Google Cloud Interview Questions | Google Cloud Platform Interview Questions | Intellipaat

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[Music] hey guys welcome to this session by intellipaat in this session we're going to look into google cloud platform interview questions so we'll be looking into three categories of those questions we'll start off from basic then intermediate and finally we'll arrive at advanced questions and before moving on with this session please subscribe to our channel so that you don't miss our upcoming videos and also leave a like to our channel and to our videos if you like our content so now let's begin with this session so now let's start off with the first question so let's start off from the very basics so the first question is going to be compare gcp with aws so now we all know that aws is the number one cloud provider in the world according to its market share that is it owns the most of the entire public cloud market share it shares it with azure gcp alibaba cloud ibm cloud but it holds a complete chunk of it and gcp is in the top three right now but it seems like they won't be in the top three very soon because alibaba cloud or ali cloud is catching up behind it so now some differences are first gcp and aws aws has a lot of data centers than gcp but right now gcp has is trying to bring up their numbers every single year market position gcp is in top three which basically is it's in the third position ews is in the first position entry into cloud gcp came at 2011 and ews came into the cloud industry at 2006 so basically this five years gave aws a huge lead in the market share so you can also talk about they provide similar services but the company who's providing those services are different that is here it is which owns the aws that it's google which owns gcp so now they both provide same type of services they both provide virtual missions they both provide cloud storage and database engines or which is running on the cloud but the company is different that's it and how they are providing and the pricing points will be different second question mention platforms which are used for large-scale cloud computing so now you've already seen differences between google cloud and aws so now what are the other companies which are the other platforms which are providing large-scale cloud computing that is the uh the cloud computing providers who basically tie up with companies who need a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand servers basically a lot of servers and a lot of compute power so what are those companies so first i would obviously say aws then azure than gcp then there are other cloud providers alternative cloud providers who are really coming up in the industry alibaba cloud ibm cloud and oracle cloud so these are three other alternatives explain different models for deployment in cloud computing so there are mainly let's say three models one is public cloud private cloud and hybrid cloud so now community cloud has also been included within these four but the main three things or the main three deployment models are public private and hybrid so now public is basically a cloud provider who you can use a company can use so basically anybody can use that cloud provider and when you create a server that physical hardware which that server is running could be shared across multiple users but if it is a private cloud in that case you will pay more money or maybe sometimes less money if you're taking a contract or a discount offer for a long term period for example one year so in that case the physical hardware where your servers will get created will be basically dedicated to only your company or only you so basically they dedicate that particular server or multiple servers which you need one to only you so whenever you create a server those servers will be created on the physical hardware which is dedicated to you and that physical hardware is not shared with anybody else so most of the companies don't take either private or public they go within hybrid cloud model so in this case private plus public some of their applications uh which are mission critical which has very sensitive data will be stored in the private cloud and public cloud for for example applications which users can basically check it out users database information so not sensitive information so normal profile creation or something like that so that can be hosted on a public cloud how users can gain from utility computing so utility computing is a service wherein you get pay as you go and on-demand services so first let me just explain what these two terms are pay as you go and on demand so first of all pay as you go in the sense so normally what you do you go to a shop you uh pay the money for a certain product get the product in return and leave this is not pay as you go so you pay upfront for the product but pay as you go in the sense it's like a credit card bill or it's like a post paid connection phone connection or something like that so basically you use the cloud provider you use all the services you use uh you basically create servers database engines cloud storage you use all of this and you can basically check your usage and pay at the end of the month so as you go as you need these services you can basically pay at the end and on demand in the sense servers which you need can be created immediately whenever there is a demand they have their services and it will be available for you and they'll give it to you so there is no uh let's say there is no delay in service uh provides so they they don't make any delays in providing that service whenever you need the service whenever that service is in demand whenever you need 10 servers you can create it and it will be provided to you and on demand services in which the provider offers to manage and operate the computing services you can choose which service to access which are deployed on the cloud so now when it is payouts you go in on demand services whatever it is the cloud provider who is offering you these services or these uh for example you want a server from aws so you basically launch a server so now that server is running on the physical hardware of an aws data center and the data center is managing that server for you they'll manage it they'll operate it for you but you can access the server with certain remote credentials and you can basically access any service like that and that's