Good Shepherd New York • 11.1.20

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[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] do [Music] good morning church my name is david gunger we want to welcome you to good shepherd this morning let's take a moment just to breathe in together god has brought you here so pour out your heart let it be filled with the peace and wonder of christ this morning i'm going to lead us in this call and response call to worship if you would follow along and read when it's your time to read give thanks to god for god is good and we all say together god's love endures forever god has come to god's people with blessing and hope thanks be to god who nurtures and sustains us amen i'm going to read this prayer and then we're going to sing together it's all saints sunday so let me lead us in this collect almighty god you have knit together your people in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your son christ our lord give us grace so to follow your blessed saints in all virtuous and godly living that we may come to those ineffable joys that you have prepared for those who truly love you through jesus christ our lord who with you and the holy spirit lives and reigns one god in glory everlasting amen let's sing together this morning [Music] so [Music] open your mouth and speak the word that heals this broken ground say say what you will as we are still and we breathe in the very breath of god give in us life again breathe breathe on us now fill us with your love send us with your power spirit of god earth floating through space our human race created from the dust of dying stars yield tectonic plates [Music] god here with us now giving us now fill us with your love send us with your power [Music] oh [Music] again real [Music] spirit of god [Music] from the rising of the sun to it's going down let the name of the lord be praised from the rising of the sun [Music] [Applause] [Music] we rejoice [Music] stayed in the gift of this day morning has broken like the first morning a black bird has spoken like the first bird a praise for the singing praise for the morning prays for them springing afresh from the world [Applause] [Music] in the is of this day [Music] we rejoice [Applause] we rejoice [Music] in the gift of the day in the gift of this day in the gift of this day in the gift of this day and now a reading from psalm 107 give thanks to the lord for he is good his love endures forever let the redeemed of the lord tell their story those who redeemed from the hand of the foe those he gathered from the lands from east and west from north and south some wandered in desert wastelands finding no way to a city where they could settle they were hungry and thirsty and their lives ebbed away then they cried out to the lord in their trouble and he delivered them from their distress he led them by a straight way to a city where they could settle he turned rivers into a desert flowing springs into thirsty ground and fruitful land into assault waste because of the wickedness of those who lived there he turned the deserts into pools of water and parched ground into flowing springs there he brought the hungry to live and they found a city founded a city where they could settle they sowed fields and planted vineyards that yielded a fruitful harvest glory to the father and of the son and to the holy spirit as it was in the beginning is now and will be forever amen [Music] there's a sickness here that threatens to divide us and we're all afraid to say its name out loud lord i know that you can heal us of this virus so we need you we need you right now [Music] there's a darkness here that's dangerous and aggressive it's getting harder every day to shake its power but lord i know that you can free us from oppression so we need you we need you right now cause we don't know what to do so we'll turn our eyes to you and we've run out of words to say but if you come and have your way you can save us from ourselves [Music] what does it mean to have compassion for another how can i claim the love of god that i can't see if i can find the will to harm and kill my brother cause he neglected to look like me and i can speak the words of men and songs of angels i can give all my possessions to the poor but if your love can't move the mountains of my hatred somehow i missed you and i need you so much more cause i [Music] [Music] i need you now hey [Music] you can come and have your way will you save us from ourselves we need you now we need we need you now we need you now lord we need you now lord we need you now we need [Music] we need [Music] we need your healing we need your ears now [Music] we'll never be free [Music] and if you don't change us we'll never be better we need you now we need you now [Music] um [Music] all are welcome at the table of god every man woman and child for christ brings peace to all tearing down every hostile wall so that the many may become one one heart one family one new humanity for god who is love and christ who is all and in all show no partiality and make no distinction so neither race nor class gender nor sexuality politics nor religion personality nor nationality count for us or against us the light of christ enlightens all christ the prisoner and the naked christ the hungry and the sick christ the thirsty and the stranger christ the other may god's spirit hover over our chaos our hatred and indifference descend in our hearts with love and pleasure blows out into the world to listen and to serve and set us ablaze to forgive and reconcile for we are all welcome at the table of god every man woman and child are men my brother my sister god love you and god bless you my brother my sister god love you and god bless you may god hold us all in those almighty hands of love may god hold us all [Music] my brother my love you sister god bless you may god hold us [Music] [Applause] bring me [Music] my brother my sister god love you and god bless you my brother my sister god i love you and god bless you may god hold the song those are all mighty hands may god hold us all in those [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] may god hold us all in those almighty hands of love may god hold us [Music] my brother my sister god love you and god bless you let's continue to worship with our generosity this morning let's say this prayer together godliness with contentment is great gain we bring nothing into this world and we take nothing out of it we who call jesus lord devote ourselves to resisting greed which plunges the human heart into ruin and pierces it with many griefs we are determined to practice generosity with free hearts fixing our hope on god and not the uncertainty of wealth we desire to be rich in good deeds willing to share all that we have laying up for ourselves treasure that will not decay but will shine in the age to come may it be true of our community amen this morning we're going to speak grace and peace to one another if you're with someone why don't you give them a hug and say grace and peace if you're by yourself know this that you're not alone this morning why don't you send a text or an email from us to you we send our love and we speak grace and peace and now a reading from the gospel of matthew chapter 23 verses 1 through 12. then jesus said to the crowds and to his disciples the teachers of the law and the pharisees sit in moses seat so you must be careful to do everything they tell you but do not do what they do for they do not practice what they preach they tie up heavy cumbersome loads and put them on other people's shoulders but they themselves are not willing to lift a finger to move them everything they do is done for people to see they make their phylacteries wide and the tassels on their garments long they love the place of honor at banquets and the most important seats in the synagogues they love to be greeted with respect in the marketplaces and to be called rabbi by others but you are not to be called rabbi for you have one teacher and you are all brothers and do not call anyone on earth father for you have one father and he is in heaven nor are you to be called instructors for you have one instructor the messiah the greatest among you will be your servant for those who exalt themselves will be humbled and those who humble themselves will be exalted the gospel of our lord praise to you lord jesus christ and now having heard our gospel text we take a moment to open our hearts to god would you join me in a quiet moment of opening our hearts to listen to the voice of god god of love speak to us as we consider this story amen leonard's shoulders 33 years old was standing on the sidewalk waiting for the bus this week when he suddenly fell through the sidewalk his mother said it was like a suction he fell 15 feet into a nest of rats where he lay looking up several bones broken and afraid to cry out for help because he thought they were quote gonna go in my mouth family says that he's deeply traumatized which yeah could there be a better metaphor for this moment of pandemic and national election we're experiencing a moment in history that is cataclysmic what david brooks calls a moment of moral turbulence or convulsion they seem to take place every 60 years or so how do we respond as people of faith specifically as followers of jesus when you feel that you've been sucked into a moment like this i have to say i am happy that it's all saints day all saints day reminds us of one important truth that human beings need inspiration and we need it by example brain science is teaching us that the power of imitation is one of the deepest and the most distinguishing features of our species we call them mirror neurons it seems for us imitation is both inevitable and extraordinarily powerful and this is why we don't just need better ideas right now we need better people rabbi jonathan sacks talks about a saying in the talmud it's a saying which speaks of what are called quote unquote foolish jews of babylon who stand in the presence of a torah scroll but not in the presence of a great human being he goes on to say we learn less virtue less by formal instruction and more by finding virtuous people and observing how they live and that sometimes we make a difference less by what we do and more by who we actually are now because good examples are so important and because imitation is both inevitable and powerful jesus critiqued in our gospel reading today those who held religious influence but didn't practice what they taught he didn't simply need great teachers or pundits we need great lives because imitation is inevitable and powerful jesus didn't simply point out what was wrong but he showed an example an example of how we can live first john 2 6 says this whoever says he abides in christ ought to walk in the same way in which he walked see jesus gave us teaching yes but it was teaching with powerful stories as in the parables it was concrete calls to action like we find in the sermon on the mount in short it was teaching which he lived out and embodied if god just wanted to drop truth bombs to save the world he could have avoided the mess and the struggle of incarnation dwelling within the human condition and speaking to us from the inside but in the words of first john we need the sensory experience we need someone to bear witness to us that which we have heard that which we have seen with our eyes that which we have looked at with our hands first john tells us that which we have touched this we proclaim concerning the word of life so all saints day reminds us to turn our eyes to christ but it also acknowledges with first john that the only way we experience christ is through the witness of others and it's that witness which inspires in us courage and it gives us vision especially in a turbulent time like today you may also be aware that this is the sunday before the national election now i reached out to many people in our community over this past week i was looking for feedback and i asked the question what do you hope for or what do you need when it comes to the church or myself on a day like today i even extended the invitation to facebook which turned back all the replies that you would