GoodNotes 5 as a PDF reader: EVERYTHING you need to know

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hey guys it's Rob sipoc with paperless student in today's video I will be telling you everything you need to know about good notes 5 as a PDF Editor if you're new to my channel welcome don't forget to subscribe if you're looking for a solution to go paperless with your studies or your business and if you already subscribed make sure you turn on your notifications so you know when I release a new video [Music] thanks to multitasking in Epidaurus now you don't need to purchase a PDF reader if you're already using good notes five multiple instances meaning you can now have your notebook on one side and repeat EF on the other side if you like having multiple textbooks open the tabs feature in good notes five will be perfect for you as well because this allows you to open multiple textbooks all at the same time now let's look at how good News 5 works with PDFs first of all you can view your pages as thumbnails you can view your favorite pages or your outlines some PDF books come with outlines already but others don't have one instead of you trying to navigate through all those pages every single time you want to read it your PDF if it doesn't have an outline you can just create one in goodness 5 there are two ways you can do this the first method is with your thumbnail pages all your page thumbnails have this arrow here just tap on it and edge to outline the second way to do this is if you're already reading your PDF simply tap these three dots here and add to outline you then get to name your page something you'll remember naturally and now your page is part of the outline back to your thumbnails you can add pages before after a certain page it could be an image scan a photo or you can import a document through the files app you can choose to export a page or open it in another window so if you want to compare two sections of the same PDF this can be very handy you can delete the page as well you can select pages for copying rotating exporting and deleting goodness 5 supports hyperlinks if you have any hyperlinks in your PDF you can tap on them after deactivating the inking tool in the application I find this really handy because it means you don't accidentally keep activating hyperlinks while writing on your PDFs something that's really important if you are big on planning and if you use planners a lot you will really appreciate this feature goodness 5 can also create hyperlinks by creating outlines for your PDFs to make sure your hyperlinks in your documents are not deactivated export your PDF as an editable PDF file to demonstrate this I will export this PDF file to notability and I will show you guys that the hyperlinks are still working after I exported this file as an editable PDF I have also exported the same document out of goodness five still editable to margin no three so that I can demonstrate that the outline of this document is still active and so are all the hyperlinks in the document this is a really really cool and useful feature if you export your PDF as a flattened PDF your hyperlinks and your outlines are both deactivated as demonstrated with this PDF file that I exported as a flattened PDF it neither has active hyperlinks no the outlines that are in the textbook the application allows you to exclude your annotations when exporting if you want to share a clean PDF with other people this is probably the best way to do it for annotations the application uses all the tools you get in the application for note-taking if you've not seen my review of goodnotes 5 I will link that in the description down below this is very good because handwriting in goodnotes 5 is great and if you can use it for annotating text books why not good news 5 offers one of the most natural annotations you can get on your iPad it resembles annotating physical textbooks a lot of us will find this very familiar at any point during your annotation you can insert pages into your PDFs you can choose to insert a page after all before the selected one you can rotate the page you're currently working on you can copy it and then you can clear all the annotations that are on that page and that brings me to the end of this video give this video a thumbs up if you found it useful let me know what you guys think about good notes 5 as a PDF annotating application if you're using good notes are you also using it to annotate your PDFs do you think this multiple instance feature is going to make use good notes more for annotating your PDFs than it did before let me know in the comment section down below thank you guys so much for watching I will see you in the next video
Channel: Paperless X
Views: 233,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paperless student, paperless studying, goodnotes 5, good notes, goodnotes study, goodnotes 5 as a pdf reader: everything you need to know
Id: 8jb9JMtUrM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 59sec (299 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 27 2019
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