Google HACKING (use google search to HACK!)

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you can do some crazy hacking stuff just by searching on Google like check this out webcams are perfectly safe right wrong look at all these webcams I can just jump into like check this out someone's like dog clinic or something that's crazy let's try it this one here someone's like house what the heck I can even change cameras what the heck that's not scary what about this one it's a supermarket well what the heck there's a guy he's wearing a mask good job guy anybody know where this is let's try to find some passwords and look at that database passwords all over the stake in place just by a google search a scary you need to learn learn learn cocky [Music] hey what's going on guys welcome back to network chuck I hope you have your coffee ready because in this video we're talking about Google hacking or Google Dorking what some people call it this is a legit thing that hackers actually use and I'm gonna show you how to do it but why am I talking about hacking well I'm becoming a hacker this video is actually part of a series where I'm showing you how I'm going to become a hacker and a huge massive shout out to IT Pro TV who's sponsoring this part of my hacking journey I'm actually using them as my primary learning source right now so if you want to check them out I've got a discount code Network Chuck and a link below you get 30% off everything they have forever and they have a lot of stuff not just hacking but like CCNA CCNP a plus everything now again google hacking is a real thing that real hackers use so first question is this legal like will the FBI come bust down your door as soon as you try this in most cases no what I'm about to show you is actually legal well up to a point you can cross that line and I can show I'll show you the line don't worry what it is still legit hacking is one of the first steps that any hacker will take when they decide to hack a target and of course I'm talking in the context of being an ethical hacker a hacker who does things for good not for bad you see the first step that any good hacker is gonna take when they're about to hack somebody as we're gonna try and learn as much information about their target as they can this is often referred to as recon or reconnaissance or you might see it as footprinting or even fingerprinting again just means gathering information gathering Intel because the more you know about your target the better you can hack and later on with other hacking techniques now a big reason why what we're doing is not illegal is because we're doing passive recon which in most cases means that we're just trying to get information that's been made public that's publicly available which in most cases it's gonna be something we can just google search that just comes up and what we're hoping as hackers is that this information was made public by accident so one may have accidentally exposed their passwords or maybe left their webcam open to the Internet that's what we're hoping for when we're doing these searches and if we search in just the right way using the right keywords and some Google search operators which I'll talk about here in a moment we can find some crazy crazy stuff now again you can take what we're doing here and make it illegal real fast I'll show you where that line is here in a moment and don't ever cross that line so keep that in mind now some people might find this step in the hacking process kind of boring because you're just gathering information like Daniel over IT Pro TV and I will be quite honest with you this is probably at least for myself and I've anecdotally found this to be true with others in my experience there's our food printing it's kind of boring right but you know what Daniel I think this part is actually pretty stinkin fun so ignore Daniel let's go have fun oh hey and I have a challenge for you two people will win a network Chuck mug us only if you perform a task based on the contents in this video so be looking for that challenge is coming up here in a moment now most of us already know how to use Google and we want to find something we type it in maybe I'm searching for my favorite coffee brewing method French press and I'll get a ton of results from the internet everyone but as a hacker we don't want to search like this we want to narrow down our search and find just what we're looking for we can do this with Google search operators the first one we're gonna use is called site just like that maybe I don't want to see French press results for the entire internet maybe I want to narrow it down to one particular website so I'll use the search operator site colon and then specify the website I want to search in maybe Starbucks Starbucks comm boom what just happened well if I scroll through here you can see that when I search French press it only pulled up sites that were Starbucks dot-com that's it so what's happening here I've got my search operator site : notice no space and then my domain right there and then this is just my search term over here all by itself go ahead try it you can do that with any site it's really cool but this isn't hacking you're right let's let's hack let's become a bit more nefarious but still legal let's try it out let's say that we still want to search these sites Starbucks but I don't care about French press anymore because now I'm hacking I'm going to use another search operator to see if I can find something this next one is called in URL so if I go back here and I type in in URL : I'll search for a keyword like maybe admin and let's see what happens hmm what is this new user request huh store development resource center now this is kind of interesting I don't think customers were supposed to be able to find this let's go back what did I do here so same deals before site is Starbucks calm but then I use the in your L sir operator and I put a keyword in admin so let's say I jump into the next URL I'll just copy this URL real quick so you can see it better this match my search because Starbucks comm is the site and inside this URL I have a keyword admin now why would I search for that well hopefully I can find a site that they don't want me to see that maybe I could find vulnerabilities let's try another one this one is in text so looking back at our Google search instead of searching for any URL I'll put in text and I'll search let's just say also for admin and this