Gordon Ramsay , 15-minute time attack cooking battle! vs Korean TOP tier CHEF | Chef & My Fridge

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Do I look like a man that's struggling? I'm excited and ready to go Chefs love cooking for chefs so what an amazing audience and an amazing competitor Let's bring it on! (MC is worried about the interim check 5 minutes before the end) Did you let him know that I'll go over there to check 5 minutes before the end? He said if you come and try to taste it... He's gonna say 'Get lost(?)' To me? (Trembling) He's gonna tell me to get lost? He also said he's gonna kick your butt (However, the interim check is a rule of [Please Take Care of My Refrigerator]!) Nevertheless, I will go and see I mean, that's the rule! - Hahaha - We have to follow that rule Of course Chef Lee Yeon-bok, how do you feel? You're about to compete against Gordon Ramsay (45 years of cooking) This is the moment where I feel rewarded for the cooking I've done until now - It's such a great honor - (Respect!) I'll beat Gordon Ramsay today! And I'll make my name known all over the world too (Bring it on!) I think this scene will last forever (Gordon Ramsay's ingredients / Oh Seung-hwan refrigerator) (Cabbage, Red onion, Chili powder, Asparagus) (Pickled garlic leaves, Bulgogi sauce, Oyster sauce, Enoki mushrooms, Chives, Stir-fried anchovies) (Lee Yeon-bok's ingredients / Oh Seung-hwan refrigerator) (Cabbage, Beef brisket, Chives, Chili powder, Beef sirloin) (Asparagus, Garlic stems, Citron preserve, Avocado, Milk, Oyster sauce) Chef Lee Yeon-bok, what are you going to cook? What I'll be making today is called 'Final Boks' - Final Boks - (Boks?) - Oh Seung-hwan was the 'Final Boss' - Boss haha (Borrowed Oh Seung-hwan's nickname, 'Final Boss') in the major league I want to show my 'Final Boks' side so I named it that (Determined to finish off Gordon Ramsay?) Since he likes spicy food, (Huiguorou: Spicy Sichuan-style dish with) I'll use the beef to make a huiguorou-style dish (boiled pork, red pepper, garlic, etc) For the beef brisket, since he likes avocado, I'll make an avocado sauce and prepare it with steamed cabbage You're going to make two dishes? (Competitive) I'll be making two Chef Yeon-bok, you seem a bit nervous I am nervous... (Expert is nervous meeting the master) He's different than usual His lips are dry Let's see what Chef Gordon Ramsay will make! Quick! Sautéed stuffed brisket with a crispy rice - Authentic, super quick crispy rice - (A roll made with rice and meat...?) Isn't that similar to the 'caterpillar' I made last time? (Ridiculous) Don't try to compare yourself to Gordon Ramsay No no No, no Stop it now! The Korean take on the asparagus (Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket: Rolled grilled beef brisket and vegetables on crispy rice) Rice from Korea and rice from England must be different - Right - Korean rice has high viscosity so it'll be hard to make it crispy in 15 minutes... - (Heh) - Right He has seen a lot of ingredients all over the world (Already knows the properties of the ingredients!) so I think he knew when he chose the ingredients What's unusual is that he got the anchovies after saying he doesn't like them (Stir-fried anchovies) That was fake! Next He has pickled garlic leaves too Haha I didn't know that Gordon Ramsay would use anchovies and garlic leaves Right Gordon, did you taste the ingredients? Yes, I did Was it okay? Yeah, it's strong, salty, sour What's the most difficult part of the situation right now? (Unusual ingredients? An unfamiliar kitchen?) 'It would've been better if I had this' Chef never blames his tools The kitchen has got 3 gas burners There are pots, pans, sharp knife, wooden chopping boards So you know, I'm... Ready! Let's start... (He's fine with the unfamiliar environment) He's ready to go Good, we'll now start the competition of the century (Final Boks vs Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket) between Gordon Ramsay and Lee Yeon-bok It's a cooking battle between the master chefs, Gordon Ramsay who is about to challenge the 15-minute cooking competition for the first time vs. Lee Yeon-bok who is known for his outstanding cooking skills and experience Who will become the Final Boss? Let's start the 15-minute cooking competition! (Glance) (Captured) It's 15 minutes (Chef Gordon Ramsay starts by chopping the cabbage) (Leaving half) I can't believe