'GOOD NEGOTIATIONS': Saudi crown prince says 'every day' is a day closer to peace with Israel

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this is the island of sindala the first project in neom Your Vision 2030. it is spectacular it is really beautiful you know a lot of people have described you as a Visionary leader I talked to a number of your citizens and that's how they describe you and you didn't even plant them that's really how they talk about you and world leaders are saying the same thing you've had this transformational change every aspect of the Kingdom economic social cultural religious can you give us some specific examples of what your goals are and how you think all of this is going but simply uh we have in the past few issues in Saudi Arabia and a lot of opportunities that we didn't use we're trying to capture that and to go forward for better Saudi Arabia and that's what we're trying to do and it's a big vision it is a big vision and we we get like surprised every day that we reach our Target faster and we extend that to a newer Target and a bigger ambition so it's really exciting your ministers say you work them hard well you can see in 2022 we are the fastest G20 country growing and also in this year if you take just an audio GDB part uh we are the second fastest in the G20 growing so it's like a fight between Saudi Arabia and India good fight you're making a transition uh on trying to get different parts of the economy not a heavy Reliance on oil the role of women in the society has evolved significantly you know you had this 2030 what do you see 10 20 30 years for Saudi Arabia I'll give you example if you look to the to late 70s Saudi Arabia GDP is bigger than South Korea and now South Korea it's I think it's the 10th of 11th largest GDP in the world in 2016 and 2016 we are number 20. so that's a shame in in 1980 1980 we we was GDP number I think 12 globally and then in 2016 we are number 20. so we believe if Saudi Arabia and really the perfect track since that time we will be among the top 7 GDP globally I'm trying to get Saudi Arabia back on the right track you're a data guy we can see today today we are the largest uh 17 number 17 ranked as a largest GDP in the world but in G20 we are almost ranked number 15 from 20 in just few years the G20 you just mentioned it you really have become a big player on the world stage and that G20 Rail and ports deal connecting Europe the gulf nations in India why is that such a big deal Logistics important if you want to manufacture in your country if you want to move Goods it's it's important to have a good logistic plan work it with many countries many regions to be sure that Goods pass in the right time we for example that project will cut at the time of goods from India to Europe by three to six days cut time save money and it's more safer more efficient so why not and it's not about only moving Goods at Railways and Port it's also about leaking grids energy grids data cables and other stuff would benefit Europe Middle East and also India and most of these energies all of these are going to be a green energy that are going to be produced the Middle East and and being exported to Europe and India so it's a big deal for us and for Europe and for India also mentioned in this deal is Israel what would it take for you to agree to normalize relations with Israel well there is support from prison by the administration to get to that point for us the Palestinian issue is very important we need to solve that part and we have a good negotiations continue till now we gotta see where it will go we hope that it will reach a place that it will ease the life of the Palestinians and get Israel as a player Middle Middle East there were reports that you had suspended talks no no that's that's not true not true so you think if you were to characterize it are you close every day we get closer it seems it's for the first time uh real one serious we're gonna see how it goes can you make a deal with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is that somebody you can deal with well in Saudi Arabia policy we don't interfere with who's running each country who's there we work with him now we don't have a relation with Israel but if python Administration succeeded to make I believe the biggest historical deal since the end of the Cold War then we're going to start a relationship and that relationship gonna be continuous regardless of who's running Israel so I mean he's 73 you're 38 but you think maybe there's a chance you could deal with them if we have a breakthrough of reaching a deal that give the Palestinians their needs and make the region come we're going to walk with whoever's there not to go too far but the concessions Israel would have to give the Palestinians what would that look like that's part of the negotiation yeah I don't have to describe things because I I want I want to see really a good life for the Palestinians so I want just to continue the negotiation with them by the administration to be sure well on the U.S side would there be a defense pact maybe between the Saudi Arabia and the United States and what would that would it look like Article 5 in NATO yeah first of all we we have some sort of that in the past 80 years we are the biggest buyout from American manufacturing I believe Saudi Arabia alone is bigger than the next five buyers from America so so you economically and we have a lot of security military Ties That release strengthen the position of Saudi Arabia the Middle East and strengthening the position of America globally especially in Middle East you don't want that to be shifted you don't want to see Saudi Arabia Shifting the element from America to other place so that document it will