imagine opinions ranging from poll to poll prayers for trump to win prayers for biden to win and what i thought was an incredible suggestion were it not that we were doing this digitally and it was this a generously portioned communion cup but within our community there were a few themes that came together and i want to address some of them this week and also next week the first theme was a need for perspective of course people spoke in different ways about this perspective but there was a strong sense and i feel this of being overwhelmed this election cycle has been all-consuming in its nature the news and the drama surrounding it you know one parishioner said i think the extremely well-connected nature of everyone is causing us to hear more voices and more opinions than we ever have before another added i feel election fatigue it's like i'm bombarded every third second with a message about how important this election is someone talked about how much they were internalizing right now and how they were trying to remain steady for the sake of their family see this election feels all-consuming partly because we're oversaturated and we're overexposed yes but also because many of us have real stakes in the outcome the symbolism right now is palpable there's a deep sense and i hear this on both sides of one candidate as a threat to one's very existence or at the least uh one candidate is a threat to the values that we hold so dear there's a fear right now on the air about potential civic unrest no matter what the outcome we've truly fallen into the rat pit so to speak but what does christian faith play what role does it play in a moment like this how does jesus connect with our need for perspective and transcendence and the real anxieties and pain that we feel and then it dawned on me we have in front of us an extraordinary set of texts to guide us on all saints day now when it comes to perspective we have this reading from the book of revelation or also known as the apocalypse and before i read it i'll advise you sort of like samuel l jackson in jurassic park hold on to your butts quote after this i looked and there was a great multitude that no one could count from every nation from all tribes and peoples and languages standing before the throne and before the lamb robed in white with palm branches in their hair hands they cried out in a loud voice saying salvation belongs to our god who is seated on the throne and to the lamb and all the angels stood around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures and they fell on their faces before the throne and they worshiped god singing amen blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might be to our god forever and ever amen then one of the elders addressed me saying who are these robed in white and where have they come from and i said to him sir you're the one that knows and then he said to me these are they who have come out of the great ordeal they've washed their robes they've made them white in the blood of the lamb for this reason they are before the throne of god and they worship him day and night within his temple and the one who is seated on the throne will shelter them they will hunger no more and thirst no more the sun will not strike them nor any scorching heat for the lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd and he will guide them to the springs of the water of life and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes see the book of revelation has been one of my favorite books for my entire life not because i've understood it far from it yet frankly i've misunderstood it for much of my life but i am drawn to the drama to the characters and to the imagery which to me are quite mesmerizing even if they're jarring this book takes its form and its structure from a long tradition of temple visions like isaiah or ezekiel or daniel and it's this style of writing which attempts to help people like us face the cataclysms and the ordeals of our times they infuse a moment of suffering and of apparent futility with hope with meaning and often a new insight that moves us forward in history toward god's purposes i believe right now we need that kind of hope and that meaning and that insight now there are two striking images that i want to turn your attention to the first is in verse 13 of 14. you have a question posed who are these rogued and white and where have they come from and then we get the answer these are they who have come out of the great ordeal they've washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the lamb now this is a difficult image to understand but basically in a time of great threat or turbulence or cataclysm the saints of god are those who come out the other side of that experience having experienced a cleansing effect they endure and they're shaped in the way of the one that they fix their eyes upon as they endure that's the great theme of all saints day but the language here is bloody and it's bizarre the great diverse multitude beyond count having washed their robes in the blood of the lamb we don't wash with blood in fact anything drenched or maneuvered in blood doesn't become white we know this so what's the point well in the book of revelation the blood of the lamb is the great symbol of god's surprising mode of power it's this mode it's this way this process is the antidote to the virus of human violence and of corruption of what we call human sin it's this image which is bold and striking because when we think of divine power we often think of a strong man in the sky a bigger and stronger version of the biggest and strongest things that we can imagine we think of god impenetrably controlling the events of the world like a puppet master making sure everything goes according to plan and schedule but this is far from the mode of god's power as it's seen in the book of revelation and it bears no resemblance to the mode of god's power that's revealed in the gospel stories of christ in difficult times we often say god is in control but that neglects the more important question how is god in control when we watch the gospel