I'm witnessing this! (Tearing off the leaves) (Throwing it away!) It's Gordon Ramsay vs Lee Yeon-bok (Chopping time) A 15-minute cooking competition! We're looking at him chopping away Gordon Ramsay is using his left hand (Exclusive / Chef Gordon Ramsay turns out to be left-handed!) Chef Lee Yeon-bok is also left-handed I see (Chef Lee Yeon-bok is also left-handed) I guess a lot of world-famous chefs are left-handed (Starting with the beef huiguorou) Chef Lee Yeon-bok has the meat What meat are you using? It's beef sirloin (Chef Lee Yeon-bok's 'Final Boks') Chef Lee Yeon-bok is using sirloin (1. Cut the beef sirloin into appropriate sizes and marinate it in soy sauce) (Struggle) (Drizzle) Chef Gordon Ramsay seems to be flustered (Clank) He must not be used to everything (Sesame oil) Of course it's unfamiliar He mixed sesame oil and olive oil I think he added olive oil to balance out the strong sesame oil flavor (Now, he's chopping the red onion) I can't believe I'm witnessing Gordon Ramsay (Chopping onions lightly) chopping in real life! (Scattering it with his hands) (Scrape) It must (Checking the microwave oven!) be very hard for Chef Gordon Ramsay (He seems to be looking for something...) It's probably the first time he's using these appliances It must be unfamiliar Where did the salt go? Please help him find something Where did the salt go? Thank you (It's even difficult to find the salt) Please help him with that (Poured salt onto his hands) (Swoosh swoosh) (Swoosh swoosh swoosh) (Sprinkling salt!) (Seems familiar...) What is this? Chef Choi Hyun-seok copied him! - (I got it on camera) - What is this? What is this? He got a lot on his hands and threw some away because it was too much There are people who do that for good luck like a superstition There are people who sprinkle it on their shoes (Interesting) - I'm gonna do that too - We just saw something very interesting (Wiping the knife with his hands!) Gordon Ramsay is chopping the chili peppers (Chef Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick!" Sautéed Stuffed Brisket') (1. On a pan covered with olive oil and sesame oil,) (sauté the julienned red onion, red chili, and green onions) I think he's trying to cook in an Asian-style (Master who cooks to suit the taste of the eater) Since he's cooking for a Korean person, he has to think about their taste (It's time for Chef Lee Yeon-bok to make chili oil) (Chef Lee Yeon-bok's 'Final Boks') (2. Add green onion and chili powder to oil to make chili oil) (A generous amount of chili powder!) I think he's marinating the meat! He marinated the sirloin with soy sauce earlier (3. Cover the soy sauce marinated sirloin with starch and egg) He just poured the chili oil in the pan right away All of it! He's gonna use all that chili oil? (Put the sirloin in the generous amount of chili oil) He's using so much chili oil! (Asparagus / Garlic stems / chili pepper) I've never seen someone use that much chili oil Right (4. Stir-fry sirloin, asparagus, garlic stems, chili pepper) It seems like he's making huiguorou (in a generous amount of chili oil) (For the Final Boss who like spicy food) Oh Seung-hwan likes spicy food (Fire Boss) Look at the fire! The fire! (Amazed) (I'll show you a taste of the Korean heat!) He's never use such fire before I am Lee Yeon-bok! Fire, fire, Lee Yeon-bok! (5. Put the stir-fried sirloin into a strainer and strain the oil) Chef Lee Yeon-bok is making huiguorou (5. Put the stir-fried sirloin into a strainer and strain the oil) He's using powerful fire (Chef Gordon Ramsay is focused) Gordon Ramsay isn't smiling anymore It's a battle against time (Taking the asparagus) The time limit of 15 minutes is the biggest obstacle (Diagonal cutting!) He keeps checking the time (Struggle) (Chef Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket') (2. Grill asparagus in greased pan) (Salt salt) (Time to chop the garlic) There's 11 minutes left Thank you 11? (His hands are getting busy) - It's not his own knife... - Right (3. Add garlic to the sautéed vegetables) This is so cool He's not using a whole lot of ingredients or tools (Focused) It's a small amount... (Pfft) Why are you laughing? Gordon Ramsay was on TV since I was young But it's my first time watching him cook We need to help him (Red wine) (Vinegar) - Rice wine? - Yes... There's only wine... The green one Thank you (Sniff) (This is not it...) (What's this?) (Chili