GoPro Hero 12 vs DJI Osmo Action 4 - IN-DEPTH COMPARISON

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the DJI action 4 was announced about a month ago and the GoPro just a few days ago so of course you guys want to know uh what's what's the difference between the two make a comparison video of these two cameras is all I've heard uh for the last the last month really and to be fair I I kind of did I made a video on the hero 11 versus the action 4 and most of that video still holds because the 11 to 12 and the hero lineup was mostly like an S upgrade a lot of software little things here and there but today I am going to break down the GoPro Hero 12 versus DJI action 4. we'll go through kind of everything in my goal my goal with any of these videos is just to give you guys enough information about both cameras whether it's image quality or audio quality or just usability features in general like how is it to actually use these cameras so that you guys can make a decision on which one you want to pick up I I really don't care which one you pick up I like them both I think they're both super insanely good cameras and we live in kind of a weird time where cameras are are this good like I'm looking at the screens right now and they both look so damn good but at the end of the video I will say which one I think I would buy if I didn't have either of them and hopefully along the way throughout this video You're gonna find those small details that matter more to you right now I'm not telling you which camera is which because it's important to to have preference as part of this also right like some people love the look of GoPro some people love the look of DJI I think that that's important to know or to see before before you know which camera you're actually you're actually looking at video quality audio quality we'll do a little blind blind video test and blind audio test and then uh and we'll talk more about these cameras I'll tell you which of these is which camera a versus camera B put in the comments below which one which one do you like better let's uh go for a ride around Oceanside foreign [Music] [Music] okay that is what the cameras look like side by side camera a camera B without again saying which is which just just which one do you like preference preference matters a lot because again these two cameras I think they're they're both so good now that it really is the small things that that make a difference but some of those small things matter so you just look at the cameras themselves we'll we'll break down image quality in a minute here the first thing I've got to mention is the magnetic mounting system now look the magnetic mounting system from DJI it is it is so good I've used it so much now and moving a camera from one mount to the next is is that simple I can go from a bite mount back to my pole mount uh again that quickly whereas with the GoPro you have to you know un un thumb screw hang on on thumb screw you camera pop it off get it to the new mount get the thumb screw lined up locked back in there and now now you were mounted on another Mount now they did add in a quarter 20 mount on the GoPro Hero 12 which I do very much appreciate because now I can mount my tripod straight to the GoPro um that magnetic system man it is so good I do have a a mount that I picked up from falcam which makes your GoPro compatible with the DJI magnetic Mount and for other mounts click click up there and go watch that video to see this piece this piece is also compatible with your hero 12 and I'm pretty sure uh after all this overheating testing is done I will be putting this on onto my GoPro Hero 12. I'm not gonna do it until I'm done with the overheating because I know people are gonna say oh you added that thing it messed up all your testing or none of your testing matters because you you put that little thing on the bottom so I will wait up number two thing in looking at them physically is that the DJI action 4 front screen is also a touch screen whereas the gopro's front screen is is just it's just a screen mentioned this in my hero 11 review but there's times when you have your camera mounted somewhere like let's say you have your camera mounted inside your windshield facing into the car like you're filming yourself and you look at that camera and you go I want to change a setting well on the action 4 can just reach up I can swipe down I can change my settings from that front screen whereas with the GoPro if it's mounted up there one it I can't quickly d-mount it because again just flip down feet so I have to either demount my camera or like take the mount off turn it around be able to change a setting and then and then get my camera remounted whereas again front screen or or because this is a magnetic Mount if it was up there and I was like I really got to change a lot of stuff I could just pop it off really quickly do my changes and then put that back up there front screen and a magnetic mount on the action for um in your day-to-day usage of these cameras like those two things are probably like the biggest difference that I feel actually actually number three is probably the thing that I feel I feel the most and I talk about it a lot but the action 4 has a quick switch button a physical button that gets me to a list of custom settings that I've set up so I can put a a video setting and then a photo setting then another video setting then a hyperlap setting I can put all the setting means that I use most on my camera into that custom mode and then with one button I can jump to all the different settings that I use most now on the GoPro it they did make it better when they added in video preset so I can tap in I can switch between video presets but then if I want to say like oh I want to be in video mode but then I want to jump to photo mode and jump to one of my photo presets I have to get out I have to slide over to photo mode or time lapse mode and then I can go in and I can get to