what they provide so that is pay as you go and on-demand services and as a common user or even a company you can basically gain reliability and fast access to certain services for example if you want to host a website immediately and you don't want to go to a hosting service you can do that in a matter of minutes fifth question when you are transferring data how do you secure it how do you ensure it is secure so to ensure that data which is being transported is secure you should check the encryption key implemented and there is no leak in the data so it is 50 50 that basically means uh it's a shared responsibility of you and also the cloud provider so the cloud provider should make sure the cloud storage or the physical hardware which the data is being stored is secure and safe their network should be safe enough so that there is no unauthorized or any attacks and your part that is the data which you are storing also should be stored uh in a proper way and it should be encrypted only if it is encrypted even though some data leaks it cannot be decrypted and viewed until they find out what is the key to encrypt uh sorry decrypted so you can use public key cryptography so where a physical key is visible to everyone for example when the encrypted data is moving public key will be attached to it and it will move with the data even though the hacker gets the public key they cannot decrypt it unless they get the private key so the private key is not stored in the cloud storage it's stored in your local pc or in your local server so now when the data is getting in before getting into your system you will have to use the private key to decrypt the data so basically the private key is like a key and the public key is a lock you use it to open it and you basically decrypt it so describe the security aspects that the cloud offers so access control is one of them it basically offers control over the users so you can create users you can delete users you can create a user and give them certain permissions so that they cannot use any other service or they cannot do any other uh things which you don't want them to do then identity management so you basically provide authorization for certain application services for example let's say you are creating two users so one user is a developer and one user is an accountant so for the developer you don't need to provide billing information so the developer doesn't need to know how much it is going to cost for this they can basically check it out in the calculator and in the aws simple calculator or any calculator which is available for any cloud provider so now let's say the developer doesn't need billing information and the developer only needs like three services let's say it is in aws let's say it is ec2 s3 and rds so the developer needs only these three services and only need permissions to view these three services in that case you can provide them authorization by creating a policy only to these three services and they cannot view or access any other service same goes with the second user which is a who is an accountant so in this case you can provide the accountant only the billing information so because an accountant only needs that and they can basically take it down then authorization and authentication this security feature lets only the authenticated and authorized users to access the applications and data so this happens with every single website only authenticated and authorized users can basically log in and use the applications and data so these are the three different aspects which cloud is providing what are the various layers in the cloud architecture okay so let's look into this so mainly there are let's say three layers but over here there are four layers let me explain that three layers in the sense there are three different types of services one is software as a service one is platform as a service and one is infrastructure as a service so in infrastructure as a service there are two different parts and in the top which is software as a service uh let me show you this yeah so over here you can see the end users uh are the people who are using the services the applications for example as a user you're watching this through youtube so youtube is hosted in a cloud service and basically youtube is a software as a service given to you where you're logging in and using the application to view videos so the applications are in this layer which is basically software as a service so google apps facebook youtube any website which is hosted on a cloud is software as a service because you cannot view youtube's code maybe you can view youtube's html code when you inspect element or when you just click on f12 by opening the developer preview so now that is not the uh code you cannot obviously view youtube's backend code because it's stored in their own personal servers or in a google cloud server you can only view the software you can only view the application in that case it is a software as a service second comes a platform as a service so in this case you will be provided with a platform which you can use to build certain things so over here microsoft has your google app engine amazon simple db or s3 so if you know about elastic bean stock in aws that's the best example so let me just brief it to you basically you have a website in which you can upload uh your code and it'll automatically host it for you in a certain type of server which you need so it's basically a platform which lets you to do things so in the first case it is just the software where you can only view the software and use the software you cannot view anything else platform as a service you will be given a platform in which you can do certain things and finally coming to infrastructure as a service which is the most popular type of cloud services which are used because when you use aws or gcp or when you use let's say azure so in that case let's consider gcp so in gcp what do you want you want to basically create servers you want to host your website on that server and you want to make users upload certain images and that images will be stored in the google storage and whenever the user needs to download it it will be downloaded from the storage itself so to do this you obviously need a hardware that is for the server to run you need a physical server in the google's data center so that is provided by google same thing goes with storage they'll have storage units in