Google I/O 2012 - The Art of Organizational Manipulation

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BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Wow. Everybody's all quiet and ready to go. How are you guys doing today? AUDIENCE: Great. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: We got some more seats up here in front. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Couple of seat-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Scattered around. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --if anybody wants to sit down. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Wants it. Good. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Welcome to The Art of Organizational Manipulation. I am Bryan Fitzpatrick. Most people call me Fitz. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: And I am Ben Collins-Sussman. Everybody calls me Ben Collins-Sussman. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So we are engineering managers at Google. I see a lot of familiar faces in the audience-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --which is pretty cool. And we started the Chicago engineering office back 1,000 years ago in 2005. And we've been working as engineers and engineering managers for a lot longer than that. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. And in the course of our travels, like he said, we've gone from software engineers to management. We've worked on a bunch of teams in Google. We worked in open source for many years. And so over that period of time we've sort of developed a bunch of stories and experiences that we want to share with you. And we've been doing that for a few years now. And this year we want to talk about life inside a large corporation. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: As usual, we like to start our talks also with a disclaimer. We have a very brief one here. And basically, the same thing that applies to all our talks, which is that these are our opinions. And some of it doesn't actually apply if you're working for morons or if you are a moron. But our point here is that this is our opinions. And if you don't like it, you can get your own talk. And lastly, we think that what we're talking about here is not the only way to do engineering. But we think it's the most effective way to spend your time when you're working in engineering. It's true. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Doing software engineering is fun and a lot of work. But really, if you want to be super efficient and effective, you need to learn to work with people and with corporations. So, that takes us to our next slide, which is that corporations, companies, as you think about them, they are not made out of source code. And they're not made out of-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Compilers. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: compilers. They're not made out of brick and mortar. They're actually made out of people. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Companies are made entirely of people. And people are what not only make things happen, but people in companies are what prevents things from happening in a lot of cases, as well. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Or cause things to happen. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Or, yeah. Occasionally, they do cause something to happen. But more than anything, if you're going to be an engineer in a big company and make things happen, you need to learn how to navigate them. OK. Now if you're in a small company or a start-up-- in fact, maybe we should do a quick-- how many people here work in a company of less than 15 people? OK. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's like half the audience. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. 16 to 100? 100 to 1,000? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: There we go. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Bigger than 1,000? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Woh. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Oh, OK. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: There we go. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: All right. You're going to like this. So, you're the guys who need the flashlight, a GPS, and a big truck of bread crumbs to navigate your organization. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: All right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: All right. So that's a lot about what we're here to talk about. Now, I'm aware-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Some people-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --that the term-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --organizational manipulation's a little weird. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's a little sensational, isn't it. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's a little bit-- we like sensational titles, like poisonous people, that sort of thing. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: We could have just said a talk about office politics. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. But we like to call it organizational manipulation. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: You could also call it social engineering, if you like. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Ah. [INAUDIBLE] BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So, there's three parts to this talk. We're going to give away all the surprises at the beginning. There's three parts. We're gonna talk about working in the ideal company, the reality, BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Just to get a nice diff there. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah, exactly. The company that most people find themselves in at one point or another and that we found ourselves in in the past. And lastly is the manipulation, which is the awesome part. But most companies are a blend of the ideal and sort of the reality. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So you get to pick and choose what applies to your situation-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --as we chat. So let's start with the perfect environment. Like, what should it be like to work in a large corporation, right? Let's talk about-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: We'll make this quick because this isn't very interesting. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: No, it's good stuff. I like this. So the first thing that you need to think about-- at least what we preach in a lot of our talks-- is that management is a bad word. That really we talk about leadership, not management Because the worst thing that managers do is they manage, and that's-- stop managing, start leading. And what it means to lead is it means you should be a servant to your team. If you have a good leader-- could be a manager, could be the person you report to-- their job is not to tell you how to do your job. Their job is to remove roadblocks and be like a butler to your team, make sure everyone is efficient and happy. And I'm sure that's exactly the way it is in your company. But that's the ideal that we preach. And that's what we try to practice as managers ourselves. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And often fail at. That's how we learn. So we get better at these things, I think. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: But I mean, when I first started out, the first time I had a meeting with our CEO, at the time Eric Schmidt, he came to Chicago. Had this long meeting with him. I was very nervous. And he was asking me all these questions. At the end of the meeting he leaned back, he said, so what do you need? I mean, I had done all this preparation for all these answers to all these questions he was gonna ask me. I had no answer for this. I just sort of, I'm like, what do you mean what do I need? I'm just some dude. You're the CEO, man. Aren't I supposed to do everything for you? And-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: That's a great question. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's a fantastic question. And it's one that I like to ask people who work on my teams as well. What do you need to get your job done? What do you need to be happier, to be more effective? And I can guarantee you the next time I met with Eric, I had an answer. I had a whole laundry list of things that I needed, because I was ready for that next time. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: But that's great in the sense that Eric saw himself as there to help you, not grill you on what have you done for him lately, kind of thing. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: That's a great example of good leadership. So the other thing we'd like to talk about, if you're working in this ideal company, is that as an employee you should pursue responsibility. And what we mean by that is being able to leave your comfort zone and do things that are interesting to you and things that you think are best for your product, best for your company, not necessarily asking permission. We like to talk about seeing the forest through the trees. Sort of novice engineers get told what to do. They expect to get told what to do. They do exactly what they're told. Then they come back and they say, more work, please. And in a great company where you can grow, when you have software engineers who are growing and developing, you have a situation where they're actually doing more than what is asked of them. They go out. They not only do what was asked of them, but they come back with a more general solution or a proposal to get something better done, right? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: There's generalization going on. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: And that should be rewarded. And that should be encouraged. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. An example is if you're a forest ranger, they send you out in the forest to cut down the diseased tree. The novice forest ranger is going to go in, cut down the diseased tree, and come back and say, I'm done sir. But the more experienced one might come back and say, I cut down the tree, removed all the branches and the stump and everything. And I found 57 other trees that have the same disease. And they're right here in this map. Would you like me to do something with them, as well? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Create a plan. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Exactly. It's creating a plan. And those are the kind of people who wind up getting more work, which is usually a good thing if you like what you're doing. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's the reward for work-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: The reward for good work is more work. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Sure. As long as you like the work. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's a good thing. No, really. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: As long as you like the work, that's the reward. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: As long as you like the work. But I mean, your leader's more likely to give you more interesting things to do because it's less work for them. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: And they trust you now. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And they trust you now. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN:They see that you're thinking big. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Exactly. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, what else happens in an ideal corporation? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Well, you might question things. You might, instead of just doing what you're told, you might actually question something you don't think is right or you think it's harmful or you think there's something better you can do. It's more of a dialogue than someone says, hey, you should do this, and you just go ahead and do it. It's about not being a doormat. It's about challenging the status quo and trying to think of better ways of making things happen. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Absolutely. Part of that also is just learning to communicate well. This is something I know that does not come naturally to everybody. There's that old joke about how do you know if an engineer is outgoing? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: How, Ben? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Looks at your shoes. All right. Fine. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Ooh, tough crowd. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, but communication is critical on a team when you're doing software engineering because you want to let your manager and your teammates know. You want to know about your victories, about your failures. You want to know what your expectations are. What do you need, right? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Having the answer to that question ready to go when somebody asks you instead of just sitting there with the blinders on doing what you're told. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And obstacles, even. Like-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Sure. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Remember when your team had some issues with legal, and they were like six weeks waiting for a response from legal. And Ben and I were having a cup of coffee, and it's like, oh my God, you know, this is just killing us. This legal is not responding. And I said, why didn't you tell me. I know these people in legal. And I got on the phone and resolved it in about an hour and a half. And that's not because I'm some amazing person. It's just because I knew who to call and talk to politely, let's shall we say. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: All because I communicated with you. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Awesome. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yay communication. So another thing that people often forget about in big companies is actually is that people treat you the way that you ask to be treated, I guess, is the way-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. If you expect somebody to act a certain way, they often act that way. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. So, it's about getting your work done. Nobody should be counting how many minutes you're at your desk when you check in or check out. If you get your work done, it's obvious. If you don't get your work done, it's obvious. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So that's what we mean by-- and it certainly is true at Google. One of the reasons we like working there is they treat everybody like an adult by default. And it's a wonderful thing. And that is not true of other companies I have been in. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. Well, there was a guy that came to work with us, and he was on my team a number of years ago. And he'd worked in industry for 20 years. And it was his first day. You're a little bit, like, overwhelmed. Quarter to 5:00, he came up to me and said, look, I'm really sorry. I have an appointment that I couldn't move. I've got to go. But I'll be here 15 minutes later tomorrow. And I said, look, man, I don't care when you come and go. As long as you put in your 80 hours a week, you'll be fine. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Fitz is just cruel. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And he looked at me and he understood that I was joking. But he did get the point that he's responsible for making things happen, and that it's not about being in a seat at a certain time. It's about being available to your team to make sure that the work gets done. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Sure. You were telling me another time when we do a conference in Chicago every winter where we rent out a big hall at a university, a whole building in fact. And one of the first times you went there, you went there to get the keys from the person who runs the building. And instead of a series of lectures about don't do this, don't go here, blah, blah, blah, stay out of blah, blah, blah, the guy was just like, here's the building. Here are the keys. I'll get them from you on Monday. See you. And like, you were telling me that was-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: That was intimidating. It was really. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It was intimidating because it's like, wow, this person just put so much trust in me. I better leave this place better then I found it, right. They expect me to behave this way, so I'm going to live up to their expectations. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. I mean, if they set up this fence and they say, here's the fence. It's six feet tall. It's made out of concrete. Don't go any further than that. People will often just pile crap up against the fence because they're like, I'm being treated like a child and I'm going to act like one. I'm a caged animal. I'm going to run around and rattle the cage. People look for those boundaries. But when there are no boundaries and you're given this responsibility, I think it's a great responsibility. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So let's talk about another thing is taking risks. If you're in a company, in an organization where you are allowed to take risks and to expand your comfort zone, you can do things like fail fast. You can take more responsibility. You can fail, document what you've learned, adapt, and then try again. If somebody gets upset with failure, just explain to them it's a way of learning really quickly. Think about, Think about-- anybody here have kids? You can raise your hand. You ever see a kid burn themself on the stove? It's painful for the kid, but you know what? They learn really fast that that's hot. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So does my cat. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And they don't want to touch that. You can sit there and give them a lecture on thermodynamics and all you want. But, man, they just stick their hand in there and that's the last time they're ever going to pull that stunt. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. Also when you exercise, that's one of the things they talk about. If you work out at a gym, sometimes you want to do weights to the point where your muscles actually start to fail because that's the point where you improve. If you always just do just enough exercise so that it's comfortable and then you walk away, you never really get any better. You just stay at that level, right. If you exercise to failure, you start to push yourself. You grow, you adapt. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right, right. So without that risk, you really never improve. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So, those are a few of the tips that you can do if you're living in a lovely garden that's well raked like this. Unfortunately, we're aware that most companies look a lot more like this kind of a garden. And most people work for people who look more like this. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So let's talk a little bit about the bad manager which is-- there's a statistic-- and remember that 75% of all statistics are made up-- there's a statistic that 50% of the happiness of your job comes from your manager, whether you're happy working with them or working for them. And that really is true in my experience. I've had the, I'd say, opportunity to work for some really great managers in my time, not only at Google but in other places. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, a typical bad manager is someone who essentially prevents a lot of the things we just talked about. They prevent you from taking any risks at all. Failure is a terrible thing. Not even the smallest failure is terrifying to the manager. And of course, that spills over to you. And then you're afraid to take any risks, as well. In addition, the manager also thinks that you're there to serve him or her. And again, instead of what can I do for you, it's what have you done for me lately. So, all the meetings you have are sort of you're on the defensive. You're always trying to prove that you have a value to him or to the company. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. How are you gonna help me climb the ladder because I'm the manager here. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And whatever you do, I'm gonna take credit for it. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Nasty. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Unless you screw up, in which case that's all you. And that's unfortunately how it works. And this is something that most people don't talk about, but everyone's aware of on the team, is that the bad manager will ignore people like this, low performers on the team. And that is one of the worst things that a bad manager can do. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Well, it's a huge drag on the team. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Well, it destroys the team's morale. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It causes you to lose your best performers. But, I mean, you've got six good guys on your team and one person like this. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: And pretty soon, your best people on the team start to leave-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Because they get tired of dragging this person along. So a good manager's someone who's really going to take care of low performers. So this is some of the things that a bad manager might do. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Other characters. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Others characters. Another important person to be very wary of is the office politician. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: He's awesome. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: This is a very friendly person. They're usually very great at managing up. And this isn't necessarily a manager. This might be another engineer on your team. They're very quick to take credit for something that happens. They're also very quick to assign blame. But they put a lot of energy into looking impactful, but not being impactful. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Perception is 9/10 of the law. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Exactly. Perception is 9/10 of the law. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: And they understand that. And they do everything to make their perception as important as possible. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And the thing that most engineers will do when they encounter someone like this is they'll just go heads down and ignore them and say, I'm going to write great code. I'm going to have a great product. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Engineers hate politics. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: 'Cause I don't like the politics, and I don't want to deal with this person. But that's very dangerous because if you're not careful, this person can wind up getting promoted and being your manager. We've seen that happen, too. So they're someone to steer around. But it's another example of why even if you don't like dealing with the promotion process or stuff like that, it's important to pay attention to that sort of thing because it's a way of getting yourself in a safe place. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: You don't want to get run over by this person. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right, exactly. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: If you're passive, that can happen very easily. Let's talk about the organization itself now, not just the people you run into. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: There are many types of bad organizations out there. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: This is one, for example. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: And what are the stereotypes we all know about? What makes a corporation hostile to employees? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Hey, Ben. I'd like you to finish that product by Thursday. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Awesome. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And I want you to also test it. I want you to QA it, push it into production. And, oh, I have a new feature I'd like to add in as well. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Didn't you just take somebody away from my team? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah, yeah. But you should be skydiving in with the product tomorrow-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Excellent. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --as well. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: No problem. So, right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And don't forget about the bike and the rappeling. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Impossible. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, yeah, impossible schedules, impossible expectations, not enough resources to get done what they're asking you to do. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And when talking about resources, we mean like-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: People. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --computing resources, not people. People are not resources. They're people. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: You don't like it when people call them-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: I don't like it when people call-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: How many resources do you have on your team? That's a pet peeve. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: But we've all seen companies where you can spend $3,000 on hardware and save hundreds of engineer hours, but companies don't do that because you're already there and you're going on. That's a capital expenditure. You're just a payroll expenditure, and-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. They don't do the math with the big [? scheme. ?] BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. So that's definitely something to be wary about. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, something else that big corporations tend to do is they simply don't trust you. We talked about trust earlier, right. They treat you like a caged animal. They treat you like a naughty child. They just see you as replaceable, expendable. And in the worst case, they just see you as a cog in a machine. This person is here to do x units of work in y amount of time. And turn the key, it should all just work. And we're not doing an assembly line here, right. This is a creative job that requires a creative environment and a lot of social skills to survive. It's not just line up replaceable parts and turn the knob. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And there's a lot of different technological ways that this happens. You get time cards where you punch in and you punch out. Or you're caged by your IT department in so far as we're gonna set up a big firewall and prevent you from going to any website that might distract you or waste your time. And we see companies do this all the time. Or we're gonna prevent people from checking their personal mail or from using instant messenger, all that sort of thing. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Just like a naughty child. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Exactly, just like a naughty child. And we're gonna measure your productivity in great ways, like lines of code. See how many many lines of code you wrote today. That is a great way to encourage people to write lots of lines of code, of crappy code, right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: More code is always better. I don't know what you're talking about. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: I'd like to rate people on how much code they delete myself. But-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: That's true. Yeah, hard metric. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And so beyond this, things start to get a little fuzzier. Some companies suffer from this complete chaos of direction where there's too many leaders without a central vision. You might have seven different bosses giving contradictory directions. What was it, the quote from Office Space? Bob. I have seven bosses or eight bosses, or whatever it was. But another characteristic of this organization is one that's obsessed with titles and hierarchy and political power struggles. And I have you on my team and your miserable and you really want to work on that team, but I'm not letting go of you because if you leave, I can't get anyone else. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's just that the amount of distraction is huge too, right. Even if you put forth Herculean effort to achieve these impossible goals, if different bosses are moving the goalposts around all the time depending where you talk, it's just infuriating. It just drives you insane. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And to some extent, this exists in even companies that are well organized and high functioning. Years ago when I first became a manager at Google, I was in my happy little [? world, ?] writing code and shipping code and moving things in production. Everything seemed pretty straightforward to me. I knew where we're going. And then I became a manager, and I was talking to all these other higher ups. And suddenly there's all these different things. We should do this. Maybe we should do that. And I went and talked to the guy who had previously been manager and I said, the company's gone crazy all of a sudden. What happened? I'm like, we were all going this way and now it's like all like this. And he's like, it's been like this forever. He's like, I've just been hiding all that crap from you because it's-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Really good manager. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --it's a distraction. And I'm like, wow, you weren't as bad as I thought you were. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: No. Yeah. But that's the sign of a great leader or manager, protects the reports from that chaos so they can get their work done. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's fantastic when it happens. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's also the sign of a great cleaning person. You only notice it when they're gone. Like, this place is a dump. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Well, let's talk about how we actually get things done in a dysfunctional organization or even just a large organization. The amount of dysfunction varies from place to place. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: This is how you're gonna survive in a particularly toxic environment. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Here is the magic question. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: The magic question. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, the first thing we like to talk about-- and this is something you'll actually hear a lot at Google. It's attributed to various famous folks. I forgot-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: No, it's attributed to Grace Hopper, I believe. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yes, yes. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And if anyone hasn't seen Grace Hopper's talk on nanoseconds, go check it out. It's on the internet. We're big fans of the internet. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, the trick here is this is about risk taking, but a particular kind of risk taking. It's know how far you can go without seriously jeopardizing your career, the risk of getting fired. But you will discover it's amazing. If you know something needs to be done, you know what the right thing is to do, and you go in there and you start asking your seven bosses, can I do this? Can I do this? Every time you ask someone is an invitation to say no. And that's the default answer, right, especially in an organization where people are afraid of failure or risk. So-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And the reason a lot of people ask permission is because you're relieving yourself of responsibility. I could be, look, I asked the Bobs. They said it was OK, or they said no. So, the Bobs are preventing me from getting stuff done. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's scary to take responsibility when you're doing a risk. But often that's the only way to get anything done. So act first, apologize later. That's the other way I've heard this phrase. And don't do anything that you can't undo. That's sort of the rule of thumb, I suppose. And be prepared to back up your decision if someone does come to you and say, why on Earth did you do this? And if it fails, try again, right. But at least you're getting something way more done than the folks who are scared or folks who are just asking permission, being turned down all the time. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And you can usually choose the action or the consequences, but not both. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: I like this. Yes. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: OK, so-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Give an example. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: An example is-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: You control either the action or the consequence of the action. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. So I can launch a product, but I don't know how it's going to come out necessarily. Or I cannot launch a product, and I know that nothing bad's gonna happen. You'll see this a lot in family situations. I'm gonna say something to my family because gosh darn it, I'm gonna show them that this is the way it's gonna be. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: But then you can't control the result. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: You can't control the way that they're gonna act or the way that they're gonna behave. So-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: But, let's say the other side is I want-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: You can change your actions to achieve a particular consequence. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: The result is that I want my uncle to be happy-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: That would be something different. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --I have to work backwards and do an action that I know is gonna cause that. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And that's definitely the case in companies. And it's not a rational thing. Some people would say, well, I'm gonna act this way, and you should act this way. If you ever hear yourself saying to someone, well, so-and-so should do something, you should just stop right there. Should is a magic word that shows up in your head that means that you are trying to control the future. And it's really difficult unless you're Batman or Sergey Brin, or both. I don't know. So, not saying anything. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: I've never seen them together. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: I've never seen them together either. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's very strange. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So let's talk about choosing battles. This is something that comes up a lot. There's usually folks in your organization or on your team who are very opinionated. Nothing wrong with that. Problem is they don't always know which fights to choose. And that is a hard lesson to learn for some folks. They put so much energy into being so passionate about everything that they end up getting almost nothing done because they're not choosing their battles. And it tends to drag down the momentum of the team. It tends to drag down momentum of the leader of the team, having to defend and deal with everything that's happening. So, you need to know not only just which battles to choose. You need to understand what kind of political capital you're spending to win a certain battle. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Is it worth it? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Is it worth it? Are you gonna spend all your capital over here or are you gonna spend it over here? Because once you've used it up-- you've called in your favors, you've done whatever-- you can't just turn around and have another screaming battle the next day on a different subject. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Because if you think of it as a train and you're trying to stop every engineer that comes by every 15 minutes in the train, eventually they're just gonna run you right over. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And lose their patience. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: They lose their patience. But also remember that every time people hit the brakes, you're slowing down the progress of the product. So that's something that you really got to be careful and think about, is it worth it? If you're gonna beg forgiveness rather than ask permission, make sure it's for the right thing. You don't want to spend all your political capital in making t-shirts or something. You'd be better to spend it on launching a product-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Now sometimes you have a really great idea but you're not sure how to communicate it upwards in the organization or laterally to other teams. And you'll fight a battle, and you'll scream about it. And it turns out sometimes the best way to get your idea out there is not to make a giant stink about it, but instead to do the subtle, subliminal way of moving the message around. So it turns out that your ideas can go really, really far in a company-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Really far. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --if you don't take the credit for it, or if you just don't care whether you get credit for the idea. So it can be something as simple, at the grassroots level, just sort of whispering this idea to certain friends or to certain people on another team at the lunch table. Or mention it in passing when a VP is walking by. And maybe he'll overhear. It's an art form in itself, but it's actually pretty powerful. We've seen this happen, right, where an idea-- and by the time maybe somebody at the top who is a decision maker hears the idea formally presented, there's been so much buzz about it already in the company that it doesn't seem like such a crazy idea. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And you can actively use this if you're trying to change someone's mind in your organization, is tell people that you know who trust you that they trust and ask them to mention the idea to that person. And if they hear it from [INAUDIBLE], even if they know what's going on, if they keep hearing this over and over again, they're gonna be like, hey. And next thing you know, you hear it coming out of some vice president's mouth at a press conference or something. And your response can be, hey, that's my idea. Or you can be like, hey, that's my idea. That's pretty awesome. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. Yeah. What's more important? That it happens or that you get the credit? Sometimes you have to choose. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: You're choosing, right. You have to choose sometimes. So, let's talk about habits. Anyone here has ever attempted to quit something, like quit smoking, quit drinking? Some people I know-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Caffeine. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --have to quit eating. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Have to quit eating. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: But bad habits, or systems, really can't be destroyed. But we found that they can be replaced by a new habit. OK. You have a great example of this you did with one of the teams you work with. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. We had-- one of the teams I took over, at least for awhile, had this standing meeting. I know it was Agile Scrum something something something. But-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It was Agile-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Oh, OK. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --at one point. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. I'm not trained in those magic techniques. But it was every morning. We're gonna all stand here for 20 minutes or whatever and go around in a circle, blah, blah, blah. And people were kind of frustrated with it, but they were just doing it out of habit. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Well, but it turned into an hour, right? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Got worse. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: There was sitting down, and it was like group therapy. Well, you know, I went out-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Not so efficient. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --last night. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: You know, I don't have anything really to say but I want to talk about Rails, you know. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: But the thing is-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Ow. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's cool. It's cool. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Oh, oh, stop. But the point is it wasn't a totally useless meeting. There were some nuggets of communication going on in there. So it would not have been, probably, that smart to just be like, this is stupid. Kill this meeting forever. Go away. Instead, we just replaced it. We said, all right, let's instead have just an email thread that goes out every morning. You have a cron job that just sends an email saying, hey, what's going on? What did you do yesterday? What are you blocked on today? Everybody reply to this thread, right. Everybody spends 30 seconds replying. You're done. People can read the thread whenever they want. So much more efficient. Gets the exact same sort of thing done. And it sparks off side conversations, which is all that matters. That's we wanted. