Golden information you NEED to know!

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what golden nugget of information do you have to share a scorpion can hold its breath for six days so don't think drowning it will help you out of your scorpion problem so i flooded my house for no reason just keep flooding it continuously for a week even if you aren't willing to give mouth to mouth on an unconscious person chest compressions alone greatly increase their odds of survival in case others wondered why the circulatory system will still have roller traps around the amounts of oxygen that can be circulated to the brain via compression which can make the difference also because chest compressions naturally push air in and out of your lungs if you're doing them right if these were paid the minimum wage a jar of honey would cost about 200 000 i love this one for some reason jeff bezos doesn't foreign garment to be labeled made in usa the process only needs to be started and finished in america in the case of a certain ladies underwear line the material is cut in usa shipped overseas for assembly then shipped back to america where a semstress sews a new essay tag on the item source underwear factory worker it's crazy how it's cheaper to send clothing across the world to be assembled than it is to just do it domestically using what's basically free slave labor and going to countries with no eaper or equivalent it's basically free besides raw materials and transportation in a first world country you'd have to pay every single employee minimum wage follow strict labor laws have hundreds of permits and certifications for bigger corporations etc when choking on food and can't get help you can get into a push-up position and then just drop down the ground hitting your stomach and chest will cause what you're choking on to dislodge why firemen are these folks running into buildings holding a corn dog or what you all made me laugh as much or more as i hope you did cheers i think it's just a safety trick they learn i had a heart transplant five years ago when your heart is replaced the surgeon has to cut the main nerve that gets the signal from the brain to beat and or increase the intensity of the beat without this vegas nerf your new heart has no regulation and pumps blood out of habit you no longer have a fight or flight response and your new heart beats at 90 plus beats a minute that is terrifying so if you get nervous your heart doesn't race right i have no internal regulation over my heart rate my new heart beats purely from muscle memory i can't think about it for too long because it's just too freaky [Music] speaking of golden nuggets of information to share goldfish lose their color if they are kept in dim light or are placed in a body of running water such as a stream i must be hungry because when i saw goldfish i assumed the crackers to be fair some goldfish crackers also lose their color when placed in running water the main reason we stop doing something we love is because we forget our love of doing it for enjoyment's sake and replace it with a desire to be good at it you've inspired me i should go tune up my guitar and get back to playing i enjoyed it i was decent and i should enjoy being decent at it rather than good or great one of the best pieces of advice i've ever received is to never treat the creative process as a competition are you writing a song with 12 key changes polyrhythms etc because you want it to sound that way or are you doing it to look cool if it's the latter then you're writing your music wrong horses have a massive blind spot on the front and back of their body if you are ever around a tame horse keep a hand on their body while walking around them this lets it know where you are at all times and decreases chances of kicking out of shock or fear this also prevents them from kicking you with as much force you need to stay very close to them for the full benefit this is similar with goats as they instinctively fight things coming head-on and should be approached from the sides saw a three-year-old at my barn ignore this rule and run up behind a horse screaming the horse was mad but he didn't kick if he had well that would be some mess to clean up those goddamn three-year-olds never read the rules each one of the yamato-class battleships main gun turrets weighed over 3000 tons heavier than the average us destroyer if you were on a destroyer in the u.s navy during wwii you ran the risk of having to fight a ship whose primary weapons alone displace more weight than your entire vessel and the reason for this is that the japanese navy had heavy restrictions from the west on how big air navy could be before the start of ww2 so to compensate for this they build the biggest battleships the world had ever seen yep washington naval treaty and they were absolutely useless once aircraft carriers became the most effective and valued ships in a fleet not to mention they couldn't recoup their losses anywhere near as fast as the us could so every loss really hurt them and they didn't have the resources to actually get the most out of them granted japan's carrier force was formidable up until midway happened but japan essentially made a perfect sword while everyone else was making guns with the yamato if you see a job you really want but aren't quite qualified for apply anyway don't tell yourself no make them tell you no you might be pleasantly surprised both my son and daughter followed this advice and got a job that turned into a career as a manager who hires people yes apply for everything you're reasonably competent for even if you can't check all the boxes most of what i look for is experience and practical application of knowledge skills and tools even so i'm aware that many aspects can be taught easily and quickly we are also looking for general intelligence and character good mincer and work ethic i manage the engineering