strengthen that it will strengthen the interests of America security interest military interest and also economical interests and also it will save effort and headache from the Saudi side of not switching to other places you know there are many people who Wonder why you first normalized relations with Iran a long time enemy who back in 2017 attacked your oil facilities but yet not yet Israel can you explain that based in situation and politics so we have a long fight with Iran since 79 we don't we don't want to be that the norm in the Middle East if there is opportunity to shift that and to go to prosperity and interest and working with Iran and working with other meditation bringing Iran to work with the Arab world with the Middle East why not so they didn't reach to the Iraqis in 2020 the Iraqis talked to us they start to they start to do that kind of negotiation we have few obstacles trying to come in solve it and then we have a good start we hope that continues we're trying our best and also what we see from the Iranians that they're taking this very seriously and they're doing their best so we're investing in that that's a big change and clearly you can see outside the box on these on these deals you know you can look to that are you concerned though Iran gets a nuclear weapon about them getting a nuclear weapon well we are concerned of any country getting a nuclear weapon that's a bad uh that's about the move you don't need to get a nuclear weapon because you cannot use it even if you don't get a nuclear weapon any country using European that means they are having a war with the rest of the world the world cannot see another Hiroshima if the world see 100 000 people dead that mean you are in a war with the rest of the world so it's a useless effort to reach a nuclear weapon because you cannot use it if you use it you gotta have a big fight with the rest of the world if they get one will you if they get one we have to get one for security reason for balancing power in the Middle East but we don't want to see that yeah it's just a big change you know a lot of the world experts are saying how you can isolate Iran and try to prevent them from doing what they have been doing and then just the image of your Saudi team football team going to Tehran to play is just striking right well that's good that's part of the movement and we see very warm welcome from the rain inside to the Saudi team I believe sadistic that very positively Iran has been fighting this proxy war in Yemen against you just today there were these high-level talks over the past five days with the Hootie Rebels uh inside the kingdom and the quote from your people is that it was positive Secretary of State Lincoln said that this is a time of opportunity do you think it is yeah definitely um I will aim from day one is to have good life for the enemies good life for the whole countries in the region for us in Saudi Arabia to progress to do really great progress and great growth and creating amazing economy in Saudi Arabia and have close to 100 percent of succeeding of what you're trying to get that mean we need stable region to have a stable region you need the economical development in the whole region you don't need to see your problems in Yemen it's Iraq going really forward you'd see Iran going really forward going forward you'll see the rest of the reading going forward and we are working with GCC with Egypt with other players in the region and also with the global players with our allies in America to make that happen that's good for the rest of the world because you see when the region is Disturbed ISIS come out Al Qaeda come out tourists attack come out piracy come out so so we don't want to see these events you want to see opportunities for American companies for European companies for the rest of the world and for more growth uh from in a place that create problems in the past few decades I mean obviously more than 150 000 people died in Yemen it's been a big humanitarian crisis but you all put in billions of dollars to help in that and it doesn't get covered a lot do you think it's close to kind of wrapping up well we are the biggest country in the world who give aids to Yemen in the past and today and tomorrow and we want to increase that and also we want to start to invest in Yemen in economical in the economical path in all sides of Yemen and we are in the process of doing that even if there is a ceasefire there's no political agreement yet but we are trying to push all the areas forward day by day just a couple more things on Iran do you think it was a good idea for the U.S to allow Iran to access that six billion dollars in exchange for the five American hostages you know you can kind of say it's a better good policy but what I would say that it's a step I hope that the Iranians show that getting that six million get and getting those American backs at worth effort because that would encourage the world to do more you mentioned China brokering that normalization with Iran that surprising folks why choose China in that role we didn't choose China China chose you China chose to be a broker to make that happen there are signs of change um obviously the renewal of relations with Iran brokered by China possibly joining brick China is a big component of that is the kingdom reevaluating its security Partnerships kind of trying to think of different ways to do it no no brexit is not about political uh alignments so if you look at the G20 you have like two groups inside the G20 you have the G7 and you have bricks inside D20 we try to join the G7 at president Trump time but some of the countries in G7 uh have like a requirement to be part of that and we are seeing that if if we continue for one decade without