EPIC DEFENSE OF BELFALAS - Third Age Total War Reforged Mod Gameplay

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hey what's up guys it's Apollo here hope you guys are doing well and welcome back to another online battle for third age total war reforged today we have a custom scenario made by sin of the dark cloud and just in case you didn't know they just recently released a new patch for the mod we are on patch 0.9 as a link to it in the video description also there's a link to their discord the official reforge discord so if you want to try to you know play in these scenarios I highly recommend you join the discord so yeah check it out so this scenario we are had the bay of bel Falah so this is kind of like a beach landing scenario and this is just a classic where one side with a defending side greatly outnumbered they got to rely on their skill and the terrain and just defensive tools like the trebuchet to try to beat back the enemy and we have two hated factions or factions that hate each other very much we love the factions so we have dull em rock on you know on the defense and we have unbar attacking so here's a little map of middle-earth a part of middle-earth so you can see what exactly is going on so um bar is located in Harada it's a coastal settlement we've actually had battles in the actual city of um bar on my channel before but yeah they used this coastal city to raid the lands of Gondor in golem rot so now this time instead of raiding and pillaging they're actually here to invade and try to move eventually to the capital dole amrok so they've got this great invasion force but thankfully dole Umrah and by the way bay of bel philosophy R so just again to give you a good picture what's going on but dole M Roth they had some spies and um barn they were able to report the recent military movement of troops and Dolan Roth had enough time to set up this really awesome defensive defense so pretty cool stuff let's go ahead and just go and look at the armies we're going to start with um barb now from their point of view on the very left side we have our first unbar force which is commanded by son of and address and this is like the most professional armies that's coming from Ambar in today's battle lots of Bela gar footmen and some course they are black guards we've got some Bela gar halberdiers so lots and lots of great awesome professional units now to the right of them we've got the very next army this Army's like the opposite of the first army this is the cannon fodder army very weak troops this one's commanded by Celt we do we Joe so he has pikemen at the frontlines course a are savages some corsair warriors so yeah they're going to try to absorb most of that ammo and kind of screen the way for for the more elite army to actually get their infantry to the enemy infantry and then for the next army we have Karen Dole commanding this force so this is actually a blend of good and bad troops so a nice balanced force so he's got to make the Pyke's he's gotta the more elite kazimierz chosen he's also got a lot of bela ger it you know it swordsman Hal birds and whatnot and then for the final force again it's another nice balanced force commanded by happy meal lots of eligor footmen which is a you know a nice spear unit he's got corsair archers he has warriors and savages so they've got a just a huge number of troops which they are going to need because let's now look at the lamb rods and you will soon understand why they need so many troops all right so the first there's two players two armies from dole lamb Roth the first one is commanded by sin of the dark cloud his army is a little bit more just more aggressive compared to the other dole am Roth army he's got a lot of calves so he's bringing some white knights he's got Knights of the Silver Swan and he also has some Tirith Knights so all the Knights here they're fantastic they're going to do a good job of charging into the enemy he also has a lot of archers and infantry in reserve kind of near the defensive hill so yeah great just great great for it's really nice for us and then the next army is commanded by yours truly so I've got the more defensive army so I'm bringing three units of trebuchet I've got archers in the mix like the Nimrod L Rangers I've got some carrots of marsh marksmen also some IDI Helland how years so really cool stuff the Haven guard which is just a nasty unit very very good at killing people which is you know good for an army and then I also have a couple cab units kind of hiding in the trees and way down here this is kind of like an auxilary not auxilary a vanguard force kind of defending our right side so we've got the Bell philosopher in so very similar to the pelegrin Marines they've got javelin capabilities they're pretty solid in in close combat so they're going to be kind of defending this this right side for a little bit also my ally has some troops over there as well so so yeah that's it for the army cops let's get started all right so at this point at this stage of the battle I I really like there's nothing I can do but wait for them and that's that's kind of where we are right now now my ally he can easily push forward his cab but I think he's also waiting for the perfect opportunity to charge in I mean you don't want to mindlessly charge into the enemy that's a good way of losing your cab which is one of the most important one of the