Google Cloud Interview

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hi my name is Jeff H psychic and I have over 10 years of recruiting experience including 5 years at Google in this video I want to talk about Google cloud platform interviews and specifically in 2016 I jumped over at Google to recruit software engineers for the cloud space because I was super excited about cloud in 2017 I made the move to hire more customer engineers sales engineers solution architects so I could work with engineers but with a little bit more of a customer focus and what I knew from that time and what I still see now is GCP has these awesome opportunities and so I wanted to share a little bit about my journey but specifically get right into the weeds of a few items that are gonna set you apart for having success in these interviews and it's not just technical this is going to work really well for sales and business side people people definitely on the technical side and then people in those hybrid roles like a sales engineer for instance in this video I'm going to cover a bunch of different items we're gonna stay pretty high level and I really hope it helps if you like my content please like if you have any comments please comment below and if you like my overall content please subscribe item one business versus tech ok this is a really really important concept when you get open-ended questions I don't want you to focus too much on one side or the other we have to be talking about both and there's a lot of like hybrid pieces a lot of crossover and some of these concepts and so really when we're talking about this we're getting back to those roles I mentioned where you could literally be a customer engineer sales engineer solutions architect a field sales rep a Technical Account Manager a program manager and they're all basically interconnected and the interviewer wants to get a little bit better feel through your cloud knowledge so in these open-ended questions you might say hey Jane great question when we're focused on the customer because I don't maybe know my audience whether it's business technical side from the business side I really want to focus on cost structure flexibility ease of use maybe talk a little bit about the hybrid cloud multi cloud solutions and overall performance on the technical side we could go in a lot of different places from networking to migration of the VMS to great redundancy to kubernetes compute bigquery etc and then there's this kind of middle layer which is security important on both sides expansion of the data center footprint open source and of course anthos is clearly top of mind from a business perspective right now obviously there is a ton of depth and you're gonna need to pick where you go but if you're presenting these high level concepts to your interviewer there at least seeing in any of these customer base questions that there's an exploration of the business and the technical and you know both of these concepts sometimes can fall on both sides of the coin and it's a great segue into item 2 cloud framework so coupled with item 1 picking the concepts you know best and going with the framework is going to be super critical and because of the density and complexity of the platform you just have to have a GCP strategy that's going to be attached to this framework and be thinking about a more generic audience so what would you say to a CEO a CFO a CIO or CTO like really think about it in that way and then also think ok if I'm gonna talk about these business GCP items specific or technical specific items or something in the middle don't forget about the basics you still have to be talking about goals and objectives history definitely budget timeline resources the customer clients appetite for risk scope and scale and who are going to be the critical and key stakeholders now typically again these are going to be really customer based questions where you're gonna come in and be able to utilize this framework item three cloud utilization okay this is a really fun one as well when you get these questions you're typically going to want to think about a few different items so one is absolutely industry so an e-commerce or SAS company is absolutely gonna use the platform a little bit differently than maybe a financial institution or a healthcare company and this would translate into whether you're doing full-on public cloud often referred to as full cloud or a hybrid cloud model you also want to think about utilization from the service side of things so is it platform as a service or infrastructure as a service or software as a service or container as a service and function as a service you want to stay really really flexible and not niche down too much in your answers but just understand in some cases infrastructure as a service is going to be better than platform as a service and that's a typical question which one is better and the answer is it depends it depends on my client it depends on their needs etc item for cloud details okay so this is a pretty interesting one where this really shows up is more on the behavioral side and what I mean specifically in this instance is you have to be talking in your behavioural answers about cloud technologies and getting me connected that I can put you in this role it does not mean that you have to be a cloud expert not at all but if you've dealt with infrastructure or networking or storage or any of the items that are classically going to be tied to a cloud platform I need you to get into the weeds and really start talking about it and give me these technical details and just boom boom boom be really really brief but if you get into the technical weeds then I can start to put you in the role and I think for some of my cloud clients they have the technical background but they're just not getting into enough detail on these items and it will really help you have success item 5 passion absolutely critical google is by far the third player and they're really trying to make up this space and so I want you to go in with the same passion I went in in 2016 which is believing GCP can win and implementing and translating that passion in the interview and I know it's a very simplistic concept but if you really do the research and get into the weeds you will find and discover that GCP is really set up for success and it's a great segue into the last couple of items item six is urgency so cloud is obviously exploding and the hiring on this end really hasn't slowed down even given the current economic times and so you definitely want to be touching base with your recruiter and just asking them hey how much time do I have to schedule this first interview or how much time do I have to schedule the virtual on-site interviews because urgency is going to be critical for helping you have enough time to study and ramp and that is item 7 is really this preparation component are you expected to be a GCP expert walking in the door no definitely definitely not but what I can tell you is the more time you have to study and the common expert whether that's doing really basic research that the company puts out there getting a certification going on course Coursera or Demi to really get your skills up even looking at company testimonials which i think is a great place to just generically learn about the platform you want as much time as possible and this is not just on the technical side my field sales reps clients are crushing it from a research perspective just know that your competitors are going to spend a lot of time learning the platform so I definitely encourage that you do the same this is a lot of information to cover and I think based on the comments and what feedback I get there might be one or two more videos focused on GCP but great opportunity here at Google to land a role in an exploding part of the business I really hope this video helps thanks so much
Channel: Jeff H Sipe
Views: 29,963
Rating: 4.9753847 out of 5
Keywords: google, google interview, google interview preparation, google interview process, google interview tips, google cloud, google cloud interview questions, google interview questions, jeff h sipe, google job interview, google job interview questions, google job interview preparation, gcp tutorial for beginners, google cloud platform tutorial, google cloud platform, google cloud platform overview, cloud interview questions, cloud interview, google cloud interview
Id: MbKTV2y54uI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 16 2020
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