maybe reveals some fun stuff let's take a look I don't know what this is prospectus and I think that's German that's interesting here's a lease from 2007 2008 so what is the search doing well the in text search operator searches for anything on these pages that has the keyword admin inside of it on Starbucks com more specifically as searching inside the body of the webpage I'm gonna go through a few more options but then I'll show you some crazy stuff we can find with the Google hacking database yep it's a thing I'll show you but first let's try changing the in text to and title we can actually search by the website's title this is helpful for maybe when you want to find all the login pages so I don't know what papercut login is let's go here but where that searching is right here with the title which might be kind of hard for you to see but papercut login that's what it's looking for login in the web page title and typically most login pages will have that and then one more fun one which i think is probably one of the coolest as you can search Starbucks com four types of files so let's try file type that's our search operator and I'll specify let's try PDFs find all the PDS at Starbucks and what I get is every publicly available PDF we can find on Starbucks calm that domain and all other subdomains and you might be able to find something interesting I mean here's a confidentiality NDA from Starbucks here's a court case that's interesting I haven't found a bike to work list now this might seem silly like Chuck this is not hacking we're just looking up information on companies that's the point though you see this information while it might seem silly and and not harmful at all it can be I can take all this information I'm learning about these companies and use it and further attacks maybe I want to use some social engineering buddy up with some bikers on the way to these locations and I could try to treat them to give me some confidence information you never know now I want to warn you real quick this is where you gotta be careful what we just did is not legal but it's right there on the line but how do you cross that line when do you become an unethical hacker and blackhat it's when you take that information we're learning about this company and try to use it against them maybe you use that information to try and get more information out of them or you could use it for another attack at that point unless you have permission that is illegal but again what we've been doing is just passive passive footprinting or passive recon meaning we're just accessing stuff that's made publicly available and where that becomes valuable for us as pentesters ethical hackers is that some information might be accidentally made available now if you flip a switch and did active recon or active foot printing which means we're actively trying to reach out to the company and learn information about them using a variety of techniques maybe we're gonna use social engineering and try to go to a Starbucks store and try to talk to somebody or connect with someone on LinkedIn and try to to get them to give us information that would then the active recon and that is illegal unless you have explicit permission from the company to do this so keep it passive people unless you have permission now let's check out the Google hacking database and we will Google the Google hacking database best way to find it first thing that pops up and this is incredibly cool because here's all it is it's a database of potential Google search strings using those same Google search operators we talked about and they could expose potential vulnerabilities passwords usernames emails anything you could possibly imagine we can use these to discover information it's using techniques like these like we saw at the beginning in the video that we can discover some pretty crazy stuff like if you search webcam they give you a variety of searches you can use to find webcams that are just open and out there I'll search this BAM we get some webcams and it's it's kind of scary kind of weird and it's using what we just talked about here we have the end-tidal search operator and we're looking for anything that has webcam seven in it and then this is actually kind of new we're using the in URL search operator but then we have the dash sign in front of it or negative sign and that basically means don't include anything that has the admin HTML and the URL the same thing goes for the password I uncovered we're doing a search for file type which is an EMV file and if publicly available can reveal database passwords and usernames which is obviously a bad thing now again don't go take these and then try to use them that's that's the line you don't want to cross it's not illegal to find it but it's illegal to use it here's another fun one let's use this we're searching for this string right here and the file type is going to be a log so we're searching for log files that contain failed login attempts which can give us some extremely valuable information as a hacker so let's click on the first one here it's from FSU edu which i think is Florida State and we get a bunch of information now here's another one and you know again this might not seem like valuable just at first glance this can help you with your hacks down the road with other techniques this one's pretty fun too this is searching for registry files file type registry and then here's the keyword search and as you may know the registry file is how your Windows system is configured your windows server is configured and it might not be helpful to have that exposed to the Internet so like here's an example some fun stuff in here from MIT again I don't know how dangerous it is for them to have this available but any information can reveal things they may not have intended to reveal and just a few more these are just fun this one is cool because it's very revealing what is this in title we're including the nessus can report Nessus is a vulnerability scanning tool it'll scan your system and tell you why how you're vulnerable and we're searching for that in the title and then the keyword this file was generated by necess so just scrolling through here like galaxy park park Linda edu we've got their Nessus can and we can see hey maybe they have some vulnerabilities that we can possibly exploit and it's just in a nice format for us maybe we look at it let's see there's another one yeah yeah it just tells