most important forces on the battlefield here today now if we look here we've got unbar commanded by a happy meal he is going as wide as possible which is really smart I mean they are trying to stay far away from this hill now eventually they are going to face it but I think they want to try to save as many lives get as close as possible before I actually start firing my trebuchet in my archers so yeah his entire force they are headed for this headed for this little side Mountain and they're going to try to use the high ground to deal with this cab which is always a smart idea now over on the other side same exact strategy they are trying to go as wide as possible so they can avoid the trebuchet and get their army in position in a good position now again this let me I cannot stress this enough this army right here this army is the scariest army from the you know as as the defenders to us this is the scariest army because of just how well-trained these soldiers are they're going to be a real pain to kill all look at this you can see the trebuchet now firing at some of the forces so yeah we've got our first army pushing forward they're going to get close enough to get to the trebuchet we got some pretty solid hits but it's very I did then to go in Toulouse formation I went ahead and just you know I turned on my trebuchet to fire at will oh there we go there we go nice I love it so yeah they're going to be able to pick off some of these troops but I think it's also important to try to save some of your ammo for you know for the later stages of the battle oh there we go so that was a good unit to the belly ger archers yeah that's that's rough so yeah again what was I said oh yeah saving my ammo because you you kind of want to wait for the enemy to get a little bit closer so they start to clump up their forces and it's an easier shot the trebuchet you know it's not exactly the most accurate weapon in medieval - they've got great distance as you can tell the range is fantastic but overall the accuracy does not compare to something like you know the catapult or the ballista so you got to try to use it wisely and then we have the candid fodder force which is now marching forward as well it's like oh well you know if he's going to absorb all that ammo I guess I'll go ahead and start marching forward so yeah pretty good pretty good stuff in the center of the fight now over here we have Happy Meals army who is I think he's going to try to possibly send up the archers which she's actually sending back down I would think that he would send up the archers and try to fire down down at the cab but I think he's a a little bit worried about the Knights charging up the hill and killing his his archers which is a possibility but you kind of want him to do that getting cam to charge up he'll would never be the greatest situation for the cab units but I think he's just going to be he's going to play it safe he's got his spearmen getting in position you know he just wants to make sure there's the spears are close by in case he does charge up that cap and then he can easily protect them you know protect them against the cab charge and look at that yet the calves leave and he knows fantastic I mean this is a good move by sin because he realizes that he doesn't have to go up on that I mean let them take it it doesn't matter they have to come to us they have to destroy this force so there's no need to try to take and fight for that hill so he's going to fall back meanwhile I almost killed my own men there so his men are getting a little too close for my trebuchet I need to change targets and go for something else but they're doing a pretty good job of just trying to get me to waste my ammo going after a weaker units and whatnot but don't worry I I will eventually be very selective on my targets I will conserve my ammo and make sure to spend it on the more expensive troops oh my God look at this long line of infantry this is ridiculous I like other banner carriers you see him they always like late they're always far behind it like all these things are freaking heavy slow job give us a second I mean seriously I mean this little like the design there that's got to be heavy he's holding it with one arm I was going to get exhausting after a while so anyways yeah the Pikes are formed up the army way over on this side he's he's also taking it slow and steady there is no timer but it isn't oh wait wait wait wait what's going on here okay so no infantry just getting a little closer trying to absorb some of that ammo he is getting his infantry close to the first path that leads up to this hill defend so maybe he might go for an attack here not too sure yet also more piping here absorbing some of the Emma I think at this point I told my archers to hold fire honestly I think actually most of the archers firing no those are my archers yeah look at that what the heck maybe I just didn't realize hold fire you idiots stop it you're wasting your ammo going after that unit it's so close to the wall there we go now I now I tell them or I told them to hold their fire because there ways to get most of the shots into the ground but let's see what's going on here pushing up more ovalle Villiger Fellig er halberdiers and some pikes and then yeah he claimed the hill over here but again for nothing because the CAV is so far away but we do have some cab pushing forward let's see we might