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and so now it is time to create evil rake and happy rake who will be victorious let's see you okay so here we go guys join the project by subscribing to the channel and click the bell icon to receive notifications so you'll never miss a lot of video hey guys welcome back to Rick amore VR we are here with two Rick's and a gun that's right because today we are going to create evil rake but also good Rick or happy Rick and once we have done that we will charge your gun and eliminate one of them so guys stick around till the very end to find out who will win but first guys leave a like in the video right here right now after you guys have left alike we are going to make evil rake actually let's go ahead and make good Rick first okay you see happy Rick let's call him happy Rick okay which is that guy right over there that is gonna be happy Rick that is gonna be evil rake so in this video guys we will make two items that will turn these rakes into happy and evil and at the very end we're gonna bless the one that is the last powerful one so step one we are going to make two massive potions that we will pour all over these guys to either make them happy or make them evil of course this is gonna be so exciting guys I'm so happy to see my good friends Rick over there check this out we can make a mess of potion with this thing right I do think we need help from our good friends mr. meeseeks let's put him down you broke the bottle man but how are you doing hi five yeah and nice so let's go ahead and grab this guy and go oh yes Thank You mr. meeseeks all right let's see if the bucket can hold some liquid huh and go Oh what no way this actually works so let's use this thing for the evil potion okay oh yes that's gonna be beautiful but we do have to make it I was gonna say a little bit bigger this is a lot bigger mr. meeseeks look at this thing oh that's a big boy and this one we are gonna eat get right out of here there we go wait a minute what is this over here we have another are like bucket thing hold on does it hold liquid gonna pour that in there Oh guys we just found the potion beverage thing for a happy Rick just get that thing out of here make it a little bigger yes guys this is gonna be so awesome so this potion will be for happy Rick and this potion which is so nasty and old it's gonna feed for evil Rick so we're gonna use this thing as well let's first make the happy potion so mr. meeseeks we need to find some stuff that makes you happy let's go into the bathroom okay maybe over there we can find some more stuff that's gonna make us nice and happy all right so through the portal we go there we go whoo so makes me happy all right let's see what else makes me happy eat while you think makes me happy all the oh no juice this stuff does not make me happy Oh No that stuff makes me barf so we're gonna use that for the evil potion Oh laxatives pill that's gonna be for the evil potion as well but I believe that's like a blue thingy yes this is gonna make me happy it's a bath bomb but don't worry it's like an explode it's just really foamy and stuff and we are also going to use this secret hidden bottle over here which is right over there there we go this is a very fine specimen it's a 1929 very fruity very yeah very wine II I have no idea about wine okay I don't understand this stuff what I know is that this is gonna go into the evil one because it's like dark and this is like relief light and bright so it's gonna go into the happy one so as you guys know I like making a mess in a wreck amore VR and it's already coming together look at all this stuff we're beautiful now let's go ahead and continue making the happy potion so we got myself a nice little spine soda but this thing is way too tiny oh yes that's more what I'm talking about whoa get this out of here man don't eat that in there okay now we have to make this soda which is caffeine free that's already gonna make happy but now we're gonna make it happy oh that's right I said we're gonna hello oh that's right I still haven't unlocked this thing because of the Rick's over there so I can't even combine with this man that's okay because James always has a plan B I even have a plan B form a plan B so don't you worry okay and it looks like we're gonna need that plan because what is this this is a metal slope I don't need that what if we just grab another soda right over here this is a bleep escola okey-dokey then I don't even know what that is okay oh but it looks like the perfect ingredient for the happy potion that's right so we're gonna go Boop just like that nice can I pop it yes I can and in it goes it's so blue and stuff no why look at the color oh that's gonna that's gonna make her happy Rick very happy that's right let's combine it with the bath bomb okay what what is what just happened oh wait I think it's over here what is this look at the bubbles whoa guys I think we just found a bug all right bad bomb going in it's still bubbly oh my look at the head yeah that looks like a happy potion that looked like we need more this is an awesome items why does it spawn over there though look at that that's totally bucked I love it we already broke the game all right I'm gonna put this in all beautiful look at that that looks like a happy portion to me guys now we need one final ingredient oh of course it's the happy wine here we go I don't like wine at all I think it is super gross we're gonna go for it ma'am there we go oh yes okay you know what the color went from very happy to that's so happy at all you know what we got a cool attack that's what we got to do guys we gotta cool it down okay we gotta get all the evil spirits out of it go oh yeah I think it's time to make the evil potion for that we have hold on we have the oh no juice I was holding it backwards man all right let's see what happens where I drink it so let's go ahead and do a little bit of a measurement to here we're gonna do three cups of this really nasty stuff that's one here we go with the second oh that looks tasty I'm gonna try not to spin it so much though there we go and that's the last one oh yes beautiful let's put that puppy back on there Oh and this is something we also need right wait hold on that's not what I was looking for whoop gonna put that pill right like that actually get some more of these things right that's right we've got some Rick Sanchez earth human all right let's put those puppies in there oh yes delicious I have the perfect ingredient but first I need the bath bomb check this out guys we can actually make a bath bomb potion it's perfect for the happy one right I completely forgot you gonna put that in there maybe get another one nice and happy okay oh yes beautiful all right back to evil