department at my company even people applying for design manufacturing qc or whatever we happen to be looking for generally are not applying with a specific degree there's a ton of overlap heck what i even went to school for i've barely used not have really been hired on specially for airline ops guy here if you check in a bag at an airport with an hour or less before departure it has a 50 over 50 shot of making it on the plane just like that saline bag security can back up too i regularly see 30 plus minute in screening status is on bags then it may be pulled for a hand screening in search this is random and that doesn't care when the flight leaves so now we are at about 25 minutes to departure and your back has only just now entered the sort system it will take another five ten minutes to sort out to the person who loads carts with bags here the problem is that there may be seven ten other flights coming off of the same conveyor belt they have to see your bags tag out of maybe 50 other bags so let's assume another five minutes your flight's bag cart was delivered plain side at an hour before departure it is now 15 minutes to departure the bag room has seen your bag and has it on the back of a tug racing to the plane seven minutes before departure the baggage compartments are closed and total weights are being submitted your back has missed the airplane so i should check in late so my bag might be delayed and i can claim on my insurance two hundred dollars for new clothes actually yes i checked and late for a flight last year and my bag didn't make the plane i had to buy new clothes and was reimbursed by the airline got a cute new swimsuit i don't recommend this though it took days for my bag to find its way to me and made the start of a vacation quite stressful all colors of fruit loops have the same flavor also true for play-doh and crayola crayons if you carry a baseball bat in your vehicle for self-defense also carry a baseball glove even if you don't play baseball your lawyer will appreciate it till put a sock on my baseball bat and carry a baseball glove as well why the sock the grey rock treatment is an incredibly useful method of dealing with narcissists and toxic people if such a person is going at you verbally or behaviorally screaming or posturing or trying to fight become like a grey rock in a river no reaction don't answer no movement just sit calmly and let the stream of crazy flow past you bonus points if you can stare blankly when people thrive on causing a reaction they absolutely cannot compute when they get no reaction if you're in physical danger obviously react to keep yourself safe but don't argue explain or defend verbally you'll never change a narcissist's mind it's just walking on a treadmill obviously not foolproof keep yourself safe first and foremost i accidentally discovered this a couple of days ago i work in healthcare and for the past several weeks we've had an increasing number of people frustrated with the pandemic complaining about wearing a mask being allowed to go some places but not others etc i had tried to explain flattening the curve keeping numbers in the iq manageable using logic and science to explain the why behind the stay at home orders i convinced exactly zero people and only aggravated myself yesterday i was just tired so when patients came in complaining about the situation i just didn't say anything and let them vent their spleen eventually they stopped talking and changed the subject on their own gotta do what you have energy to do as a primary care doc i have taken the time to discuss the facts with people about the value of masks the shutdown and physical distancing i try to keep politics out if the discussion but if i were a urologist seeing 60 people a day i would see conscious maybe once or twice in my life i might feel less obligated to make it a teaching visit about covet 19. people often underestimate how big a billion actually is an easy way to conceptualize it is to think of it in terms of seconds 1 million seconds ago was 12 days ago 1 billion seconds ago was 1987. what's the difference between 1 million and 1 billion about a billion engineers be like the tensing of leg muscles will deflate an unwanted erection i almost saved this comment for future reference but then remembered i'm not a dude save it anyway i have a now adult son i could have used this advice instead i had him talk to his dad how told him to carry his books in front i'll have to share this with him as well on the timeline of human history the ancient egyptians lived as close to the ancient romans as the ancient romans lived to us today the reason that they did not teach about the aztec empire for oxford's first few hundred years was to fold the americas had not been discovered and the aztec empire had not been founded that's the exact same reason the local junior college doesn't have the mars colony in their curriculum yet a single spaghetti noodle is called a spaghetto i thought a spaghetto was a place where poor italians lived on a cold and great chicago mourn another baby italian is born in spaghetti the outer bridge crossing is a bridge that connects staten island new york to perth amboy new jersey you probably think it was named that because it's the outermost bridge in new york city wrong it's named after eugenius harvey outer bridge wait is eugenius a real name that's amazing i'm calling my kid that now so whenever he does something stupid i can go gee nice one you genius in the 90s there was a scottish indie band named captain america which was renamed eugenius following a cease and desist letter from marvel comics caterpillars are physically unable to burp thank for that can you imagine idk dude i think the world would be a much better place if caterpillars could burp even though you have a vpn it doesn't necessarily keep you hidden if skilled people wanted to find you there are many things that can leak