actually get our first cab engagement which is going to be huge and I definitely think as long as he doesn't leave his cab and prolong melee engagements you should be able to tear up these forces now the Pyke's are going to be tricky if the pikes can form up that's going to be an issue but for the Oh the halberdiers look at that again they're also getting picked off archers from far away look at that he's just going to go around look at that's awesome it's like nope nope I'm going to go round I'm going to tack more vulnerable units that's all I'm going to do this yeah is really pushing pretty hard other cab units maneuvering around this way so I really wanted sin to just really focus with his calves and I was going to mostly focus on you know being super defensive you know I I wanted to I mean not that what am I trying to say here basically I'm just hoping sin he you know mostly focuses on the cab management here we go here comes a charge from the into the dual swordsman oh yes my trebuchet is also fired dangerously close well that's how we like to play it I think eventually I do tell them to stop firing because I don't want to kill my own allies cab which is super important here comes another cab charge Oh get ready for it guys we're going to have some juicy cab charges today uh oh yeah beautiful right into the savages he's already pulling out of that first charge all he just destroyed that savage unit that is that is very unfortunate for them now the trebuchet the chain changing target and I'm actually now focusing down the more elite army he's pushed up his elite archers and you can see that this is a major oh wait no he actually charged up some spirits to look at this this is cool this is really cool massive massive infantry charge let me actually no no I'm not going to slow it down we don't need to do that I've actually sent over some ninth of the Silver Swan to try to quickly break the spirits here but instead of going for the hammer and anvil I'm actually going to go for the archers and you can see he's focusing down my calves a little bit which is okay but I just got to close the distance and get over there fast enough to run down those archers come on give them hell boys give up hell show him the meeting of fear so pretty good charge and then he's going to try to don't out my calves which is what he's doing unfortunately and now he's going to be able to fire to the backs of my knight which is not good but again most of them are going to be able to make it and they're going to charge to the back to the infantry I love that look at this view right here so it's Matic boom nice I love these custom scenarios I mean they're just so entertaining to play in a watch I just send and kuru and the whole gang they do a fantastic job with these battles and I really do appreciate it I mean it's just so awesome so anyways we got the warlords of um bar this is one of the generals obviously it's a warlord because um barb you know um bar is not I mean it's it's pretty much her odd but you basically think of a town that's run by pirates you got the warlords kind of in control of that city the people will have money in power and then the Pirates they're just looking for money and jobs so they just join the ring here comes a charge of halberd so I'm going to get my Knights out of there though I don't want them to die and then we have the Marines who are going to hold the ring hold this front line against his force let's go ahead and look at what's going on elsewhere because there is a lot going on trebuchet constantly fire nice I think oh wait no he's still got oh god this is brutal so sin still has his Knights in the back back lines of um bar over on this side just running down vulnerable units oh my god they're just getting trampled guys so you had the footmen or no the warriors just they're gone they're no longer existing and what are you doing a situation like this I think the best thing to do when you have a vulnerable target or unit right that there's there's no way you can save it from a cab charge the best thing to do is put your men into loose formation into a counter-charge you are still going to lose a lot of troops without a doubt but I think that softens the blow a little bit until you can get reinforcements over there so that was pretty good that counter charge but again you should have put as minute to lose I think there we go he's sending in some beers they are shopping up these men which is great over on this side let's see what's going on more men it's just a scattered mess right now because he's dealing with these nights he still has a lot of night reserves to look at that guy so he's only sending in a section of his nights just trying to weaken these forces trying to you know slow them down and I just let the archers and the trebuchet do some damage as well and here we go yes boom - good hit make that sorry good hit one after another that just took out like what five percent of their force from that one volley so yeah now I'm changing targets I'm focusing this trebuchet firepower on this force because they are clumped up a little bit and let me try to soften them up a little bit on that side over here I'm still firing my trebuchet at the cannon fodder force so finally the quell player he's moving up his army and I got my halberd so I've got a small force kaolinite cowbirds holding back against the corsair dual swordsman over