Fast Food workers reveal what you REALLY need to STOP ordering!

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fast food workers what's an item people should absolutely stop ordering from your restaurant customer i'll have a me i have no idea what that is customer it's on your secret menu me we don't have a secret menu customer but i read online that you have a secret menu me don't believe everything you read on the internet hello fellow starbucks partner i've heard it's easier to get a secret menu type item made if you just say hey i want this custom drink rather than some weird name any truth used to work at panda express no real complaints about the ingredients and food prep but don't buy any shrimp entrees if you actually want to a full meal they purposely use a smaller serving spoon to make it appear you're getting a lot of food i believe it was six shrimps per serving maximum was the the policy can confirm i ordered this last week and i was like seriously six shrimp i paid extra my local mall used to have a panda express those people didn't care i'd always get the fried rice orange chicken and honey walnut shrimp and they loaded the thing with shrimp but now they are not there anymore r.i.p 3k up votes in my sleepiness i said likes forgive me for my sins for my panda express order ridicule crazy worked for eight years at in and out if this thread is wanting to expose gross stuff nothing i swear the quality standard that they have which became my standard was nuts food quality cleaning routines regular inspections it makes it hard for me to eat anywhere else eight years of a free berger every day worked and i still crave them but if you want to slow the growth of your gut cut the shakes they're real ice cream mix not a typical watered down shake mix i actually prefer the watered-down taste of a mcdonald's or wendy shake but an in-n-out shake is like eating liquid ice cream you're already getting a burger and fries skip dessert this time ugh thank god i was actually worried there for a second panera worker here nothing's gross or illegal but just know that half of everything we serve comes in frozen soups meats some pastries in the mac and cheese slash pasta sauce comes in frozen but to answer the question the calorie count for the mac and cheese is absurdly high i don't remember the exact number but do your body a favor and limit how many times you have it there's people who come in several times a week to order a bread bowls of mac and cheese who don't realize how bad it is for you also on the topic of our mac and cheese it's not special panna or brand mac and cheese it's nestle mac and cheese i have nothing against frozen foods a genius development in reducing food spoilage but i find it ironic that panera relies on it so much their whole ad campaign is all about fresher than fresh purer than pure healthier than healthy eco-organic yada yada exactly my coworkers joke around all the time that wendy's has us beat of fresh meats worked at an amc theater for two years do not buy the coffee unless it's early morning when we first open otherwise you're gonna drink coffee that's been sitting out for a solid five hours at least who the frick drinks coffee at a movie theater you're supposed to drink the free water from the water fountain in a desperate attempt to sober up because you've been drinking all morning and need a chair and some air conditioning to sleep off the day wasted this guy takes his movies seriously when you order a pizza look for the specials on pizza hut's website you could order a large pizza with two toppings for 18 but if you go to the deals tab that same pizza could be had for eight dollars they won't apply the discounts for you automatically sometimes you gotta look for them you're ordering pizza wrong if you're not looking for deals part of the reason i stopped order from pizza hut was it was too confusing at least i know that you have to order from the 5.99 menu at domino's i never worked fast food but figured this was worth relaying when my father-in-law was diagnosed with lung cancer and started chemo the hospital gave him a list of things to avoid because his immune system was compromised a lot of stuff was obvious like soft serve ice cream and anything from a soda fountain because the nozzles on both don't always get cleaned that well some stuff made sense but wasn't obvious until i read it like don't get slices of pizza because they have been sitting out and when getting a whole pizza ask for it unsliced because the pizza cutter only gets washed at the end of the day and sits on the counter going through every pizza but the one that surprised me the most was don't get jamba juice it was the only company called out by name and it wasn't don't get certain things from there it was just don't get jamba juice period makes me wonder how gross their stuff must get i work at a jamba i can only think that our blender bases aren't cleaned but once a day and only with water that and our smoothies are based on fountain stands that get cleaned every three days or so depending on how busy it is otherwise we are really strict on glove changes contamination and cleaning out the blenders to be fair they're