the edge of your dish to thoroughly season with a glorious flavor then grease with a good layer of butter arrange alternate layers of potato and beetroot seasoning in between foreign with a neat layer of potatoes and pour the hot cream over the top bake in a preheated oven for an hour or until the potatoes are tender [Music] potato and beetroot gratin are bubbling beauty of a comfort food dish now for the Apple compod what we need to do first is to get these peeled and sliced I get my pan on to get nice and hot now let me give you a little taste of that foreign okay and you need to cook them those wonderful red apples you've got are called Brae Burns what other apples do you know cream ones what are they called um another word for your nan Grandma's no red no pink lady apples no Granny Smith Granny Smith apples that's right what we're going to do is cook the cooking apples and the eating apples together I love the combination of the tartness from the Bramley cooking apple with the sweetness of the Brae bun get the pan nice and hot and sprinkle the bottom of the pan with caster sugar three or four nice slices of fresh ginger and three little cinnamon sticks I want you to remember that because we're going to look for them okay because once we use them and they've worked their magic I need to pull them out see all the sugar dissolving now we just let that go a little bit darker okay and then replace it quick doesn't it give that a nice little toss okay a nice golden color cinnamon in ginger in so we're cooking down the apples butter in gently cook until the apples soften then take off the heat let me go into there what's that coming out damp so that is a little bit of the puree I'll show we'll do that in a minute how many Ginger four four Ginger three cinnamon three cinnamon out with a cinnamon and the ginger gingers and take spoon of apples bottom smells so nice how nice is that look see the color of the apples these in the fridge to get nice and cold that's the Comfort sorted easy now a simple creamy whip to Crown the top you separate the egg whites into there for Daddy right egg whites are in I think it's separate off you got away [Music] and I'll sprinkle the sugar in and then you turn up the speed good girl [Music] there's your place now let's see if you've got a really nice stiff peak so you lift them up now that is what I call a nice stiff peak well done not bad not bad next in a separate Bowl whip double cream until stiff nice and slowly so cream whips so much quicker yeah nice we're gonna put some delicious lemon zest which will make the cream so much better then sweeten it up with leftover Camry compote puree you mix that in nice and carefully so it's like this apple butterscotch now to make the cream even lighter fold in those whisked egg whites and sugar egg whites into the cream just nicely fold that in so we bring your glasses back out manage the glasses yep go silly we're on for a treat open up the Piping Bag now twist the end now you could spoon this in I don't want to just give a nice little lift it also gives it a nice lemon on top the beetroot and potato gratin is that lovely that's lovely and sausages finish with a flat leaf parsley look at those two beauties it doesn't get any more comforting than that does it for one of the best hot pots ever Tilly that looks amazing in there well done this is my ultimate comfort food dinner sausage hot pot with potato and beetroot gratin followed by Apple compot
Channel: Gordon Ramsay
Views: 154,428
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gordon, Gordon Ramsay, Ramsay, Ramsey, Chef Ramsay, Recipe, Recipes, Food, Cooking, Cookery, kitchen nightmares, hotel hell, the f word, gordon ramsay likes the food, gordon ramsay burger, gordon ramsay steak, street food, pasta recipes, chicken recipe
Id: Sby27TlIlbM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 13 2022
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