being part of group inside the G20 that could really create obstacles for us economically so bricks is option they invite us and we welcome that and Brooks is not a group against America of the West you have a lot of allies and Bricks you have India you have Brazil and you have South Africa those also as your allies you talk to all these world leaders I mean you talk to all of them and when was the last time you talked to president XI something around Nana should you talk to two four months yeah we talk a lot severe yeah how do you see him what's he like well he's trying to do the best for China and you have all the right to do with that he's a leader of a country and you want his country to succeed and to grow and you have more than one billion people you don't need to see China failing if you see China failing it's around 13 14 of the world GDB and it's around uh 15 to 20 percent of the world population that country Falls every one of the planet Falls even America you know obviously there's a lot of concern in the U.S about Taiwan um as you know president XI when it comes to that issue what do you think his vision 2030 is we are not we announced our policy in that we believe in one China and I believe so is America believing in that there is few Arrangement there I believe the Chinese is expecting that till now and we're going to look forward how it goes what about Russia you deal with President Putin what you thought about Russia inside Ukraine what's happening there it's something bad we don't want to see it invading a country it's something against the rules of the U.N the Saudi void vote against against that the Russians have their excuse of why they did that of expanding the NATO Etc of their lists of excuse what invading a country is is really uh is really bad uh in Saudi Arabia we have a good relation with Russia and also we have good relation with Ukraine we have amazing and critical trade with Ukraine and Russia so for us we try to do our best to push for a few steps to solve this problem I mean try to host peace talks Russia didn't come but I wanted to ask you about you know supporting Russia I spoke to your energy Minister who was fantastic principal Aziz about your decision for oil production cuts and he told me that it was based on volatility and trying to stabilize the market there are some supporters of Ukraine who say by doing that and price is spiking that you have essentially boosted Russia's war effort at a time when the country every country a lot of countries are trying to squeeze him to get out of Ukraine so how do you deal with that so you're talking about support of Ukraine but how about the president of Ukraine what did he say you say Toto is something against that you say Saudi Arabia is supporting Ukraine supporting to solve the problem between Ukraine and Russia and trying to be moderator to help in that area and if we are doing a deal in OPEC plus country to support Russia Iran is part of the OPEC plus country and at that time Iran was our enemy that we don't have that alignments that we have today so are we are supporting Iran at that time that doesn't make any sense for us in Saudi Arabia we just watched Supply demand if there is shortage of supply our role in public losses to fill that shortage if there is oversupply our Olympic plus to measure that for visibility of the market so it doesn't have anything other than it's purely about demand Supply it is coming up on the five-year anniversary of the brutal murder of journalist Jamal khashoggi in your Consulate in Turkey U.S intelligence pointed to you as ordering that attack I've heard you addressed this several times saying you didn't order the murder uh saying it was horrible and a mistake and that as a leader you take a responsibility as a leader of the country but but five years later what do you tell people in the U.S who still have concerns and journalists maybe around the world and maybe potential tourists who would come here to sendala that they wonder if anything changed or if it could happen again well we take all the legal measurement that any country took like when America had a mistakes in Iraq they do investigation trial Etc we did that in Saudi Arabia and the case being closed and also we try to reform the security system to be sure that these kind of mistakes doesn't happen again and we can see in the past five years nothing of those things happen it's not part of what Saudi Arabia do in the last 100 years it was a mistake it was painful and we're trying our best to be sure that we are from our system to work by the book and to be sure that everyone is safe not in Saudi the whole globe did anyone involved in The Killing serve jail time yes anyone anyone involved this is serving a good time they have to you have to face the law and you're trying to change the law broadly to make sentences more realistic not for eign people but we believe today it's far away from realistic cross asadi so we are not proud of all of our laws in Saudi Arabia there was this AP Associated Press article that just came out a couple weeks ago uh with the headline that said Saudi man receives death penalty penalty for posts Online latest case in wide-ranging Crackdown on dissent I guess dealing with his posts on acts formerly Twitter so one is that true and two are you changing that aspect shamely it's true so it's something I don't like can't you change that we are doing our best to do that we we already had a few laws we changed tens of laws in Saudi Arabia and the list have more than one thousand items and in the cabinet I have only 150 lawyers so I'm trying to prioritize the change day by day but we are not happy with that we are ashamed of uh that but the deal system have to follow the laws and I