back on this side though yeah we're getting see okay so this is this is probably the biggest mistake I think from sin and I really wouldn't call this a mistake it's more just it's difficult to manage everybody but since he's so focused on the CAV engagement going on you know over on the other side he's not really focusing too much on the Marines who are holding this left side because this sides not super important if we lose this it doesn't mean it's the end of the you know the battle here comes with counter charge right so I'm trying to support his army there was a good downhill charge those Lancers are like the lances are so intimidating I mean just imagine those things charging after you that would just you just hope for Quake desk oh my god just spear me right in the face just end it or you can you know you can try to dodge it live another day so yeah I think what we should have done I think then you should have fallen back his his troops closer to mine and then I should have focused more over on the defense over here just because I'm not micromanaging as much CAV oh this is really we've got these course a or fencers these guys are nasty they're really really good I like the fish-scale armor because you know they are more of a C type they also have a very like if you look at the sword kind of reminds me of them you know like what am I saying here like a musketeer sword like a later period type of favor sword so pretty cool unit they're very deadly too they can ya see they're tough to kill and I wanted to leave my cabin there to kill them but you started to send up reinforcements and the javelins they're trying to slow them down that's a pretty brutal javelin volley below and see what else is going on over here so yep the infantry still fighting still defending the outskirts of this mound against the pikemen the trebuchet still going for the kill just trying to take out anyone they can get we do have the warlord again I think this is a general so you've got to be careful he doesn't wanna get too aggressive with this general and then back here Oh God look at this the forces are charging the great forces of Ambar about to meet the really the last stand of golem rods I mean this is it guys if they break through this we've got nothing else we can't really do anything about it but this is going to be super vital that we hold so well here and just butcher these guys all the javelin look at that the javelins so awesome the Janna Marine Center the dark cloud using them very effectively EPIK Molly they're going after the more elite troops stop getting some really cool shots here yep look at that he just obliterated this Bela gar of Halberdier unit he's more afraid of the halberdiers which makes sense because he has like a good way to counter how veneers it's just more halberdiers these damages are not going to be able to break through the halberdiers so I think that is the wisest wise decision to go after the more elite you know halberd we also have some Haven guard from me yes Apollo sending in the Haven guard trying to support now unfortunately they are open to attack they're getting hit with some javelins which is never good never good get it get it yes chop his head off nice unfortunately we don't actually get to see heads roll and now I'm pushing I'm doing a little bit of a closing door maneuver I'm closing in infantry my Talon Knights around these Corsair pikemen stabby stabby get him boys [Applause] so he's closing in with some pikemen which is not good he's going to surround some of my troops back over on this side again this this is the most elite professional army but I like the fact that son of him Landrus even though he's got the skill he's got the numbers on his side in this part of the battle he's still taking his time he's not going to let his men die carelessly against these Marines because yes he might win here ma you know carelessly charging in but he's got to make sure he has enough troops to take on this force right here but again this is not exactly a great well-timed assault because you know if they were all attacking this mound at the same time it would be way more effective so none of them Landreth who's leading the super professional army he's got to move fairly quickly or we're going to be able to focus down this huge blob of troops Oh God there we go I saw that one to the corner of my eye or the corner of the screen you know what I mean look at that epic epic tab charge so yeah that just obliterated a huge chunk of their forces so he was waiting patiently to use his Silver Swan Knight and yet Knight to the Silver Swan so he's going to pull out of there and just do it again and keep on charging in we've also got the Knights of the Silver Swan over in this part of the battle as well in the trebuchet nice nice to keep up that trebuchet fire so we're kind of killing their back reserves which is fantastic so pretty soon they're going to stop flowing up with troops oh now he's going to go for the back ranks of this main blob and I think my Knights are still alive but they're a little depleted and I'm actually sending them over to the other side to support my ally I think these are mine as well yep so okay cool some of my Marines are now facing the Pyke's of a bum bar taking on some corsair warriors who are putting up a pretty pretty good fight back over here we're actually still fighting the pikemen but these brave