us maybe what they're vulnerable with and we can exploit those I mean we shouldn't you shouldn't you're an ethical hacker you might want to let them know report this to them but you can see how this is crazy bad for them but very viable for us now there are a ton of google dorks in here or google hacks notice they are called dorks here you can filter these by category you can go through here and say I want to see if there's some vulnerable servers or let's just look at files containing usernames and you'll be amazed at what you can find with all these oh let's do one more maybe a couple more this is fun let's search for this one's actually really cool what this is doing it's using the search operator all and URL which is the same as in URL but it's just going to include everything you include after it it's kind of like doing quotes on a search so just know what's doing the same thing as an URL but what this is coming up with is terminal services or remote desktop as you can already see here web pages that are set up for you to log into a organization's remote desktop terminal let's jump into one of these right now yep we can try to remote into one of these machines now we may not have a login information right now but it's something we could try to brute-force later yeah sure this up it's just crazy it's crazy what you can find New Testament church don't work Windows 2000 shame on you okay I'm gonna stop you can have hours of fun doing this and you probably will let me know how it goes for you actually I would love to see some search strings below let me know what you try cuz have you creative enough you can find some pretty crazy things but again this is only one tool we can use to gather information about companies so as you learn about footprinting and recon learn about the other tools one of the biggest tools at your disposal and actually this is kind of a valuable tool for a job searching as well it's just being able to find these companies on LinkedIn or dice or any of these job boards because you can find some pretty revealing stuff for example let's do site I'll do entitle is Starbucks looking in the title of the page Starbucks and then I'll search for keyword maybe I don't know network engineer and let's see what happens well looky here we found a few things like a few network engineers at LinkedIn now why do we care how does it help us well look at mr. Dave grace here Dave if you're watching hi we should talk actually he's the senior network engineer been there since 2014 and we can look at a skill set bgp OSPF ansible asher AWS cisco arista why do we care about all that well he's been there for five years and nine months we can assume that he uses all those skills so we can assume that Cisco uses all these things as a pen tester we just gave some valuable information about our hacking target or our client because you're an ethical hacker we can start to form an idea a profile of who were who were dealing with here we can maybe search for a Cisco vulnerabilities we could exploit some ansible things the more you know the more you can hack and now that you know a few employees at Starbucks maybe you can go on Twitter and try to find these people and try to find the photos they post maybe they've posted something with a a badge that you can see or maybe they have their monitor in the background you can see some information on the monitor you see the majority of these hacks can happen because of the mistakes of just people people doing people things no one's perfect and you can expose that and beyond social engineering we have a bunch of other tools we can use like there's one called the harvester which I learned about from IT Pro TV thanks guys let's try it out real quick and I'll show you what we can find out we'll specify Starbucks comm as our domain our source let's just say Google for now let's take a look we already found a few emails which is crazy helpful when we're trying to do hacking and we found some subdomains and their respective IP addresses what is this one CoV ID one dot and test well that's interesting actually I'm curious what is this let's go to it let's see what they've been up to yeah well it's not going to it oh well and we can change it the source like we can use a tool called a net craft which will do something very similar it gave us a lot more subdomains a lot more host that's crazy look at all that now I just showed you a few of the ways you can gather information about your targets if you want to learn more check out IT Pro TV and they're certified ethical hacking course which you can check out the link below you'll get 30% off forever so check it out and again huge thanks to IT Pro TV for sponsoring this part of my journey because I'm gonna do it I'm becoming a hacker step-by-step and I hope you come along with me if you like what I'm doing here hit that subscribe button hit that like button cuz it does help out and at that little notification icon so you can know when I'm talking about stuff and when I go live like I do on Mondays well guys that's about all I have actually you know what I've got a challenge for you I want you to test out the skills we just talked about the first two people to comment below with the correct answer to this question will win a network shucks mug us only so keep that mind but here's the question or the task I would like to know the senior network engineer at Walt Disney Animation Studios find that out for me post below who it is and also the stream you use the Google search string to find that information first - to do that will win a network Chuck bug alright guys that's all I got keep studying keep learning and keep hacking I'll catch you guys later [Music]
Channel: NetworkChuck
Views: 1,374,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ccna, cisco ccna certification, comptia linux+, comptia linux+ exam, ethical hacking, hacker, hacking tutorial, how to be a hacker, how to become a hacker, how to hack, information technology, kali linux, learn hacking, linux for beginners, linux tutorial, google hacking, google dorks, google hacking database, google hacking database tutorial, google hacking for penetration testers, google dorking, google hacking tutorial, google hacking full tutorial, hacking with google
Id: hrVa_dhD-iA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 55sec (1015 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 28 2020
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