Good Old Fashioned British Lamb Stew - How To Make Lamb Stew - Youtube

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[Music] welcome back once again to if you haven't already please click that button and subscribe to our channel on the menu today we're going to make this a good old english stroke british lamb stew nice chunky vegetables in there a beautiful bony lamb super tender that meat is loads of little goodness in there it's really really simple great for a winter super duper stop chatting will you simon let's get on with it okay so let's take a look at what we have here then so potatoes peeled and cut nice and chunky nice big pieces lamb there i've got lamb it's a more of a stewing lamb it's not a great quality but nice meat on it a little bit of fat there's about 600 grams of that there a little bit of bone in there four regular sized tomatoes chopped try and use a nice ripe tomato and if you want you could use a can of tomatoes but i think the fresh are better i've got like 100 grams of mushrooms there keeping them whole like that carrots again you can see the ratio to potatoes again nice and big and fat and chunky one large onion chopped some celery which i think is pretty essential in this tomato paste it's like 120 grams of that two teaspoons of thyme a couple of bay leaves tablespoon of garlic and if you can some fresh rosemary rosemary and lamb wonderful let's get to the cooker okay so you're gonna need a large pot with a lid we're gonna get the heat on quite high i've got some oil in there i'm using the sunflower oil we're gonna start by dropping in our lamb i'm gonna cook this for about four to five minutes on a high heat just want to seal it a little bit then we can move on okay so i've just turned the heat down to a medium now obviously absolutely nowhere cooked but just got a nice bit of color on it what we're going to do now is drop in that celery [Applause] the onion [Applause] salt and pepper [Applause] the bay leaf and the dried thyme medium heat about another five minutes keep it moving this is going to be really really delicious so this is coming together really nicely now what i like to do now is i like to add some water or some stock and then boil it out a little bit to really help that meat tenderize so i've got some beef stock that i'm using today and that goes now you could if you want you can use chicken stock vegetable stock lamb stock any stock you want we're going to go to a high heat i'm going to go for about 15 minutes okay so that's boiling away and what's that that's done is pumped a lot of flavor first of all into the meat and help it kind of just you know get a little bit more tender what we're going to do now is drop in our garlic those fresh tomatoes i can also drop in that rosemary now and i'm lucky that i've got some fresh rosemary if you don't you could use some dried rosemary in here if you wanted okay then stay on this high heat again what we want to do is cook these tomatoes down want them to kind of disappear somewhat and they won't completely disappear but they're going to add to the stew so about six or seven minutes then on the high heat give it a stir every now and then so that is boiling away really nicely you can see those tomatoes are starting to break down they won't completely go i'm going to turn the heat down a bit now to a medium because it's been on quite high we're now going to add that tomato paste into the mix we're going to drop in our carrots big fat and chunky we're going to add the potatoes even bigger fatter and chunkier i'm now going to add some water or some more stock if you want but that stock was pretty heavy that i put in medium heat i'm going to put a lid on this and i'll be back in around eight or nine minutes to see how it's doing looks wonderful to me so far okay let's jump in and have a look before i open the lid i'm just going to turn it down to a simmer now that's looking pretty good isn't it right let's drop in those mushrooms i'm not cutting mine if you want you could cut them but i'm just going to go in whole with them and we're going to add one more ingredient which i didn't show you earlier and that is we're going to drop in a bit of mustard now this is english commons mustard if you're english you'll be very very familiar with this it's actually very strong we're going to grab a nice hefty teaspoon of it in it goes it's going to give it a beautiful added flavor but yeah corman's mustard or english mustard generally i mean the brand is is is common but there are other types you can get that's the most famous one it is very very strong it's absolutely delicious so we're on a simmer now lid's going to go back on we're going to leave this alone for about 15 to 20 minutes and if some of those potatoes break down a little bit they're gonna thicken the sauce but yeah this is looking just gorgeous you can give it a stir every now and then okay off goes the heat we're done off comes the layered out goes that steam and that is an absolute beauty really really incredible lovely for the winter that meat is going to be super super tender and it's all good let me get that into a nice bowl and there you go absolutely wonderful a big winter warmer good old english lamb stew hope you enjoyed that don't forget to subscribe to our channel please do give us a thumbs up that helps us out a great deal do leave us a message we'd like to know that you're fine well safe and happy we'll see you soon lots of love [Music] you
Channel: How To Cook Great
Views: 23,992
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: english lamb stew, british lamb stew, lamb potato stew, easy lamb stew, winter lamb stew, how to cook great, how to make lamb stew, how to make british lamb stew, british lamb recipes, lamb vegetable stew, english recipes, british recipes, lamb rosemary stew, lamb recipes, mutton stew, how to make british lamb stew youtube video, lamb tomato stew, easy lamb stew recipes youtube, lamb recipes youtube, easy recipes with lamb, best british food recipes youtube
Id: 4G9e1hs26ME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 4sec (484 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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