my presets again you have to do it through the touch screen on here a quick switch button physical button I want GoPro to steal this for the hero 13 now because there was no physical changes from the hero 11 to Hero 12 just software unless you include their Max lens 2.0 in in a physical upgrade they have had a new Max lens mod and it is pretty sweet the DJI action 4 was the the kind of king of wide with a 155 degree field of view now the GoPro normally goes to 148 degrees so having this camera like in most modes the DJI was wider but add in the max lens mode and now you can go up to 177 degrees which looks like it's so wide you definitely get like some fisheye effect if you're kind of near things like if things are near you or it's kind of like a building in the frame like you kind of see some like warpiness to it but it is a very wide field of view and because it's so wide you can now do Max lens mode up to 4K 60 and you can do 360 degree Horizon lock with Max lens mode and that is significantly wider than what the camera alone or the DJI action 4 can do with that that 360 degree Horizon lock on next up though in kind of usability of these cameras we have to talk battery life and overheating now from my hero 11 versus action 4 tests I showed that the action 4 has significantly longer battery life than the hero 11. the hero 12 though up to the numbers from the hero 11 to the hero 12 in battery life a little bit but thermally limited modes even more so we're now seeing at 5.3 K 60 on this guy up to 52 minutes of record time in 5.3 k60 and 4K 120 up to 37 minutes on this guy before overheating the hero the hero 11 where is where's that guy at the hero 11 I was seeing about a 22 minute run time at 4K 120 and on this guy again 37 minutes so that's a big upgrade when you're just kind of working software features but at 4K 120 on this guy I see up to 64 minutes of run time and the battery dies this thing does not overheat I feel like I feel like you would need to be in like really hot temperatures with no airflow and and like really you'd have to do something crazy to get this camera to overheat now I don't think overheating matters that much because most people are not going to run their camera at 4K 120 or 5.3 k60 for a significant amount of time like you're doing that for slow motion footage so I don't think it matters a ton but if you are somebody that's like hey I always want to film at 4K 60 or 4K 120 for like really long periods of time the action for it'll serve you better but even in like the normal modes like 4K 30 on this guy and 4K 30 on this guy GoPro says that we should see about 102 minutes and I've been seeing about 86 minutes of run time which is very impressive but the DJI action 4 DJI claims will get 160 minutes and I see between between 112 and 120. it's been it's been kind of odd in some of my testing and I wonder if it's because I've kind of tested in some of my action 3 batteries with my action four so I think maybe they might have done something with the battery because sometimes I see like 120 Minutes another time they'll see about 112 but that's still more than than 86. now in real world usage what's that look like it it doesn't look like a ton like it usually just means for my GoPro I have to keep one or two extra batteries versus how many batteries I bring for my action 4. one thing though that does matter a lot with these batteries is that DJI supports fast charging so this battery can go from zero to eighty percent charge in 18 minutes and then it takes 50 minutes total to get to a full charge but man eighty percent in 18 minutes is very impressive the GoPro batteries take about 110 minutes for a full charge they did not support fast charging so battery life between the two uh this guy wins fast charging this guy wins how much those matter I would say the battery life thing doesn't matter as much just keep an extra battery or two with you but the battery the fast charging thing that you feel that you feel that when you're charging your things up that you're like oh that one's like I could tell I could do it right now let's get these back on here for this next bit for the built-in audio comparison between the hero 11 and action 4. let me tell you guys about today's sponsor epidemic sound if you guys don't know about epidemic sound then one you probably haven't watched this channel very much because not only are they the leader in YouTube music licensing but they're also the soundtrack of this channel that's the only company I've ever used on this channel so since this thing launched in 2020 every song you've ever heard is from epidemic sound and the reason that I use them is because for 9.99 a month I get access to over 40 000 music tracks over 90 000 sound effects like something ridiculous in the sound effect department and I can just go in there anytime I want use their their really clever system to help me find tracks for future videos based on the songs that I've downloaded in the past which is super clever and just like makes life so much easier usually I just dive in there like the first few songs right there I can just grab one of those and start making my video but if you guys want to go over there for 9.99 a month you get a 30 day free trial and then you guys also get access to every song that epidemic sound has and you don't have to worry about demonetization or copyright claims all that kind of stuff that you have to worry about on YouTube or Tick Tock or Instagram reels any of that kind of stuff uh epidemic sound has you covered hey uh which of these two cameras do you think the built-in audio sounds best from but both of these cameras kind of have have like an audio trick obviously the GoPro has the media mod but they both they both now have a pretty clever trick okay and here is a comparison of these two audio tricks that each of them have again the DJI action 4 has the DJ wireless mic system which I use with my big cameras but because the USBC plugs