Google Business Changed... The NEW Way to Succeed in 2023

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Your business in Google is changing now if you  want to be successful we're getting new business   through your Google Business Profile you can't  do what you did last year and if you do then   you can't expect the same results so today I'm  going to break down some of those changes since   the time when Google business profile came about  from Google my business I'm going to show you a   real life example where a business made a few  small changes and saw a 70 increase on bookings   and all they did was just focus on a few things  that Google were after so the fact is there's a   new way to succeed in Google business if you want  your business to appear on Google business profile   if you want it to appear on Google search map pack  or the top three with Google Maps then you need to   be aware of what it is that Google's now currently  rewarding so firstly just worth bearing in mind   that there's a new Google business profile and the  way that you actually update your business is all   happening in a different way in the last few it  may not give you as much control as you had before   but it's very clear what Google Now is rewarding  so there's a positive secondly the other thing you   need to bear in mind is that many of the things  that were taught by gurus a few years ago are no   longer needed and actually could potentially harm  your business certain effects a lot of people are   just doing stuff that are seeing online and it's  not really working it's just wasting their time   and the third area which we're going to focus more  on is that your customers are also changing their   requirements their expectations what they're after  is now different to what it was just a few years   ago your customers want quicker information they  want to know where it is they may look at it now   on their mobile they want it so it's on Google  Maps and they want information fast and precise   and in a trustworthy way so here's an example  how things are changing as far as your customers   are concerned a few years ago it was just about  reviews so you go to a directory or you might go   to a trade area and then there will be reviews  and they were trustworthy and that was how you   ranked various businesses your customers know  there's fake reviews they don't trust reviews in   the same way they used to so if you're a business  owner and you're focusing on getting reviews and   making sure they're five star and that shows that  you've not really understood the changes because   even Google is fully aware high percentage of  reviews out there are not trustworthy and your   customers also aren't stupid anymore in fact some  business owners became so obsessed about getting   five star reviews that they've really missed the  point that actually it's not all about the reviews   any longer so let me know in the comments below  if you agree that it's been about reviews in the   past and maybe some comments as to what you think  Google's currently rewarding for your business   but as my subscribers are seeing on my channel  we're keeping up to date and Google is clearly   rewarding other things rather than just reviews so  let's take a look at four things that are going to   benefit you today the first one is Services now  interestingly Google offers various services for   your profile but when you give those services  so maybe it's a message maybe you're responding   to a booking maybe someone's emailed you they've  called you Google Now is getting surveys onto how   well you did now most people don't know this it's  one of those hidden secrets but fortunately one of   my clients contacted me to let me know that he was  given a survey and then he told me how he decided   to fill that out so don't always think that when  you finish with a customer that's the end of it   Google's Keen to know how well you dealt with your  customer and so your service or customer service   is essential part of ranking higher in Google Now  the second area is trust and trust is a difficult   one to manage because how would you know whether  a business is trustworthy well reviews used to be   one way in which you could find out what Google  does to see if a business is trustworthy is it's   also aware of how the business is viewed on all  other areas other than Google business profile so   it looks at the other indexes it looks at other  citations of your business it's fully aware of   of how you're ranked on Facebook or on Twitter so  whereas most people may Focus just on Google they   might not realize they do need to also consider  the whole internet's view of your business because   that's where trust starts the third area is  customers themselves and the signals that   your customers are giving view is is that Google  hopes that your customers will give a realistic   view as to whether they trust you and whether  you're an authority from their point of view so   that includes your communication but particularly  through reviews but more the key words that the   customers are using in their reviews that's now  being ranked quite heavily by Google and another   thing as well which we've spoken of recently  and we've seen some businesses do really well   with this is getting the customers to also post  photographs of the work or the products that you   have and did you know that not all reviews are the  same so forget the score forget the key words but   just local guides themselves have an authority so  their reviews are are worth more than a person who   just reviews you for the first time or has no  track record of reviewing other businesses so   people that review also build Authority so there's  a lot more involved in building up that customer   understanding as far as Google's concerned and  the fourth area is to do with speed and you may   think to yourself well how can I change the speed  of my Google business profile but actually it's   very much how it integrates with your website  so your branding and particularly the website   that you're using is your main Authority website  for your business the speed of it loading how it   appears how your booking forms appear whether  you've integrated it properly with other areas   that Google's inquiring on maybe suggested to you  have you considered this third-party booking form   are you taking appointments through your website  does your contact form load correctly Google is   judging you based also on your website so when  your products your services not only to appear on   Google business profile but also to appear on your  website and bookings using third-party software   is certainly one of the things that Google's  encouraging at the moment take for example this   new Barber that was in London just established  in 2020 but here you can see how Sarita said   she knew her online booking portal would be key  to managing her appointments so there's nothing   difficult to do she just integrated it with her  shop integrated on her website but very quickly   she saw an increase in bookings so an increase in  business in fact she reports there was 70 increase   straight away the Google business page is one  of the first things they see explain Sarita for   Levi and Co this translated into a 70 increase  in bookings this was all coming from her website   so have you considered using bookings or  appointments through your Google business   profile because you may find there's a lot  of traffic you can drive to your website and   that in itself will then produce business and  that signals to Google that it's working and   so that escalates into a improved ranking  as well when people search for your type   of business so why do I share that because it  shows that even new businesses just a couple   of years ago even new businesses can establish  themselves very quickly using Google business   profile just focusing on just a few things  like those four things we've just mentioned   will help you grow very quickly in Google  so the good news is that Google is still   rewarding businesses that are adapting to the  changes that Google's requiring today and you   know there's one other huge factor that Google  is currently rewarding so if you want to know   what that factor is I discuss it on this  video here so I'll meet you on that video
Channel: Zanet Design
Views: 41,229
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zanet, zanet design, google my business optimization, google my business tutorial, google my business, google business profile, google business ranking, google business account, google my business seo 2023, local seo, local seo tutorial, local seo tips, local seo checklist, local seo 2023, local seo tactics, seo business startup, seo business listing, business profile, rank in google maps, rank in google fast, rank 1 in google, rank google my business, google seo 2023
Id: O_LXaTifLJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 46sec (466 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 10 2022
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