probably perfectly fine it's just that there's a ton of stuff to think about when dealing with immunocompromised people that food service in general just can't cater to okay so not fast food but i worked at fuddruckers and once we had a family came in with a child who was extremely deathly allergic to cheese meaning i had to make that kid a burger wrapped in aluminum foil on the grill with a different pair of gloves all the while cooking 50 other burgers and praying i don't kill this kid if your kid is deathly allergic to something please dear god don't put it on a 17 year old kid to keep them alive like that's just not cool at all i used to work at a mom and pop bagel shop slash breakfast restaurant and people would come in during sunday brunch rush saying that nothing with gluten could touch their food we offered gluten-free bagels it's a bagel shop gluten is virtually everywhere we would have to pull someone off the line get a fresh knife cutting board and separate cream cheese there were a dozen flavored ones i mean we got it done but it slowed everything down big time during the rush the worst is when the wait staff would inform the guest that it would take extra time to be safe with their allergy and then the guest would say oh it's not really that bad so just do it the normal way as someone hoss mother has celiac sprue thanks for being careful anyway worked at a sandwich shop and they had a contest for someone to have a sandwich named after them they settled on slices of chicken apples and honey served on a croissant and grilled funny thing is it was pretty popular and i never thought much of it until i tried it it's not good the larry david whitefish sable capers and onions how could you go wrong this was back in the day but my first job was mcdonald's one day we got a call from a sister store asking if we'd had any complaints about our shakes i said no they did if we did refer it to them turns out a mouse had died in the machine at some point and had been been chewed up by the internal mixer yeah i don't get shakes from there anymore and i i the ice cream especially hard let me tell you about peanut butter and ketchup i'm gonna stop you right there i worked in several tim hortons as a teenager the ice cap machine never gets cleaned never ever one of the girls i worked with went into anaphylaxis after making herself an ice cap at the end of her shift she had a severe penicillin allergy at least the penicillin will kill all the other bad types of bacteria this establishment could be considered an unlicensed healthcare provider in the u.s former chick-fil-a employee here because it's chick-fil-a that everybody is a okay with your needlessly complex order doesn't bother the cashiers so much but it stalls the kitchen immensely when you want something that's not on the menu but can be made with the ingredients we have who walks into chick-fil-a and wants a complex order i just want that jesus chicken and some sauce bun and pickles sure even the deluxe is more than i need i had a family member lose their crap when we went to cfa and they couldn't get something other than chicken going there was their idea mhm former apple biz employee it's not quite fast food but fast and casual dining so so much of the food is in frozen vacuum sealed packages that are thordan vats of boiling water or microwaved the things that need to look nice spend one two minutes on each side on a grill for appearance but they are not fresh think steak burgers chicken breast beyond that salads are often assembled or at least exposed to the side of the main food line by your servers the people handling money and busting food and slash out the people who probably aren't washing their hands and gloving every time they toss some croutons on your salad bottom line apple bes is to be avoided at least the midwest franchises i worked for isn't this the standard reputation for apple biz though it the place you go when you don't want to microwave your own food i thought apple biz was for when you are on a work trip and your co-workers are terrified of eating at an unchained restaurant to help earn money for my son's school trip to the british isles he and i worked at the concession stand for hs football games among a bunch of other things at the very first game the stadium supervisor helped us set up he opened a cabinet and took out the nacho cheese machine and plugged it in he opened the lid and looked inside that should last a couple of hours when it starts getting low take a bag cut a corner off and squeeze it in when you are done tonight just unplug it and stick it back in the cupboard so it will be ready for next week that was 20 years ago i haven't eaten that just since that evening it really speaks for what the cheese is actually made of i've posted about this but i worked at a japanese casual fast food restaurant for a while and we had this thing called a volcano roll it cost 7.25 cents a california roll there cost 3.75 cents the volcano roll was a cali roll cut into the shape of a triangle and topped with spicy mayo that has been heated up with about 0.10 worth of fish literally just a few bits you are much better off ordering a cali roll and paying 