Insta360 Ace Pro vs. GoPro Hero 12 vs. DJI Action 4 - THE NEW KING???

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[Music] this right here is the brand new insta 360 Ace Pro the very first action camera featuring a built-in AI chip so this thing has some some very clever little tricks that it has up its sleeve but also it's co-engineered with Leica so the lens is super dope the image quality is amazing and it has a 2.4in touchscreen on the back that uh it flips up a flip up touchcreen on an action camera yes it's still waterproof now today instead of just telling you guys about the Ace Pro I'm going to compare it against the GoPro Hero 12 and the DJI action 4 because I know that's that's all the comments would be if I if I just talked about this today so let's uh skateboard around Oceanside real quick get a bunch of footage and we'll go back to the office we'll talk more about these three cameras and how they stack up against each other yes it is magnetic magnetic Mount magnetic Mount no magnetic Mount GoPro hero2 2023 no magnetic Mount Come on GoPro okay I'm going to I'm going to go try to skateboard with holding these three cameras or maybe I'll maybe I'll put them on this tripod and I'll try to hold a tripod with three action cameras while skateboarding that sounds like a good idea great [Music] [Music] idea [Music] okay that was all three cameras in different lighting scenarios as I skateboard around Oceanside and yes later in this video I will have a low light comparison between these three camera the low light test um was pretty shocking but there's no possible way that I could tell you guys everything that is new on the Ace Pro while also doing a comparison versus the GoPro and the action 4 so any questions that you have at the end of the video put them down in the comments I'm going to do an entire follow-up video trying to answer as many of your questions as possible on on this new ace again 2.4 in flip up touchcreen I love I love this touchcreen and a magnetic Mount again magnetic Mount magnetic Mount no no magnetic Mount thumb screw thumb screws okay first up in this comparison let's look at image quality and you're going to see right on the front of this camera the Leica logo because again this was co-engineered with Leica so the lens is a super suit A 2.6 aperture and anytime that you you see the Le a logo on a camera you you know it's going to be pretty good but inside of here we have a 1 over 1.3 in sensor on the action 4 we have a 1 over 1.3 in sensor and on the hero 12 we have a 1 over 1.9 in sensor so a significantly smaller sensor on the hero 12 than these two cameras that will come in play when we talk about low light and in my past videos on the action 4 verse hero 12 I think what most people kind of came to was that the hero 12 still had better image quality in bright scenarios but that the DJI action 4 did a little bit better job exposing things and it was better on white balance and with the Ace Pro the Ace Pro has has this sensor but has an AI chip to be able to get this image quality and you see that in almost every one of these kind of side by sides with all three cameras is that the ace Pro's image quality looks more on par with the hero 12 but it has the the smarts and the brains to get the white balance and exposure more on par with the action 4 kind of kind of The Best of Both Worlds with with this new camera and where that really comes into play is in those low light scenarios larger sensors and and the brains to do a couple little tricks one being a brand new Mode called Pure video mode which is designed for low light in that pure video mode it's automatically going to reduce noise it's going to enhance the brightness and it's going to give us more dynamic range and in all my testing downtown the GoPro the GoPro just didn't look good at all it completely fell off in in low light of any kind and then the action 4 did a good job of maintaining brightness again that's where that sensor comes in but the the dynamic range falls off pretty heavy I went by the gas lamp sign downtown on my skateboard and you could see how much more dynamic range was in the Ace Pro over the action 4 again these are literally the exact same sensor this AI chip is just better able to take advantage of that sensor and give you more dynamic range as for resolution we are on par with the action 4 up to 4K 120 the GoPro 4K 120 and then it can go to 5.3k 60 so you do have a bit more resolution on the hero 12 than these guys at 60 frames a second if you're doing 4K uh 120 frames a second on all three cameras and then one really slick feature of the Ace Pro is something called Clarity Zoom where you can be in 4k and then you can double tap the screen it will zoom in 2X and still be 4K both the action 4 that can zoom 2X and this guy that can zoom 1.6x I believe these are both doing that digitally so whether you did that in camera or you did it on your computer you're basically taking a 4K frame and as you zoom in you are reducing the resolution but on this guy you can be at 4K you can zoom in 2X and you are still at 4K you have not lost any resolution on this camera even though you have zoomed in I don't know exactly how that works but it's it's fancy as crap as for for photos on these three we've got 12 megapixels on the action 4 we have 27 megapixels on the hero 12 and on this guy we have up to 48 megapixels on the Ace Pro now not that I use my action cameras for taking photos very often but it is nice to know that that if you got this in your pocket and you do want to snap some photos uh this guy can do it it also has it has a very clever feature with photos like like a reason or a way that I will use this for photos first let me tell you about pause recording and cancel recording and these are these are software features in here and essentially how they work is this I can start a clip and I am now recording a clip I'm I'm out there I'm filming but let's say maybe you're on a bike ride or something like that and you pull up to a stoplight you're just going to have like 40 to to 60 seconds of nothingness In that clip and then you get going again and that's the video that you really want what you don't want is that 40 to 60 seconds at the stoplight so in here now I have a little button where I can pause recording of my clip so right now that clip has paused but when I press