which the storage the images will be stored so in this case you are given access to the actual hardware you are not given only access to the software you're not given access to just the website and everything else will be taken care of google or aws but in this case you are given access to the service or to the infrastructure or to the hardware itself you are given access to basically the servers you are given access to the database you are given access to the storage so these are the three different types of layers software as a service platform as a service and infrastructure as a service infrastructure as a service is the most popular type of service which is basically provided by gcp or any other cloud provider so one more layer which i forgot to tell is the physical layer which basically for the infrastructure as a service layer to provide you certain things for example if they want to if you want to launch a server so the server has to run in a hardware so that hardware is whole basically running in a data center so even this is this basically comes under the layers now coming to what are system integrators in cloud computing so the cloud can consist of multiple components that can be complex now the system integrator in the cloud is the strategy that provides the process of designing the cloud integrating the various components for creating a hybrid or a private cloud network among other things so basically a system integrator is a strategy in which you can combine multiple cloud providers for example right now you are using gcp and you want to use a certain service from aws and connect it with your gcp architecture so you can do that and system integrators again it's not a tool or something like that it's a strategy or a concept which you can use to create a hybrid cloud network okay so we've seen the basic questions now let's get into the intermediate questions so now first what's the eucalyptus in the context of cloud computing so we already know what is eucalyptus it's a basically a plant it's also famous for its medicinal abilities but in this case eucalyptus is basically the abbreviation for elastic utility computing architecture for linking your programs to useful systems so it is basically an open source cloud computing infrastructure which is used for deploying cloud clusters okay guys a quick info if you're looking for an end-to-end training on google cloud platform you're at the right place go ahead and check out our intelliparts google cloud platform training right now so now let's continue with this session now you can use eucalyptus you can basically build your own public private and hybrid cloud platforms you can even have your own data center in the cloud and this can be used to harness its functionality in your organization so now the eucalyptus concept in cloud computing basically its way of doing something that is the way of creating your own public or private or hybrid cloud platforms or even host your own data center so you can use the eucalyptus principles to do this so it basically is called elastic utility computing architecture for linking your programs to useful systems so you're using you're basically making your own data center or you're using a cloud provider to establish elastic utility computing that is your uh for example if you want to create servers it should be easily scalable now why do you need the virtualization platform to implement cloud so cloud is basically virtualization to be frank without virtualization you cannot have cloud at all if there is no virtualization then the companies should provide basically they should provide individual computer systems to every single user who wants a server in that case there won't be enough space to hold all of that computer systems there is no space to hold that many electronics but when virtualization comes into place you can have a single hardware which runs something called an hypervisor which basically creates these virtualized servers so now if you want thousand servers all of those thousand servers could be created in one single physical hardware so now virtualization lets you create virtual versions of storage operating systems applications networks and so on if you use the right virtualization then it helps you to augment your existing infrastructure you are able to run multiple apps and operating systems on existing servers so in one single server even in your in your own computer you can basically download oracle virtualbox and you can run any operating system on it so you can create a an operating system with let's say ubuntu you can create one with centos you can create one with windows itself so you can basically run multiple applications and multiple operating systems in one single physical server and that can be done using virtualization so you can virtualize a desktop you can virtualize an application a complete network you can virtualize storage and also you can virtualize servers and that is the main part virtualizing servers basically changed the game for cloud basically you can get a data center where you have thousands of physical servers so in those physical servers you can create ten thousands of virtualized servers so you can basically have one hardware which runs multiple servers in it uh let's say 10 users need 1000 servers for them so all of those users can have their servers running in one single physical hardware but if there is no virtualization they would they cannot do that basically they would need 1000 different computers to do that and that would be a lot of money so basically virtualization helped the cloud platform like this you can virtualize anything and when you virtualize it it basically uh makes it easier for you to access and it makes the cloud cheaper and cheaper what are the things to consider before you make a move to the cloud so now this is a common question uh before moving to the cloud what are the things you should make sure that does not happen or should happen so first you should not lose any of your data while migrating from your on-premise data center or a different cloud provider to a different cloud product for example from aws to gcp so you should not lose any of your data you should have a proper data flow plan which works for you and which can basically transfer all of your data you should be able to continue with your business within the shortest interval that basically is planning is required more than the technology the planning