Google – Welcome to the Gemini era

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[low piano notes come in] [Jay-Z’s “Public Service Announcement” begins to play] ♬Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is ♬ [Woman speaking] What does this remind you of? [Gemini responding] Schrödinger's cat. Woooow! [beat drops out] [exclaiming together] Woooow! [exclaiming] Okay! [hip hop beat picks back up] [Women speaking] When all of these tools come together, it's a powerful combination. [man speaking] It’s amazing. That’s amazing! It’s an entire suite of different kinds of possibilities. [Gemini speaking] Hi, I'm Gemini. [Woman speaking] What neighborhood do you think I’m in? [Gemini responding] This appears to be the King’s Cross area of London. [Man speaking] Together, we’re creating a new era. [music fades out] [sound of chime]
Channel: Google
Views: 52,970,251
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Tech, AI News, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, AI Tools, Prompt Engineering, Technology, Generative AI, Deep Learning, AI Explained, Google, Google I/O, 2024, google accessibility features, google product development, google updates, google product updates, gemini ai, gemini, google gemini, gemini google, google ai
Id: _fuimO6ErKI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 0sec (60 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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