Google Gemini was a Fraud | Google Gemini AI

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earlier this week Google held a glitzy launch event unveiling Gemini as their most advanced AI ever one that can understand language images and speech seamlessly they demoed some mind-blowing applications in a slick six-minute Hands-On video that instantly went viral it showed Gemini engaging in shockingly smooth conversations while analyzing visual inputs on the fly my mind was blown too and I rushed to make a video calling it the chat GPT killer but turns out Google's Grand Gemini claims seem to be built on a bed of Lies you're not going to believe this but the magical realtime interactions were apparently staged I know I could hardly believe it myself when I first heard the video that captured imaginations globally turned out to be more fiction than fact now explosive Revelations are surfacing about the fakery and deceit behind the scenes so brace yourselves for some bombshell coverage on the unra traveling Saga of Gemini's launch and video Fabrications I'll also discuss why Google may have done this the backlash building up and expert opinions on the ethics of AI marketing trust me you'll be on the edge of your seats by the end of this it wowed The Audience by narrating a sketch of a duck expressing surprise on seeing a blue rubber duck toy answering natural language questions about it tracking objects under cups recognizing shadow puppet gestures and correct ly reordering planets based on images but soon some cracks started emerging in Google's glossy demo turns out the magical real-time interactions shown in the video were too good to be true Google has now admitted that the conversations with Gemini were faked using still images and text prompts the demo was more of a hypothetical illustration stitched together in post- production this is not the first time Google has staged AI demos either they did something similar with duplex in 2018 which also provoked backlash naturally this had led to outrage and accusations of deception the information called the video fake in their scathing report titled Google's best Gemini demo was faked Google engineering VP tried clarifying that while shortened for brevity all the interactions shown used real Gemini outputs but the explanations seem half-hearted at best it makes you wonder if Gemini is as capable as claims why resort to such video trickery and risk controversy what are they hiding multiple AI experts have exposed how Google completely misled people about Gemini's actual capabilities compared to what was shown in the glitzy launch video the slickly edited video depicts Gemini having natural real-time conversations as it seamlessly analyzes visuals and speech but the behind the-scenes reality of how the responses were actually generated is far far less magical I managed to access the original Gemini interaction logs that were then used to extrapolate the final video turns out Gemini took a painfully slow 15 to 30 seconds to identify static gestures and objects and images 30 seconds to identify static gestures and objects there was no computer vision going on like Google suggested the system needed explicit written instructions spelling out every detail before it could identify imagery that hum would grasp in a split second for instance to get Gemini to recognize the rock paper scissors gestures the researchers had to manually describe the sequence of hand shapes observed instead of Gemini autonomously determining the game being played so much for advanced multimodal AI the purported voice-based interaction was also completely fabricated through text prompts instead of speech recognition so essentially a hypothetical illustration made to to dupe the public many AI commentators have called out Google for such deceptive portrayal which they liken to poisoning the well by resorting to doctored videos instead of demonstrating real tangible applications Google has lost tremendous trust it also strengthens skepticism about lofty AI promises from Big tech companies what Gemini does in reality versus what Google depicted are galaxies apart expert opinions concur that Gemini is still like years behind chat GPT in terms of production ready deployment this controversy has only widened that Gap further it certainly leaves Google red-faced and facing criticism for botched ethics with AI marketing it's clear they wanted to Hype up Gemini to counter chat GPT Mania but ended up shooting themselves in the foot with the failed PR stunt the Fiasco highlights why Tech Giants must be far more transparent about actual AI capabilities instead of resorting to Hype bubbles
Channel: The AI Guide
Views: 6,026
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google Gemini, Gemini AI, Google Gemini AI, Gemini Video, AI News, Artificial Intelligence, AI Updates, GPT-4, Google vs OpenAI, AI technology, AI development, AlphaGo, DeepMind AlphaGo, Gemini Vs GPT-4, GPT4 vs Gemini, Sundar Pichai, multimodal AI, AI processing, Google AI, artificial intelligence, machine learning, AI capabilities, AI impact, Gemini Release, ai tools, OpenAI, Chatgpt, GPT-3.5, Microsoft, Microsoft AI
Id: XG9HFc9W_bs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 0sec (300 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 10 2023
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