powder!) Gordon Ramsay added chili powder too (10 minutes left!) Where's the brush? (It's dark next to the cutting board...) Uh.. The brush... Brush is here No brush...! Thank you (What's the use of the brush?) He took the asparagus out from the pan He must be nervous, the brush was right there - (Saving it forever, I filmed him finding it) - Of course, it's the same for everybody He's putting bulgogi sauce on the grilled asparagus Oh! Bulgogi sauce! - That's Korean! - Right, has he tried it before? He tried it all when we were checking the ingredients (Chef Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket') (4. Apply bulgogi sauce and oyster sauce on the grilled asparagus) Gordon Ramsay is working hard on the asparagus (Chef Lee Yeon-bok is preparing steamed cabbage with brisket) (Brisket) (6. Place cabbage in the steamer and put brisket on top) Ah, when you steam that, the oil comes out and the cabbage will be delicious He's steaming it! (Chopping the chives too) (In the steamer they go) (Chef Gordon Ramsay adds the chopped cabbage too) (Chef Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket') (5. Add the napa cabbage with the sautéed vegetables) (A little bit of oyster sauce to finish off the sautéed vegetables!) (Evenly) (The sautéed vegetables are done!) (6. Season the sautéed vegetables with oyster sauce, mix in the enoki mushrooms) He's using enoki mushrooms (The next ingredient he will use) (Instant rice) It's rice! What will he do with the rice? It's instant rice (Knead) He has the rice He said that he will thinly lay out the rice and make it crispy like scorched rice (7. Grill rice in a pan with plenty of oil) He's pouring oil into the frying pan again Scorched rice? I think he'll make it similar to the scorched rice we know (Taking out a clean plate) It's halfway through (Press down!) And he put a plate on top That's gonna be delicious (Chef Lee Yeon-bok is making the sauce now) (Soy sauce / cooking wine) (Citron preserve) Chef Lee Yeon-bok, milk? (Tap!) (7. Put soy sauce, cooking wine, citron preserve, avocado, milk, and oyster sauce in a hand blender to make avocado sauce) There's 7 minutes left.. (Wiping again and again) (Sweep sweep) (Jump jump) He ran! (In a rush with the decreasing time!) It's my first time seeing him run! He's starting to run We're halfway through? (The briskets are finally out) Come off... (8. Overlap many pieces of brisket and grill) All of the brisket.. Not one at a time! (After sprinkling a bit of salt) He must be in a hurry (Flip the pan!) He didn't cook it for long! (Quick! Slightly cooked brisket) (Trying to cook one more sheet) ****! There are 6 minutes left! (Cleaning up the paper towels) Thank you One more? (Shaking his head) Gordon Ramsay is shaking his head! (Unexpected trouble from the brisket) Help him out He's shaking his hands Gordon Ramsay is shaking his hands! Shake hand, shake hand Gordon Ramsay is shaking his hands! (Figured it out!) (Shake-hand: Handshake) Both pieces of the brisket are hanging off the pan (Does he know or not? (Flipping the rice!) The scorched rice looks great! (9. Flip the rice and drizzle a good amount of oil) He keeps drizzling oil around it It's very close to Korean food, Gordon Ramsay (5 minutes left!) (Five minutes before the end, it's time for an interim check!) Are Gordon Ramsay's hands shaking or not?! (What?) Scary scary I feel like I'll get in trouble Hahaha (MC Kim Sung-joo's relay from the scene) I'll go over to the important site (4 minutes and 35 seconds left!) Gordon Ramsay and Lee Yeon-bok! I'll go over to the kitchen (Chef Lee Yeon-bok is finishing off the sauce) (Chef Lee Yeon-bok 'Final Boks') (8. Pour the avocado sauce) (on the finely chopped onions and avocado) Is that Chef Lee Yeon-bok's sauce? (How will the avocado sauce taste?) I'll give Chef Lee Yeon-bok's sauce a taste - It will be a bit salty if you have it by itself - How is it? It's very salty!! - (My sauce...) - You're supposed to dip unseasoned food in that (Salty sauce for steamed cabbage is complete) Anyway, the sauce is salty (Meanwhile, Chef Gordon Ramsay) (Has no time to turn the burner off) He's very busy to the point where he can't turn the burner off (10. Roll the sautéed vegetables, grilled asparagus with grilled brisket) Where is the brush? (11. Apply bulgogi sauce on the brisket) It's half cooked and half uncooked And he's applying the sauce (What is he looking for?) (Spatula) (12. Grill