stories unfold it becomes clear very quickly that however we typically think of control this is not how jesus operates by all standards the story goes completely off the rails he begins his life as a poor galilean peasant on the margin of an empire of an occupying power he calls only 12 ordinary followers and these followers are confused and misguided for most of their time with him they betray they deny they abandon him in his hour of need jesus who calls out the hypocrisy and violence of people and of systems like the pharisees and the scribes or the temple and the empire he doesn't win a great victory in the end but suffers a great defeat jesus resists evil but remains vulnerable even to death jesus names violence and evil as we see in our gospel text today but he doesn't become violent and evil himself it's a temptation we all face as we name in the name of protection or survival no jesus endures and goes to his own death willingly he rejects the kind of control that would typically assuage our fears of course in our story he's resurrected but then he ascends and he trusts ordinary people like us once again assuring them that this vulnerable love is the only good news for the world and he commissions them to imitate this vulnerable love and to become a healing force in the world by inviting others to embrace the same it's this vision of the saints made clean by the blood of the lamb that's a vision for ordinary human beings like us who have learned to face their ordeal their turbulence in the same surprising mode as christ the same surprising way that we see in the humble and vulnerable love of christ at the end of the text we get this vision the lamb will be their shepherd the lamb will be their shepherd the vulnerable one here who we assume needs guidance becomes our guide and this is why we find the question of all saints day so important in a time like this who do you fix your eyes upon in the midst of crisis where do you spend your energy who do you imitate yeah after the 2016 election theologian james allison confessed to something that i really resonate with he confessed to papering over the brokenness of heart and pain by becoming a news junkie ferociously hunting for information for insight and then sort of stepping back occasionally to take a break by laughing at colbert or trevor noah and like all junkies the drug is an anesthetic it's covering up a deeper pain he called it the sin of travolity it happens when we lightly pass over things that should give us pause frivolity is clutching to a surface sheen it's skating over the sludge so to speak but at its core it's a form of heartlessness he talked about the structure of that heartlessness as having two parts on the one hand you have a party spirit and the other you have contempt now the party spirit it's been a necessary part of our democracy it allows us to challenge and to learn from each other and the balance of power but this takes for granted something it takes for granted a legitimating hall to which we all belong a deeper solidarity that makes this exchange and pushback possible but what we've fallen into is a situation where multiple adherences to very various interest groups or identity groups pulls on us and none of these groups respect the traditional boundaries of nations or religions or language groups and so he says what we find is this party spirit is returning to a more ancient and dangerous sense the party spirit is grasped by a part as if it were the whole right the old greek word for this is hyresis and we get our word heresy from that but i don't want you to think of the domesticated version of that which is just having certain beliefs or ideas that are out of bounds but at its heart in the words of alison heresy is a self-reinforcing possession by faction a self-reinforcing possession by faction it's that party spirit which i've been caught up in by which i'm seeking to be unpossessed but if we'll be delivered from this party spirit it's not going to happen by simply pointing out evil it will come by unmasking our false goods politics often pulls out of us a passion for false goods it's a process that closes the mind and the heart it doesn't allow us to imagine how other goods are trampled upon by our own our good becomes the ultimate good now what is a false good it's simply a good falsely held and it's that grasping of a real good which could be for us an icon that opens us up to something beyond it that turns it into an idol which closes us into ourselves i myself i get caught up in goods like being more inclusive or less sexist or racist and i can often miss the signs of contempt in myself that are often hidden because i just don't like to see them they're ugly i can become dismissive of those who can't see what so obviously is right to me in this situation there's almost no check to imagining those on the other side as motivated by just fear and hatred i fall victim to projection you know we're most critical in others of what we are often guilty or ashamed of in ourselves for me there's been an acknowledgement of my own fear and hatred that sort of underscores the good that i attach to my fear of living in a less tolerant world that threatens the lives of so many i love the hatred that i have at times for people who seem to ignore that good if we'll get the perspective of the vision of revelation if we will be cleansed in a time of turbulence we have to learn to face our hatred and our fear that we attribute to others we have to turn our eyes to christ and embrace that surprising mode of power that we see there it's this mode which begins in another text of ours today the beatitudes and how did the beatitudes begin blessed are the poor in spirit right now we need that painful reception of a heart which finds itself a like to those who we felt were once deplorable or even worse god's mercy comes to us in the form of a pained equality of heart not condescension but in the reception of a painfully faced equality of heart the pain here being the sign that our heart is being broken open jesus knows this is the starting point of the process that