straight into the action 4 I can use it with my action camera as well and now the GoPro Hero 12 you can Bluetooth to a Bluetooth headset now in my GoPro Hero 12 audio test when I did this I've heard this a few times now it doesn't sound great to be honest I don't think I would use this audio whereas the DJI wireless mics I use this audio all the time for for other videos with my big cameras plugging it straight into my a7s3 or recording internally to this microphone and then using that with my a7s3 uh again the Bluetooth airpod hookup to the GoPro it's very clever like this is way more convenient than having to mount the wireless mic receiver into the action camera it keeps my GoPro waterproof while the action 4 loses its waterproof ability when I plug that in but again ah the airpod audio going into the GoPro it just doesn't sound good and the DJI wireless mics it's a professional system that works with your action camera and uh yeah if I was gonna choose one I would I would choose the wireless mics for sure okay now now let's jump into the image quality between these two because there is there is a resolution difference and both of them treat treat the image differently like the color science is a little different between the two of them and in the side by side that you guys have been watching this entire time camera a was the GoPro and the DJI action 4 was camera B did you guess that one right now they were both shooting at 4K so I didn't want to put this guy at 5.3 K and then this guy at 4K and try to do a comparison because I was also testing battery run times and all that during this whole side by side yes the GoPro can go up to 5.3 K 60 where the DJI tops out at 4K so they can both do 4K 120 they say I can obviously do 4K 60 but then this guy can go up to 5.3 K 20 4 30 and 60. now the main time that you would use that would be if you were to film in 5.3 K and you wanted to take a screen grab from your video it's going to be a highly resolution screen grab or you want to film in 5.3k and then you want to zoom in a little bit into your subject into your video and not lose any resolution personally I I pretty much only shoot at 4k on my GoPros to be able to get the longest battery life out of them I'm I'm rarely taking screen grabs I'm rarely zooming my my shot but they are both shooting 10-bit footage now which is incredible like again the the footage coming out of these things it's absurd whether you like how the GoPro looks or you like how the action 4 looks like they're both so good and with the addition of GP log on the GoPro we now have two like real log profiles or log profile for Action cameras but I would think one thing like not image quality but like how you're shooting these things is that the GoPro has an 8x7 sensor so you now can shoot kind of that that full shot and then you in post can zoom into a 16x9 or take that same shot put it on a 9x16 or they now have the mode where you flip into easy mode and you can actually film holding your camera like this like your camera's mounted normally but you're filming a vertical image straight to the SD card you don't have to do anything in post on the action 4 they give you this this trick little cage you take your Action Four slap it in there and while your action 4 is in here it has a pass through so it can still Mount you can still Mount horizontally like normal and then on the cage itself there's a mount right there and that is how you mount it vertically so with the action 4 you have to choose vertical or horizontal and on the GoPro Hero 12 and hero 11 you can shoot that 8x7 mode and then choose in post and the last little bit in image quality you've got to mention that the action for does have a larger sensor and its lower resolution so 4k on a 1 over 1.3 inch sensor and 5.3 K on a 1 over 1.9 inch sensor so more pixels on a smaller sensor and less pixels on a larger sensor means that the pixel size on the action 4 is significantly larger than the the hero 12. now what does that that give you it gives you better low light performance I haven't tested these like I haven't gone nuts doing like a thorough in-depth night test of these two I will do that for you guys I would say that for YouTube and the compression that these things run through before you guys get to see them on your phone you're watching them on your phone like this big I'm watching it on my big screen I can see the difference once it's on your phone and it's gone through YouTube compression you might not see the difference as much I will work on a a night video side by side between these two like really thorough in depth so you guys can see the difference yeah why bigger sensors matter that was why when everyone was like this is going to be a one inch sensor that's why it was such a big deal was that if it was a one inch sensor it would look really good during the daytime and then still look really good at night okay let's jump to the stabilization between these two cameras it's ridiculous both of them are so good rock steady versus Hyper smooth I really don't think that you could say in almost any scenario that one is better than the other they're both doing digital stabilization where you have to crop in a little bit so the The Wider field of view on this guy helps a little bit with that but then of course this guy has the max lens mod so if you really are trying to shoot the widest possible field of view with as much stabilization on as possible this guy with Max lens mod is going to be the best when you when you just go side by side the 12 versus the action four man if I did side by side and didn't tell you which is which like good luck telling from the stabilization which which ones which then on other notes on these two cameras like they both have really good uis now like the actual user interface on both of them is really good it used to not be a big fan of GoPros and then with this new update they kind of changed how you go go in and change settings