the brisket in an oiled pan) Gordon Ramsay is looking at the time! (Rolling one more) (To the frying pan) Gordon Ramsay is making the rolls but the shape... - It's breaking apart! - Right Wait, the shape... How did that happen? Are you okay, Gordon Ramsay? (That time has come) (Chef Gordon Ramsay still looks excited though) (You've got this!) Yes, he's busy (Putting the last roll on the pan) Very busy (It's time for Chef Lee Yeon-bok to finish the huiguorou) (Put chopped green onions and chives in the pan) (Add the stir-fried sirloin) (9. Stir-fry sirloin without the oil with green onions, chives, cooking wine, oyster sauce, black pepper to make beef huiguorou) (Chef Lee Yeon-bok's first dish, beef huiguorou is complete) Chef Yeon-bok is plating! I think that's the huiguorou There are 3 minutes left! (Chef Gordon Ramsay takes out the rice) (Lifting the plate with the spatula) (Is the rice ruined?) (Oh no...) (Can't use half the rice) (Rice that can't be used is discarded without mercy) Is he gonna save it? He's throwing it away Wasn't that an accident? (A fatal mistake made with 3 minutes left) (Chef Gordon Ramsay is frying the rice again) Gordon Ramsay, let's go! (How will he overcome this?) Gordon Ramsay is having a hard time (Put the rice on the cutting board) (And cut the rice!) (Shaping the rice to fit the size of the roll) He was gonna shape the rice like that He saved the shape of it! (13. Shape the grilled rice and plate them) He's fixing the shape (But) Kim Sung-joo! (Interim check?) Try sautéed vegetables (Scary) I'm afraid I'll get in trouble... (Just using his arms) (Bam!) (No way!) (You better leave or else!) I was gonna try this... (Failed the 1st attempt of the interim check) I can't taste it because he's busy Try it, try it (14. Place the brisket on top of the rice) He tried to hit me (2nd attempt) (1 minute left, distracted him with the time) (Going for it while he's busy) (Punishment) (Failed the 2nd attempt) (Wah) I got hit There are 50 seconds left! (Chef Lee Yeon-bok is in the final stages) (Took out the steamer) (Plating it just like that) (Chef Yeon-bok's 'Final Boks' is complete) Chef Yeon-bok is finished (Gordon Ramsay is also in the final stages) - It's okay, it's okay - Gordon Ramsay, looking at the time (Chopping the chives) He's flustered (Rhythmical) Let's help him focus Let's help him focus Calm and cool (While applying the sauce one more time) Very good 30 seconds left! (15. Place sautéed vegetables on top of the stuffed brisket) 30 seconds left! He's putting more on top Oh I see He didn't let me try that (Whining) I got hit trying to eat that (16. Wrap it up with chopped chives) I think he's almost done (Amazing) (Eat this!) What is this? (Throwing the chives at the MC, he's so funny!) 10 seconds! (Chef Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket' is complete) He's done (Bravo!) (The 15-minute cooking competition is over!) Gordon Ramsay is done It was an amazing competition - He did it - So cool! - He did it with 6 seconds left on the clock - (I filmed it all) (Chef Gordon Ramsay enjoyed the competition with a smile) Amazing (The cooking competition of the century is done!) (Sighing) Good job Oh god... 15 minutes! Rapid, huh? When we do interim checks next time, the chefs are gonna hit us because of Gordon Ramsay And throw things! Interestingly, you're the only person who can stick a spoon in like that when Gordon Ramsay is cooking (MC Kim Sung-joo, the only person who can stick his spoon in) Right? Not everyone can do that Next week, we're coming to England to do challenges in British food! (Addicted to 15-minute cooking competitions?) (The winner is up to Oh Seung-hwan) The meat dishes for Oh Seung-hwan are complete (The cooking legend that you witnessed in front of you) We watched Gordon Ramsay cook right in front of us (Cooking legend's running haha) I even saw him running (You can't see that anywhere) We even saw him flustered - Gordon Ramsay is indeed a human being - Everyone is equal in 15 minutes That's right - (So moved) - Chef Gordon Ramsay, tell us how you felt while cooking It was a very quick 15 minutes (Not easy, huh?) You saw what happened to the rice, it stuck Don't panic and stay focused It's uh... It's almost like cooking in your mom's kitchen You've got no idea where anything is How was it for you, Chef Lee Yeon-bok? I forgot that Gordon Ramsay was next to me and focused solely