soldiers have put up a hell of a fight I mean they've been look at all the kills they've gone you can see mostly like red and black instead of the blue and white so they're doing a good job of just holding the line buying time over on this side but we've got to quickly deal with the infantry over here and you can see you've got it spike right in the back I'm using my javelins to just soften them up because you don't want to charge pipes head-on it's never a good situation also I have my Knights located on this flank so what I'm trying to do I'm trying to do some little x attack so what I'm going to do is use up most of my jab ease once they use it up I'm going to charge this infantry in headfirst and then do a nice hammer and anvil with my knight so let's see if you can see it coming though oh yeah look at that we've killed most of his units which is great here we go here we go the plan is unraveling let's see if it pays off so there goes the spell Philosopher's means am I going to get another ball you'll see I think I'm just waiting for my Knights oh no they're changing weapons that's what they're doing look at those accesses some epic looking axes so a head first charge into the Pikes I'll you know I'll lose a couple men there but here comes the cavalry beautiful so yeah that's one way to take out pikemen attack them from two different sides I'm going to pull out of there try to get into another charge the Marines are being a little timid just like we wanted to children to pikes headfirst I don't know about that governor I don't know I said governor anyways okay so the armies are pushing up the hill it's pretty much destroyed this right defensive little location I've got some of my Marines falling back I might either they're going to sit here and try to delay this army you know continue to delay it is what I'm trying to say so we can continue to focus down this force who is actually making some progress we got is surrounding us a little bit my halberd is moving up into position trying to take them out now we've got some of my Knights coming over I'm going to run down some of his archers way in the back lines oh the juicy calves charges I love it so he's trying to stop my calves with as a spirit so I'm going to pull out of there I don't want to stay in there for too long I said pull out of there please and sometimes you got to do it a couple times like the unit just wants to stay in and fight even though it's a losing situation get out of there please please I said yeah our lines are thinning they've broken through the battle lines but thankfully we still have this fresh line here to hold the balance of power let's say we've killed 61% they've only killed about 36% so pretty good I like that but again remember they had four armies full of troops we only had two so even though the percentages are looking good we've got to get the percentage to look like that if we want any chance of winning the Haven guards going ham I mean they've been fighting this entire time pretty much once this epic battle started over on this side they've been in the fight doing a great job they're covered in blood they're probably getting exhausted but they fight on and they will oh look at that Ambar trying to push trying to push through those bastards I think they realized that we don't really have much Oh a nice trebuchet hit but yeah they realized that we don't really have a ton defending over here we do have troops moving over soon to the dark clouds sending over some Talon nights to support this line hold hold men hold such a cinematic battle I've really really enjoyed this one this is a good one guys over here we've got a scent of the dark cloud now moving his cap to this side supporting me in this fight these bikes is this the same foot no we got now we have savages coming over but they are about to be trampled by the Knights of the Silver Swan get it there you go break the bastards let's see we went in over here yes we are so on what I'm going to do now is actually retreat these guys away from the fight because I mean they could stay here and try to defend against it oh look at that scene right that's just an epic scene so yeah that's one of the generals gone but yeah I felt like it was better to just to retreat these forces get them back over this way to help out in this fight because it is getting a little out of hand getting a little out of control looks like I'm now using a rotten cow meat for ammo that's not a good sign because for now we are out of ammo my halberdiers are getting surrounded they are getting surrounded but it's okay to halberdiers that's unfortunate though I wish I could follow them back but they're kind of in too deep so yeah I just stage in the battle I was very confident that we were going to win this battle and to be honest and I'm just being an honest here okay guys I am a little careless with my army because I'm like will I think we're going to easily win this one so I don't want this battle to be super closed so I'm going to try to kind of do dumb stuff and just send out troops carelessly into this battle so you'll see some questionable questionable decisions from me again it's more for trying to keep the battle closed then you know than me actually thinking it's a good idea look at these guys just like I'm going to go around all this halbert's so we've got a nice spear wall holding and still look how far away the elite