Good Bad or Bad Bad #3 - Ben and Arthur

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I like this. It was easy to get into because their laughter is contagious, kind of like listening to an early morning shock jock radio show (but in a good way). Plus, the movie seemed genuinely horrible.

Best thing about Sam Mraovich is his IMDB profile. After hearing about how every job in the movie was credited to him, I laughed at the fact that Sam's terribly written biography ends with "- IMDb Mini Biography By: Sam Mraovich".

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Rimshot1985 📅︎︎ Mar 26 2015 🗫︎ replies
dammit Arthur I need to know that I can count on you hello and welcome to the third episode of good bad or bad man the show where we watch terrible movies until you you should too I'm Brian chilly oh I'm joined as always Kyle Hinton today's episode we watched Ben and Arthur the 2002 hesitate to call it a film uh and I I don't know where to start with this one because it's I you recommended this film where as good cop bad cop to find our definition this defines filmmaking it just I don't insane I I'm already lost for words and we haven't even started yeah you you recommended this movie this is a film I had found in like the cracks of the internet yeah a long time and I was hesitant to watch it because I didn't think it was an actual like I felt like I was like I don't want to just watch somebody's home movie that they put on YouTube but after enough coaxing and I looked up and saw you this is actually out on DVD it got released on DVD somehow somewhere it made money in a box office somewhere I assume in somewhere you know like one theater and Calvin Cal in LA for like one weekend or something uh that like the guy must have been friends with this movie is the most incompetent piece of non filmmaking that I have ever seen in my entire life this is for people who watch the show probably know what the room is this makes the room look like citizen [ __ ] cake I'm not kidding when I say that it made the room is crazy because of Tommy was so and I think this movie is crazy because of Sam Maravich who's the writer director editor in Hebei main act made everything he did everything in the movie I think and I don't say this lightly he may there may be something wrong with him the nose is a slow burn setup for this movie I but I can't I can't I can't don't know where to start let's get it into the film the actual film it opens in one of the best ways you can on what looks like sewage yeah it's like I think it's a lava lamp it's like there's the entertainer the entertainers plane.b everything look at the end credits he did the beginning and ending sequences on a piano oh he played it yeah he is he is a true hot tour yeah so we hit like the equivalent of what looks like just it looks like sewage like I don't know what it's supposed to be because this looks like sewage and the entertainers playing and the credits roll every credit is Sam Maravich it's the guy anybody has a different credit a different title for each thing in the movie same average plays the part of stuff Arthur yeah we he's introduced to us by sleeping on a bed big shocker it's like every other film we've done yeah yeah bad movies always tend to start with somebody in bed he is woken up by his gay lover via phone calls yep hey have you have you seen the TV yes the most bizarre like it's like this is like beyond rehearsed this is like that's the main like acting is so not even in city acting yeah it's not it's not really acting it's not it's and but it's also the writing it the way every line in this movie is delivered it's like they did each line ten different ways and then when he was editing it he picked the most awkward unnatural one and then edited that in it I can't fathom nobody in this movie talks like a human being at all not a single one of them has any sort of conversation that resembles anything a normal human being would have Arthur Arthur you heard the news uh having the TV was broken the pad been asleep for the past whatever hours I'll turn on the radio you know I didn't find out the TV just broke I've been down here just taking a nap so okay without going through this whole movie the big love the storyline this is that what this movie is is like it's a it's a propaganda piece kind of that gets really weird at the end about akin to Romeo and Juliet yeah yeah in a way but but the piece itself is about like marriage equality and like religion and it's like very juvenile treatment of all of those topics it's like somebody who and and just without making I don't think baseless assumptions most of the actors in this movie are gay men it would seem and that the director surely is and so this is like sort of like a with that passionate lovemaking scene I don't know yeah and so it's it seems like you know this is like something they felt was important and they probably and it is and it was at the time and it's still within yeah you can even go say look at Tommy Wiseau as whereas the film is absolute garbage you have some kind of respect for the guy for going out there and doing what he did yeah and with this you kind of get this yeah yeah same thing I'm like he was trying to do something and trying to have a message but the way he did about it is so insanely that's great insane is the only word I can possibly use to describe this movie I want a divorce what brought that home tami homosexual I'm assuming it's a ban for gay marriage has been