you right that you have to isolate and fix such as ipv6 leaks dns leaks and webrtc leaks also every addon you add to your browser it gives you a unique fingerprint that can lead back to you you're not as secure as you think jokes on you i used incognito mode hackerman intensifies getting older is awesome 53 meters i feel confident secure and healthier than i ever have in my entire life i wish i could tell my 28 years old self to relax and enjoy the ride more meanwhile i'm 18 meters and feel like i'll be alone till the end of my days i didn't meet my first girlfriend until i was 22 and it was more like she found me some very wise people told me that the best way to find someone is to be the person that the people you're trying to attract would be attracted to that is work on yourself and you'll find someone eventually who shares interests with you and such get out of your comfort zone take care of yourself join groups etc if you sit inside all day when there isn't a pandemic going on and get involved with growing you'll find someone honestly the years i didn't have a girlfriend have no effect on me now so just relax and make sure you're growing at 18 you have so much more you to work on than any other time in your life i think heat the back of a spoon gently and press it on a mosquito bite for a few seconds to greatly reduce itching the heat breaks up the protein and the venom i'm not eating the bottom of a spoon where i live buddy i'll have to ask my neighbor for advice on this heating spoons thing peanuts are not nuts they are legumes and they grow out of the ground like potatoes nuts and droops typically grow on trees and or are the seeds of fruits you can be allergic to tree nuts and not be to peanuts and vice versa peanuts and potatoes work pretty differently potatoes are tubers they grow off of the root system peanuts are homologous to peas or beans the plant grows flowers above ground like a normal legume but then sends a shoot into the ground that develops into the peanut most people replace their computer or run them into the ground when they get hot and slow when in reality new thermal compound and a solid-state drive upgrade can fix both problems and increase its lifespan for about 35.50 and isn't incredibly hard to diy in most cases what else do you know about computers heat is the number one enemy of computers taking a can of air and cleaning it out once in a while and redoing the thermal compound on an older computer can make it run nice and cool and faster in some cases if the computer was thermal throttling because it was too hot upgrading to an ssd can make an older computer faster more responsive and seem faster even if it has less processing power than a new computer with a standard hard drive what would you like to know look people in the eye say please and thank you sales people will go out of their way for you if you show appreciation i yes allow me to just magically get over my social anxiety you gotta fake it till you make it you little millennial pumpernickel you iron can make your poop color turn black if your poop is black that could mean an internal bleed and you should get it checked out by a doctor if you poop and there's a lot of bright red blood it's likely a bleed from uranus like hemorrhoids but you should still probably get that checked out i had an al fisher in high school and didn't know it i left ballet class to use the restroom and when i went to flush i saw so much blood and started crying and called my mom she said to put on a pad and keep going for the rest of the day a few months later i started throwing up daily i now know this is due to chronic fatigue syndrome and eventually the abrasions in my throat cause me to throw up blood my mom asked if it looked like coffee grounds which would indicate internal bleeding because it looked like normal blood and not coffee grounds she told me to stay at school and deal with it i was finally diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome this year 2020 which explains all of the symptoms i experienced this may be a dumb comment that people won't care about but i was frequently ignored by my parents and doctors for being a hormonal teenage female but this was a real ailment i'm suffering from and i want to get this experience out there an open face peanut butter sandwich when dropped will all whale and peanut butter side down well any bread with the topping because that side is heavier similar to this a quarter is more likely to land heads down always go tails i worked at domino's pizza for a while you should never order their specialty pizzas just order their mix and match deal which is two medium pizzas with two toppings you can put all four toppings on one pizza which is about what you get on a specialty and you essentially get a free cheese pizza in a vehicle with an automatic transmission there will be a small panel around the base of the stick shift if you open it up use a paper clip there will be a button in there if you push the button you can work the shifter without a key did you just tell us how to steal automatic cars the steering column is still locked you can put it in neutral and roll it back or forward you could steal it with just that but it's not all that helpful now if you want to know how to steal a native early 90s honda i can help you with that you
Channel: Panda Stories
Views: 36,205
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Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askredditfunny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit top posts, reddit cringe, comedy, reddit compilation, top posts of all time, askreddit question, askreddit top posts, ask reddit, askreddit reading, subreddit, reddit stories, best of r/askreddit, funny reddit, best reddit posts, best of reddit
Id: SkqpPmuUwVI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 30 2020
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