to do this is really important because the plan you make and the technology you're going to use will come together to make this process seamless and when it is seamless it will be like it should be done within a few hours if your company's data is small or it can take very very less time to do this and you should make sure it takes or the migration takes very less time so that your business can continue and you can keep seeing profits there should be fast uptime and data integration with the cloud so basically your data center or your cloud network which you're using gcp should never go down even if it goes down you should have a failover setup so that when one data center goes down your application is still running in the other data center and can be accessed and also data integration should be provided what are some popular open source cloud computing platforms i'll just name five of them so uh docker is not a cloud computing tool so sorry it's not a cloud computing platform it's a tool which can aid cloud computing which basically helps in creating containers for example even inside the servers you can have multiple containers and make it even better so if you want to know more about docker you can check out in our youtube channel about docker yeah you can basically learn more about it and you can also get into it so now the five tools which are open source cloud computing platfor uh platforms are openstack cloud foundry docker apache mesos and kvm if you want to look more into these go ahead google them or check out in our youtube channel compare cloud and a traditional data center this is pretty easy and most of you would already know the answer to this but let me just give you a brief having a traditional data center and a cloud data center has a lot of different sharing factors first the initial cost is high for a traditional data center because you're buying things and setting it up by yourself but in the cloud if you're going to use cloud in that case everything is already set up in the cloud computing companies data center you just have to use the product second you can easily scale up and scale down in the cloud data centers but in a traditional data center you'll have to buy more servers if you want to scale up and to scale down it's practically impossible because you'll have to sell the servers which are ideally sitting maintenance is a huge cost for traditional data centers unlike the cloud data center so if it is a cloud data center the if you are using gcp the gcp for example gcp obviously has data centers and the managers or the security personnel in the data center will handle it you don't need to maintain the data center you'll just have to take care of your application which is running on their data centers but if it is your own data center in that case you'll have to invest a lot in maintaining it and securing it finally cloud offers excellent uptime that is your application will be up for 99.99 of the time but if it is your own traditional data center you will have to make sure that it does not go down and even if it is go even if it goes down you should have a failover plan that basically makes your application stay up the next question which is the 14th question explain what are the different modes of software as a service so there are basically two different modes single multi-tenancy fine grain multi-tenancy single monthly tenancy in the sense in this type you have your own independent resources that you don't share with anybody so for example this particular user has his own application to access their own database okay so every user have their own application running on their own server to access their own database engine if it is fine-grained multi-tenancy in that case so the thing is even though they have access to these databases for example separately they will be in a single hardware but if it is fine-grained multi-tenancy in that case all the users will have a single application to access each of their databases or each of their data so in this type of software as a service the resources are shared between multiple tenants even though the functionalities remain the same for a very simple example if you're using gmail the application is going to be the same for every single person but the data stored is separate for every single person because your mails will be different from the other person and it should be stored in a secure location and that basically is multi-tenants multi-tenancy single tenancy is an application which you create or which you take up or buy and store your own data in it what is the benefit of api in the cloud domain so api means application programming interfaces so basically application apis are used to access a certain code for example if you uh if you use mobile applications to pay money through online so for example i'm from india there is something called upi so when you're using upi and you're trying to pay a certain amount and you're let's say you're buying some food and you're trying to pay through a google pay or through paytm and while you're doing that when you click on google pay and click to pay it'll basically show you a simple window which asks you to pay over there so basically the food delivery app is using the api of google play to access it so in the same case how does the api benefit in the cloud domain first you don't have to write the complete program you can use the apis or the existing code which is already written and embed it with your own code you can easily communicate between one application and the other because you don't have to hard code anything it is already available you will just have to make the connection for example the food delivery app doesn't have to hard code its way into paying through google pay they just have to use the api and include it in their code to pay through it you can easily create applications and link it to the other cloud services it seamlessly connects between these two applications there is no problem you just click on the button to pay it'll take you to the other application you can pay and it will bring you back to the same application where you started so same thing happens in the cloud services as well 16th question what is the difference between elasticity and scalability so first let's look at scalability so scalability in cloud is the way in which you increase the ability to service additional workloads either by adding new servers or accommodating