GOLF: Why Amateur Golfers Can't Hit Driver

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I've given a million driver lessons right maybe not a million but let's say thousands of driver lessons and I see a lot of the same commonalities I want to give you two simple things here for you to check in your own swing and then a third little bonus piece at the end depending upon your current ball flash good drivers of the golf ball have the club head traveling into the ball level to the ground or they hit it on a slight upward angle of attack that gets the ball to launch the highest and the farthest good driving in the golf ball starts with Good Feet width feet close together balls even with the Lead Foot small step big step good drivers the ball are going to be tilted away from the Target right shoulder lower than the left now during the back swing to be able to get this club working from inside on the way down and create enough power here's the two feels we call it stomp and stretch set up position step tilt and then we're gonna Stomp into the heel stomp stretch [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we're going to talk about why amateur golfers can't hit the driver and what you can do about I'm going to give you two things to do here as we work through this video that's really going to help your driver how solid you hit it how far you hit it get hit in more Fairways now let's get right to it good drivers of the golf ball what they're able to do is hit Level with the ball or slightly up on it bad drivers of the ball hit downward too much I've seen that over the past decade over and over good drivers level or up on the ball bad drivers too far down good drivers tend to swing more from the inside on the way down bad drivers tend to swing too far outside in good drivers tend to hit the ball high far right poor drivers tend to hit the ball low and short and those things are correlated let's talk about how you can improve and get on that good driver's side so I've given a million driver lessons right maybe not a million but let's say thousands of driver lessons and I see a lot of the same commonalities I want to give you two simple things here for you to check in your own swing and then a third little bonus piece at the end depending upon your current ball flight the first thing is set up we said good drivers of the golf ball have the club head traveling into the ball level to the ground or they hit it on a slight upward angle of attack that gets the ball to launch the highest and the farthest the worst drivers of the ball I coach over and over and over always have the club head worked too far down there's no doubt about that and that part starts with the setup here's what I want you to do this is a simple setup routine that I've used for a long time take your setup with the golf ball even with your lead foot with your feet close together and hold the club up right in front of you like so I want you to start by taking two steps a small step with your left foot forward and a bigger step with your right foot back and I want you to take steps to the point where if you drew a line up my ankles they're outside of shoulder width a good setup a good ball position good driver right rather starts with Good Feet width good driving in the golf ball starts with Good Feet width feet close together balls even with the Lead Foot small step big step now the second thing is tilt if you look at my body right now I hold a club up this is 180 I'm straight up and down good drivers the ball are going to be tilted away from the Target right shoulder lower than the left six seven eight nine ten degrees so as you get your feet width I want you to put your hands on your quads legs like this get your right hand lower than your left just above your kneecaps now in this position here this gives me the highest likelihood of piece number one which is hitting level or up on the ball let's hit one foreign and that's going to have me hitting the ball higher right and carry farther relative to your Club head speed so the setup position is the most important piece that I see go off I work with a lot of players who have this part off let's do that one more time ball in line with the foot small step big step tilt away from the target so my ankles are outside my shoulders my body is tilted away from the target the golf ball if we do a line is inside of the heel or basically underneath my armpit that presets my head more behind the golf ball it's essential for good driving feet are wide I have good tilt let's go ahead and hit another one from here what okay so now when we get the setup correct the feet width and the Tilt that again helps us get part one which is angle of attack feet too narrow not enough tilt head too far forward you're always going to hit down on the ball inconsistent contact is going to go nowhere the second piece is the back swing okay now there's several ways we can go about what's important in the backswing but there's two things I want you to have a little Mantra here so let's get our feet width step step tilt now during the back swing to be able to get this club working from inside on the way down and create enough power here's the two feels we call it stomp and stretch and what that means is when you start back I want you to stomp into your Trail heel which is going to help shift some pressure on your Trail side keep the head behind the ball and stretches I want you to feel like your right hand and right shoulder travel as far up and back away from the golf ball as humanly possible so if we were going to draw a line between my hand and the ball all see that's getting progressively farther as I work back now that stretch on the way back what that's going to help me do is create swing length and depth so I want it as far up and back this way to set me up to swing from inside when you look at the greatest drivers of the ball outside of a few anomalies big backswing turn big back swing length makes life easy so