cannot tell the judge that do that and ignore the law because that will that's against the rule of law but do we have bad laws yes uh we are changing that yes do you think that guy is going to get killed for the Post well uh I believe there's few steps in the trials uh I I I'm hoping that in the next phase of Trials the judge there is more experience and they might look at it totally different recently in the U.S we remembered the 22nd anniversary of the 9 11 attacks as you know 15 of the 19 hijackers were Saudis and the 911 victims families you know they make their feelings clear especially around the anniversary that they believe there's intelligence that somehow links the Saudi government to supporting or facilitating those hijackers what do you say to those 9 11 families 22 years later but I'm very sorry that anyone lose any one of his family no one wants to lose his family especially in a way like like that yes there's 15 Saudi in that being planned by Osama Bin Laden that's where it will not Osama Bin Laden being planned also a lot of attacks in Saudi Arabia so it doesn't make any sense that we work with the guy who's doing terrorist attack in Saudi Arabia in the 90s and after that I'm killing Saudis and foreign people at that time in Saudi Arabia he's the American enemy the main attempt for Osama bin Laden and that's by the reports the military Bin Laden is to recruit as much as they can as he can Saudis to be sure that he create a problem between America and Saudi Arabia so if people in America fault of that that means succeed in his plan you're credited with going after uh extremists Jihadi extremism in the country is that still happening the country was conservative before and it's not also Saudi Arabia was conservative in America was conservative before time change reforms comes and that's what's happening in Saudi Arabia after the khashoggi killing President Biden called Saudi a pariah Nation then he visited here and he had the closed fist the fist pump then it's an open hand recently at the G20 with a handshake and a smile thanking you for your leadership it's fair to say the U.S relationship with Saudi is is complicated how would you describe your current relationship with President Biden the only thing that doesn't change in politic that is changing so always a change of politics that served your goals as a nation we have today great great walk with President Biden we are working in the big Network that we're building between India Saudi Arabia Europe we are working with peace arrangement with Israel and Palestine Palestine we are we have a the longest ceasefire in Yemen and there is a lot of good progress to create political solution and we have a lot of work and security stability in the region also Beyond in Ukraine we have amazing work and Technology r d uh 6G investment and I don't think there is it for America space industry and many areas so the agenda between Saudi Arabia and America today it's really interesting and we have really amazing relation with President Biden I mean you talk with them behind the scenes in the U.S right now there's a lot of focus even from his own party about his age he's 80 you're 38 as I mentioned you've worked with him you've met with them what's your assessment it's sharp and he Focus he's really well focused well prepared and so that's what I see yeah are you following American politics closely do you sometime but I don't have a lot of time most of it I try to follow what's really affecting Saudi Arabia but I follow sometime in American politics is it hard to deal with the U.S when the administration's change every four to eight years and maybe foreign policy changes well some sometimes you know changes in any countries also always create uh like let's say a period of negotiation so we are used to that and any Administration change in America we start to talk we start to negotiate what we have together uh what kind of obstacles we have in that relation and what kind of new opportunity that you should work on it and then we reach a point that we have this plan to walk in the next few years you had a good relationship with former president Trump then president and his administration you know there's several investigations right now with President Biden and his son Hunter the money he took in from a company in Ukraine and from China and whether that had an impact either directly to President Biden or on his decisions that he made in the Trump Administration you had a really close relationship with the president's senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner after he left shaudi fund made reportedly a two billion dollar investment in Jared's new fund he was launching and managing do you think that sends the wrong message even if there wasn't a tit for Tata I'll give you this and you get that but we look to Opportunities an investment we have investment a lot of investment along the globe with a lot of peoples and with the clinical opportunity so if Trump becomes president again you'll leave the 2 billion with Jared Kushner it's it's a it's a commitment that pif have and when pif have commitment with any investor around the globe keep it would it affect your decisions with a new Trump Administration with that sitting there well Saudi Arabia is so big so I'm quite sure mostly any person around the world directly or on directly you have something to do with Saudi Arabia so if that can affect President Trump decision if he become a president that gonna that means that gonna affect every president in the world and every person in the world decision because Titan directly you have some sort of Interest or something to do with Saudi Arabia well there you go um the other question I want to ask you is you're a sports fan