lifted in Hawaii yeah and they are [ __ ] his just a static of it yeah they're like oh we're going get married the couple the gay couples so they start packing during the packing see montage of awesome hacks they're also during the packing montage there's a tripod in one of the shot yeah yeah in the background yeah of their apartment which really quick sidebar I want to talk about their apartment I assume they shot this in like the apartment or that he lives in like the director lives yeah almost assuredly there's like no furniture completely unfriended empty and there's like trash on the floor like I feel like he has the apartment of a crazy person like I think like an insane person another two years Ben this is ignorance and completely unfair this country [ __ ] sucks it just [ __ ] sucks oh so immediately the following morning he's like you see the paper paper yes and then they did it like it's like oh isn't even as like a close-up or like is he blocked or anyway or sure and he concluded was that Lanois humping in the previous block oh uh then he gives like the most bland reading of this news article it says I wrote down when watching is like is this your first time reading gay people gained the right to get married in Hawaii esterday will have major disappointment the judge has put a stay on his decision allowing gays to marry an estate so what are we going to do yes like gays yeah and the judge is gonna have to will Maul over this which means it could be another two years like I believe literally like he had no and you you think I'm putting like some sort of crazy that's almost how he taught us the weirdest accent he almost sounds like he's from like Minnesota or like somewhere north but then like mixed with this weird like I'm not sure and he's always wearing a Steelers hat all the time you look at all this this man is a nygma I don't know I mean I can't fathom he is an undiscovered genius I think he must be dear diary I can't believe Ben he's married to some [ __ ] named Tammy he was telling me he was always gay and got married due to peer pressure I told him to get his stupid wife over soon and get the divorce papers signed so now they're in a situation where they can't get married in why so they immediately go like well we can get married in Vermont why don't you go there in the first place yeah it's like you could have just why were you look so excited for Hawaii when it's already legal some yeah yeah so they get their lawyer to kind of like workouts their lawyer unions up oh my god Bette in her living room she has my favorite thing is like she's a slore who they say kind of specializes in this or likes as some sort of equity she's like I need to read up on the law a little bit more but I'll get back to you no idea this is the worst lawyer ever but getting married out here in California it's gonna be hard because of this proposition 22 and I'm gonna have to read up on the law more the asker there every day ask your question and she's like I'm not really sure about the legality it's like your [ __ ] lawyer that's your job I do not know so that is everything and to expand on I was saying when they go to meet her it's literally her living room yeah there's like essence bird what is this [ __ ] everything in this movie is shot in somebody's living room yes because they didn't have any other location um so they take a flight out to Vermont yeah then they get to Vermont they have a marriage ceremony Brian what is the vegetation like in Vermont palm tree yes I've never been on me so I can't argue with them there they clearly shot this in like LA yeah although some trees they run down the street and like those yeah Arboretum they're like good come on it was it's like come on you can't find it find any location do it inside man the Rings I don't have the rings do you have the ring oh no no I don't have the Rings kind of jump back real quick cuz you skipped the teleportation box oh yes the editing in this movie is [ __ ] crazy he like put it together in a fever dream yes was like up together then had been reveals something to our things like Arthur I need to tell you something and then does like a reaction shot of Arthur and then he like literally teleport about six inches from him close-up of a bed and then close-up of Arthur and then wide shot of Ben and with the close-up of Arthur he's across the room yeah I come back to the wide shot on bin there is right next is like of that we have to pay for those plane tickets I need to tell you something it's like oh he's a vampire cool it reveal he reveals that he has been married for five years to his wife yeah been again to clarify been Arthur is the main character yes and Ben is his lover yes yeah who is married to a woman who's married to a woman and still is technically so his wife they make their trip back to I'm assuming LA yeah yeah cuz I have an LAPD or detective all right so they make their flight in how do they take their flight in uh how did I take their flight in yeah me too Vermont no problem on to LA pipe I think what here's here's how they ears how they flew back here's how they flew from from on to LA they uh they package themself up sand boxes yes and mailed themselves back to LA because they fly back in a FedEx official a plane flying out like taking off like this you clearly see FedEx across the side like they said they shot this by sitting at an airport Y like LAX and they're just they couldn't wait for like a commercial airliner together like