I like it a lot better again the quick switch button it's still that's still like the most the biggest thing for me between these two cameras man is probably probably that quick switch button and the Magnetic mounting that's big too but what else are these two guys oh GoPro added in to the quick app I mentioned this in my hero 12 video but they added into where now you can view your footage while you're recording within the app so you're you're previewing it you hit record now you can still see it uh DJI has always had that it never went away for GoPro the 9 10 and 11 it went away and now it's back in the 12. yeah and lastly GPS was removed on the hero 12 which the action 4 never had GPS but the action 4 did add in uh oh Where'd I put it Where'd I put it come on probably put it somewhere really safe I don't know where that safe spot is there it is DJI added in this new remote control and if you are using the action for with this remote control it will add GPS data to to your camera so the GPS is not built into this camera but you can buy it with this and and have it the hero 12 they remove GPS but there's no current ability to add it to add it back in via VIA something something like this okay so which of these two cameras should you buy ah I know I'm gonna make people mad with this but I'm gonna say it before I do the preference preference matters probably the most like these two cameras are so close to each other in so many ways I think when you look at the footage you're like they're both really really impressive both are amazing cameras and I do think that if you have other GoPro cameras that you're shooting with adding this into a set of other GoPros makes the most sense obviously for color science and if you're just like a big fan of how that looks you should go for the hero 12 but the action for has better battery life better overheating limits it works better in cold temperatures the battery lasts longer battery charges up faster it has magnetic mounting which I love it has the quick switch button which I love and I would say that in 2023 if you did not have an action camera at all like you're just like coming to me and being like hey I don't have anything what should I get first I would tell you go watch the beginning of this video so you can see preference which one do you like better but if if I were to tell somebody which of these two cameras you should buy if you didn't have either of these cameras I would say the action for and don't get mad at me like again the GoPro Hero 12 is it's the best GoPro ever made if you pick up this camera you have one of the best action cameras in the world and if you pick up this camera you have one of the best action cameras in the world but when I look at all those differences all those little things the actual usability of a camera for me for me the things that matter the action 4 just wins that now I'm lucky I get to use both of them and and I will continue using both of them for different use cases and different times but like we're going on a trip to Hawaii next week and while I'll probably bring my GoPro I'll probably end up shooting mostly on my action 4. and it's mostly mostly because of what the trip is for and the mounting like the mounting and the mounting for me is so big I don't know I don't know why everyone doesn't have strong kind of magnetic mount in your camera now I sure hope that the hero 13 figures that out really hope the hero 13 adds magnetic Mount I'll probably again like I said I'll probably just add in magnetic mounting myself so that I have it this whole time but I hope the hero 13. actually adds it built into the camera and a front screen I really hope the hero 13 gets a front screen and magnetic mounting and a quick switch button again things that things that this action 4 has don't be mad at me guys some of you GoPro fans I love GoPro I'm a GoPro fan myself you guys you guys get real aggressive at the comments I appreciate it though I do I do appreciate your enthusiasm but hero 12 first the action 4 let me know your thoughts down in the comments which one of these two do you like better which one would you go pick up this year or or is like this like a sit out year like is this a year for you where you're like I have a hero 11 why would I go from hero 11 to Hero 12 or you have an action three and like you're just thrilled with it and you don't want the 10-bit foot if you have an action 3 actually I think you should go get Action Four just my opinion though again comments down below ask lots of questions there will be tons more content coming on these two cameras and I will uh I'll see you soon again I'm sorry GoPro fans I love the GoPro I think it's great it's one of my favorite action cameras that's out there see ya [Music] hello hi I'm Eleanor and we're going to the pool we're going to show you how we go on the bike and ride bike hey Mickey go a little lower yeah there you go it's a little lower okay now now make sure you talk right to the camera how do we make those hi I'm Eleanor and this one we are going on our bite and we're going to show you okay we're going to let you know how we go on the bike hey turkey do you want to see penny bring me those cameras turkey penny you are typing come on come on let's go let's go let's go get on the bike hi hi
Channel: David Manning
Views: 248,719
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Manning, gopro hero 12, DJI action 4, gopro vs dji, gopro hero 12 vs dji action 4, gopro hero 12 review, gopro hero 12 black, hero 12 black, hero 12 specs, gopro 12, gopro hero 12 specs, hero 12 features, dji action 4 vs gopro hero 11, dji osmo action 4, dji action 4 low light, gopro 12 specs, best action camera 2023, dji action 4 review, best action camera, dji, gopro, new action camera 2023
Id: MyJhG6l4m3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 25sec (1405 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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