it with within the existing servers for example let's say your application is running really well right now and there are 10 10 servers being under use and suddenly your application becomes a hit and there are so many users and you need around 100 more servers so right now you have 10 servers and suddenly there is a need for 100 more servers and cloud can provide you that you can easily scale 100 more servers immediately and accommodate all those users and let's say and in the next day the half of the user base has been reduced because they are sleeping or let's say let's consider like that it's night time they're sleeping so now your user base is around so right now you needed a 10 plus 100 servers so 110 servers are running suddenly your customer base has been reduced to half so in this case you only need half of it that is 55 servers and so basically if it is running on the cloud it will be you can basically set it up so that it checks the workload and reduces the number of servers accordingly now coming to elasticity so elasticity is the process by which you can either add or remove virtual missions depending on the requirement in order to avoid wastage of resources and reduce costs so elasticity is basically you can basically remove it or add more according to your requirements so there it is completely elastic that is you can basically delete it or increase it or remove it whenever you want there is no restrictions so this is basically the difference a scalability basically is adding new servers or reducing the number of servers according to the workload elasticity is your own basically your own process or your own way of increasing or decreasing virtual machines to avoid certain costs or wastage of resources now how important is the platform as a service so now platform as a service is obviously important and you can get an application layer and it lets you have the complete virtualization of the infrastructure layer and this way you can work it like a single layer so that is you the user basically get a platform in which you provide all the details and upload your code and the cloud provider will handle uh loading that data into a server to host your application so you you don't need to manage any infrastructure that is you don't need to manage the servers you don't need to manage the storage you just have to manage the platform in which you uploaded your code and basically it stays in the middle so you can see over here application clients so service provider which is basically gcp in our case and data center has the servers so when you upload your code and you want to host the application it will be automatically hosted in a server and if you need certain software and operating systems you would have mentioned what kind of servers you need what kind of an operating system you need how much memory you need how much compute power you need and any other cloud service so gcp is the central part so now this particular part is in gcp and your website which is being hosted in the server can be used by end users so when they're trying to use your application they can basically they will not know it is hosted on gcp you are the person who knows that and it makes it really easy because you can just work with the cloud computing technology with just one single web page okay so we've seen this now let's move on to the advanced questions so now how will you request more quota for your project so quora in the sense for example if you are a free account or something like that there will be certain restrictions for example let's say that you can only run 30 servers right now that is your quota but your project needs 50 servers so in that case what can you do you only have 30 servers so in case you have to increase the quota limit you will have to basically request it you can request more quota directly through the edit coders button on top of the page so on top of the page on gcp's website you can find edit queries button and you can change the quota over there and some default coders are provided to all the google compute engine projects and when it when it exceeds the quota you cannot go more than it and basically to increase the quota limit you will have to request for it and to request for it you'll have to click on the edit code as button okay what is object versioning in gcp for example an object is basically something which you store an audio file a video a pdf file all our objects these are binary objects and object versioning is basically to retrieve objects which are overwritten or deleted so whenever you are uploading a certain image let's say you're uploading that image five different times and you made a simple edit each and every time so you want your latest version to be available on the main uh let's say it should be available in the front and if you want to access your older versions you can still can because even though you uploaded the same image with the same name five different times but whenever they got uploaded they would have been given a version okay guys a quick info if you're looking for an end-to-end training on google cloud platform you're at the right place go ahead and check out our intelliparts google cloud platform training right now so now let's continue with this session so let's see the first image you uploaded is number one version number one so number two three four five so now the latest version will be displayed and the other versions will be stored even though they are not visible so if you want to view them you'll have to go into that particular object and view all the available versions so now object versions can be enabled in gcp if you don't want object version you can still disable it and when you enable object versioning if it is the same object being uploaded and it basically removes the so it will not be overwritten or it will not be deleted the properties used to identify a version of the object or generation and meta generation generation identifies the content generation while meta generation identifies the metadata generation so generation and sense content generation the number of images which are keep coming meta generation basically identifies metadata which basically is the size and all the other small details so object versioning is the different versions given to an object which is uploaded again and again so that you can avoid overwriting now how does cloud computing provide on-demand functionality so we already know