Google Analytics set up and install for Wordpress and Wix (STEP by STEP)

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do you know how many people visited your website last week and do you know what the most popular pages of your sites are and where your visitors are coming from is your site converting visitors into customers perhaps your facebook business page is driving a huge amount of traffic to your website but you don't know about or is it Google my business if you don't know the answers to these simple questions you are really missing out on vital information tracking the activity of your website is essential if you want to make the right marketing decisions and Google Analytics is probably the best option available and it's totally free in this video I'm going to show you how to set up and install Google Analytics from start to finish on two of the most popular web platforms out there WordPress and Wix so you can start looking at the performance of your site and grow your business no matter what size it is I'm gonna get around the founder of ranking Academy Dhaka UK where I have small business owners like you with their marketing efforts for better online visibility step by step and click by click if you are new to my channel why don't you subscribe today and click the bell button so you don't miss any of my future videos and if you like this tutorial please give me a thumbs up as it will be very helpful for me to grow my channel before you can install Google Analytics on your website you need to create a Google account you may already have a Google account in the form of a personal email address if this is the case I would still suggest that you create a new account dedicated to your business in order to do so just go to and click on sign in on the top right hand corner then click on the option create account and start filling in your details for the first time on the last name I usually use my own details as per the username I use the domain name of the website I am trying to create an account for in this instance I've created a brand new website and I need to create a new Google account so I'm gonna use the domain name as a username for the email address I have created a brand new website called lot EJ aesthetic Skoda UK so I am creating a gmail account which will be called La Tijera aesthetics at choose and confirm the password you want to use for this account and then click Next on the next screen you will be asked to provide your phone number make sure you provide a valid phone number as this will be used to verify your account you can also add a recovery email address this option is optional however I thoroughly recommend you fill it in as it will add to your security add your date of birth and your gender and then click Next you should now see a new window prompting you to verify your phone number click on send you should receive a six digit verification code which you need to enter in the verification code field enter the code and click verify Google will ask you whether or not you want your phone number to be added to all of your accounts across Google services since this is a fresh creation of an account I would skip this step for now you will now be presented with the Terms & Conditions from Google scroll all the way down and take on both options to agree with the terms and condition then click on create accounts you will see a pop up asking you to confirm the creation of your Google accounts just click confirm and that's it your Google account has been created and by default you are already logged in if you check on the top right hand side of the window you will see by default a little icon here which means you're logged in let's verify if we have created the account by clicking on a gmail link at the top and here we go your Google account has been created once you've logged in you will see a welcome pop-up window just click Next and then okay right so we've now created our Google accounts to make sure that we've got the right email address let's verify this you can either check the bar in your browser as you can see here it says lot eg aesthetics at alternatively on the right-hand side of your screen you can click on the icon which will also indicate the user name as well as the email address so we've got exactly what we wanted the next step is to create our Google Analytics profile for our website so navigate to Google comm slash Analytics once there click on sign into analytics this will open a new page which will take you through the process of setting up a Google Analytics profile for your website a next step is to click on sign up on this screen you will see that Google Analytics can be set up for either a website or a mobile app today we're looking to set up a Google Analytics profile on websites we will leave it as the default option time to fill in the details in order to set up the Google Analytics profile with the very first field being the account name for the account name what I generally use is the name of the business or the organization I'm working with so in this instance I'm gonna use lot EJ aesthetics for the website name I generally use the actual domain name of my client and finally for the website URL obviously I use the URL make sure you choose whether or not your website is in HTTP format or HTTPS this is a very important selection if you don't know either check with your domain provider or the way your site was set up in this instance I'm going to use HTTPS the next selection is industry category from this drop-down you can select what category your business falls into it is not necessary to select anything if you don't want to however Google will also give you data within your industry so I always select something finally choose the time zone where your business operate the very last option is a data sharing settings if you want to amend any of these I would advise you read the information attached to that I'm not gonna cover this today by default every box should be ticked unless otherwise as it is recommended by Google once you're done just click on get tracking ID once you've clicked on get tracking ID you will be invited to agree to Google's terms and condition just take on the boxes to accept the terms and services