force is super far away I threw in some Silver Swan Knights try to slow them down all the javelin javelins are so good at taking out not only infantry but they're really good at taking out big things like nice elephant dragon stuff unfortunately there's no dragons in Third Age yet yet no I'm Justin who knows maybe they might add dragon but but yeah finally I think excuse me finally I think this horse is victorious and it can now push and begin their assault over on the other side oh my god the long line of savages for Sayre's savages that was a good charge by sending the dark cloud trying to trying to soften them up trying to get them off the battlefield Gorge in take them out yeah there's going to be some pretty epic moments in this battle if you if you got words are hard today guys if you really enjoyed this battle so far it's only going to get better because you're going to see some general V general matchups throughout this fight which is really interesting to watch I don't want to say too much because it will give it away but yeah it's just let's just say the ending is pretty epic so the savages there's still a lot of them but I got to take off my halberdiers my tally 9 so I guess I never actually did send them to support this fight see that I charged down some Haven guards killing some bellacor footmen so this is like one of those decisions where I'm like why did I do that I mean again I'm trying to make the battle closer but I should have kept the Haven guard a little bit closer to my main army if I wanted to fight a little bit more effectively but yeah they are chewing out these footmen they're doing a great job but they're about to be surrounded by the narrows the Royal Guard don't know to pronounce I'll just call Broyles order yes very good that's a good way to kill Haven guard just surround them so yeah this is the current situation over on this side the epic the grind grind fest 2017 Brian Fest 2007 things oh man see if you heard if you heard the phrase brine fence 2017 you probably have a different a different thought process than on what exactly that would be but since we're playing this you know exactly what I mean the battle will be along in one area as two epic forces try to slowly kill the other one but if you're not playing medieval to I guess it's just a big festival of everybody grinding on each other why am i talking about this I don't really know what I'm doing but yet so they slaughtered those savages you know they were just savages after all anyways that's really the cannon fodder army they're gone I mean they're pretty garbage anyways not it wasn't the players fault it's just a bad army thankfully he did group up a lot of his savages and just look at that day or just this is going to be some fertile ground coming up in the next couple seasons because that's a lot of dead decaying bodies they're going to feed the earth some nice nutrition anyways yep the army is now making their way I guess he's really taking his time here he's he's kind of no rush to head over and help his ally which is which is a good thing a really good thing because we're not exactly doing amazing over here we're holding but again we're not doing amazing I love that Ghandour rally is one of the most epic rallies in all of fantasy storytelling there's a lot of great like porn sounds and more the ring [Applause] so yeah me and Cyn we're trying to quickly defeat this force before reinforcements arrived finally fine okay this is where I'm sending up the halberd and the Talon Knights they're very depleted they've killed a lot of enemies but they're going to get over and try to support the Haven guard who have been surrounded for a very long time but they're so just well trained just excellent killers that they are able to hold this line for again for a long time here we go here comes the halbert's don't worry boys we got reinforcements coming to save the Haven guard so the Hal birds are supporting the Haven guard and then I've got my Talon Knights are going to try to get behind I believe that forces oh wait no let's see where are they going no they're going to go down and support the Haven guard George and then we got a lot of calves very depleted cab but it's still a lot you know considering the stage of the battle since we're the late stage of the battle jars and kill him kill him dead get him off the battlefield that was not a good charge then I'll he'll charge it doesn't look like they have Lance's though yeah I wasn't so effective looked at my Haven guards that is crazy Haven guards oh nice there goes another general another general gone off the battlefield [Applause] died in the chaos of this grinding infantry fight Ambar you will not take this territory not today one of the catapult crews like I can't take it anymore can't take it anymore what is he doing here these a trebuchet crew he's like looking across the bow feels like my guy they still have a whole nother army there what hold the other army no can't be that's pretty shreds pretty goofy I just I don't okay so yeah anyways back to the battle sometimes the gun is weird I weird like commentary is hard for these long 30 minutes our videos look at this guy look at the helmet the head where I wouldn't really call that a helmet it looks awesome so yeah definitely it's been really exciting looking these new units oh my God look at that army in the background just beautiful so my Haven guard