what is on demand it is basically providing you the service immediately when asked for so now cloud computing as a technology was created on the pillars of providing the functionality to all its users on demand anytime anywhere if you have a device with internet you can get a server immediately so that is what was promised when cloud computing was created with the latest advancements and easy access to applications such as google cloud the idea is much easier sorry much easier realized than earlier with applications like google cloud a user can view the files on google on the cloud on any device at any time of their preference no matter which part of the world they are in for example if you have something called google photos you can basically experience this you can view a photo which you have taken on a particular day let's say two years back even now by just searching for it or by looking into it but you just need internet to view that so it's basically on-demand functionality so now how they provide on-demand functionality is that they have a huge data center with amazing compute power and you can basically if you have internet you can view or you can use their services anywhere from any at any time basically what are the libraries and tools for google cloud storage on gcp at the core level you need xml api and json api which are available for cloud storage on google cloud platform but along with these there are other options provided by google to interact with cloud storage so you have a google cloud platform console which is basically the website and using that website you can perform basic operations like creating a bucket uploading an object to the bucket deleting it enabling object version versioning so you can do all of this in the website second is a google cloud client libraries so in this case it provides programming support to languages like java ruby and python you can basically code it using this uh client libraries and you can access the storage that is you can access the objects and buckets using your code third is a gsutil command line tool so now you have certain command line sorry you have certain commands which can which you can use on the command line tool to access the objects and the buckets how are the google cloud engine and google cloud app engine related sorry uh it's not google cloud engine sorry google compute engine and google app engine related so first google compute engine and app engine are complementary to each other so google compute engine is an infrastructure as a service product where uh google app engine is a platform as a service product so now google compute engine is the service which will provide you servers on demand google app engine is the service which will provide you a website in which you can upload your code and it'll basically handle the provisioning of servers and uploading your code into that server and hosting it for you so google compute engine provides you the server itself where you can log in and use that server completely which basically provides you the infrastructure google app engine provides you the website which is the platform which you can use to upload your code and all the other uh things like provisioning the server logging into it and hosting your code will all be done by google app engine itself but google app engine needs google compute engine without google compute engine it will not have a place to host the application so now google app engine is generally used to run web-based applications uh mobile back-ends and even line of business so if you want to keep the underlying infrastructure in more of your control then compute engine is the perfect choice because when you basically create a server using compute engine you can provide your preferred operating system you can provide the memory you need you can provide how much compute units you need you can provide let's say storage you can provide every single aspect you need you need your server to have and that basically gives you more control over the server but if you don't want to waste time on provisioning the servers and looking into each and every detail of the server you can basically go ahead with google app engine and in this case you are just uploading your code you can concentrate more on your code and your application rather than the server itself so once you've done with the application you upload it to google app engine and google app engine will take care of provisioning it for you inside the compute engine server for instance you can use compute engine for the implementation of customized business logic or in case you need to run your own storage system okay so now as i told you google app engine you can basically upload your code it will handle everything else if you want to host a website on your own inside a server in that case you can basically go ahead with compute engine and you can basically install all the softwares you need and you and then you can basically upload your code and host your application now what is a bucket in google cloud storage so buckets are the basic containers that are used to store the data so buckets are basically like folders where you can upload data you can basically organize data and also give access to certain users and you can basically restrict access from certain users the bucket has a globally unique name with geographic location where the contents are stored it also has a default storage class that is applied to the objects which don't have a storage class specified and are added to the bucket the storage class basically means whether this object will be taken downloaded or uploaded frequently or infrequently or this has to be archived somewhere it won't be used for multiple years it has just to be stored like a backup so these are different types of storage uh classes and that will be assigned to the object or the files which is being uploaded there is also no limit on the creation or deletion of packets you can create any number of buckets you can base and you can store any number of uh basically storage as well objects and it basically does not limit you you can store 1gb of data 50 gb of data one tb of data so anything is fine but you'll just have to pay the price for it now what is serverless computing so this is really important so in serverless computing the cloud service provider has a server running in the cloud and dynamically manages allocation of resources so this particular