yes definitely where were you when Saudi beat Argentina in the world cup and what was your reaction I was with my family we I brought those their wives their kids watching the game and actually we just want to get out from this game with no home relation we get surprised I mean it fired up people here I talked to a ton of them and they were really excited do you think football soccer in the U.S is changing the dynamic here that it's almost another national identity well well we want to despise our economy you have to work in all sectors mining infrastructure uh manufacturing Transportation Logistics all the list and part of it is tourism and if you want to have tourism you need to develop your cultural sector Your Entertainment sector on your support sectors because you need to create a calendar and we can see tourism cues to participate in Saudi Arabia GDB by three percent today it's seven percent sport it's used to participate in Saudi GDB by 0.4 percent today it's 1.5 percent so it's a clinical growth it's jobs it's a calendar It's Entertainment it's tourism and you can see we are now on climber one in Middle East six years ago we are not even the top 10 list in the Middle East and we are now in 2022 we are number 10 of global visit globally so that's a really great success we are aiming to get above 100 million visits in 2030 maybe 150 last year we reached almost 40 million visits from Saudi Arabia and globally so it seems that we are going there yeah your tourism Minister says you keep on setting a new goal because we reached the world fast yeah you are spending a ton on Sports a lot of money big names that people are very familiar with big teams big facilities what do you say to the people who charge that that's part of Sports washing that you're trying to use all of that to somehow improve or somehow affect your image in the way if a sports Washington going to increase one percent and then I will continue doing spot washing you're okay with that term I I don't care I have one percent growth of GDP from Sport and I'm aiming for another one and a half percent call us whatever you want we're going to get that one and a half percent are you a golfer I'm a beginner not good so uh you don't have a lot of time to practice uh that's part of it but I'm trying to do my best what do you make of live golf and possibly this merging with the PGA well that's a game changer for the golf industry you will not have competition and you will have focused in developing the game and that's good for the players and the fans who love golf is there something you feel in the country that's changing because of everything you've done like do you see young people buying in and that that is in and of itself is going to be a game changer not from the top down but from the bottom up well it's not everything that I've done it's everything that we've done in Saudi in Saudi Arabia I'm just one of them and if the people doesn't buy in it will not work so first rule people have to believe in it and everyone have to push to make all the progress that we are having in Saudi Arabia and it seems that going really well we are one of We're the fastest growing country in the planet and we have the most ambition projects in all sectors so we have to move fastest in each industry in the planet at some time you will be king here how is your father he's he's 88 year old he's in a good health I hope along life and healthy life for him inshallah custodian of the two holy mosques is a title held by the Saudi king and it's a really serious responsibility always well understood in the U.S could could you say something for our viewers about the obligation that implies for the Saudi king how big a deal that is in the broader Islam when the two holy side in Saudi Arabia it's the two holy sides of Muslims have Kaaba which they face five times a day and they have to visit one time life and you're talking about almost two billion people in the planet and in Medina you have the grave of the prophet so the duty of any king of Saudi Arabia and the duty of all Saudi peoples to serve those two places and to serve the visitors of those those places and I believe we we did a wonderful job in that area thank you for answering all of these questions I just spent the past three days here and I've visited here many many times before and I personally have seen major Transformations not just for women but the building and the cranes and how people look at this country for people on the outside looking at this what would you tell them you know if they want to come visit they may be skittish about coming to Saudi Arabia because of what has been written in the past what they see what would you tell them I will tell them the greatest success story in the 21 century is Saudi Arabia this is the story of this century do you want to miss it or not that's your call and do you think you're going to slow down at all no no we're trying to speed up every day your Royal Highness we really appreciate this time shukran thank you
Channel: Fox News
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Keywords: biden admin, biden administration, biden saudis, bret baier, fnc, foreign policy, fox, fox news, fox news channel, martha maccallum, mbs, middle east, mohammed bin salman, news, political news, politics, saudi arabia, saudi arabia crown prince, saudi arabia mbs, saudi crown prince, special report, special report exclusive, us foreign policy, us middle east, us middle east foreign policy, us middle east relations, israel news, middle east eye, saudi israel relations
Id: Y_u8ghPr3HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 18sec (1938 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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