are victorious no surprise there of course with the support they will leave victorious but unfortunately finally if none of them lied resetting in his first reinforcement force his halberd is closing in and I got my trebuchet crew kind of protecting that side my Talon nice coming back to try to stop these halbert's before they can properly form up a halberd of formation oh yeah there we go meet the enemy he's charging in some archers some elite archers who are pretty good in melee Haven garter now fighting on this side it's so great like it's just fighting everywhere I love it so my general is right here and he definitely needs to try to get into this fight but be aware is he exactly honest him there he is there he is look at them I like his style it's hard to see him but yeah basically what I'm trying to do is find an area where I can charge out and do hammer and anvil strikes so I'm looking for a because you know this this cab unit being in the fight and not really like being in the front lines it's not really going to accomplish much it's going to be a much better unit if he's running around and charging the enemy so again that was my that was my desperate attempt to try to find a way out of here so they can not take too much damage what am i doing i I went for a little opening charge here again see Bella girl halberdiers go charge kill them and pull out there you go oh we pull out guys just a little heads up but I think finally we've killed that the main like the first unbar army to attack us but unfortunately as soon as we you know killed them off the reinforcements have arrived and yeah look at this we've got now archers going into the fight we're running out of infantry they've got a whole nother army they're about to send in percentage kill we've killed 87 but they've killed 74 so you can see how the percentage killed it's shifted a lot closer as this battle continues on and co the corsair fencers these guys are insanely good and this might see I'm so I'm like no can't go through there that that's not gonna happen what am I gonna do what am I gonna do so yeah I'm just I'm waiting this is actually you can probably run through here oh yeah okay yeah I'm going to go through that way but I've got to go fast got to move fast because he is sending in some heavy infantry oh do I push through do I go for it I do I do i do i do so yeah he's going to push through or I am I should say yeah there we go I lost a lot of knights there but I think most of them made it yeah go get away all the heavy infantry slaughtering my knight so my general made it out and now he's free to run around and go after archers and this is the point of the battle where I was like dang you know I really shouldn't have played stupid and tried to make this battle closer because this is not close like we are losing I thought this is going to be an easy victory so now I'm kind of on triode try hard mode at this point of the battle where I'm trying to use my Knights very effectively here hoping that my infantry can turn this battle around and then of course the you know the hammer and anvil taking out picking out the infantry who's who's fighting my infantry oh we got some crossbows I see some juicy targets some crossbows here we go yeah so not it could be a lot better family if they had Lancers but yeah good use of the Knights there Apollo thank you I appreciate that no problem in but yeah I used it but I I don't know why I keep talking about me a third person but yeah he did it again I'm doing a pretty good job taking out these crossbows because they're gonna be a mate they're going to be a big issue later on I mean archers at any stage of the battle is always a free big pretty big problem here's my general did some kills you got some very shiny armor very shiny armor what are you doing general get out of there general I had no idea that my general dude get out of there please quickly holy crap I had no idea that my general look at him the lighting on his head is all kind of funky so awesome I want to see his armor what does he have on there oh he has a swan pretty cool okay you just ruin out these guys wait wait these guys the crossbows for weapons looks like they've got the little fire pit tools you know that you used to like move the fire around a little bit I don't know whatever but yeah my general is stuck I no idea I had no idea he was stuck over there the rest of his bodyguard weren't in his cab go where did his bodyguard go oh here they are and they're about seriously they're getting charged by no they're facing in general right now oh my god this is hilarious out no no okay okay okay okay I'm an idiot I'm an idiot guys I'm an idiot so that was not my general this is my general you could they look identical but that was my allies generals like why why is he so far away from this bodyguard so what we saw there was a charge from the UM bars general I'm going to disengage because I'm kind of terrified of those Rangers see I'm falling back maybe I'll turn around and face them we'll get a good old general V general we do outnumber them with the bodyguard come on turn around and face them come on come on Apollo what are you doing turnout of base I'm killed in general this is huge I guess I'm going for a hammer and anvil I guess I feel like it's more important to win this all you see that all he broke through they say the cab is breaking through over on this side