the record button again I've now restarted that clip it's the same clip I don't have multiple files in my in my folder it is just one clip that I was able to pause and then restart recording from and being able to pause a clip in the middle of a clip and then continue recording still on that same clip is very clever but even more clever is that I can swipe over and I can go into my library of videos of other videos I've already shot and I could hit this little button here and I can continue recording I can add more video footage to a certain clip that's in my library and it just extends that one clip I don't end up with multiple files which could be awesome if maybe you were just doing b-roll for something and you were like oh I want all my broll shots in one clip you could just every time you wanted to shoot b-roll go back to that clip hit continue recording and then all your b-roll from an entire day of shooting will be on One Clip and again not separate files that you have to hunt down later another very clever little software feature is called cancel recording a lot of times you start a clip you get recording maybe you're you're waiting for somebody to do something you're waiting for something cool to happen and it it never does so you you know you hit stop and then you just have that clip on your your folder and later when you're trying to make a video you've got to go through all these different clips to find the good one well let's say that I know I don't want this clip at all I can press and hold the record button and I've just cancelled that clip it has deleted it from from the card I don't even have to deal with it later and I thought at first I was like ooh that's one really clever but two what if you accidentally hit it like if I turned it on could I accidentally press this button and I've tried with like everything like like you can't like a solid surface if I was to take a a lens Hood like you can't press that button on accident I think I think that button underneath that little rubber cover must be like a hard plastic ring with the button inside because even like with my palm see I can't accidentally press so I can't accidentally cancel my recording you really have to physically like press down in the middle of that to get it to click and cancel the recording which again super clever to be able to clean up your files on the camera like you you know that that minute or 2 minutes that you've been filming you're like nothing happened the guy never did the thing that I was waiting for him to do I can just delete that file right away another very clever software feature on the a Pro which again neither of these two have so this this isn't so much the comparison portion of the video just some Nifty features from the Ace Pro this is called gesture control so they all have voice activation I can talk to all three of these cameras and get them to start a video stop a video take photos things like that but this camera can do it by gestures also so not pressing the record button but if I just hold my palm up it'll see my palm like this and it'll start a video clip and when I'm ready to end that video clip I I can hold my palm up and it it stops the clip it's using gestures seeing me as the person again using that AI chip it's like you're a person and hey that's your hand being held up let's start a video clip and then if I'm in photo mode this is the one that I think I'm going to use the most like with my kids is being able to hold this camera out on a pole and then you just you give it the pie sign watch this ready it now starts a 3se second timer and then takes a photo you just hold the piece sign up to start off so instead of like pressing the button and then like trying to put it on a sticker that's kind of what we've always done before or just kind of like held it out as far as I could now I could just have it on a pole have it held out get it perfectly framed up and then go and it it's going to start and take a photo for me gesture control on the Ace Pro so we have pause recording we have cancel recording we have gesture control and the fourth one that I wanted to tell you guys about is a AI highlights so one big thing that you can do with all the cameras is you can highlight portions of your clip so let's say you record a 30 minute clip you you uh you're going to be waiting a while while that transfers to your phone or your computer but on the Ace Pro AI can automatically detect on camera what is is cool in your Clips like when it sees action it sees something it's going to automatically highlight that as a flagged portion of your clip then when I swipe into my l here I see at the bottom a little flag and then a number in this case there's three so when I press on that it says 5.8 seconds 3.1 seconds and 6 seconds it has found portions of my longer video and it said this this portion right here it it's probably important for you and then from there I can I can even do more with it I can click in the top right corner I can select all of those files and then I can say separate Clips so it's going to take those three highlight clips and it's going to make them separate files on the card it's going to keep the original file but it's going to take those three little highlights and say Here's another file another file and another file on your card so later I can choose to just say I only want those highlight Clips exported to my phone or to my computer I don't have to worry about the rest of the footage and the other option is merge Clips which will take the highlights from a longer clip pull those out bring them over here merge them together and make a single clip these are things like when you use a camera for long enough when when you've been out filming for hours and hours and hours like these this is the kind of stuff that man just makes like your workflow so much easier and again that's all being done by AI let's get these off here and let's like kind of look at the hardware differences between the Ace Pro the action 4 and the hero 12 let me let me un thumb screw the hero 12 cuz again magnetic magnetic thumb screw okay on the action 4 we have a 2.25 in rear screen on on the hero 12 we have a 2.27 in rear screen and they both have a 1.4 in front screen so when you're using the front screen 1.4 in when you're using the rear screen 2.25 and 2.27 the Ace Pro though has a 