and finally click on the I accept button and that's it you have now created your Google Analytics profile all we need to do now is to install the code that's been provided to us onto our WordPress platform to start with before we do it on Wix so stay tuned I've just logged in the dashboard of the WordPress platform for my brand new site Lottie aesthetically UK if you've got a WordPress website you will be familiar with this interface one of the best ways of installing Google Analytics is to use a plugin just go to the plug-in option in a navigation bar on the left hand side once in there just click on add new now you will have the ability to search for a plug-in that will enable you to install Google Analytics in the search bar simply search for Google Analytics you will see from the screen there are multiple options to choose from the most popular one and the one that I recommend is called Google Analytics for WordPress by monster insights one of the reasons that I choose this one is because it's regularly updated as you can see it shows that it was updated four weeks ago in order to install the plug-in simply click on the button Install Now and then click on the activate button that's it we've now installed the monster inside plug-in all we now I need to do is to connect our monster insights plug-in with the Google Analytics profiles we've just set up on the left hand side menu of the interface you should now see an option called insights which is where we're going to access the settings of our new plug-in so click on it and right at the top you will see an option that is asking you to authenticate with your Google account so simply click on that button this will redirect you automatically to a Google sign-in so use the Google Account that you just created in this instance I'm going to use lot EJ aesthetics at click on next and then enter your password you should now see a pop up from monster inside calm who wants to access your Google account obviously we need to say yes to that so click on allow the next screen is to ask you which profile you want to set up you could have multiple profiles attached to a one Google Analytics account in this instance there's only one and if I use a drop-down you can see that there's actually just one profile so by default it's selected the old website data just keep that as it is for now and then click on complete authentication then you will see another pop-up that's actually finalizing the setup and there you go you're all set now let's have a look at the reports by default monster insights will provide you with a set of basic reports directly available in your WordPress interface to access them go to the navigation bar and right under the insights link click on reports this will bring up the set of reports available to you for free right now obviously it doesn't display any data because this is a fresh website that is receiving no traffic but here is what you can expect when you've got a set of data available so here is an example of a website that is receiving data from which you can see the number of sessions the number of pageviews the new versus the returning visitors what people are using to visit your website ie a desktop a tablet or a mobile which countries where the traffic is coming from and the top pages so this is very very basic type of reporting which is somehow useful when you're in WordPress but the true benefit of setting up a Google Analytics is to have access to all the data and this is what I'm gonna show you now when we log in to Google Analytics so head back to slash analytics again and click on the sign in to analytics option on the top right hand side and log it again using the account you've created you now have access to the whole suite of data reporting from Google for your website I'm not going to cover all the options today there's quite a lot to cover on this but it is paramount that you set this up and you check it regularly I will cover this topic in a tutorial coming your way very soon so this takes me to the end of the setting up of Google Analytics on WordPress let's now move on to the next step which is setting up Google Analytics on a website built on weeks so if you're running your website on a Wix platform installing Google Analytics is super simple we've already covered step 1 creating a Google account and step 2 creating a Google Analytics profile all you need to do now is to log in to the dashboard of your website on Wix and click on the settings option once you're in there select the tracking and analytics option at the bottom of the left hand side menu and there you will see a number of options where you can add analytics choose the Google Analytics option which is the very first one at this point you will be asked to enter your Google Analytics tracking ID if you don't know where to find this simply log back into your Google Analytics profile scroll down to the admin area by clicking on the link admin at the bottom left of your screen and then click on property settings in the middle column and this is where your tracking ID is located right at the top simply select it and then enter it in the field where it says Google Analytics tracking ID and then click apply and that's it you have now associated your Google Analytics profile with your website on Wix your data will start showing up in Google Analytics within 24 to 48 hours we're done for today thanks very much for watching if you found this tutorial useful please give me a thumbs up if you're new to my channel don't forget to subscribe and to hit the bell button for any comments or questions post them right below the video and I will respond to them hope to see you soon happy marketing you
Channel: Ranking Academy
Views: 76,472
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install google analytics on wordpress, google analytics wordpress plugin, google analytics wordpress, install google analytics wordpress, google analytics for wordpress, how to add google analytics to wordpress, wordpress analytics, installing analytics on wordpress, google analytics with wix, wix google analytics, google analytics wix, adding google analytics wix, how to add google analytics in wix
Id: iaIaYxQnvoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.