will heal us and lead to forgiveness and peace and justice so good shepherd i invite you on this all saints day on this sunday before national election to not get lost in the ends the goals or even the goods but to remember the process i'm not asking you to stop caring or to let go of the good that you're pursuing instead i'm inviting you to hold it humbly and to hold it vulnerably learn to hold it in that surprising mode of power we see when we turn our eyes to jesus the lamb who has become our shepherd when we don't know what to do we turn our eyes to you i love that line from d wilson and the song the medicine which we sang and have sung in this pandemic season and i believe it now more than ever where will we turn our eyes this week when you're tempted to look to the politicians when you're tempted to look to whoever your leading news figure or talk radio figure is when you're tempted to look to all the comments on facebook or twitter or instagram maybe pause take a breath and fix your eyes on christ or maybe this week think of the people in your lives that you want to become more like even people that you disagree with who you respect how they are in the world even if we're not perfect in our ideas now the truth is our ideas are often flawed or even our policy strategies in retrospect are less than ideal history has taught us that michael weir who has been a guest of our community preaching and teaching said later earlier this week that it's a really important lesson for us to hold our political beliefs within bill ambivalence and as christians to come into the political sphere with ambivalence in other words with mixed feelings not putting all of our hope not putting all of our confidence in whatever strategy we adhere to or seems good to us at the time instead we should hold loosely but engage earnestly and so this week i hope you do go out and vote but i hope you vote with a sense of that process we see in the lamb on the throne in the vision of revelation i hope you go and you vote and you watch the outcome and endure the outcome of the election as one of those saints clothed and robed in white who went through the ordeal and came out the other side cleansed by the way of christ may we bear that way this week and the weeks to follow there's a lot of work to do so let's be about that work amen and now we take a moment to confess our faith would you join me in the apostles creed we believe in god the father almighty creator of heaven and earth we believe in jesus christ his only son our lord who is conceived by the holy spirit born of the virgin mary suffered under pontius pilate was crucified died and was buried he descended to the dead on the third day he rose again he ascended into heaven and he is seated at the right hand of god he'll come again to judge the living and the dead we believe in the holy spirit the holy catholic church the communion of saints the forgiveness of sins the resurrection of the body and the life everlasting amen and now having confessed our faith we take a moment to offer our prayers these are the prayers of the people and i invite you to make this an active moment not a passive moment join your faith join your trust join your hope to these prayers this morning dear lord the prayers of your people in this moment of all moments we pray fervently we pray anxiously we pray hopefully we may pray with faith we may pray with doubt but we pray we pray we pray and we pray holy spirit in this moment teach us what we ought to pray lord in your mercy hear our prayer we pray for peace peace around us and peace within we pray for peace of the deep and lasting kind not fleeting or momentary calm not a bomb of distraction or platitude or even meditation we pray for peace that wells within our souls but comes from without your peace we pray for peace born not just of hope but of confidence the deep recognition of god present god trustworthy god in charge god with millennia spread out before him resolutely moving us moving all of humanity toward his kingdom on earth as it is in heaven we pray lord for perspective for your perspective on what comes whatever may be let us fix our eyes on you lord with the firm belief that you are bringing about your kingdom a forever kingdom built on fairness and mercy and above all love and you will not grow weary or faint or tired of this effort your kingdom will come lord in your mercy hear our prayer we pray lord for vision and trust in the loving and just world you are making we pray that we would see what you are working in our midst and if we cannot see it help us to pray harder we pray lord because we need you we need your humility and goodness we need your fairness and patience and honesty in the inner places we need your grace for human beings we need your forbearance we need your gentleness we need your integrity we need your love we pray lord for the protection of your people we pray for our nation one nation under god may we embody that vision and our actions and our thoughts and may you be glorified amen and now having offered our prayers we take a moment for confession confession is simply creating space to take responsibility for the ways we fall short of love it's not morbid introspection it's not a cosmic beatdown it really is intended to lift our spirits in the tender love of god to let us be vulnerable and authentic so that we can move forward and be transformed in the way of love so would you join me in an act of holy memory look behind you to the week that we've just lived and ask for god's guidance to bring to your your mind to your heart something that is important and that matters a way that you are falling short of love that you need to consider and hold in the presence of god's love just a quiet moment of memory as this memory comes to the surface of your mind and your heart i ask you to hold it lightly to know that you're not alone and i invite you into this corporate confession with me as we say this together most merciful god we confess that we've sinned against you and thought word indeed by what we've done and by what we've left undone we've not loved