because we have this stuff I love these eyeballs yes yes I'm gonna go ahead and dump this out come out and play everyone we're gonna put this over here there we go and then let's see we can make an eyeball potion okay okay can I spill this one guess there was an eyeball in the way oh but this is beautiful guys an eyeball potion all right well we're gonna put two of those in there Oh delicious oh look at the color man that is gross that is gross to the maximum all right I think we're gonna finish it off we get a finish it with a touch of deliciousness with the evil wine the secret one that we found hidden in the bathroom if we're gonna top it off okay there we go guys I want all of you to post a comment right now which potion would you drink would you drink the evil one or would you drink the happy one post a comment okay oh and I just realized something there's something else that we can put in the evil potion it's some good old gasoline which says do not in yes you can't tell me what to do okay island justice and barf all over you that's right now let's put some of this stuff in there there we go delicious and there's one final item that we need to put into the evil potion check this side guest those who I subscribe to my channel they will know what I'm about to do okay where's the pill we're gonna make this puppy nice big it's just like that cuz when I break this oh boy is it gonna be spooky alright let's go over here alright we're gonna put this down we go and I'm just gonna smash it with that with the mace of massiveness alright three two one smash oh that was a little weird and a little bit spooky I love it so that's why I have to make a copy of this by making it bigger because if I don't this thing is gonna disappear forever but I actually have a pretty cool idea what if we make it a little bit smaller I don't think we have ever used this super weird ruler but on it goes I'll look at that a totally cute little soul thing alright let's yeah where's the heaven right over here let's put this in here okay just like that you're never gonna hit it and get the spirits inside okay oh gotta be careful okay this does not work it's this unbreakable go alright well I have a copy anyway so let's see if this works and inside go go go oh my goodness why this is a break-in who are you kidding me all right well you know what Plan B just that's what I'm all about plan a plan B Plan B B and we're gonna put this guy right on in there oh yeah that sounds and that smells very delicious oh and why not top it off with some of the real stuff huh this is a green green water I guess yeah I don't know okay we're just gonna gonna let that go hey wait a minute I completely forgot Mama's milk puree if that's anything that makes me happy it's this beautiful little creature or do you guys remember the cute little alien he's puree now literally rick is so evil but we're still gonna put this in the happy potion okay we're gonna put it with a cup so we fill the cup and that's not what I was look looking for oh you know what let's just go ahead and dump it in just like easy guys so right now we've got both of the potions we've got evil Rick and we've got happy ray well actually that's what these potions are supposed to do but now comes the real tricky part I'm gonna pick this up and I got to make sure that I don't spill a single drop okay so we're gonna teleport oh and now I have to use my hex to drag myself forward all right so this was gonna be evil Rick so we're gonna put this this is amazing guys and then we're gonna grab the happy potion which doesn't look so happy no oh boy nobody saw that nobody saw that we're just gonna we're just gonna cut that out okay it's all good guys it's all good come on happy potion it's all good guys I just got to be very careful here and go one step at a time okay look at all the bubbles coming off of it this is crazy right we're gonna put this right if you're careful careful it was nerve-racking I guess we can't get rid of this thing that's all right debby go yeah that's right hey happy Ricky evil Rick oh nice guys we shouldn't forget something really important if evil and happy Rick go into combat if they wanna fight don't need a weapon now I've got the yeah Rick blaster 3000 right over here as a backup we gotta give these guys some nice weapons in case so let's go to Planet B 40 decks 3G cheap that's right cus over here we will find an item that's gonna be perfect for evil Rick's weapons so we don't need that yet we do need that then we step through the portal is it still there hahaha yes it's still there so evil Rick is going to get this awesome looking mace look at that man so we're gonna put that right over there that looks like toxic poisonous alien ish very very cool and then we're gonna grab this guy because happy Rick is gonna get a happy weapon okay look at that bad boy though whoo get this away get that away there we go and then we're gonna put that with a Chris it's gonna be nice and think okay oh yeah look a really nice purpley pinky I love it that's some combat stuff so I'm gonna use my hex again to kind of fly forward here just like there we're gonna put a weapon of evil Rick over there and happy Rick right over right over here and so now it is time to create evil rake and happy Rick who will be victorious let's see okay so here we go guys we are gonna pour this book it all over him woah oh my goodness that was spooky man how do you feel Rick what happened huh and now for happy Rick I know this potion doesn't look so happy but trust me Rick you're gonna be one happy boy okay yeah that's right take a good look at this boy all right three two whoa whoa look at the bubbles right didn't work how do you feel how do you feel I don't even think he wants to hold his weapon at him guys it is up to us to end this once and for all so let's go over here to this beautiful mess that we made we are gonna grab the pistol it is time to eliminate one of them who did you guys vote for did you vote for happy Rick or no wait happy Rick or did you vote for evil rake and the winner off the rig battle is burn bang it's evil Rick that's right I love making his potion what why did you do Rick oh no no no no kidding me Rick hey guess what you're watching I'll see you on the next bridges 5 [Music]
Channel: ProjectJamesify
Views: 1,668,545
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: projectjamesify, rick and morty vr, rick and morty virtual reality, rick and morty virtual rickality, rick and morty metaverse, rick and morty lets play, rick and morty gameplay, rick and morty: virtual rick-ality
Id: A6IaprvIrag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 6sec (1086 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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