I got the first one that went it was a FedEx planing like mad work is left it's like everything about this room it's so there's so many points I'm like there's no way this isn't satire or on purpose but I don't think it is the more I watched it the more I was like I think this is genuine it did yes I think this is a genuine attempt by a person who has no self awareness like a like maybe he has no self awareness and nobody told him like homeboy this is what are you doing there buddy so Arthur isn't he the money and the reason he's in need of money is I thought it was to go back to school yeah cuz he doesn't like his job so he wants to go back yeah when he quits his job in the best way possible dialogue that restaurant scene is amazing that's the only the only time there's a location that isn't his apartment or somebody's apartment or a fake cardboard and like been his washing dishes in the back he's a dishwasher yeah and he's like you know if I had to go back to working as a nurse yeah I could all do that you know it'll be all right yeah get out of here and you know what worse comes to worst if I have to go back to work as a nurse that's cool yeah what if I really dishwasher I would you do that and not be a nurse a nurse it's like a good job I mean it's hard work but it's like a good job it's like being like one more times as much money no I'll stay and wash dishes in the back of his arrest rod so so he gets on the floor Thursday art but Arthur's a waiter and he's a waiter he's like one of the one of the waiters is letter one of the customers is like and there's like a whole nother two inches laughing rude oh so how you want today no good hey I want more I'm sorry I just filled it there's a hole two inches left yeah it's so he just like walks out in the best dialogue ever she's like you gonna give me my sugar I'm gonna tell your boss on you that up show him and he just walks out does he like like laugh is like is lando like his laughs it's like there's no this is this person I can't pay I can't handle it this person Arthur they got us an morovich it's like he's an alien watched humans and and then it's now trying to pretend a big one aren't you getting my sugar no they're getting my sugar also they tell your boss on you goodbye I'm telling you here I'm telling that ought to show him his job hunt his job that's another great part because it was the only part where I'm like that might be kind of funny if he was intending it to be funny and it almost it was a what I would say the strip club thing Rhea psyche the guy's like alright let's see how you dance and this dude's clearly [ __ ] drunk yeah and he's just dancing without music goes he goes oh do you have any music because like no you don't need music if you can't like once dancing ever and it is like that's great let's see your penis mm cut that's great know what fits your penis as like because there are few attempts a genuine humor and I think that was one of them like okay this will be and you getting hot yeah I would give it to him there are moments like that that are kind of cut like a little funny you could tell that at least not all of it is like intentionally serious and and failing but some of it there are few jokes here and there but but yeah after a failure is like I need I need money to go back to school because everybody wants like a college educated to degree so he he has to swallow his pride and go to his brother his brother for money his brother is who's Victor Victor sales sales how do you describe his brother and Victor is like this super Christian bigoted gay hating guy and portrayed by somebody who trade by somebody who is clearly be at like yeah gayest man that could be if the director could find and and it's like if you could be it could be a gay man playing a bigot Eric Christian you but you should probably change wardrobe up open and not work like tank tops and short shorts the whole movie if you're gonna be doing it's like see he looks like he could walk right into a gay club and everybody be like yeah it's not only that like he has a bunch of pets too and he just like hey hey pad yeah I use cats that he'd like is always petting it's it's so awkward it doesn't make any sense with character able and it's plate it's like a because the it's like in bathroom PAP yeah I'm rounding in bathrobes it's like why is this you should be wearing like a button-down white shirt and like you know slashes like you'd expect him to go like a briefcase can go into work yeah yeah like it like an upstanding like kind of button-down Christian II that type of carrot get things like lounging in short shorts all the time I will give you more than if I'll give you eight thousand dollars if you bring this man over here to this apartment and respect me and respect this apartment and respect the Lord Jesus Christ so Arthur goes his place and like begs em for money he's like I'll give you them I'll give me more than what you asked for yeah if you bring this man over rashim my place for dinner yeah so I can parade both of us being gay so so they go over to the place and they are dining on a fine dinner of pop-tarts again like as like is this intentional like that had to be intentional like ha this will be funny we'll have meeting pop-tarts eating pop-tarts for dinner so it's like something about basically Viktor just goes yeah is really terrible with you know homosexuality and something like that and then Arthur goes how dare you in slave's pop-tart onto the table