Google Analytics Campaign Tracking // Back to Basics Walk-Through

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hey there i'm benjamin from love starter in this video you'll learn best practice techniques for tracking your marketing campaigns with Google Analytics you'll learn how to create campaign tagged URLs and how to understand the performance of your marketing by tracking campaigns you'll be able to see what's working and not working and make strategic decisions to improve your results you'll learn how to use campaign tags to report on people clicking through from your emails your ads on social and other inbound marketing let's get started [Music] the acquisition reports in Google Analytics show us how people are finding our website let's select all traffic and source medium this is one of the more granular acquisition reports in the report we can see source and we can see medium the source tells us where the message is seen and medium tells us how the message is communicated if we look at the first row we can see we have Google organic so we know that people found our website on Google and that was from a free search result in the second row we have direct and none this is for people who come directly to our website for example they might have entered our website's URL into their browser in the third row we can see more Googleplex calm and referral since it says referral we know this is a link from another website through to our website and looking down the rows we can see we have Google CPC in the fifth row this is Frau Google ads campaign traffic coming through to our website this is because the source or where the message is seen as Google and the medium or how the message is communicated is CPC for cost-per-click with campaign tracking we get to define our own source and medium as well as our own overarching campaign name this allows us to measure things like our email blasts and any other inbound marketing campaigns Google makes a tool available for us which is the campaign URL builder let's head to the URL builder this is where we can create campaign tag links and just to highlight you can access this without needing to be logged into your Google Analytics account you can head to the URL builder and define the different campaign tags to start we need to enter the landing page we want to send people to on our website then we need to enter the source or where the message is seen and we need to enter the medium or how the message is communicated we can enter a campaign name which defines the overarching campaign we also have two additional campaign tags we can make use of these are content and term they are both designed for tracking third party cost per click campaigns whatever we defined for these tags will be reported into Google Analytics ideally we want to apply campaign tags to all of our inbound links sending traffic through to our website the more inbound links we tag the easier it is to see how our campaigns are performing in my example we can see I'm going to be tracking a link in an ad on Twitter that sends people to my website I've entered as the source and social as the medium below the campaign tags we've entered we can see a long URL that includes the landing page we defined at the start along with the campaign tags within copy and paste this URL for our example this would be the URL we use in our ad on Twitter when people click on the link in the ad they're directed to our landing page and Google Analytics will report on the values for source medium and campaign let's look at another example to campaign tagging email newsletters we have a number of options a popular option is to use the source to track editions of our emails we can see in this example we have January 2020 as the source and medium is email I always recommend keeping the medium as simple as possible so email is perfect for this campaign next we have the overarching campaign name of email news which you'll want to customize for your own campaign we're leaving term blank because term should only be used when someone is searching for example in third-party cost per click campaigns and in this example we're using the optional content to distinguish different links within the same email newsletter so this is one option using campaign tagged URLs to track the editions of our e-mail newsletter and we change the source for each addition we send let's look at one more example running ads on social that sends traffic through to your website you should campaign tag those links so you can distinguish paid versus organic social traffic within your reports start off by naming the source as the particular social network this should be the domain name of the social network then I recommend setting social as the medium this will allow to differentiate from your organic social traffic which will show up as referrals you can then name the campaign you want to customize this to describe your particular campaign you can then use the optional content parameter to distinguish the particular ad variation or the call-to-action once we're using campaign tagged URLs we'll be able to make use of the campaign reports let's head back to Google Analytics now let's select campaigns and all campaigns this report shows you all of the different campaigns that have been tracked into Google Analytics just to highlight this report will include your custom campaigns as well as any Google ads campaigns you're running here we can see there is a custom campaign called data share promo at the top of the report and then below this we have a number of campaigns from Google ads we can now compare the performance about different campaigns inside Google Analytics we can look at top level engagement metrics like bounce rate pages per session and average session duration and it's really important to configure goals and e-commerce tracking since this lets us understand if our campaigns are driving conversions since we also define source and medium for our campaign tagged URLs we'll also see the values we entered in the URL builder in the other acquisition reports including the source medium report we looked at earlier so that's how you can track your marketing campaigns with Google Analytics using campaign tagged URLs remember whatever you choose to define is the source medium campaign and other tags will show up inside your acquisition reports it's always a good idea to use simple easy to understand tags for your campaigns once you're tracking campaigns and conversions you should begin to use the attribution reports these reports allow to control how credit for each conversion is given to the campaigns you are tracking if you want to learn more about Google Analytics then join me in my google analytics course where you'll learn practical skills for using your reports and techniques for configuring Google Analytics you can find a link to join the course in the description below this video are you tracking campaigns into Google Analytics do you have any tips you'd like to add let me know in the comments below and if you found this video helpful then please like it so I know to make more videos like this see you next time
Channel: Loves Data
Views: 7,137
Rating: 4.8216562 out of 5
Id: d11vwgx2pWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 20 2020
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