Goodbye Maia: The OG Pitbull Who Started DDK9’s | DOG DYNASTY

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today my I took a turn for the worst my is she is the matriarch here GDK line I mean she's the foundation of pretty much everything Marlon had I have flying that hands this is the hardest decision to make ever when is the time yeah I mean Wow Maya dvk would be nothing and you know there's no hope my is the og she's hogs great-great-grandmother and she's a dog who started it off I got Maya when she was like ten weeks old I know nothing about dogs or anything at that point really I mean she was with me through every last bit of that I was homeless at first and she was a little puppy homeless by not not because I like didn't have money to be anyway I was homeless by choice of the matter of I couldn't find anywhere that would accept me with five dogs you know so I would rather live nowhere then live somewhere without them she became the staple foundation of DD Cana organized canines my foundation everything right there see what the body comes from oh yeah it's female there's not a dog in my house other than Roxie and Kali that is not related to [Music] this is a wall of fame I guess you could say this is just all basically all of the pedigrees of the dog you know that I have you know where it's all started you know that's why we landed here on you know the matriarch Maya I just became obsessed with dogs you know just like the idea of that like you know I could you know change something about a dog that I thought might be able to be a little bit better so I just kind of become very intrigued with the project of you know creating my own style of dog you know scoured through the internet and and the more I started to see the more I started to realize that I came across a lot of these taller big dogs and at the time people were very afraid of dogs that were tall it was all about like the bully looking she's kind of shorter dog that they were shorter that's I've been one I always knew that with height carries weight you know so the journey began you know so I did my first breeding with Maya I saw what she could produce I saw what she could give me I could just point out some of the dogs that wouldn't exist you can see I started here this is one of Maya's first litters this is Cash's Amaya so they created Mia who is some right here right there so Cassius and Maya that little brown dog in the front is this dog here and grew up got quite big so we bred Mia to general and they created Gianna so that's where Gianna came from and then we took Gianna and we bred Gianna to Ghostface and that is where hope came from my is almost 13 and about a year ago she was diagnosed with terminal cancer we don't know how long she has left it was just so old that it's like she can't she won't make it through a surgery she won't make it through anything like that so it's just like trying to keep her as comfortable as possible but she's uh she's on different pain meds and stuff for their joints but she's just today my took a turn for the worst and I think this might be the end marlis pulled up a bunch of old pictures of Maya so he's called us into the office kids Steve me so just gonna spend some time looking at pictures and videos over me you know I gave her that means you know it means female warrior that's what it meant and then she worries you know she just was like the best mom ever she lived a long life and it's a long time still here I'm not just too much I never thought I'd be looking at it you know never thought I'd be looking at these pictures like my like main dog that I had you know from the beginning and then she was like where everything started I knew this was coming I watched it I've been watching the decline and it's just yeah I don't know people getting judge and say whatever they want but that's it is the hardest decision to make ever like when is the time so you decided that she's gonna be okay through the night and we wanted to have just one last night with her and we're gonna pull the mattress into the living room and sleep on the floor with her and just kind of cuddle with her all night [Applause] and I'll be right there next there if anything changes morning I'll try to have somebody come here to be honest I'd much rather that she's just for her I don't want to have to go to the whole ocean so she does love the car you know she does look the class girlfriend all right but yeah we're just gonna go on mm-hmm go to bed hopefully soon mm lay over there just happen just share energy with her for one last night she seems happier out here right now and she loves the water so I'm gonna see maybe she'll want a little hose down so my I did okay through the night but um we're definitely gonna have to bring a little bit today hi Christine this is Lisa Grenon my weed spoke earlier about the home visit I was wondering my husband changed his mind is there any way you guys would still be able to come no okay no problem I told him that it might it might not be okay no problem thank you very much all right Marlon's at the hospital to get his finger looked at he should be leaving pretty soon though so I'm hoping he'll make it to the vet in time because he needs to be there for this Marlin Marlin you're gonna be there I will figure out yes we are gonna make it Milan had I have ply met him so it's important that he's there I mean this is one of his first dogs so he needs to be there for her and for himself she needs him there [Music] [Music] they're coming pretty quick by the time I finish this I'm you should be here so I think he's gonna make it just in time I mean she was just a funny she's just super guilty dog she's Legolas dies when she got in trouble she would just like completely show you she'd be like upside down all right okay tell her tell her he walking around maybe like I wonder what all these dogs is the one that got into the trash and it was pretty easy to find out somebody broke something you didn't hear she wiggled so much that her tail would whip her in her sides her butt would just go back and forth and it would whack her own self as she hit you with it that tail was a baseball bat [Music] [Music] yeah she started to getting a lot more mobile and then since yesterday she'd like the first time I seen her like almost like fall down miss lay pink I can help with her comforter that can help with arthritis I can't make it I just like cries in the night it's just like it's a sad dad I don't want her to hurt I don't want her to hurt anymore I love her I don't want her to her anymore we brought her in your handout Marlon and I and Steve were there and we all just Pat her and hugged her and told her how much we loved her [Music] [Music] and these dogs they gave me everything everything in life they they gave me her they gave me much they gave me everything I just I would have nothing without them so you know I wouldn't know who I was without it in the end it was the kindest thing that you can do is to let her go and she had a really good life [Music] it's always heartbreaking losing a dog got it I spend one night with her I'm glad I didn't she wanted you there she wouldn't have worn it any other way [Music] [Music] one of the dogs that might not have been as well-known ddk but was definitely the most important is Maya [Music] she has to been the sweetest dog like to ever walk the earth it was perfect from for what for what she did she was like the glue you know she's just like the me chair she just she just kind of held everything together her memory lives on and we'll never forget her you
Channel: Beastly
Views: 4,099,642
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazing news, amazing stories, amazing story, amazing, barcroft animals, barcroft tv, documentary, Barcroftmediaanimalstag, Dog Dynasty, Dark Dynasty K9s, DDK9’s, maia the pitbull, pitbull maia, Marlon Grennan, protection pups, hulk the pitbull, cancer, dog cancer, DDK9 protection dogs, pitbull, pitbulls, dog breeders, dog breeding, breeding pitbulls, Barcroft Animals, 241460, December 2018, giant pitbulls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 55sec (835 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 19 2018
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