you [ __ ] how dare you talk to brother like that they get a angry angry pop-tarts land and leave and Viktor who also had another guest there his church his Lodge buddy which I can I was like I felt like setting up some weird like closeted gay yeah but they don't ever say never gets like even touched upon at all it's just like they're like it oh god no we had to go back yeah we missed I don't know if you're talking about the part no because the next thing it says is we have to do more drastic measures definitely more durable than man that was before this no that was a I didn't mean okay so before that before that and this is what he means by Mordred okay so first first dialing way back when Arthur first gets to his brothers apartment is a minor thing but it was hilarious he shows up at his brother his biological brothers apartment and knocked on the door his brother opens it and he stares at him and he goes it's me it's Arthur and he goes oh I didn't reckon I haven't seen you in seven years hey Beckett it's it's me your brother Arthur Arthur I I haven't seen you in what's at least seven years yeah heavily recognise you how did seven years and you can't recognise there's no loss other Harry yes I was like I don't know you would not be able to roll that after he goes to visit his brother he tells him that they have a lawyer yes he tells his brother that they have a lawyer working on getting marry dorsum yes so he calls up a private investigator to track down this lawyer who's trying to get their civil union yeah not all union recognized in California and so he calls what he calls a mafia they send an intern so I'm intern but my person gives me yes I say turn private investigations like I'm the interning private investigator is us look I think it's really it's morally wrong what you're doing was like but Victor's like but I have the money I'm paying you you're gonna do this yes yes you're paying me I'm going to do this it's like there's no moral code really after that point and so it tracks down the the lawyer and then Victor yeahgood goes on a [ __ ] no hold on don't spoil it yeah because okay I want to let this develop because to this point the movie has been pretty like it's it's like a weird like moral play yeah and like it I think it's just like you think it's like it's gonna be like kind of a drama II like whatever and and you know there may be like some domestic violence and like yelling and whatnot and so then after the private investigator tells him about this lawyer and like where she is or whatever you we see Victor like well there's like starts a montage of Victor walking down the street at night and it's just banging techno music yes something Technica's it is amazing wonder where this is going he's gonna like confront her and be like hey stop helping my brother or whatever it's like but the techno music is really going on she's parking in a parking garage in a parking garage and then he is booking it book and runnin runnin I'm like oh god he's runner he's running what is he doing he pulls out a gun without a [ __ ] gun shoots our twine in the window shoots our point by frames like two or three times in the chest and then he like runs off and then she is dead obviously he just murder this keep his brother from getting a mare not a door like holy [ __ ] and those are more drastic measures yes like dog just happened he just murdered that person I was not expecting that I was like escalated so quickly so then later when he's talking to his friend the brother the brother is talking to his friend and they're still even though the lawyers down dead at this point this is what you're alluding to they're trying to convince them not to be gay or whatever yeah and and the friend from the church says well so I don't know what didn't something didn't work or they were just trying to talk to him yeah they're needing more drastic measure and he says we're gonna need more drastic measures more drastic measures definitely more drastic measures for these two idiots you mean more drastic than murdering somebody what do you mean more drastic measures you just shot a person in the chest what are these more drastic measures Brian only water like a potion love that's supposed to be red hey the body of demons it's so [ __ ] crazy cuz I make it in like it's boiling water and they're putting like pepper and salt well I have a secret holy water recipe that you can read it off it all says it all these demons that possess them turn straight yes like this has to be a joke like this part is like why is that why did they think that would be a good settlement the victor puts it in like a blast cleaner spray bottle and taped it to their door without any explanation you know what he could do if he wanted to you like haven't work on them he could invite them over and put it their drinks or spray on mason with it no you know it's tapes it to the door our Arthur opens it looks at the model without any three like knowledge of whatever the [ __ ] this is just goes hey Ben look it's what my stupid brother had it supposed to rid us of like demons and stuff like explicitly sensible wine of what his brother said it was supposed to do they like copy pasted the line and then Arthur Rios you know that look at this is it it sounds stupid potion for my brother supposed to free demons out of your soul when you drink it what the [ __ ] is going on are you broken oh so so Victor now desperate goes to the church Brian how would you describe the church