on cooking You kept glancing at him (Glance) (Glance) (Glance) (Glance) (So observant) (Both chefs did their best!) Anyway, the competition is over and we have two dishes (Spicy beef huiguorou and steam cabbage with brisket) Chef Lee Yeon-bok's 'Final Boks' (Nervous, who am I...? Where am I...?) Let's give them a taste! Why are you nervous? (Serious, nervous) I mean... The situation... When you're pitching, you look like a stone Buddha This situation now is like an international match in which we're leading by only 1 at the 9th inning after 2 outs with the bases loaded (Understood) It's to that extent? (Between a rock and a hard place) Is it that intense? I've never seen him like that I will judge them fair and square (Promising a level-headed judgement even though it's hard,) (he starts with Chef Lee Yeon-bok's steamed cabbage with brisket) There's cabbage on the bottom, right? (Chives) (Wrap with the cabbage) (Dip in the avocado sauce) Oh Seung-hwan will give it a taste (In one bite) Pitcher Oh Seung-hwan who loves meat! You can pour the sauce with a spoon (Nod nod) There's a lot of avocado in there (Drooling) He had a bite It has a very light, clean taste And it's not just meat, there's also vegetables and the sauce isn't too oily It's perfect for my taste It's very delicious (Thank you / Competitive) He seems satisfied (Time for huiguorou) He said it's spicy I'll give it a taste (Meat) (Chili pepper) (Asparagus) Wow (Automatic applause) This is... How is it? I feel like I just saved the game from the horrendous 9th inning (High praise!) (The best taste of my life!) At first, you can taste the juicy meat and then the spiciness! (But finishes with the clean taste!) And the veggies cleanse it up at the end! It's like having a full set of pitchers from starting to closer (Perfect harmony) It's in harmony, huh? - It's very delicious - (Proud) It looks a bit salty... - We wondered if he added too much seasoning - He put a lot of chili oil so we thought, 'Isn't it spicy?' It's not spicy for me I think it's just right Your forehead is starting to sweat (Wipe) You're fine with this level of spice? (Very intensive..) It's fine! (Gordon Ramsay's stuffed brisket made with Korean sautéed vegetables) (Chef Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick! Sautéed stuffed brisket') How should he eat this? They're stuffed so they're rolls so use a knife and fork, roll it tight (Try it) (Speechless) I'm the one judging but I'm more nervous... (Fascinating) I've never seen him like that The owner of the fridge is nervous (The owner of the fridge is more nervous than the chef being evaluated) Oh Seung-hwan doesn't get nervous even when he's in a difficult situation... (Even Buddha of the mound is getting nervous for the tasting!) (One big bite) (Can't miss the veggie) (How does the global stay chef's dish taste?) I wonder how it tastes Awesome (As expected!) I can't eat much rice when I'm in the U.S (The combination of rice and stuffed beef brisket) The combination of the rice is great (Perfect match) It provides all the nutrients and flavors in one bite... Does it go well with the rice? It goes very well with it! He pressed it down like scorched rice so that texture is there! So I like that I can feel the rice and the meat separately - And it's chewy too - Yes And as for the sauce, I saw earlier (Sesame oil, chili powder, bulgogi sauce) He used a lot of Korean sauces So it's not greasy at all and I think it suits Korean tastes so well - (What a relief) - It's a very familiar dish (Mukbang time) Right? Ah! The middle part has even more flavor The middle is better? You took the stir-fried anchovies and pickled garlic leaves, why didn't you use them? Halfway through the 15 minutes, (Speechless) I had a pain-in-the-*** presenter interrupting me asking to taste things... (Acting like he understands) Small guy with glasses and a weird hairstyle! Yes yes (Huh?) Because of me? Halfway through the 15 minutes, the presenter with glasses and a weird hairstyle interrupted... He didn't even know he was talking about him.. (Nod nod) (Saying random words) Awesome Screaming at me like a little girl With guys like that in England, we'd cut off his b**** and make kimchi with them (Feeling wronged) Why do you say harsh things to me? (Thank god he's Korean) (Joking) All three dishes (Masterpiece) are definitely masterpieces Oh Seung-hwan has to choose now - Let's give him