today are now returning the favor with the hammer and anvil their goods my general I'm supporting this fight over here I'm just trying to win because we have trebuchet artillery holding this flank which is never a good thing so I'm actually getting these Knights over behind the lines because I need to try to contain this general here and we're actually sending back infantry to try to stop him soon to the dark cloud he's got a pretty healthy unit of halbert's going back to the main fight because yeah this is a problem they're breaking through the flood gates are opening I'm just I'm trying to chase down this general and this is yeah this is the moment where we agreed to have a general V general battle yeah I don't I think I missed click there we go judge and my general is the first one to go in sort of not really we've got a road off to the side so this is going to be huge right here guys this general battle whose general is this is son general too so we can kill him there is a chance where is e though I don't know that's not the general that's the banner gear it's ad to general I don't know he's got a funky face so where's oh wait wait yeah there's the general he's fighting my general epic alright can I kill him come on my general killem come on dude oh nice is the bodyguard though so we killed general which is great nice nice nice now we can focus down the rest of his calves unfortunately he's killed a lot of my bodyguards come on your general is dead you have nothing to fight for let's head back over to this main struggle where you can see we're sitting out but we killed their general so maybe we can get a chain route maybe we can break them who knows who knows not looking good though my trebuchet crew they died and now this is it guys right here this is it for our infantry oh here's the other general look at that I like is down to one guy although he needs coming wait if you coming to face okay so here's my okay this is it guys this is the epic moment we've got another general V general battle he might be sending him over soon he's just hanging back there he goes giving out commands we'll get back to that we'll get back to that we're always Halpern's are breaking sins are means breaking that's not good that's a pretty healthy unit of halbert's - oh here we go look at they like yes I could see that general go for the kill the Serpent's head they might have won the battle but they're going to go they're going to lose their commanders in this fight oh the generals are matching up okay how are you Rosa how was your day oh he gets a good hit oh yes okay so there we go I killed all the generals my general is victorious and he looks across the battlefield and he realizes for a second for a split second he's thinking about charging in and dying with his men but he realizes that this is just the beginning of the war and if they want to win this war they need to keep their commanders alive so I'm actually going to get my general away from there they're going to flee from the battle and raise another army he's going to tell the Capitol what happened they attacked us that at the Bay of belf a lot we've got to send over another force to deal with this so yeah victory for Ambar pretty amazing huh like I was thinking this was going to be easy mode I was like oh man I don't think the scenario is well-balanced it seems like it's impossible to attack this location all the players not all of them but some of the players on the Ambar side were like oh my god this is impossible but it actually it's rather possible and I think if I try hard a little bit more this would be a closer battle but still it was a great fight I really joined I mean there was fighting everywhere epic moments when in general V general but thankfully yeah a general is getting out of there the guy will come back and avenge I will avenge you but yeah well fast forward because the rest is just you know wasted time just the last stand of some spearmen glorious last time that was me I'm it defeat and I believe I am his first army so I've got 4700 kills my ally getting almost a thousand more than me five thousand six hundred so sing did a great job with this night and then I like how all the just every but all the captain's here has the same name so yeah here's the kills for I believe this was some of him londres you got the most kills I think I could be wrong but it's hard to tell without knowing the the captain names or the player names but here is some of the results so you can see some of the killed got it kills guys very looking at 7:52 from his white knight oh my god almost a thousand kills so great job great job to sin so yeah appreciate it guys I hope you enjoyed this battle if you did enjoy it don't forget to like leave a comment share and of course subscribe if you have it thank you once again for joining me and I will see you in the next one thanks guys
Channel: Pixelated Apollo
Views: 240,233
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: third age total war, mod, gameplay, campiagn, gondor, mordor, online battle, massive battle, dol amroth, umbar, bay of befalas, orcs, lord of the rings, lotr, middle-earth, part, episode, let's play third age total war, commentary, pixelated apollo
Id: m-XIEkscNfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 0sec (2820 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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