2.4 in rear screen that again squeeze those little tabs flips up to become a front screen and this is so it's so cool for one like being in front of the camera when you're behind the camera both look amazing but also like low to the ground shots being able to hold it like 90° and hold it down here I can now look down and film something holding it all the way against the ground or maybe just like kind of walking around like waist level I can actually see what I'm filming maybe I had this mounted on my handlebars for my bike I can look down and I can see the screen or and this is a weird one but they said I could do it in a pinch if you didn't have any other POV mount with you you can get POV shots by by kind of lip biting the screen don't use your teeth like don't like ah but this and go [Music] mm POV shot just by uh lip biting the screen I've done it a bunch while testing this camera and it has not hurt the screen at all again on the the mounting of this camera it is not using the DJI mounting so this is still magnetic that the DJI mounts magnetically and insta 360 has their own magnetic system so these two are not cross- compatible with each other but yes they are both magnetic and I would say they're they're both good they're both really simple to use and both incredibly secure argument that some people have made about this mounting system like like using a magnetic Mount over something like a a thumb screw Mount is kind of silly and I think that I think they don't realize what they're looking at I think that the term magnetic Mount is is what's misleading about all of this yes it is magnetically aligning itself but it's actually has mechanical hooks that are hooking into place and holding in unless you squeeze these two tabs like this is just as secure as a a thumb screw but the moment that you do want it out you reach in there you press those two tabs and it pops right off and I I cannot stress how important it is these days to have magnetic mounting thumb screws they're terrible my life as an action camera user is significantly better because of because of these two Mounting Solutions it's also significantly better because of the battery life and fast charging of these two cameras the GoPro Hero 12 does not support fast charging so 0 to 100 on this battery is almost 2 hours while the action 4 and Ace Pro both support fast charging this guy will do 0 to 80% in 16 minutes and this guy will do it in 22 minutes so within 16 or 22 minutes you have 80% charge on these cameras again 2 hours for the GoPro to charge up and then lastly this is going to be for like a whole separate video but the Ace Pro is now going to be compatible with your Apple watch to be able to give it GPS and like those onboard stats with an Apple Watch or a Garmin or or this guy right here this is insta 360's remote control and you can you see look at this this is a live view remote control wherever my camera looks I have a live view remote that it comes with either this little Mount that it goes into which is for like your handlebars or it goes with goes with this Mount which makes it like a watch like this is on your watch oh I just started recording hang on so you wear this on your wrist or your handlebars and you can you can have your camera mounted somewhere else and not only can you control every setting on here but you have a live preview on your wrist so you could be bombing along have this out in front of you or out like on the wing of your your airplane or outside of your car and I have a live preview on on my wrist today though I just want to hear your thoughts on the Ace Pro vers the action 4 vers the hero 12 from looking at the footage from seeing the low light from knowing that this has a larger sensor than this guy has the same exact sensor as this guy but has an AI chip built in it was co-engineered with Leica has pause recording cancel recording magnetic mounting a 2.4 in flip up screen did I say gesture control has the gesture control on it there's so much that I feel like I could talk about with this camera the AI highlights if being able to do that in like the file management that goes with that will save me a ton of time in post yeah for me right now like this is the camera that will 100% be in my bag uh but what about you if if you didn't have any action camera right now which of these three would would you go out and buy uh and if you have one of these two or you have a previous version like one of the the hero 10 or 11s or the action 2 or three would you upgrade to the Ace Pro like is this enough of a of a change enough of a jump for you to make that jump for me uh the flip screen man that's great still waterproof waterproof to 33 ft waterproof to 33 ft waterproof to 60 ft on the action four but still waterproof and uh flip up screen let me know what you guys think I I am very curious and again any of your questions you have put them in the comments so that I can make that followup video and try to answer as many of your questions as possible I will see you soon how does a how does the action for compare to the Ace Pro in a low light scenario maybe these these lights in the background might be a good dynamic range test o I can see a lot more detail in the water on the Ace Pro than in the action 4 what do these two look like what what do you guys think between the Ace Pro and action 4 in low light again the GoPro the GoPro just looks like looks like trash in low light I've said that for years and I've always said also like action cameras don't need to be good in low light but now now that they are starting to look good in low light I I like it I I didn't think I needed it I didn't think I I wanted it even and then I got it and now now I like it
Channel: David Manning
Views: 206,976
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: David Manning, insta360 ace pro, insta360 ace pro review, insta360, insta360 ace pro vs gopro 12, ace pro, insta360 ace pro action camera, insta360 ace pro features, action camera, insta360 ace, insta360 ace pro camera, best action camera, insta360 ace pro low light, insta360 vs action 4, dji action 4, dji osmo action 4, osmo action 4, gopro hero 12, gopro vs dji
Id: TN4-IyKYwI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 35sec (1175 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 21 2023
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