Google's newest and most capable AI | Gemini

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[soft music begins] [Sundar Pichai speaking] You know, one of the reasons we got interested in AI from the very beginning is that we always viewed our mission as a timeless mission. It's to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful. But as information has grown in scale and complexity, you know, the problem has gotten harder. So we always knew we needed to have a deeper breakthrough to make progress. [upbeat music begins] [voice of Demis Hassabis] I've worked on AI my whole life because I've always felt it would be the most beneficial and consequential technology for humanity. Human beings in our society, we have five senses, and the world we built, and the media we consume is in those different modalities. So, I'm super proud and excited to announce the launch of the Gemini era, a first step towards a truly universal AI model. [Jeff Dean speaking] The Gemini approach to multimodality is all the kinds of things you want an artificial intelligence system to be able to do, and these are capabilities that haven't really existed in computers before. [Oriol Vinyals speaking] Traditionally, multimodal models are created by stitching together text-only, vision-only, and audio-only models in a suboptimal way at a secondary stage. Gemini is multimodal from the ground up, so it can seamlessly have a conversation across modalities and give you the best possible response. [voice of Demis Hassabis] Gemini is our largest and most capable model, it means that Gemini can understand the world around us in the way that we do and absorb any type of input and output, so not just text like most models, but also code, audio, image and video. What's amazing about Gemini is that it's so good at so many things. As we started getting to the end of the training, we started seeing that Gemini was better than any other model out there on these very, very important benchmarks. For example, each of the 50 different subject areas that we tested on, it's as good as the best expert humans in those areas. [Sundar Pichai speaking] It's very rare that you can work on a technology at a foundational level, and it simultaneously can impact all our products. [Oriol Vinyals speaking] We created a family of models that can run on everything from mobile devices to data centers, each of which is actually best in class. [Eli Collins speaking] Gemini will be available in three sizes. Gemini Ultra, our most capable and largest model for highly complex tasks; Gemini Pro, our best performing model for a broad range of tasks; and Gemini Nano, our most efficient model for on-device tasks. [Demis Hassabis speaking] We want to provide the best foundational building blocks, and then we know developers and enterprise customers are going to figure out really creative ways to further refine our Gemini foundational models, and the potential's almost limitless. [voice Of James Manyika] So at Google, there's this healthy disregard for the impossible, and that has oriented us to be both bold and responsible together. As these systems become more capable, all of those capabilities also raise new questions. [Tulsee Doshi speaking] We have to think about what it means to have an image, be a part of, for example, the input. Because an image might be innocuous on its own, or text might be innocuous on its own, but the combination could be offensive or hurtful. [Lila Ibrahim speaking] Safety and responsibility has to be built-in from the beginning. And at Google DeepMind, that's what we've done with Gemini. [voice of Tulsee Doshi] We develop proactive policies and adapt those to the unique considerations of multimodal capabilities; we then do rigorous testing against those policies to prevent the harms that we've identified with approaches like classifiers and filters. [voice of Sundar Pichai] If I were to look at the foundational breakthroughs in AI over the past decade, Google has been at the forefront of many of those breakthroughs, and I think Gemini continues that rich tradition. [voice of Demis Hassabis] It's been an enormous sort of monumental engineering task, which has been, you know, very challenging, but also very exciting. [Jeff Dean speaking] I have been at Google for quite a while and the reason I'm here is really, I believe in the company's mission, and I think Gemini is a great step in that overall mission. [Oriol Vinyals speaking] We end up with a world that has more knowledge and that people have more access to information that otherwise would not be available to them. [voice of Sundar Pichai] That's what excites me, the chance to make AI helpful for everyone, everywhere in the world. [music becomes more upbeat]
Channel: Google
Views: 1,325,557
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, artificial intelligence, machine learning, ai news, ai revolution, deep learning, computer vision, ai model, large language models, future of ai, tech news, ai business, neural network, google gemini, gemini, gemini google, google gemini demo, gemini ai, gemini demo, computer vision projects, computer vision course, computer science, python, programming, data engineer, data visualization, object detection, ml, digital image processing, python for beginners, robot, coding
Id: jV1vkHv4zq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 35sec (275 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 06 2023
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