sentence has to be understood very carefully so the server is already running you are not going to provision the server the server is already running serverless does not mean there is no server serverless means you don't need to access the server by yourself or you don't need to provision the server by yourself every single time you need to do something the server is always running and whenever you have a certain task only at that time resources will be allocated for you on the running server and your task will be done and once your task is done that's it you cannot use that server again because only when the task is happening you will be provided permissions to use that server so in this case you don't need to worry about the hardware you don't need to worry about the server you just have to worry about the code you are going to run on it so the users need to pay for the resources they have used basically you you're not using the complete server or you're not using the server for the entire time because let's say your code whenever it is run it takes two seconds to run so every single day your code is run 100 times so 182 is 200 seconds so you'll have to only pay the money for the 200 seconds of the usage of the server which is running that's it so this basically decreases the cost you spend on a complete server which is running all the time you don't need to do that because you're only paying for the seconds which your code has used the particular server for also you don't need to worry about provisioning or scaling the server because whenever there needs to be more servers for your code to run the cloud provider will automatically do it for you and they'll automatically maintain it for you so this is what special about serverless computing serverless computing does not mean there is no server there is a server or there are multiple servers which are already running you will just have to basically concentrate on your code and whenever your code runs the code will be allocated certain resources on the running server and you will only have to pay for the seconds it or minutes it runs on those servers so now what is cloud balancing in cloud computing so load balancing is the process of distributing the computing resources and workloads in cloud computing environment to manage the demands it helps to achieve high performance for lower costs as the workload demands are efficiently managed with the allocation of resources to be very simple load balancing is basically from the name itself you are balancing workloads workloads listens incoming traffic so let's say there are 100 users who are using your application right now and there is one server which is able to handle all of them suddenly there are 300 users but once this particular server can only handle 100 users in that case you would need two more servers to handle all the 300 users otherwise your application will not be able to handle the incoming traffic and the server might slow down and crash so you would need more servers so now that is basically auto scaling or that is scaling but let's say even though you have three servers so 300 users have come in right now there is only one server basically the code which you have the code you have or the auto scaling tool you have basically identifies that there are more users and the workload is increasing and basically creates two more servers so now there are three servers and there are 300 users so now here here is where load balancing comes into play if there is no load balancing the 300 users can be assigned to a single server and again the same problem will occur but with load balancing what happens is the incoming traffic is evenly distributed or distributed according to the weightage you have provided 300 users let's say one server can handle 100 users so now when there's load balancing it'll split the incoming requests to each of the servers so let's say a request comes it goes to server a another request it goes to server b another request it goes to server c so this process goes on so this is a this is basically traditional load balancing there are other forms of load balancing as well but here i'm not going to discuss all of them because that is a completely different video if you want to know more about load balancing again you can go check out our youtube channel we have videos on load balancing now it uses the concept of scalability and agility to improve our availability of resources to the demands it is also used to provide health checkups for the cloud application so load balancing can also be used for health checkups which basically means it checks whether a certain server is healthy healthy means whether it is running properly and has the application running on it so you can also use load balancing to do that and mainly it does to basically allocate the workload across multiple servers and efficiently handle and manage the allocation of resources to the incoming traffic so this service is offered by all the major cloud providers gcp aws azure all the major cloud providers provide your balancing because without load balancing it's really tough to handle a certain website okay so that is the 25th question and that is the end of the session okay guys a quick info if you're looking for an end-to-end training on google cloud platform you're at the right place go ahead and check out our intelliparts google cloud platform training right now okay guys we've come to the end of this video i hope this video was informative and helpful for you also guys please subscribe to our channel if you haven't done yet for our upcoming videos and also leave a like to our videos if you really enjoy our content thank you meet you in another session
Channel: Intellipaat
Views: 12,876
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Keywords: Google Cloud Interview Questions, Google Cloud Platform Interview Questions, GCP Interview, Google Cloud Interview Questions and Answers, How to Prepare for Google Cloud Interview, How to Crack Google Cloud Interview, Google Cloud Interview Questions for Experienced, Google Cloud, Google Cloud Jobs, Google Cloud Training, Google Cloud Interview Questions For Freshers, Google Cloud Tutorial for Beginners, Intellipaat, google cloud platform fundamentals
Id: t7mp5PjxnRU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 16sec (2596 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 05 2021
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