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: But there's one sneaky thing you did as well in that, is that-- and this is a sneaky technique for introducing anything new or changing anything-- is three magic words, let's try this. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: We can always undo. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Let's try this for 30 days. Let's try this for two weeks. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: If it doesn't work, everybody hates it, we'll go back. And oftentimes, people are like, oh my God, I mean, it's not permanent. We can actually just try something for 30 days. OK. And then after three weeks, they're like, oh, it wasn't so bad. This isn't so-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Or they just forget it was a trial and just do it forever. That's usually what happens if it goes well. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And beyond that, let's talk about-- back to the organization and moving around. This is something that most engineers we know-- and it's often been abhorrent to us, I think, as well-- is the ladder of a company. OK. We talked earlier about the office politician who's always sort of working it, trying to go up the ladder. And most of these bad companies, bad organizations, have-- there's a mismatch between doing the right thing for the company and doing the right thing to promoted. OK. So you have to make a choice. And it doesn't have to be black or white. It can be a little bit of a gray blend. You can do a little bit of both. But it's dangerous if you choose to always do the right thing and ignore being promoted. OK. So, as we mentioned earlier, you should climb this ladder until you get to a safe place. And so, it is worthwhile to spend energy on that. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: This works particularly in companies that are very power driven, that where hierarchy and title is right at the forefront of everybody's mind. That if you can get yourself up to a high title, then people will leave you alone because you've got power, right, or some imaginary title that tells people to leave you alone. Just working the system, right? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. It's your bubble. It's your safe haven. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Now a companion to that idea is not only can you work up the ladder to the point where nobody can tell you what to do, you can go find some place in the company to hide. It sounds crazy, but there are projects that don't get bothered. There are teams that have so much credibility that no one will question or bug you, or just give you a bunch of freedom that you might not have otherwise. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: There's often an executive who values what you're doing, as well, more than some other executive that might be in a different part of the company. So moving to a different department or different team or something is often a good way of being safe when the nuclear war comes. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Sometimes you have to do this every couple years as the company changes if you want to stay happy. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Some of us have been in companies that every fifth Thursday is layoff Thursday. I worked at a company years ago that I will not name and nobody answered the phone on Thursday. And if your boss showed up in your office all a sudden, it was just panic time. But-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Talk about perception. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Perception, yeah. Upward perception. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: This is a tricky thing. We said earlier that perception is 9/10 of the law. And so what that really means is being aware not just of getting stuff done and doing the right thing, but always be thinking in the back of your head, how does this look to people not on my team or people above my level? What are they perceiving, right, because that is at least as important as what you're actually doing. The office politician knows this. And you need to at least-- maybe you don't need to manipulate people the way the office politician does, but at least you need to be aware of it and make sure it is not misrepresenting what you're actually doing. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, you want to launch things as much as possible because that creates a great perception. You want to under-promise. You want to over-deliver. These are all things we strive for. And I personally, I had problems with this when I first became a manager, a leader. My team had the project [INAUDIBLE], we had a huge amount of technical debt, and it was just crushing us. So the first thing I said was, all right guys, I'm the new leader here. We really need to hunker down and spend the next six or nine months just focusing on our technical debt so that we can be free of these shackles and then move on. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And your director said-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Great idea. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: The director was like, that's great. We love it. You should totally do that. Of course, he was completely wrong. He didn't actually-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: He wasn't lying. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Well, he didn't-- he thought it was a great idea-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: He thought it was a great idea. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --intellectually. The problem isn't-- this is something I've come to think about later-- is that I have this idea in my head now what we call offensive versus defensive work. Offensive work is work that is very visible to outsiders, like, write a new shiny feature, make this product faster, anything that's going to be impressive to people outside your team. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: A lot faster. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Really visible. Defensive work is just as important as offensive work. It's all the invisible work, right. Oh, we're gonna maintain the product. We're gonna migrate the database. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Refactor-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: We're gonna refactor code-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --code. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --so it's more maintainable. We're gonna make our monitoring of our systems more robust so we have better uptime. That's all stuff that's completely thankless when your management looks down. It looks like you're doing nothing. And that was a huge slap in my face because after six months my director was like, why aren't you guys doing anything. I'm like, oh, look, we did all this. We're doing so much work. And like, it looks like you're doing nothing to me. And he was annoyed. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Looks like you're fixing crap that you broke in the first place. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah, right. So-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. Why didn't you write it right the first time? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: There's no sympathy. There's no-- so that's the sad politics there is that even though defensive work is just as important as offensive work, you cannot spend all your time on defensive work. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And to be clear, this isn't a malicious attitude that people have. It's just the-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Human psyche. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --perception is 9/10 of the law. And that's absolutely the way it is. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So we have a rule for now where about usually-- never spend more than about a third of your time and energy as a team on defensive work. Because if you do more than that, then people just think you're holding still. And-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: If you do less than that, your product falls over. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. But it's a tricky balance to find. But you have to stay aware of that. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So, next we want to talk about-- I want to make you an offer that you can't refuse. Think of the movie The Godfather. There's a favor economy, that isn't necessarily done, and there's not cash. It's like someone asks you to do something that you can easily do-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Or you could easily say no. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: You can easily say no, but it's typically gonna be easier for you to do it, or make it happen, than for them. And, it's very much in your best interest, most of the time, to do that for someone. Now, I'm not-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Not in the short term. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Not in the short term, because it can take a little bit of your time. And I'm not saying that you should be a doormat or let anyone walk over you or someone continue to take advantage of you. But look for opportunities to help. And these are the kind of thing-- it's like making small bets, where there's no real house edge here. You make a small bet and some of them, you're just gonna lose. A buck, it's gone. Buck, it's gone. But every once in awhile, you're gonna win the lottery, and it's gonna come back and pay you back in spades. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So when we talk about building up trust, making these small favors, you're building up karma and trust that will come back eventually. There was a great quote somebody gave when we talked about this idea with them. The quote was, friends come and go but enemies accumulate. It's a great thing because basically it's saying don't burn bridges. That's the corollary to this theme is that it will destroy your karma and trust in this favor economy if you leave and burn a bridge. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And sometimes you get very quick return. I mean like the recruiting team called us up and they said, hey, you guys are those two nerds with the lab coats, right? We want to do some videos where people can talk to engineers-- ask questions of Google engineers. Would you guys mind taking some time to do a video? Now-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: We could have said no. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Could have said no. It is a half hour, 45 minutes out of our day. And we said, oh, sure. Yeah, we'll do that. So we did this video for them. And they were super glad to throw some extra recruiting resources to help us find some people for our teams. Because now they know us. Anyone in recruiting's like, hey, you guys. Your [INAUDIBLE] been such a huge help. And it's actually been a bigger bet because other recruiters worldwide are using this video to, well, to recruit more people. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: We get to do fun things like interviews at IO for the live stream because of what we started because of small favors. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Those are just-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Fun stuff. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --some really visible examples. But it extends to absolutely everything. There's a book called The Luck Factor. Anyone heard of it? The guy did a test. He put an ad out, and he said, are you lucky or unlucky? Please come take a small survey-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Who responds-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --a small test-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --to an ad like that? Sorry. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. Do you consider yourself lucky or unlucky? Please take this-- I guess it's people who don't have a job. I don't know. So you had all these people come in who said that. And he said, are you lucky or unlucky? And they'd say I'm lucky or not. And then he'd say, here's the front page of a newspaper. I'd like you to read this. I'm gonna time you. And we're gonna see how fast you can count all the pictures in the front section of the newspaper. Ready? Go. And now the average person who considered themselves unlucky took about two minutes and 16 seconds to find all the pictures. The average lucky person took less than four seconds to find all the pictures. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: How is that possible? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: That's possible. In the middle of the third page in 144 point type it said, there are 42 pictures in this section. OK. Unlucky people were very focused on exactly the task at hand and nothing else. The lucky people were the people who maybe looked a little bit outside. And so the point of this book is that you can actually manufacture luck for yourself. And the favor economy in a company is a way of making luck. And so we're big fans of that. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Love it. So, it also helps, sort of following in this theme of favor economies, finding influential friends. And what we mean by that is there's certain categories of people within a company who are very useful allies to have. We'll talk about them. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: I mean, sometimes it's useful years and years later, right? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. It turns out I ended up managing my former TA in college, became my report. It was very strange. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's a good thing he was nice to you-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: He was very nice-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --in college. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --to me, right. But again, that's all about don't burn bridges because you never know. The person who you have a fight with now may be your manager in the next company. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Especially in the-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So you don't know. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --tech world. The tech world is super, super way smaller than you think of it. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Surprisingly small. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Our friend Carl likes to say there's only about 3,000 people in the tech world. Everyone else is local color. So let's think about that next time you quit your job and want to go out in a blaze of glory and tell everybody exactly what you think about them. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Jump off the plane. Go down the chute, right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. Take your beer and hit the chute, right. So the first kind of person is a connector. These are people who, basically, one of their part-time jobs is connecting you with other people. If you need to get a hold of somebody in the company, you don't know where to go, they're the person you're gonna say, hey, you have any [? tips? ?] They'll be like, yep, talk to Megan-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Human routers. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --talk to Steve. Yeah, exactly. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: They are literally human routers. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: They're very well connected. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Beyond the connectors, find people who have influence within the company. We happen to be lucky to have Vint Cerf, who discovers wonderful things like the internet. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Also, they aren't necessarily celebrities either. So they could just be someone who's been at the company for 20 years, a real old timer, may not be in a great position of power, but, boy, they know how the company works. They know who everybody is. And they are sort of secretly able to influence things just behind the scenes. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: With very subtle movements. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: RIght. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Good ways to whisper those ideas that you don't want to take credit for necessarily. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Now, I'd like to stop for second and give you all a word of warning. Do not screw with administrative assistants. OK? You might think it's just some guy or woman or whatever at a typewriter and typing stuff up, all right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: They look harmless. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: They look harmless, but they will cut you. OK. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: If you cross them. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: If you cross this person, she will ruin your life. OK. Administrative assistants-- and I'm not saying that-- again, we're not talking about manipulating-- we're talking about manipulating. We're not talking about being like that office politician. We're just talking about a little bit of yes time, a little bit of politeness. It goes a long way. It really does. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: There's an immense amount of power that flows-- I mean, there's like the official org chart. Then there's the real chart of power. And administrative assistants are right in there, way more powerful than you think. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Well, a good administrative assistant will wield their executive's power and-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: As a proxy. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad. But, yeah. So you don't want to be on the wrong side of that. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Great. So, the other thing, just talking just about in terms of communicating with people, a lot of people love to do electronic communication. You're gonna do email. You're gonna do chat rooms. You're gonna do instant messages. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Hangouts on air-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Hang [? outside ?] [? air. ?] Face time is a huge deal. The mere act of getting on a plane and flying to the other branch of your company, or just driving to wherever the other office is-- being in somebody's face has a massive impact, not just on the ability to get things done, just in the connection you make with that person. 10 minutes in the face of an executive, or whoever, is gonna have a much more memorable connection to that person than 20 emails you have over two weeks. It's not the same. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: I learned this lesson. I've known this for years, but I decided to take a shortcut a few months ago. I had a meeting with a senior vice president. It's a 15 minute meeting. I wasn't gonna fly out to Mountain View for that or anything. And we had a global outage of our video conferencing system. And so then I backed off to Google Voice, which was out. So, I'm in my cell phone, kneeling down in the corner of our building trying to get a signal with my one hand in my ear and my phone up against my head. And they can't hear. They heard every third word. So, that's a very extreme example. But being there, being there face-to-face, in person, is not only more helpful in the room, but where it helps is coming into the room and going out of the room You've got little more time. Hey, how was your weekend? What did you do? What's going on? You wind up with chance encounters in the hallway. You might walk to the next meeting with this person, get a few extra minutes. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's another reason why we talk about how it's so important for teams to have lunch together. We give tours of our office in Chicago. And we show them the cafe where you get free lunch for Google. And a lot of people will say, I don't know how Google can afford this? And the answer is, how can Google not afford this. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Return on investment. It's so great. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's huge to get your teams-- even if they're not talking about your product-- get people together for lunch. Get them to understand that they're working with other human beings that have lives, that have wives and children, perhaps. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Absolutely. Sometimes when you're trying to do electronic communication with people, they don't respond or they're too busy, right. It's amazing when you just pop your face over at their desk or-- this is crazy. Sometimes we pick up the phone, and we call their desk. And they jump because they're like, what's that thing ringing on my desk. I forgot it was there. What is that for? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: How many engineers hate the phone? I don't even have a phone on my desk anymore. It rings through Gmail, which is kind of cool. But even when that rings, I'm like what is that? I prefer the asynchronous communication. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, there is a trick. Sometimes you need to communicate with executives. Something's important enough that you actually need to get in front of them and ask them for something. And there is an anti-pattern and there's a pattern here we want to promote. The anti-pattern is to-- maybe you're not right in front of their face. Maybe you just want to send an email. And the anti-pattern is you go in and you write this long rant, this tirade about something's wrong, blah, blah, blah. This is wrong. Then I did this and this-- And it's 15 paragraphs long-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: No line breaks. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: No line--- and all sorts of-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Because this is your chance. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: All sorts of questions in there, embedded in there, right. And what does an executive do when they get an email like that? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Delete. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. Now why do they do that? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Because they just don't have time to understand it. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: A busy executive gets about 10 seconds to go through email. If any of you have ever seen an exec's inbox, it looks like a distributed denial of service. Because the emails just come, and they come from everywhere. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And so, you get about 10 seconds of their time before they timeout. So if they get 10 seconds into your first paragraph and you're on bullet point one of 612 and they can't figure out the point, they're just gonna delete it. I wish I could help this guy, just don't have time. And people, like Ben said, will usually rant forever. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, we have a technique that we think works pretty well, has worked for us. We call it the three bullets and a call to action. So essentially, you make three short bullet points, one sentence each if possible. We love this example. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: This is how to get a pony. This is a fun example. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: And then a single request at the end. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: A single request. This is a great example. But I would like to disclaim, once again, that it doesn't work for insane things. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It doesn't work for getting a pony. It doesn't work for getting Ford to buy your new laser windshield wiper idea. And it's not gonna get you a meeting with the CEO of Amazon. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: No. But it did work one time when you were working for Apple, before-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --you got to Google. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So, I've been refining this since first a version of this worked for me. I was at Apple about-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: 10 years ago? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: 11 years ago. And I'd bought my mom one of those big strawberry iMacs. It turned out it was a lemon iMac. And it just kept failing. And it spent more time in the shop than ever. And I was super mad and super frustrated. And somebody was like, hey, Steve's email is BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Just mail Steve. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Oh, great. Oh my God. And I just like started ranting. My mom got this computer and she works at the school and she did this and she did that and she rebooted. And then, you know, like, it was like 3,000 words. And this very wise guy I worked with said, look, you're just wasting your time. He's like, make it short-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Really short. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Really short and a call to action. So, I made it really short, as short as I could, which was still too long. And then I said, look, basically I just want to resolve this so my mom doesn't have this crappy, broken computer. Because I feel bad. I work at Apple. I'm trying to defend it. And she's telling all her friends she's got this busted computer. And about 15 hours later I got a call from somebody who worked for Steve and said, hey-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Administrative assistant, perhaps. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: No. It wasn't. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: No, OK. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Someone in corporate executive relations, which is an assistant of sorts. And a week later, my mom had a new Mac. And we've refined this, and we've tried this over the years. And the shorter you go-- and when I say three bullet points, I mean, three 80 character bullet points. You can't just keep going under this line wrap stuff, right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Now, sometimes you can make links to other-- like, if you want more detail, if they're really think they're gonna need background, you can put a hyperlink in there or draw a line and say, you know, detail is below if you care. But as long as the top can be parsed in 10 seconds, you're set. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Right. So. Yeah, sometimes I'll do that. I'll put at the top brief summary and then long boring, long-winded rant-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: TLD [INAUDIBLE] BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --after your signature and everything. But the fact of the matter is that executives usually, if they can wave a magic wand and have someone that works for them right some wrong-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: They love that. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: [INAUDIBLE] BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: They want to do good. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: That is the best feeling in the world. They feel like Superman or Wonder Woman. They're like, let's make this happen. This is 10 seconds of my time. I forward an email. But if they can't parse it, they're just gonna, yeah, delete it and get rid of it. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So give them a chance to be awesome. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Super valuable trick. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So what happens if you're in a bad company and you try all these things, nothing is-- things still are horrible. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Well, you go to Plan B, right. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Plan B. What is Plan B? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So, we're gonna talk about Plan B. It takes a little bit of time, but we've got another 45 minutes here. This is Plan B. Plan B is get the hell out of there. Now-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: A lot of people don't consider this option. That's just funny to me. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Now, we say this with a little tongue in cheek, and we're trying to be a little funny here. But we've been giving these talks since 2007 now-- 2006, technically, I guess. And after these talks, every year someone comes up to us and says, you know, all that stuff you said, it is great. But I tried this and I've done that and I've done that. I just can't make anything happen in my company. And last year at IO, this guy came up and he asked me all these things. This was two years ago. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yep. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: He said all this stuff. He said what I can do. And I said get the hell out of there. I said, update your resume, start focusing your energy into maybe some classes or training you might need-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Don't be a victim. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --or whatever. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: But don't be a victim. If you can't change or navigate the system, start putting your energy into leaving. Learn your new skills, start a job hunt. I got an email from this guy a couple months ago. And he said, hey, you're the guy that told me to get the hell out of my job two years ago. And I went and took classes. And I am now-- just got a job offer in Japan as a product manager for like my dream company. So thanks for swearing at me. All right. But this is an-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Great story. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --option. The minute you realize that you can leave, it's incredibly liberating. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Empowering, right. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Well, you want to tell Meng's story? Meng has a story about [INAUDIBLE] BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: You tell that story. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: OK. So Meng, Chade-Meng Tan, who works at Google, just wrote a book. It's called Search Inside Yourself. But he has a blog. And he talks about a lot of really interesting things. And he wrote a post earlier this year that said, every day I go into work and I do the right thing, what I think is the right thing. And then I sit back and wait to get fired. And if I don't get-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Sounds grim. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: --fired, then I realize that this is the right company for me to be working at. He said if I do get fired, then I realize the company's done me a favor. It's done us both a favor because I won't be trying to do the wrong thing for them, and they won't be trying to do their own thing for me. Now, I know this is a little bit of an extreme case. And I am very much aware that not everyone has this luxury. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: But it's a nice philosophy to think about. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It is a nice philosophy. He went on to describe that his dad lived by this philosophy. And every day he would drive home and he would look at the government subsidized housing in the way. And he'd think to himself, if I ever screw up or get fired, that's where I'm going wind up living, as a reminder to himself of what he had and what he didn't have. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So there we go. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So that's it. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Let's talk about-- well, BRYAN FITZPATRICK: One more thing, I guess. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Recapping, I guess. Just a few. So remember that companies are made of people, if there's one thing you remember from this talk. And being successful as a software engineer means not just being successful with your code base or knowing the latest technologies. It also means learning how to deal with people and how to deal with corporate politics. It's just as important. And it's something, unfortunately, you can only learned through experience, for the most part. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's efficiency, and its effectiveness. It's not just about touchy feely, lovey dovey crap. It's about a way to make your stuff go a lot further with a lot less effort. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And you will be happier-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And you'll be happier. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --as a result. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Now, so. But before we wrap up, we've been giving these talks for six years now. You may have seen or heard of some of our talks. They're all available on YouTube. And I think they're going to come in here eventually. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So pretty. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. We love the effect. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: You may have seen us on the internet. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yes. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So yeah, we have a bunch of these talks. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And now we have this talk. And so, we're really happy actually to announce-- we've never announced this publicly here other then occasionally on our G+ accounts. But, we've written a book that incorporates this and a whole bunch of other stuff. It's called Team Geek. And it's available. You could pre-order it. We won't give you any particular book seller to buy it from, like Amazon. But you could buy it from wherever you like. And you'll find information about this talk as well as other stuff in here. But it's all about people aspect of software engineering. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It'll be out in a couple of weeks. And so we have little cards, if you're interested. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: They're at the door. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Are at the door, I suppose. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: So, thank you, guys. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Thank you very much for your time. Now, if you want to leave, please feel free to run off. We do have some time for Q&A. We have two microphones here. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Please step up to a mic-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: So, please step up. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --if you have questions. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Anything we can clarify. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yep. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Otherwise, we'll be hanging around here. Any questions? Let's see if anybody hits the mics, or if we scared everyone away. Here comes someone. First question. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Hello. MALE SPEAKER: Good afternoon. A little quick background. I work a Fortune 10 company. It has a half a million employees. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: All right. MALE SPEAKER: And one of the big things that we do is-- like you said, perception is 9/10, and it's almost 10/10 in some points. And I've seen very technical engineers work up the ladder through hard work and a lot of perception because they understood the climate very well. But then when they got to a certain level, they began to lose some of that thing that made them magical. Having the technical people in the top level still be technical and still understand, they get lost in spreadsheets and finance records and whatnot. So you being technical managers, how did you keep that? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: I think to some degree, we're lucky at Google, which is a rare thing. They actually have two different ladders, one for engineering and one for engineering management. And they do not cross the ladders. And they never force anyone to move from one ladder to another, which is unusual. Typically, in a usual company, the best engineer climbs up the ladder. And then in order to advance, they have to become a manager. And now you've-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Which is a terrible idea. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: --lost the world's best engineer, and you've gained the world's worst manager. It's awful. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: And then that engineer usually leaves. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: I think we're immune from that a little bit. But I think there's always some element of it. And to some extent, you can push it off. To some extent, you can navigate around it. But it's very tricky. It really is. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: That's an argument for focusing on social skills explicitly and political navigation, not just relying on your technical expertise and hoping for a meritocracy. I mean, it's an argument, I suppose, that something they need to think about and focus on as an actual activity. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. MALE SPEAKER: OK. Thank you. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Thank you. Next, please. MALE SPEAKER: You touched on a few things in your talk about this. But I was wondering if you have some specific recommendations for staying sane when you're managing a satellite office at a large company? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Geographical distribution. MALE SPEAKER: Yes. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: That's a tricky-- BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Other than liberal applications of alcohol? No, kidding. That's a really good question. Are you talking about avoiding the need to have to travel all the darn time or--? MALE SPEAKER: Balancing the travel, not going stir crazy, staying connected. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: That's interesting. MALE SPEAKER: You guys are familiar with this challenge. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Well, yeah, we about this in the book a little bit. One of the things that we find really useful-- I mean, the reason a lot of companies like Google, for example, is they like people to be geographically centered in one place because there's so much value in face time, in having-- just being able to swivel around in your chair and ask the right person right next to you a question as opposed to sending them an email or getting on the phone or whatever. You want the friction to be as low as possible. One way we have found working on distributed teams-- we've been in that situation-- is to actually have, like, a continuous chatroom, like IRC in particular. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: One of my teams has a Chromebook actually-- talk about IRC first, then we'll go on. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Well, IRC, right-- for those people who remember what it is-- it's an actual group chat system designed for group chat, not IM with some party feature stapled on. It's noticeably different. Everybody would literally just hang out in an IRC chat room all day long, corner of their screen dedicated to it. And that became-- for distributed team working in three different offices-- that became our substitute sit in a circle, swivel all our chairs around to talk to each other. You could fire a question in there any time. Everybody would see it. Everybody would reply. And it creates, partially, that allusion of being in the same room with everybody. It really helps. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: One of my teams, actually, they use a lot of chat. But I gave them a Chromebook. And they set it up between two of the engineers. And VC Chromebook to the other engineer in the remote office. And they had that up pretty much half the day or so as a way to just quickly grab a question or-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It is strange to just see a floating head in the middle of a bullpen. Like, is that your other teammate? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: When people are coding, they look very angry most of the time. But you have to use everything in your power to do that. And the fact of the matter is is that the people, the engineers who are in the remote office-- and having been in the remote office for many, many years-- it takes more work. It takes more effort to get where you're going. And the advantage of that is you get to live where you want. So-- BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: It's a tradeoff. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: It's a tradeoff. And we've made that tradeoff. And we've built an engineering office in Chicago with the help of a lot of other people. But it's never friction-free and 100%. And you're still gonna have to get on a plane once in awhile. MALE SPEAKER: Thanks. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Yeah, sure. We're almost out of time here. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Almost out of time? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Want to do one more question? BRYAN FITZPATRICK: One last question? Anyone? BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: We'll go out in the hall, if you guys want to ask more questions. BRYAN FITZPATRICK: Yeah. We'll head out in the hall and talk some more. But thanks a lot, guys. Appreciate it. BEN COLLINS-SUSSMAN: Thank you.
Channel: Google Developers
Views: 34,874
Rating: 4.9363818 out of 5
Keywords: gdl, i-o
Id: OTCuYzAw31Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 02 2012
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