uh uh uh made cardboard it is 100% made of cardboard we have named it cardboard Church because that and it is amazing it's not like kind of like you could tell maybe made of cardboard cuz like somebody bumps it and it shakes it's like explicitly cardboard that's like where they get a raw stairs across in the background where you can see the internal ridges and the Jag like the one they cut it out they couldn't even use like exacto knife to make it like actually the shape of a cross they like kind of like scissor cut it like jaggedly and then they have the greatest like child drawing of Jesus ever there's not good kids painting of Jesus on the wall I guess clearly I don't like uh you know I'm not looking back maybe this is some sort of like deep message about and then you look at the director you're like no no no it's not no babies like that'll look good we'll just make this set on a carbon subtlety part the FOB the father is like we're kicking you out of the church because your brother's gang we don't want his influence spreading around the church or the congregation well the congregation is concerned that your brother's homosexuality may rub off on their children's and their souls straight to hell then Victor starts getting uh insanely desperate and wait a second hold on we skipped something we skipped win and I love this scene when when Ben's ex-wife can oh yes she okay so Ben's ex wife comes back later and she has a gun yeah she comes to confront Ben because that's broiled for divorce with them yes the best part about these guns everybody has the same gun everybody same gun until the end of the movie in the beginning everybody has the same like 9-millimeter so she like puts a key she shows up at their apartment well bars hers gone yeah and she like puts a gun in his face did she see yelled at him remember me that's what I'm like wait what do you mean remember you of course he does marry you for five years ten what are you doing remember me so they go do a thing into a fight with it and there's like two gunshots like rolling around they're like really shitty sound effects I think right before that there's one of my favorite lines where they're yelling at each other yeah you don't make sense I don't make sense like did I'll be gay and then it may be okay for us to get married again it's like you don't make sense I mean it's daddy makes me I'll be eat you and then that'll make it right first you married again huh you're not making any sense I don't make sense you don't make sense I make sense that's who makes sense Brian what why is Arthur out of the house yeah when she shows up Arthur isn't there and there's a reason and that's because he's like art there's like I'm gonna go down to the store and I'm not trying to do like a this is what he says that's what he sounds like it's like I'm trying to imitate him not like you say a typical gay boys head Ben I'm gonna go to the store do you want anything no good stay here but can you pick me up some Twinkies and some skittles and oh yeah and don't you get some some soda too are you six like that must have been an attempt at humor like it had to have been what but it's just so dumb and not even a joke it's not funny she's like why if I would oh my god hey Benny I'm gonna go to the grocery store do you want to go with me right say relatively soon after that point is where we get the amazing gay sex scene Brian what movie was that taken from that was like shot-for-shot the love scene in Top Gun and my shot-for-shot you mean the beginning part and then the equivalent of two men planky most Awkward like this guy this main character sam Marivic rude it's like you think like you're like is he okay okay so he's gay but I would say he's gay but it's like has he ever had sex before what the [ __ ] going on there just awkwardly rubbing their faces on each other yeah it's like the the least chemistry that any two people have ever had like like Ben Ben is [ __ ] handsome he's a him like he's like rich supermodels like rip diaz flowing hair he like he looks like I could talk about this the cover for the DVD is [ __ ] amazing the cover of a romance no I got it I'll put that in here but and that's the guy that's that's Ben and it's like it looks like a movie star like he looks amazing art art is a pudgy balding man who wears flip-flops and socks everywhere he goes and and and basketball shorts and Hawaiian shirts and the other guy dresses like you know in like nice clothes like shirtless half the deal you always have sweaters yeah he's like sweaters and like just handsome and then [ __ ] art there's like slumping around and flip-flops like one of the fire they together the dynamic makes no sense also they [ __ ] hate each other when most of the time there's a part where like the UH somebody goes to their door is like the garage has been broken into and then Ben Bay like rushes downstairs to find out that his motorcycle stolen so he goes in and almost peeking what the microphone can record I need to know that I can count on you yes damn it Arthur I thought I could count on you and then like [ __ ] knocks him out he punches the [ __ ] out of Arthur or me I do character it's like domestic violence out of no wedding he knocks him unconscious he punches him so hard he knocks him unconscious because there's like a coming to scene where he's like huh look this is the worst most abusive relationship ever and they're our main characters they're the people were supposed to sympathize with