Google Home using NodeMCU, Blynk and IFTTT

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hello everyone hope you all are doing great this video is about making your own Google home you say no time see you and Google assistant in your phone hey Google turn on red light to build one like you saw in the video we need an autumn see you be able to connect it with the computer of course a breadboard and three LEDs and few wires and a smartphone so this is about controlling devices with voice commands over the internet over the internet means if there is any device connected to internet anywhere in the globe you can control them using this cool technology for the time being I am going to control these three LEDs with my bubela suspend in my phone so to get a clear idea of the project about the working I'm going to put up a small simple diagram in here so we have no time see you it does where we are going to connect our LEDs so literally we are going to connect LEDs control LEDs you can connect any device into it to control it and we are planning to control these LEDs with our Google assistant in our form [Music] so in order to do that we need help from this guy called blink so I'm drawing it in a cloud and we need one more guy which is called ifttt [Music] [Music] this bling platform is used to control devices like no dempsey use over the Internet the lots and lots of devices supported by Blink so we if we configure some not MC use information on the bling platform and if we configure some information about bling platform in the nor MCU they can communicate each other meaning with bling platform I can control these LEDs which is connected to Lord MCU that is what bling platform do so through bling platform I can connect these LEDs I can turn them on turn them off but that is not what we want to do what we want to do is we want to control these LEDs with our Google assistant in our phone this is our phone okay so in order to do that we need a guy called ifttt [Music] what does this guy do is we have to configure some information in this platform about blink and assistant so when we configure this what will happen is when I say let's say turn on red LED this Google assistant is going to communicate with IEF TT and this IMT T can give information to blink to turn on this red LED so that this red LED can turn on so literally this one is connecting our assistant and blink so it's like an intermediate ER so I have to configure this eye of TT and blade in order to get it done so this is a basic idea of our project okay when I say turn on red LED assistant is going to communicate with ie of T T when I ft t we have configured everything so that whenever I say that this idea is going to communicate with bling so that bling can control this LED in the NOTAM C so this is the whole basic idea of how project bling is a great tool for IOT applications they can do a lot of projects related to IOT using playing platform in order to start with bling we will need three main things the first thing is a mobile platform it can be either a Android or iOS but for this particular project I'm going to use Android only because Siri in iPhone is not going to support this feature so I'm going to use my Google assistant in my android phone and the next thing you want is an iud hardware so in this particular project I am going to use node and see you as an IOT hardware the lots and lots of other IOT hardware supported by Blink application of bling platform you can check it in their website or the app will be doing it eventually and the third thing we need to have to start with the blinkers and internet connection obviously without an interconnection we cannot connect anything to anywhere no time shield is another cool electronic programmable board similar to or denote it has digital pins analog pins power pins like 3.3 vol ground and all and it is our X DX all the pills that we can see in there not innovate and the connectivity is a little different we have to use a micro USB cable something like this my tow USB cable to connect it with the computer and in order to do the programming part we can use the same ID that we are using for audio codes so there is no problem in that case and another major difference from Audino that I want to notice us it has an inbuilt Wi-Fi so so that I can easily connected to a Wi-Fi modem or a hotspot and I can get connected to the internet with noir FC hope you got an idea from the block diagram so now let's set up the blink platform first then we will go into the node MCU programming pot so this is my home screen I'm going to place two others in mobile Android app available some searching for blink so you will get it the spelling is BL y NK IOT for Audino ESP like that so you can install it I already installed it that is why it's showing on install and op and option so if you don't have the app install it and I'm setting up everything from my android mobile itself not from the web platform ok I'm not in the PC so I'm opening my app there's an Android app ok so this is the first screen you are going to get when you open the blink app for the first time so here you have to create an account you can log into the Facebook also so I am choosing create new account so in here we have to give you a lead email id this is little important because the app is going to send an authentication code to the email id we can access a authentication code in the app itself but but I think it's a little important to give a valid email id so I am giving my email id which is this and I'm going to give a password like swish D search t so this is my setup so I'm signing up so they have something each widget needs energy to operate when you delete a widget energy is returned okay they're showing something I think it's not that important so cool got it so this is the main piece when you log in when you sign up so there are three options main three options like new projects my apps and community so what we need to do is we we have to create a new project so I'm not going to talk about these my apps and community so new projects I'm tapping on new project so a new project we have to give a project name I'm giving like Google home since that is my project and the next option is choose device so it is written like esp8266 that is not our hardware we are using for this project we are using node MCU so I'm tapping on that arrow down arrow so when I tap on the down arrow I'm getting a lots of hardware supported by bling platform you can see a lot of lot of hardware's so I'm going to search for not MCU so here is it know them see you I'm choosing that one and then there is an extra third option like connection type