Goodbye Old Friend! The Banana Is Going Away!

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all right good morning we are on our way to layton auto body in ephraim we got the banana in tow it's back there i think it's full of snow now oh weather report it's cold and snowy and slick and dangerous but we're gonna make it trevor's back there he's supposed to be running the camera yeah what do you do so yesterday was a pretty good thrash to get the banana ready to be up here we had to get the hood on and we had to make it run again i don't know why you took it apart uh we were messing with heaters um wiring out of the way so you didn't burn anymore oh that's right we did light it on fire me and tom tom did a while ago trevor fixed all that so that's all back together so it's running again and yeah we got the we've been trying to sort out the defroster ducts and heater ducts and all that stuff so anyway here we are now uh we're gonna be robbie shop in a few minutes it's beautiful out there this is b-roll this is b-roll doesn't matter for talk it doesn't matter if we talk all right we are here at layton auto body [Music] i don't know not sure where he's gonna want us doesn't really matter we can drive it anywhere hello sir how are you doing well how are you doing doing good it's finally here it's got a little bit of road grime [Music] right there [Music] [Applause] luckily we have a mat off-road recovery road yeah that we'll use with frank [Music] do you think it could be that computer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right so we filmed a bunch of stuff yesterday and the sd card was corrupted so we just found that out so we got the computer from the jeep dock we got it plugged in um trevor had to fix all this wiring that me and tomtom lit on fire a couple weeks ago so he went through and ran all that and cleaned everything up so that's what trevor did and then rudy helped him with some of the stuff on the front and then me and trevor and rudy and i we put the hood on we just kind of put it on for the trip oh my we're not doing that thing any favors are we there we go [Music] so we got the hood put on so that it could travel up here without the engine being exposed so robbie's gonna clean up all this stuff but we had to reroute this this this massive fan and fan shroud it's just super close there but it fits with a little bit of clearancing and that's basically what we did yesterday oh we cut a hole in the dashboard for the heater duct and built the diffuser the diffuser still down there and polish the dash yeah we polished the dash right there so the vinyl will lay nice and smooth it's going to have a headliner okay full headliner and then of course door panels and seats but the floor is exposed okay so um all of these pillars are exposed okay so we'll just plan on painting the inside yeah i mean the doors we'll be pulling them off and jamming them so and we'll be doing the jams here so we'll do the inside do you want the interior yellow or black it's a lot of work but i think it'll look awesome with a yellow cage and black inside that's what we did on the more of air um i don't want to create any unnecessary work it's it's the difference of masking it's all the same prep trevor help me out i need some input so either all black or all black with a yellow roll cage see like i would do just one color because it's tied to the body you want all yellow it's named the banana for a reason okay all yellow do the entire thing yellow except for the fenders rock sliders well what's the inside color of a banana is that like a cream color yeah cream cream that would be awesome and we should airbrush it like a banana put some seeds in there okay so we're dropping the banana off here at robbie shop late in auto body from utah he offered when he heard that i was redoing this he reached out to me actually like hey i want to be involved so why wouldn't i make any sense we've been friends and derby for however many years we've never derby against each other not against each other just in the same you were in trucks i was in trucks yeah but we've known each other for a long time race different classes i had to beat him just kidding he's we're just putting it in his hands he's going to be doing all the paint and body inside and out um we're going for the the banana's been working for 20 years and this is its first time we're like giving it any real love we're gonna put it right back to work so don't worry about us making it too nice to work that's not gonna happen watch the more of our videos we work our stuff we'll make it nice enough that you're sad when you scratch it no i won't be i won't be everyone else will be so that's what that's the plan um i think we're going all yellow inside and out yellow other than the black upholstery and black dash so we're gonna be doing black some sort of whatever robbie picks for the sliders and the fenders and then the bumpers will be black obviously and the rest will be yellow you got a little bit of body work left to do yeah i i felt so bad when i was welding this up i'm like he should probably pull that dent before i weld it well we'll see if we can use some vice grips and pull that out i don't know you mix it up we'll take some bondo and just so if you guys most of you remember or saw most of you watched the video where robbie came down to my shop and pulled this out the reason we had that pulled out was because i wanted to put this cage inside and i didn't want to put a cage inside when it was pinched and then have robbie try to pull it out so that's why we had him come down and do that first before we put this inside so we did both sides when we were doing the golden nugget if you haven't checked out those videos they are definitely worth watching we we got into a rock pretty hard with both both sides of this once on the way in and once on the way out yeah we're gonna leave her in we're gonna leave her in the capable hands of robbie and his crew this is hillbilly i think between robbie and hillbilly bananas in good hands yep then i've got a another guy he's busy working because we are a collision repair shop full-time so his name is taylor he's over in the paint shop right now just getting stuff done so we can focus on the banana today and stay tuned you're going to want to subscribe to robbie's channel because he's going to be painting the golden nugget so those of you that are following the golden nugget build this is the shop that's doing that go check us out on youtube the name of my channel is just my first and last name robbie layton so follow along quick question what's the timeline what is your title what is your timeline put in the comments how long you guys think this should take to paint trevor could have it rattle canned out by lunch okay well how about easy just don't put it in the back that's what i care about this is the difference of do i have to work night and day or can i just work every day all right well we're gonna head back home and get some other stuff done thanks for watching [Music] so we're here with officer raddatz from the hurricane police department and we're about to present him with a check for the money that you guys donated to the shop with a cop fundraiser for this christmas season here we are and a special thanks to you viewers that made this possible with your selfless donations appreciate it this is going to make a great christmas for lots of kids that wouldn't have a christmas otherwise so a special thanks to the hurricane police department for running this program that helps so many families especially this time of year thank you so much thank you thank you so much to everybody who ordered patches to support this cause it really means a lot to these kids it means a lot to us you can expect your patches by mid-january thanks for being patient and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: Matt's Off Road Recovery
Views: 936,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Off road recovery, Rescue, Matts off road recovery, road recovery, Recovery, Difficult rescue, Winder Towing, Towing, Sand dunes, Jeep, utah, off road recovery fails, off road recovery truck, Rescuing, banana, shop work, shop, shop build, off road recovery, matts off road recovery, car build project, car build, rescue car build, car build reveal, jeep xj, xj rebuild, jeep build, jeep tear down, jeep rebuild, jeep upgrades, car fabrication, car paint
Id: iZ0sAUhUvqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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