I'm sorry Wow what am I supposed to say well you know Ben if I ever get killed maybe you can take that insurance money and just go ahead and buy a hundred bikes Oh so the father he says all right all right I can church yeah I Victor has gone back to the Father another cardboard sure he said I'm willing to do anything even the final deal final deed what exactly did you mean by the final deed it's like you've already done the pie already hurt somebody stop pretending you didn't murder that person so he goes to he goes to father father Raven I believe is his name and he's like father's like I know a man I know a man that can help you I don't think you should do this on your own how the [ __ ] you know a hitman cuz it's all about priests that don't like gay people just no hitman but why it's not only that he knows a hitman that hitman is part of his congregation it's because this congregation it's like I could the message in Irish mafia the message in all this is so over the top and like brute force and like shittily handled where it's like okay you know religion oppressing gay people by literally murdering them with their church hit minutes what so so they get they get together and while Arthur is out again presumably getting Twinkies and skittles they knock on the door bin answers and they beat the living [ __ ] out of him hey hey man oh my god Arthur gets back he finds him unconscious and calls it calls in an ambulance yeah he then is like we need Oh God it must have been Victor so he breaks into his apartment with a buck with us was it a safety pin or a bobby pin I think it's like a no it's a paper clip it was a piece of paper clip to pick the lock on oh my god don't worry anything he like bugs the phone by sticking what is it's the equivalent of like SD card into the battery where we got it we get we get another look at which happens multiple times in this movie we get the lovely privilege of watching Arthur run somewhere yes yes and he's wearing every scene he's wearing sandals with socks and basketball shorts it's like you own any other clothes why are you always wearing the same awful clothing he bugs the phone and then as he's bug getting ready to leave Victor break this confusing Victor breaks or breaks in it's his apartment comes home and and Arthur's in his apartment and he's like what are you doing in my apartment and and and Ben's like you tried to [ __ ] car Arthur's like you tried to kill bit whatever who knows anyways Arthur yells this great line at Victor what the [ __ ] are you doing I want to know who you hired do that to ban you okay which is just out of nowhere and great but then Victor gets really mad at Ben all right aren't [ __ ] nothing Arthur whatever his goddamn name is for calling him a [ __ ] he gets so offended that Arthur would dare call him a [ __ ] it's like you literally have killed people and tried to kill other people and you're mad that your brother he's like I can't believe my own brother would call me a [ __ ] he called me a [ __ ] [ __ ] he believed its own brother talking and then Victor admits to murdering one of Arthur's childhood friends Wes was a key yes he really admits to it - Arthur's face and this little puppy is the same when I used to give a little [ __ ] friend of yours when you were little you're a sick cat you know that it's like I don't one wait wait wait wait wait what cuz they're not either age different isn't that like they're not like you're not significant like so he was definite most he's like five years older so if like if Arthur had a friend when he was like you know eight or nine or something at oh and oldest victor was like fourteen or fifteen and murdered an eight-year-old with a gun because he thought the little kid was gay hmm we need to get on the killing spree now so Arthur finds out about the church and so he goes and gets the killer's info which really doesn't amount to much because he doesn't do anything with it but he like gets some nail polish remover like like Burnie knocks out the priest yeah he pretends to like he's like pretending to like one too in the greatest running montage ever he runs out of the church goes to his car gets a container clearly empty yeah it runs back in and starts pouring a liquid on little easy and I love that every time there's an external shot of a place like the store or the church it's always filmed from across the street yes because they didn't want it well I get anybody's permission to do anything I guess so there's like a guy with a Sony Handycam across the street and like Arthur will like run down the street and then like go in the front door of the church yeah and then clearly just like walk right back but they because I don't shoot at the inside of the church they just shoot him walking into some random generic public Church yeah it's so weird it's like this but he like flicks a match just yeah i'd say this is like the perfect way to flick a match and just go ahead and you're dead lights him on fire burned him alive leaves the church yes goes back to his apartment no you know he gets a call for been given being released from the hospital so he helps be in into his apartment and he's like hey I'm gonna go take a shower you just go ahead and get some sleep Ben but what he brings them in things like lays him down on the couch he lays them on the food I'm Ben's like yeah well sleep here there's like it's not hyperbole he's like okay I'll put you in the bed what the one that's taking there in the first why