time - Yes, give him time Let's have Coach Hong Sung-heon and the two chefs in the competition try the dishes (Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket') (An objective evaluation by Coach Hong Sung-heon) (The expert takes a bite too!) It's really awesome (Right?) Really good! Wow! (Exclamation in English!) That's how you say it (Savoring it) How is it, Chef Lee Yeon-bok? I think he did a really good job at targeting Koreans' tastes There are those sweet and salty ingredients! He put asparagus inside the beef The crunchy texture of the asparagus is very refreshing and nice So I think he definitely thought - of Koreans' taste and targeted that - (Amazing) Yes, right (Ramsay is tasting Yeon-bok's dish) They focused on the tasters (Nom) rather than just presenting their cooking styles It's been such a great time today Very good, very good Isn't it spicy? Is it okay? It's quite spicy It's good Steamed beef (Chef Gordon Ramsay carefully tastes the other chef's dish) He talks without hesitation... (Tilt) (Huiguorou) I love the spicy one (Oh!) It feels more authentic in terms of downtown authenticity (Steamed cabbage with brisket) The beef for me doesn't work (Frank) The cabbage is wet and the avocado is a sort of strange addition It's not the kind of thing you see traditionally in Korean food, avocado and boiled beef (Huiguorou is a big hit) (The steamed brisket is a bit of a dog's dinner) (Coach Hong tried the 'Final Boks') How is it? I actually think the brisket is better (Steamed beef brisket cabbage that suits Korean taste) For Koreans, the huiguorou could be a bit too strong in flavor I think steamed beef brisket is perfect for Koreans It differs depending on the person Okay, (The time has come) you have to choose now (Sticky situation) (Final Boks) No.1 is Chef Yeon-bok (Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket) No. 2 is Chef Gordon Ramsay Make a decision - and press the button - Yes.. Sigh... (Made his decision) I pressed it (Athletes' quick decision-making ability to choose without hesitation!) Athletes are quick to choose He's fast (Meat final boss) Who did Oh Seung-hwan choose? (Chef Lee Yeon-bok vs Chef Gordon Ramsay) Let's see! A competition between Gordon Ramsay, the global star chef and Lee Yeon-bok, the master of Chinese food in Korea (Who will win the competition of the century?) Who did Oh Seung-hoon choose? Show us the winner! (Meat final boss) Who did Oh Seung-hoon choose? (Chef Lee Yeon-bok vs Chef Gordon Ramsay) (Which chef did Oh Seung-hwan chose?) The winner is? (Gordon Ramsay) (Chef Gordon Ramsay's 'Quick! Sautéed Stuffed Brisket' is the winner) (What?) (Understood a bit later) It's Gordon Ramsay (Standing ovation) Gordon Ramsay won (Chef Gordon Ramsay won against Lee Yeon-bok) (I'm sorry, Chef Lee Yeon-bok) Pitcher Oh Seung-hwan chose Gordon Ramsay Thank you very much I would like to take this opportunity to say a big thank you to the most talented chefs in Korea More importantly, I'd love to invite you to England, and we'll have a second challenge with British food! (Of course) I'd like to say a big congratulations to this man Amazing! Good job! Thank you! (It was a great competition) Pitcher Oh Seung-hwan's choice was Gordon Ramsay What was the reason behind that? When Chef Gordon Ramsay cooked, (Didn't think he would consider Koreans' tastes) I didn't think he'd think about Koreans' taste However, he took that into consideration (The unexpected approach taken by Ramsay using Korean food strategy was the key!) That led him to win But Chef Lee Yeon-bok's cooking was excellent as well (Thank you) Time to give today's star chef a star badge Pitcher Oh Seung-hwan's choice was (Gordon Ramsay won another star in Korea!) Gordon Ramsay! Congratulations! Can I come back please? Will you? Yes! Can I? I'd like to defend my title! (Congrats, Chef Gordon Ramsay will defend his title) Chef Gordon Ramsay has work in the U.S tomorrow - (Too bad) - So he has to go to the airport now It's too bad but we'll have to let him go now Let's give another round of applause (Thank you so much to Chef Gordon Ramsay for the great competition) to Gordon Ramsay for joining us
Channel: K-contents Voyage
Views: 1,927,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8mLG0gDKrbs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 9sec (1749 seconds)
Published: Sat May 20 2023
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