Google Keep vs Google Tasks - What is the BIG Difference

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so that's the question should you use Google keep or Google Tasks and for what reasons is like Google Tasks better comparing to Google keep so in this video I'm going to compare both of these tools but not only that I'm going to show you how I personally use them right before I'm going to start with the video I'm writing a newsletter every single week I'm sending like tips strategies how to be more productive and effective in life and work and also what are some like new tools that you can check out for you to be even more efficient so if you're interested there is a link Down Below in description and let's start now with the video I don't want to waste your time so I'm going to be straight to the point how I personally use Google Tasks comparing to Google keep is that I use Google tasks as a to-do list or the things that I have to do on the other hand with Google keep I use it personally as a notes taking so let's say that I want to research something how to do but it's not a task it's just my own um like curiosity I'm just going to write it here all like uh quotes that I want to think about or for journaling whatever so I would write it right here and also great thing about Google keep is that you have options to have reminders here now I'm going to show you example for example in Gmail how I use both of these tools so in Gmail when I'm going to be Google Tasks I'm going to delete this one I'm going to show you let's say that I got 15 invoices every single month what I can do is to put them all in my Google tasks as of things that I have to pay right so let's say I have the canva invoice right here I will take it I can easily move it to my Google tasks on my ideas on my list of work and then I have the canva invoice right and I can have details here so pay it as sub and then date and time let's say it's going to be Friday tomorrow and what is really great about Google Tasks is that automatically you're gonna find in your attachment of your task the email so when I'm going to be right here I can press here your canva invoice and here we got it right so imagine that I'm going to like 15 invoices right here I can easily click pay click pay click pay and just then press finished and you're going to find it even in your Google calendar so that's a great thing too so I can have it tomorrow okay and that's how I personally use the Google Tasks so whatever I got in Gmail important to solve like let's say a sponsorship so let's say that someone's going to write me hey Marcus would you like to SPO oh like do a sponsor video or ask yeah sure I can and what I'm going to do is that I would just take it move it right here to my Google Tasks and it's finished so I know that I have to bring my attention to it on the other hand with Google keep in a Gmail when I'm right here what I can do let me show you I will delete this let's say I have some interesting email right on a plan your day about how to plan your day more effectively what I can do I can take a day take a note how to plan my day and this is not a task so this is just a note for me and what is really great that even right here uh the email is an attachment in my Google keep so when I'm going to come here to Google keep I see the plan your day and you can open it directed that email so that's a great thing to do too now of course comparing to Google Tasks with Google keep you can have reminders collaborator background options or edit image archive or even more where you can add a drawing make a copy delete a node all of that so we can even draw here so that's like another difference comparing to Google keep I mean Google Tasks now when I go further on the Google Calendar so what we can do in a Google Calendar in Google Calendar what is really great is it it's automatically sync up so Google Keep Google Tasks and also Google Calendar you have option to see everything right here now when I'm going to press right here and I'm going to write uh called Jessica I can choose it's going to be tasks right and this is going to be 4 AM going to change it to let's say 10 30 am and I'm going to press save automatically as I created the call Jessica I'm going to have it right here in my tasks right in my Google Tasks and it works also in different ways so when I'm going to create a new task so let's say I'm going to have tasks right here and this is going to be for um productive Universe I'm going to add a task so my new task is going to be let's say right to my sponsor and it's going to be tomorrow at 3 pm okay and I can see the task right here and you can also find the Google like the keep notes also here that you can play around with so even if you want to create from the notes in your calendar a task for Google Tasks you can do that I really hope I'm not um like losing you in a process but it's like really amazing how you can use it also when I'm going to come here and have a task board and I have the invoice you can have it like finished finished and then in the end of the day you can have completed my recommendations is always adding some emojis you know in the start of work study or whatever you're gonna have because then it's like easier to manage in and that's pretty much it how I personally use both of these tools Google keep oh I hope you look like a different account where I have like so many notes here that I win every single day so I got like interesting quotes from books I got them in Google Keep and every morning I just read them to remind myself so that's how I personally do it and then in a Google Tasks I just write the things that I have to do so let me download comments how are you personally using Google Tasks and how are you using Google keep I'm really curious and in what way you see also the difference because this is how I personally see the difference but I wouldn't personally use also Google tasks as a project management tool for that I don't think that's great but other things it's perfect so to summarize this video Google Tasks perfect for like Simplicity and effectivity on how you can even create tasks from emails on the other hand with Google keep you can take notes uh from the emails let's say with the Google Calendar similar thing I can like okay oh this is I have this is something I have to do from Google Tasks I will write it to a note as a reminder if I want to or what you can do is to write directly in Google Calendar a task and then you will have it in your um Google Tasks the task board too so I I'm saying so much so many times the Google word but it's okay now on the other hand with Google keyboard I like is that you can draw right so I can like you know withdrawing and I'm just going to write oh like I don't really know how to oh yeah the heart right or I can just paint something so that's something you can do too and if you're someone who likes to just write notes with the drawing or you have something in your mind that you want to paint you can use notes for that right and when I'm going to come back here I see the node right here so that's also another advantage of Google keep comparing to Google Tasks so thank you very much for watching hope I bring you a little bit of value on what are the differences and how we can use both uh if you can have any questions so down below in the comments have a great day and goodbye
Channel: Productive Universe
Views: 9,276
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: productivity, productive universe, how to be productive, project management, crm, daily planner, app, best productivity apps, google keep vs google tasks, google tasks vs google keep
Id: sVwxodG-MNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 25 2023
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