you with our whole heart we've not loved our neighbor as ourselves we're truly sorry and we humbly repent for the sake of your son jesus christ have mercy on us and forgive us that we would delight in your will and walk in your ways to the glory of your name amen and now friends hear the good news of jesus christ that as high as the heavens are above the earth so great is god's love for you as far as the east is from the west so far has god removed our transgressions from us you are loved you are embraced and you are forgiven in jesus christ amen and now from that place of knowing our forgiveness and our embrace in jesus christ we come to this table that we call holy communion we also call it eucharist which means thanksgiving and we begin with that ancient prayer of thanks would you join me in this the lord is here his spirit is with us lift up your hearts we lift them up to the lord let us give thanks to the lord our god it is right to give thanks and praise god it is good and beautiful to say thank you in the face of so much abundance and so much good even when our minds and hearts wander so quickly to the things that are going wrong right now we celebrate what's right and what's good and we thank you especially for the gift of jesus christ who shows us the beauty and the love of god we pray right now that by the power of your spirit and according to your word that these gifts of bread and cup would become to us and for us the body and blood of our lord jesus christ who on the night he was betrayed took bread and cup and blessed them on the night that jesus was betrayed he took bread and after he blessed it he gave it to his disciples and he said this is my body given for you do this in remembrance of me and so we welcome you risen christ we thank you for this body which is given and broken for the sake of the world we pray that we ourselves would receive that love afresh right now and that you'd give us the grace and the power to offer that love in turn amen likewise jesus took the cup and after he blessed it he gave it to his disciples and he said this cup is the cup of the new covenant in my blood shed for the forgiveness of sins do this in remembrance of me and so we welcome you risen christ we thank you for this cup which speaks of a new arrangement where we all are equal as created and loved by god and that we all come to this table equally known and loved lord would you make that our experience more and more amen and now we declare the mystery of faith christ has died christ has risen and christ will come again and these are god's holy gifts for god's holy people jesus christ is holy jesus christ is lord to the glory of god the father amen and now friends we invite you to receive holy communion and our practice is to take the bread and dip it in the cup and simply say thanks be to god and if you're coming to our outdoor eucharist gathering today you can abstain in this moment from receiving communion and wait to take it with us later but if not we invite you to receive it right now if you're wondering if this meal is for you by the way we practice an open table anyone drawn to the love that we see in jesus christ is invited to receive the bread and the cup let this be your gesture of an open heart and of trust in the god that you see in jesus christ [Music] thanks be to god thank you again for joining us at digital church at good shepherd new york um it's a pleasure to be able to do this uh even though we really wish we could be back in this room singing our songs that will happen soon enough but in the meantime we do this as an act of love and of safety for ourselves and for each other and for the most vulnerable among us we encourage you to go to our website good shepherd new york dot com you can go there to check out more information about our groups events coming up and all the rest we're excited about advent coming up soon we've had people reaching out to us about various questions regarding advent whether it's groups or digital events or even we've had talk of a christmas album we'll have all that coming your way shortly but until then we encourage you to just try to be at ease in this moment in the presence of god and sort of with the gospel in your minds and in your hearts let the peace of christ rule in your hearts in this crazy election cycle and let's trust that god will be with us and will guide us to become the kind of people we need to become for this moment and now receive this benediction may the strength of our redeemer sustain us may the power of the holy spirit preserve us may the hands of the deliverer protect us may the way of jesus direct us may the love of god go with us this day and forever the lord bless us and keep us the lord make his face to shine upon us and be gracious unto us amen praise god from whom all blessings flow praise him all creatures here below praise him above ye heavenly hosts [Music] [Music] go in peace one being an evil heart one ugly angry soul can dash a million hopes for peace so tell me how much more a legion of the pure with beauty and the truth can bring and that it we will fall if we just go along the lines of being drawn in blood rebelling till we die one day they will realize they crucified the ones who [Music] one kind and lovely heart one joyful little soul can spring up a million hopes for peace so tell me how much more a legion of the pure with beauty and the truth can bring united we will fall if we just [Music] they crucify crucified her [Music] take my hand let's do this together wearing this together take my let's do this together wearing this together take my hand let's do this together we're in this together [Music] let's do this if we just goes one day they will be [Music] if [Applause] [Music] until we die one day they will realize they crucified the ones [Music] the beauty and the truth you
Channel: Good Shepherd New York
Views: 4,479
Rating: 4.8208957 out of 5
Id: _eV9pv3jvcc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 27sec (3747 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 01 2020
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