how are you going to connect it to the Internet so I'm choosing Wi-Fi if you tap on it you can see options like Ethernet Wi-Fi USB GSM and all I'm choosing Wi-Fi and the next option is steam you can choose either light or dark theme so I'm choosing light for the time being so tap on create then they'll create its now they have send an application code to my email id okay you can also find it in Rajat settings so even if you're not opening the email it's okay we can find it in the project setting so I'm tapping up key so this is the account we have created this is the project we have created in our account like this you can create multiple projects in the same account so now what I'm going to do is I need to set a few things like I have connected three LEDs to my Nord MCU so I have to set up like three buttons in order to turn on those LEDs so for that we need a widget there is something called widgets in this so this is actually on the top bar you can see three main options like this one is project settings okay you have a lot of settings here we will talk about later I guess and the next one is the widget box so you can choose any widgets you want it depends on the project so if you want to create I mean if you want to control three LEDs I think we can choose button widget okay so this is the widget I have just chosen now I'm going to tap on that widget now I have the settings the first field is written as button if you want to give a custom name for the buttons suppose if this button is for controlling red LED I can give it a name like a red red LED if you want to give it like red LED you can give it give it like that then the next option is output 1001 okay if you tap on that pin you will get options like digital analog and virtual so in the Nord I'll see you we have connected three LEDs to three digital pins it was like the 0 D 1 D 2 and my green LED was connected to be zero yellow LED was connected to d1 and red LED was connected to d2 so since I have named it red LED I am choosing my d2 pin like this and tap on okay so this is now the two pin previously it was written like pinning and this one is like zero to one meaning when you tap on the switch it will go from zero to one that that means it's like turning on okay that's it then you can select the mod of the button if you want a push option or a switch option I think I'll choose a switch option because that is much matter which option is like you have to keep pressing on it if you want to turn it on okay so I'll go for a switch often because I want to just switch it on and switch it off so that's it then on/off levels also you can you can change when you tap on it it is going to show like off if it isn't off States and it's going to show like on in the on stage so if you want to change the on label you can change it to anything I'm not going to change it right now the next option is related to design which is font size and text and on I'm not changing all those things these are the changes I have made I have named the button like red LED I have chosen output pin as d2 because my red LED is connected to D 2 and mode as switch not the push one if you want push also I think there is no problem but but it's better to keep switching in this case and these labels or these things we are not changing so if you are interested you can try changing it so I'm going back to my button now the name has changed or LED and it's showing d2 okay so I'm going to add another widget [Music] in the similar way I can add two more bit just to control my green and yellow LED [Music] so I have created three buttons for three LEDs so this is it nothing else to do in this I'm going to show you how to see the authentication token this is the settings of my project project setting you can see the name and all so then you go down now if you choose this devices Google home node MCU this is your authentication code okay so if you want to get it again I'm going to show you that go to google project settings and there is something called devices choose that and my device choose the choose your device again then you can see hardware model the connection type and authentication code okay if you want to copy it I guess when you tap on it you can see the notification here see talk and copy to the clipboard now you can paste it somewhere and you can see the full token now it is not showing the full token you can paste it somewhere in your mobile phone in any text editor or something then you will get the full application code that is really very important we need to use it in many many places so I'm going back so this is it now actually now this isn't actually in the edit mode okay now we have to change it into the play mode in order to control the LEDs so in order to change it to the play mode this is the button on the top right now you can see a triangle button this button when you tap on this button it is now in the play mode now you can see three buttons okay when I tap on the first button now it is showing on now it is showing off so like this I can control my LEDs now I didn't configure anything in my not MCU so nothing is going to have so if you do this icon like top right you can see a controller board kind of button there and it's showing a alert so when I tap on that it's showing Google home was an online yet that means my not MCU my hardware which is connected to this blink it should be connected to this blink platform is not online actually we didn't power it we didn't configure it that is why it is not online so when I power the or not MCU and I program the not MCU and when I connect it to the internet it will get connected to the blink platform at that time this is not vacation won't be there okay now it is not connected to the blink platform my hardware is not connected to the blink platform that is why it is showing like this let's do this so cute so I have my not MCU a breadboard few wires to connect all the things and three LEDs so let me plugged in or I'll see you first [Music] that's it I'm going to collect my three LEDs I have one red one yellow one cream so let's connect it in this way let's wire everything first of all what I'm going to do is I'm going to connect all my negative to a common dream and from there I'm going to connect a wire to my ground pin I have three ground pin and here one here you can see it one here and one here I'm going to connect a wire to this ground so let's make the common rail and connect that common rail to this ground wire [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's it now I'm going to connect all my positive to digital pens of my not MCU just like ordinary have few digital pins here and there's