Goodman Heat Pump Low On Refrigerant! Adding Leak Stop And Charging With R-410a!

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all right guys we got one here um for one this is filthy dirty but I was here a week or so ago and um the system needed refrigerant uh has a leak somewhere I offered him options on leak searching and um and stuff like that and uh he wants to go this route so we are going to add the one and done leak stop with UV we're going to top off the charge and if it leaks out again we will find it wherever the uv's at a lot of people have mixed feelings about this a lot of people don't like it uh this and that but uh this is what we're going to use we offer it to our customers as an option someone can take it some of them don't I used to not be a fan of this stuff but uh I've been sold over the past couple years so that's what we're gonna do so we're gonna start this thing up we are going to add the one and one and done leak stop top off the charge and we're probably gonna have to clean this condenser too because that looks freaking horrible foreign boxing the one and done leak stop we're going to remove everything you get an instruction card and you get uh the actual leak stop Solution that's in this bag so we want to read the directions here directions for use important if system sets the moisture levels exceed industry standards uh always use ncacd or an industry accepting drying agent 20 minutes before installing the leasing okay I think we're pretty dry so we don't have to worry about that remove NC one and done from mailar bag turn the ACR system on and verify the unit is running connect the NC one and done to the low side service port of the system this is generally the large line okay all right so let's do that now all right this is the device here and in this clear tube is where our leak stop is so this end here is going to go on our suction side make sure that's good and tight this is a low loss fitting so that's good so you won't have any spray back and get any uh any dye on your hands okay so that was step one now step two ensure the valves on manifold gauge that are closed start by connecting the high side line of manifold gauge to set to the high side service port Loosely connect the middle manifold hose to the quarter inch fitting on the nc1 and done being careful not to depress the Schrader core quickly open the high side manifold gauge to purge air out of the yellow hose now close the high side manifold valve and quickly tighten the yellow hose fitting to the injectors okay so basically what they're telling you to do is hook up the high side but then hook up your charging hose loosely here so that's what we're gonna do now okay so what they want you to do is fill your of course connect your your high side hose but they also want you to have a full column of liquid in your charging hose before you screw it on here but what I like to do is I like to put a ball valve here so I've screwed that on there that's all the way tight and I am going to hook my charging hose up to this ball valve with this valve off this helps if you guys have ball valves you can do it without ball valves but um and just following their directions carefully but this is the way I like to do it because I keep usually keep a lot of hoses and ball valves on the truck so all right that's all the way tight all right what we're going to do now is we're going to open our high side that's open now this valve is closed here so now we're going to open this now we have refrigerant up to here we're going to bleed this off yep yep got plenty of refrigerant there now what we're going to do as soon as we open this up our high side pressure is going to shoot the refrigerant through this tube shooting the the leak stop into the system through the low side ready and it's all pretty much gone now so we're just going to work that a couple more times just making sure we shoot it in there you don't want to dump too much liquid in there open it a couple times all right we should be good there all right let's leave let's read the last part of the directions because I think it covers actually what I just did next rapidly open and close the high side valve on the manifold gauge allowing a small amount of liquid to flow through the yellow hose and nc1 and done two with high side valve on the manifold gauge set closed wait one minute for the yellow hose and NC one and done to equalize to suction pressure disconnect nc1 and done from suction service port and from manifold gauge set allow unit to run for at least one hour to ensure proper our product has circulated in the system recycle empty containers okay so we're basically done it's you it's that easy all of our leak sealant is in the system now we're just gonna hit it a couple more times all right now we are safe to remove this here because like I said this is a low loss fitting here actually we're gonna we're gonna remove this here closes removed there's very little refrigerant and then we're going to remove this and we're good so it's as easy as that now we're going to hook our our suction side hose back up we're going to hook our refrigerant up and we're gonna top the charge off all right we haven't added anything yet uh you can see that suction pressure is pretty low suction line temperatures pretty low so let me make sure I think I have my my probes backwards here yep I do okay put that one there put this guy all right let's let that stabilize back all right we're pretty well stabilized here kilo so we're gonna go ahead and um and add refrigerant about a pound pound and a half at a time all right we've got about three pounds got three pounds in it now let that stabilize a little bit I really like to get that suction pressure up some but our system is definitely running a lot better now let's let it run for a few more minutes and we'll see if uh our system will stabilize a little better all right our suction line temperature is really cold which is in turn giving us no super heat got 14 degrees of sub cooling which is good and I can't even get in the house here because the guy's not home let's see what that air handler is doing I'm gonna have to probably either ask the guy to come home or come back at a later time just to check that air handler out because that's that's pretty cold of course there's probably no load in the house I mean I think it's maybe 62 degrees out here I put a total of four pounds in so we got to let the system run for at least an hour and it's been running for maybe about 20 minutes with the uh Bleak stop in it so we'll let it run for a little while longer and then we're gonna have to shut it down so I can uh I can clean this coil we've been running for about 45 minutes now and this is what our pressures are I think I have something going on with a blower or something upstairs or a txb I just can't get up there to see it so that sucks always sucks when the homeowner's not here and you don't have access to the house so I'm probably gonna happen to come back or something like that but to check the blower we are we do at least have some super heat uh the sub cooling's fine I'm okay with that sub cooling but that suction pressure is pretty low unless we got like a 55 degree room up there um you know this is a little bit too low but all right I'm gonna let it run for a few more minutes then I'm gonna shut it down to clean the coil all right guys there you have it put the leak sealant in to stop leak one and done topped off the charge it took four pounds and we got out of there I also cleaned the coil too I didn't show that but I did clean the coil um I'm gonna have to go back because I didn't like how low that suction pressure was and how cold that suction line was so unless it was like really cold in the house which is possible because it was only like lower 60s out today unless it was really cold in there I don't see my suction pressure being that low so I'm gonna have to go back see if I got to adjust the TXV or maybe I have a dirty coil or clog filter fan speed too low it could literally be anything so I'm gonna schedule a follow-up to go over that air handler uh thoroughly and see uh see what it's what it's doing so let me know what you guys think about any kind of leak sealant the stop leaks stuff like that I didn't use them for years and over the past year or two I have started using them and have had pretty good success with them so I know a lot of people have mixed feelings some people won't use them at all some people swear by them we like to give our customer options we'll give them an option of just the gas and go a gas and go with leak sealant or we can do a full leak search if you want which is very labor intensive and sometimes we have to pump the system down or recover the refrigerant all together and add nitrogen and that can get very time consuming so usually whenever I have a leak I do a preliminary leaked search with an electronic leak detector and soap bubbles if I can't find it with that that's when I start giving the customer options on leak sealants and um and leak searches so let me know what you guys do but that's going to be it for this one guys so um if you like the video please give it a thumbs up and if you haven't done so already please consider subscribing it doesn't cost you anything and it really helps me and the channel out a lot so all right guys I'm on for the next one
Channel: Jeff’s HVAC Adventures
Views: 10,587
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Id: y6D0VgTPH8U
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Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu May 25 2023
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