Google Colab Installation | one click deepfake | roop GitHub | cloud | fast gpu | cuda

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hi guys previously on my channel I have shown you how you can create a one click depict on your computer so basically how to install this particular repository which is root repository on your machine and create a deep fake on your machine but in this video I am going to show you how you can do all that stuff on cloud so basically we are going to use Google collab and it will be just very quick process so let's just start the video so when you go in the description of this current video you will get a Google collab link you just have to get it over there and this particular interface will be the so what you have to do is to click on this connect button once it says connected you have to go to runtime change runtime type and make sure you select GPU and click save so once you do that next step you will have to do is to clone this repository so you have to expand the cell and click on this play icon over here and also while this is happening you can upload your sample the target video and the face you want to clone so for this video I am going to clone this particular face and going to apply this particular phase to this particular video so let's just upload it over here and similarly this image also over here so once the execution of this particular cell is completed uh if you are getting this warning you can just ignore it compress this particular cell next you have to expand this cell for downloading the model just click on the play button and it is going to download the model in in your group directory basically once the download of the model is completed if you want to run this particular deep fake process on the GPU you can click on the cell otherwise you can directly continue to The Next Step but GPU support would be making things much faster so I would highly recommend that so just click on play button it will be about three to four minute process once the execution of this particular cell is also completed so over here also you can ignore them for now everything will going to run fine so we can just close these sections now the last step you have to do is to expand this particular defects action over here next you have to copy click on these three dots for display particular image in case if it is not showing you can click on this folder icon then the particular image you have uploaded so you just have to click on Three Dots and then copy path and you have to replace this particular path over here with this one similarly for video just copy the path of this particular video file and replace it for the dash test Target over here next you just have to run this particular cell just click on this icon and it is going to create a defect for you all right so after a few minutes depending on the size of your video the length of the video you want to create the effect so after about few minutes you will going to have your final results in front of you so it says the swap is successful and the video will going to be saved with the name of swept and then the name of the particular video you want to clone so we'll just quick to download This by clicking on these three dots over here all right so the download is now completed and I'm going to show you the results over here so basically this one was the original video this one is and this is a fake one and the face we have applied for this one um so basically this is it for this video and if you still have any doubts regarding it the particular installation or anything well that's not much you have to do over here if you have any doubts you can ask them in down comment section I'll see you in the next video but before you go make sure you go to the manage sessions over here and you can get this particular tab by clicking on this RAM and disk you can click on manage session and click on this Dustbin and terminate this particular session to release the GPU and CPU all the resources also if you are new to this particular Channel make sure you hit the Subscribe button because I already have uploaded so much similar content on this particular Channel and I also have planned a similar content for the upcoming videos so consider subscribing that would be a huge help for me that's it I'll see you in the next video till then keep coding goodbye
Channel: ProgrammingHut
Views: 59,019
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deepfake, deep learning, AI, artificial intelligence, Roop GitHub, s0md3v, tutorial, video tutorial, Google Colab, cloud execution, single-click deepfake creation, face replacement, deepfake technology
Id: KLe7-3bMpg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 10sec (250 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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