only one and allow pill inaudible see you if you look into the body you will understand that so what I'm going to do is I'm going to wire all my positive to D 0 D 1 D 2 that is my green should go to be 0 yellow 2 D 1 and red 2 D 2 [Music] so that's the connection part now what we have to do is we have to do the software part so I have a cable to connect this node MCU to my computer and I can do the programming part so we have our setup so I have connected a USB cable with my not LCU and I'm going to connect it with my laptop so we have no IDE then I have connected node MCU with the laptop now we have to do some configuration in the into software in order to do the programming turnout and see you so if you go to tools usually we choose board so now here it is Susan like or you know you know but I'm using not I'll see you so I have to choose no dempsey you here if you didn't use not MCU before you have to go to boots manager and download the both core files for not MCU actually I assume that you all know how to do that so I'm not going to show it here if you don't know how to do it just mention it in the comments so that we will reply to you how to do that don't worry about it but now for the time being I am assuming that you all know how to do that so I am just choosing my not MCU 1.0 e SP 12 emore you'll that is a modular I am using okay so I have to choose the board first in tools now my Hall tools meadow has changed it has a lot of options I don't need to change all these things all I have to do is select port now pod comm 20 I'm choosing that port so now everything is set now one more thing is you will have to download a library to use blink platform with not and see you if you want to download that what you can do is you can go to tools manage libraries this is the library manager it's updating list of Internet okay now it's ready so here you can search for blink this is the first option this is what we want actually I have already installed it if you don't if you didn't install it you can simply search blink then you will give this bling bye okay hope you can read it so that is what we want actually build a smartphone app for your project in minutes okay this is what we want so I have already installed it just install a new version now it's shows like version zero point six one zero so you can install that okay I have already installed it now I'm closing it so we need that library that is very important now let's move into the programming part first of all we need to include that blink library and a library called esp8266 Wi-Fi dot H to the program is what I'm going to do first first time including hash include esp8266 why is small F is capital by a small dot H okay this is an important library which will help our nor don't see you to get connected with the Wi-Fi okay so this is very important okay if you want to connect you're not MCU with the Wi-Fi we need this okay this is important now I'm going to include one more library file to my program include that one as blink B is capital simple SS capital e SP is capital eight two six six dot edge this is another library we want in order to use the blank platform without note and see you okay bling simple esp8266 dot edge so after including this what I'm going to do is I am going to type something like this care Oh [Music] okay here you have to type your own code okay you are all code so this means literally I am creating a character array hope you know what is a character array this is to store or simply speaking this is to store your authentication code in the program okay I'm creating a space called Earth which is a character type in order to store my authentication code and my authentication code is this okay so you have to create something like this in order to store your authentication code then after this we are going to connect our node MCU to a Wi-Fi modem so whenever you connect a device to your Wi-Fi modem there are two things you should know one is the username one is the password so I'm creating another space just like we needed it in the case of authentication code this name is SSID SSID means nothing but we use a name of your Wi-Fi here my Wi-Fi is username as thrush t robotics [Music] semicolon now I have to create a space to store with my password which is [Music] this so so I have created a space to store my authentication code and I have stored it like this okay this syntax is very important okay you have to write everything in between these double cots hope you know that how to create this is called a character array actually so I have created a space called SS I need to store my username of the Wi-Fi I have created a space to store my password the space name is pass you can you can give actually any name you want instead of overthinking you can give anything anything okay just secret code or something you can type anything no problem for the time being I am giving it like Earth only here also you can change the names into anything no problem at all so now I'm moving into my boat setup so that these are the things I need it I need a avoid setup these are very important okay make sure you that you are typing everything correct if you're leaving a space here it's it's a very big problem it's not going to work okay so in void setup what I have to write this something called serial dot begin I'm reading cereal not begin I believe you all know what a cereal dot begin is so I'm not explaining it so the next is blink dot begin and in here inside blinged-out vegan which having brackets I advocate three arguments the first one is oh and the second one as SSID third one as password see here I have written same name that I have given here okay so that is very important I have stored my oath code inside this space so I'm giving that name as the first argument and I have given such T robotics that is my username of the Wi-Fi so I have stored it inside SSID I have given that name here as the second argument and just like that password as the third argument so that is what blink dot begin is so after this in void length loop I'm going to vote loop so in void loop I have to type something called a bling dot ready okay so this is it this is a program very simple I don't need to do anything else here like digital right digital read anything related to what you know nothing is needed because blink is I have already configured everything inside blink which pin which LED and all so blink is going to control everything in not MCU right now so after this what I can do is I can just verify the whole program I have written if you want to save it you can save it I'm not saving it so I'm verifying so done compiling now I can upload program