is that movie why's that scene in the movie wait that's like the microcosm of this movie where I like what happened I was like okay first off why is the scene in the movie it adds nothing there's literally pointless second in reality if this were a real thing why would you take the person onto the couch and and then on I was did this movie it perfectly illustrates everybody's lack of ability at filmmaking and understanding reality this is uncomfortable I don't sleep I don't want to lay here here let me help you the bedroom so whilst and I will say Wow Ben oh well whilst Arthur is taking a shower Viktor comes back to their apartment and this time he's in pure [ __ ] mode he's in this is this is it but when he's coming to the apartment or this maybe earlier anyways when he has that hit man guy yeah this is brilliant part of the movie that I was like oh that's what happened here they're going into this might be the first time when they beat him up they're going into the apartment and they're like on the outside of the apartment they're talking about and they're gonna get there they're gonna go they're gonna go they're gonna go and then and there's two people and then cut to the inside and then all of a sudden Victor's by himself and he turns around and looks off camera and goes actually stay annoying I've changed my mind I gotta take care of business go back to the car wait there half an hour I don't come back and happen however just leave all right actually you're mine you understand okay go now but you know the actor wasn't there the actor was gone or had something to do or got a phone call it's like I would do without him just do without him maybe so and they hits the doorbell several times but it pulls out a phaser it is a Star Trek phaser [ __ ] space gun that they spray-painted black because it almost even looks like one of those little water guns that looks like a leg on that they spray-painted black the whole movie they've had a realistic-looking gone and then all of a sudden he's got a [ __ ] and the only thing we just think of is though they needed to gun yeah and they only had one it's like really gonna think it one okay ah so he hits the doorbell times and Arthur's in the shower you can't hear anything in Ben's like gets up gets get stressed and opens the door and Viktor just like [ __ ] off and shoots him and in the weirdest special effects that you know so moving me a seizure I felt like I was gonna have a seizure I had the worst headache watching it they do this like oh like dreamy not dreamy but like disorienting it's like flashing and awful it has great music to it yeah but Arthur comes out of the dollar completely unaware of what's happened doesn't hear gun shipment knows - gunshot - gunshot yes apartment while he's in the shower doesn't hear it all comes out is like fed no he doesn't even react he like sees them and it's like the worst reaction to seeing your lover dead that's ever been filmed he's just like uh hmm ah ah and then he like uh flicks [ __ ] weird I think that drew her attention even in have because this the acting what certainly wasn't growing our attention no was a TV in the background look a video input so and it's on the floor he doesn't have it like it's a crazy persons apartment it's just that there's a TV on the floor in the background of like half the shots that's on and it has an its its it says like there's like no signal coming in it says like input to or whatever and there's like no signal it's like what is that on the background I think what it was is they were shooting and whenever they wanted to go look at the film oh that is they would hook it up to that yeah they can all watch it yeah and then they would unplug it and go film or it's because and they forgot to turn it off I think that's what was going on there and so so Victor is like you're gonna [ __ ] get up and we're gonna go baptize you yeah we're gonna baptize you and nude yep Oh God and then we have to look at Arthur's ass yeah it's it seems so [ __ ] and it's awkward he's like dragging around the apartment naked like to the shower yeah and they like baptize him and then like drugs him with rubbing alcohol oh god it's awful the whole thing that end is weird and then so so arthur wakes up goes to her drawer and pulls out a gun and the only thing yeah cuz then he goes to sleep yeah oh is the awesome are you know some proximate drug zippers and they pulled out a gun which the only thing I can think of where that gun would come from is when the Ben's wife was there earlier and they let Hannah Dinah was he just wakes up being like knows to go to this drawer and pull a gun out of yeah it's like and the gun he pulls out as the phaser and okay we're good yeah especially it's like an in scenes where you don't have two people why not just always use two anyway so he goes out there and in a pression ear and not shot a shot-for-shot pretty much what it felt like line for line straight from scarf always ripped right now I've never seen Scarface in the you said it and then we went watches it it's the scene from Scarface this it's the scene from Scarface with you is this what you want put some clothes on you're embarrassing yourself can't stand in touch he fires at him once to wound him like in Scarface don't do it come on Victor man [ __ ] me now before it's too late and they had like some sort of like a fire woman and this he has the laser gun in the first shot and then when I cut to that shot he has the more realistic