set up position step tilt and then we're going to Stomp into the heel stomp stretch so when I stretch I feel my right shoulder stomp into the heel a little bit of head motion is okay I feel my right shoulder stretch up and back I'm going to feel my hands stretch up and back notice the club head and how it's working more towards the Target on my way back when I'm getting that club head traveling very far that's going to help me swing up on the ball create more speed swing from inside so I'm going to stomp into my heel and stretch up and back Stomp stretch and there's another ball fly I mean you guys can't see that but that's about as high and as far as I can hit it the goal here is I want you to hit the ball as far as you can as solid as you can without necessarily feeling like you have to swing harder or faster on the way down by creating that stretch on the way back it creates the speed for free the setup pieces are really your foundation right so another way I like to feel this if you put your hands together straight in front of you like this keep your left hand down by the ball but let's get this right hand up and back notice it's even going to get closer to the Target than my head full stretch of that right side that right hip that right shoulder up and back I'm not leaning towards the target as I do it but I'm stretching that out as far back as I can those are the backswing fields that I want so one more time then we'll talk some downswing options so ball in line with the foot step step tilt right I have my trail hand kind of above my kneecap I'm going to stomp into my heel and stretch that trail side out so a good set of position heads behind the ball stomp stretch Stomp stretch that up and back and those two for me are hit really really solid now that's like the core of what I want you to take from this video right is the setup and the backswing piece now of course from there what do I do on the way down depends on where you're coming from so there's several pieces on the way down that you can think about basically it depends on your ball flight pattern so here's kind of a quick one for you if you're someone from there who typically hits the ball like Fades pulls and Fades got a long drive t-hite here we got pools and Fizz let's say your normal ball flight is like low left or it curves off to the right after you stomp and stretch you're going to need to feel like you're closing the club face sooner and having a general Sensation that the club path is working more from in to out so for the fade pattern you get your setup step step tilt okay we're going to stomp into the trail foot to shift some pressure stretch the trail side out now you're going to feel like you start closing the club face toe in front of the heel think about it from this angle start getting the toe passing the heel sooner during your downswing and feel the club path working a bit more in and out let's go ahead and give that a go step step tilt I'm going to stomp stretch and then close it into out and you wouldn't necessarily have to do this all at one time you could build it in steps but stomp stretch I gotta close it into out foreign and there's probably about a five yard draw pattern and I normally hit like a five yard cut okay so the draw pattern close it sooner swing more now now if you're on the opposite end of the spectrum and you hit pushes and hooks your putt club path already is too far inside out with too much face closure so after you stomp and stretch you're going to feel the club more like on top of the plane and almost from this angle like you don't close the face as much don't let the toe past the heel almost hold that off a little bit more so if you're more of the draw pattern and you want to get rid of that we'll feel the opposite step step tilt we're going to stomp stretch feel the club more over playing kind of outside in and keep the toe back behind the heel stomp stretch and more fade feels here yeah and there's an eye over did that fade a little bit that's going to be too far to the right but the general concept and idea there is the same across the board so listen the setup pieces getting the feet width and the Tilt is most important good drivers the ball hit Level or up on it backswing stomping the shift pressure getting the trail side to stretch out gives you swing length and depth that makes it easiest to create speed and swing from inside from there what you do on the downswing depends on where you're currently coming from if you currently hit pulls and Fades feel the club face closing sooner swinging more into out keep it simple to start with if you're already hitting pushes and hooks feel the opposite Club outside in toe behind the heel obviously there's more to the swing right if you guys are still struggling with your driver and this doesn't do it for you come see me for in-person lessons down in Florida this winter we'll put a link down in description down for that below if you can't come for in-person lessons would love to work with you online at backslash free trial get your first lesson absolutely free we'll take a look at your swing go through all the details and set you a specific plan to set you to improve you guys did like this video consider clicking the like button sharing with a friend leaving a comment down below if you're not subscribed already we would appreciate that thank you guys for watching
Channel: Eric Cogorno Golf
Views: 90,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric cogorno, eric cogorno golf, golf, channel, tips, drills, instruction, lessons, easy swing tips, easy swing drills, easy golf swing, golf tips, golf drills, downswing golf drills, backswing golf tips, impact position, effortless golf swing, driver swing tips, learn to strike your irons, chipping and pitching tips, improve driver strke, golf swing, liv golf, golf driver, pga tour
Id: jagdlJ2mgeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 20 2022
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