Gordon Ramsay's Flavorful Salmon And Sides: Extended Version | Season 1 Ep. 1 | THE F WORD

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You boil them until nearly done, the pan frying is more to finish them, not really to cook them. Here's the recipe with instructions: http://www.fox.com/the-f-word/article/spiced-alaskan-salmon-with-succotash-mustard-greens-and-crispy-potatoes-recipe

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/showmm 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Just watched the video. I would suspect just a little over par boiled. If you fully cooked them, then they would turn to push when you smash them.

My suggestion would be well salted water, add potatoes then bring to boil, cook for ~6-8 minutes. As you cook them whole they will take a little longer. Test with a knife, a little resistance is good.

Hope this works.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/C_Radclyffe 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Steam them, 1-2 mins less than usual

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/superzucca 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Here's my favorite way to do them - oven finished, not pan finished. This site walks you through it in detail. You could still combine at the end with the herbs and lemon.


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/HereHaveAName 📅︎︎ Aug 17 2017 🗫︎ replies
- The secret behind is making sure your cook it skin side down. Skin side down protects the salmon, stops it from overcooking. But more importantly, we get that skin nice and crispy. In order to stop the salmon from buckling up, tilt the salmon. Just lift it up by that, bend it. Take a really sharp knife and just let the knife do the work. Score through. Keep it nice and straight. And what that does through there, it allows the salmon to cook quicker, but more importantly, helps get that skin nice and crispy. Now, don't slice too deep. Otherwise, you'll overcook the salmon. Salt. Pepper Make sure you rub all that spice in there because it's a Cajun spice. So it's nice and fragrant. Both sides. And when the salmon's scored like that, it makes it so much more fragrant. Turn the salmon over, light dusting with the Cajun spice, salt, pepper. Mop all the seasoning up and literally tidy that up. Don't cook salmon ice cold. Let it get up to room temperature so it cooks quicker and, more importantly, it doesn't dry out on the outside. Make sure you get the pan nice and hot first before you put the oil in. If you have a cold pan, put the oil in once the pan's cold, the oil burns before the pan gets hot. Oil in, tablespoon in. In she goes, and lay away. That's the sound of a nice, sizzling hot pan. Get your spatula and just lightly press down. That keeps the salmon skin incredibly flat, but gets nice and crispy. To turn the salmon, that's still cold there. Lift that up. And look, that's what I want-- that beautiful, nice golden brown. How do we get more flavor in that salmon? Garlic and thyme. In. I'm gonna turn it back over so it cooks skin side down. Just a touch of butter. And that keeps the salmon so moist. And let that salmon sit there now on a low heat for six and a half to seven minutes. Beautiful. One of the first things I learned when I came to America, a great succotash with fish. Start off with a touch of olive oil. Start us off with a red onion. A touch of seasoning, just a little hint. Cajun. That brings it closer to the salmon. Salt, pepper. Once we've taken the rawness from that red onion, corn in. Now, give that a really nice saute. Really important. Tilt everything down to the pan and pull. Push and pull. That just toasts the corn, stops it from burning. Some nice chopped red peppers. Green pepper. But you've got to hear that noise in the pan. You want to keep that sizzling going. Yellow peppers in. And now for a touch of heat. Chopped jalapeno. Keep it toasting away. And then finally, zucchini and yellow squash in. Finish that with chopped fresh cilantro. That gives that really nice, rich flavor. And then finish the succotash with fresh lemon, and just squeeze that lemon juice it. Goes brilliantly well with the salmon. Salmon's resting. Succotash done. Smashed potatoes. We get our potatoes, put them onto the board, drizzle a touch of olive oil on top, take the palm of your hand, and you smash. Season, salt and pepper. Pan nice and hot. Potatoes just lifted up. And those little bits that you think are waste, put them on there. You want all that flavor in there. Into the pan. Take back of your spatula, and just push them down. Now, once you've got the color on there, flip them over. Look at the color of those. Give them a little toss. A little knob of butter in there. That gives it that nice nutty, brown flavor. Don't worry about them breaking up. That's what you want. That's why they're called smashed potatoes. Just roughly chop the mustard greens. I blanched them for 30 seconds, and it gets rid of that raw flavor. And then just literally sprinkle those mustard greens over the potatoes. Touch of garlic and a touch of chopped shallots. Take the lemon, and we zest fresh lemon over the greens, and then squeeze that lemon over. Right. Time to plate. Here we have a lemon aioli mayonnaise that's been seasoned with lots of lemon juice. Take the tip of your spoon and just spread that on there. Mustard greens, smashed potatoes, at 5 o'clock onto your plate. Lift you salmon that's been cooked skin side down. That is delicious. Finally, just sprinkle, almost like raindrops, this beautiful succotash onto the plate. Incredible colors. Now how do we finish this? Like you should do with every piece of fish. Just squeeze a touch of lemon juice on the top of this salmon. And there we go. Beautiful. Alaskan spiced salmon with succotash mustard greens. I should do this for a living. [music playing]
Channel: The F Word
Views: 5,539,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The F Word, Gordon Ramsey, Hell's Kitchen, Masterchef, Cooking competition, How to, Cooking, chef, celebrity, dining, challenge, recipe, cooking show, Gordon Ramsay Lobster, Lobster Demo, Master, Iron Chef, Cooking reality show, Cooking TV Show, Television show, Reality TV, FOX BROADCASTING, contestants, Whitney-Bray, Season 1, Episode 1, SERIES PREMIERE, Episode one, Demonstrates, How To Cook, A Flavorful Salmon And Sides, secrets behind cooking
Id: rR9wq5uN_q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 01 2017
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