gun because there's like a barrel and then like something like so much smoke comes out of that it's a show man it's like there it's like the guns it's like on fire it's like spewing smoke out yes and uh Victor grabs the gun unloads on Arthur and while he's like that are like blows over the futon to bleeding and a dying and then he there's a gun on the futon yeah and he grabs that and then murders Victor head shot as Victor's falling to the ground and when he finally hits the ground he's lying next to a Legend of Dragoon action figure there's so much random [ __ ] like with a Pokemon oh those Pokemon poster in Victor's room in Victor's bedroom he'd like he's on the phone he's like Oh seriously [ __ ] funny like it's all angry and then he storms out slams the door there's a full-on poster this movie is amazing in every way so everybody dies that's how the movie ends is that everybody dies it's basically the departed but there's no mock Wahlberg so yeah it's a holy [ __ ] this movie and that's to think there's no I once you got to Vienna I was like what's the message what's the map who's the good guy who's the bad guy everybody's just a murderous psychotic only good person I felt like I was in the whole film was bent yeah kind of that's why because he had a mind of a six-year-old you talk about the guy who knocked his lover unconscious yes he is literally the most moral perfect it'll kill somebody murder anybody he did the best even though he's a violent abuser he did the best he could by not murdering anybody or burning them alive Brian is this movie good bad or bad bad this movie is so completely and 100% good bad it is the definition of good bad it's this is on the level and I don't say this lightly of something like the room or Birdemic it's probably closer to Berg damn it's about that quality of but it's it's so insane and it's one of those movies where you watch it and you can't it like Birdemic like the room where you can't tell if it if it's on purpose or like is the person who made this movie just a crazy person who like cuz the it we are absolutely convinced this guy's crazy like like I seriously think he might there's no way he's 100% there because everything about his websites and like his what it and not to make fun of if that is the case I would hate to make fun of him for that cuz it's not but like it's so Kyle this movie I uh I I can't express my feelings for this movie because it's so [ __ ] insane it's so insane watch it watch it watch it half to watch it like it's it's on YouTube it's free the the the clips are I put in honestly don't even do it justice they'll be hilarious and because I got a literally just cut I don't you think I'll just I'll just be like a this part group when we're talking about the editing the editing by the best part editing their use awkward moments of people staring like 10 second shots of people staring when they have that happen and then it's like it's like everything what not to do when you make a movie they it it's it's a masterpiece Kyle it's a masterpiece of good bad cinema truly it is up there on the level of all those other movies it's I say I say it's better than the room honestly it's different in that that's I don't know about that I will say the room at least had a competent person shooting it yeah that's the thing the room is shot like a movie mmm like and so it's guys which kind of which is one of the reasons I like I think I like it Moore's cuz this is just complete failure on all levels but it fails so brilliantly that it works I really so first thing I really hope since I really heard cinema Marivic Maravich I really hope he's still convinced that he wrote an epic masterpiece I really think he might be like he thinks this thing is like Tommy Wiseau and like the guy who wrote Birdemic is like I did it guys I [ __ ] did it I wish would get like an interview with like the guy who played bin yeah ask him more because yeah he had to be like I cuz he's not a good actor but he doesn't seem like a crazy person who's the best actor in the film know the motive was that yeah the detective was like I just looked up he has the most acting credit yeah anybody he has like 20 actor like like for lead billing okay it was yeah of the main characters Ben was easily the best actor anybody was still terrible you know I still awful and I think well a lot of that also though cuz the dratted here editing wasn't saving him at all directing wasn't saving him and all the dialogue wasn't saving him everything that could possibly go against a nag having a good performance win against them so but uh yeah it's it's good bad it's great bad it's great terrible this movie should have been called instead of Ben and Arthur should have been called bad and awful so until next time keep watching movies you
Channel: Good Bad or Bad Bad
Views: 111,060
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Good Bad or Bad Bad, gborbb, Ben And Arthur (Film), sam mraovich, bad movies, Best Of The Worst (TV Program), red letter media, good bad, good bad movies, movie review, bryan schilligo, kyle hinton, Review, Fun, Reviews, Dvd, funny bad movie, hilariously bad, comedy, comedic review, Nostalgia Critic (TV Program), GB or BB, yms, your movie sucks, obscurus lupa, movie nights, RLM, Best of the worst, redlettermedia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 53sec (2993 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 24 2015
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