upload [Music] it's uploading you can see if you things going on here [Music] they're not loading so I have successfully added the program in inside not MCU we have configured the bling platform so we are going to set up a FTD platform now we have already configured bling platform in a nice way now let's go to I of TD so I'm searching I of TT t in Google so this is what we want okay everything works better together I FTP so this is how the home screen looks like now we have to sign up so I'm tapping on sign up now I'm going to continue with Google option I'm going with continue with Google option because I'm using my assistant service I'm using my Google assistant to turn on turn off devices so here also I have I need the same Google account which my assistant uses so it is very important whichever I account your Google assistant using your mobile mobile phone you have to sign up or sign in with the same Google account so - yes already there - jitan cv3 3 [Music] so my password [Music] okay now I'm in [Music] so this is it now you can see this icon on the top right okay if you tap on that that's our account okay I didn't put a photo that is very showing like that so in here I have to do something called create so this is what I FD T is if this then that so we have to configure two things here what is this and what is that so first I'm going to configure this I'm clicking on this here I have to choose a service so what I'm going to do is if I'm telling to my speaking to my Google assistant to turn on a device so this means that service meaning Google assistant so I'm choosing Google assistant here and in here there are four options choose a simple phrase phrase with the number phrase with the text ingredient and all I'm choosing simple phrase option okay the first one so here what do you want to say I want to say turn on red and this thing is optional you can choose two extra ways here Sam I'm not configuring it if you want to configure it you can choose to extra me to turn on the red LED I'm not doing that next what do you want assistant to say in response I want my assistant to say turning on red light [Music] the language is English create trigger now I have to choose that okay I have configured then meaning this I have configured this that is my Google assistant service and I have did whatever I want and now if I'm saying that using my Google assistant what will happen that is what I have to configure here so I'm clicking on that here I have to look for something called a web hooks ok web hooks ok and choose make a web request meaning whenever I say turn on red light IFTTT is going to connect with another website ok so that websites URL I have to give here ok that means in this project it's blinking so I have this URL here in my not bad so I'm copying it and I'm pasting it in here and I'll explain it so this it has main two parts three parts ok mean three parts so this one is the server address of our bling platform okay you don't need to do anything with it okay don't change it okay this is a server address of blink and here this should be your project's auth code okay so he cannot write it like all token you have to write whatever the auth token you got when you created the project so my auth token is this I have pasted it in here so I'm copying it and pasting it here so have my oath code and the last part is pin okay here you have to choose the pin number here this one is for turning on red LED I have connected my red LED to my D - okay I have connected my red LED to D - so I cannot actually type like D - here okay if you connect if you type D - like this it's not going to work so what you have to do is I'm going to a new tab and I'm searching for something like node nord MCU pin map then he will get image results like this you can choose this and in any any image okay here you can see actually d0 is GPIO 16 so what I have to do is if I'm using v-0 I have to write 16 not d0 so here I am choosing deep - because my red married is connected to deep - so my GPA your pin is actually 4 so what I have to write this I have to write something called D for instead of D - so this is a correct my third ok if you type D - it's not going to work just take a pin map like this from Google and it will be written like GPA you fool so actually you are these two in node and C with D for here ok so that's it now next the method is not get it is actually put and content type you have to choose application but Jason and body this is to turn on red light or an LED so I have to type something like this [Music] okay this format is very important okay if you have if you are not following this it's not going to work so double guards okay blackheads are not so if you want to turn on it is one if you want to turn off it is zero okay here I want to turn it on so that's it I have configured URL put content type use application Jason and body one so create action so finish okay so that is all right now like this I have to create turn off red light and turn on green light turn off green light turn on yellow lights all those things okay so I am going to create it [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so we have created all turn on turn off commands for all three ladies so if you want to see it what we have created you can go to you can tap here you can go to my applets and you can see all six things we have created turn off green turn on green turn off yellow turn on yellow turn up red turn on red so these are the things we have created if you want to do any edits on any of these things just tap on it then go to settings like this you can edit everything okay and if you want to delete it also you can delete it if you are making any changes or save it again so that's it that's how we configure IFTTT now there is nothing else to do in this platform we have found figured everything now when you talk to your Google assistant it's going to connect it with a ftt platform and aftd is going to connect with blink so that we can control not and see you [Music] hey Google turn on yellow light hey Google turn on green light [Music] country light copying join the video if you like it will you put a like and subscribe the channel for more videos hey Google turn off all lights [Music] turning off all lights
Channel: Srishti Robotics
Views: 50,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Robotics, NodeMCU, IFTTT, Blynk, Google home using Nodemcu, Iot using nodemcu, how to make google home, internet of things
Id: 4MDpawHKJY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 27sec (2547 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 26 2019
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