0.50 extra for spicy mayo on the side and asking them to heat it up i had one guy come in with a girl and he ordered a couple of regular rolls like spicy tuna and yellow tail along with a volcano roll when served in the restaurant unless they ask us we would put the sauce on top so it looked nice like a volcano when i brought that roll over he was like oh i didn't know you guys put the sauce on i've only gotten it for pick up and the sauce is always on the side i don't really like it could you bring me one one without it i tried not to laugh and said sure i went back and the sushi chef asked what was wrong i told him that he didn't like the sauce and want one without it he laughed and said all right so he took a cali roll cut it up and put it on the plate i brought it back to the guy and he was super pumped basically this guy paid 7.25 cents for a roll that would have cost him 3.75 cents on me and the sushi chef got to split a free volcano roll normally i would have just told him about it but the dude was being pretty arrogant the entire time i'm guessing to act like he was a sushi expert to impress the girl he was with if you're ordering roles make sure to look at the ingredients and see exactly what you're getting because you could end up overpaying for a glorified california role i think i've seen you post this three times not complaining crazy how much it applies to these questions on us credit waffle house cook if we are talking health reasons everything there is nothing remotely healthy on the menu otherwise i say brits because they can sit for hours and managers will try to keep them looking fresh even though they cost next to nothing to buy i don't go to waffle house for its quality food i go because i'm wasted if you don't see a wasted fight and your waitress chain smoking when you pull in is it really going to be a good waffle house i work at starbucks all food comes in frozen but the egg bites come in vacuum sealed packages with each one individually packaged we have to massage them then pop them out of the plastic they're a pain to get out of the oven because i guess they play hockey while they're cooking and end up on two separate sides of the oven the oven starts screaming at us then when finally we take them out of the oven grease pops on our hand i'm sorry i order these from time to time when i forget to make breakfast as they are lower in carbs than anything else you have on your menu they kinda suck but hey i'm here anyways to get my damn cold brew and be on my way also thank you for being the only coffee chain that understands when i say i want cream that i want a reasonable amount of cream not a splash of coffee in my cupboard cream not technically fast food but don't order room service at small hotels you're getting charged really high prices for pre-prepared often times frozen food that is heated up in what is basically a toaster oven cold cut sandwiches are the only real exception be lt your brains out but don't order the burger a lot of motels in new zealand are owned by honest hard-working people who really want the best for their guests my wife's host parents were a classic example bought a motel in christchurch and ran it for over half a decade always on call great service competitive rates i remember the sound of the phone ringing at their unit in the front of the motel they always had to answer no matter what breakfast there might have seemed quaint and people are used to hotel food and preparation standards thing is if you ordered breakfast there my wife's host mum cooked it for you there was a full breakfast option available and your bacon eggs sausages and tomatoes were just her cooking it up in the kitchen so one day a tv production crew came through 14 rooms 14 lunch orders they wrapped their work and had a massive party host mum was up at 4am to get those meals ready it was just a standard kitchen anyway huge party for the production guys the night before went late and they were all hungover slept in real late i can still remember the 14 trays stacked by the bench all the food hunter shade three hours of cooking and not a bite eaten so just saying that in every scenario someone's putting in a bit of effort and sometimes that effort is a lot larger than you realize not disputing that others may be slack i've just always wanted to share this story those trays man so much effort wasted this makes my heart hurt my mother is exactly like this person back around 2003 2004 my ex-wife worked for wendy's when they were about to fry a new batch of chicken nuggets the other employees would just dip the bottom of the plastic bag into the fryer so that it would melt and the nuggets would fall out they were too freaking lazy to open the bag properly i never ate there after hearing that to be fair that doesn't seem like something going on across all wendy's just a lazy worker when i worked there we actually ripped open the bag and dropped the desired amount into a basket former firehouse sub shift manager don't order anything that isn't sliced meat or the meatball the steak is frozen and greasy the chicken is grilled and then frozen and packaged just not worth the 12 also don't drink sweet tea there after 8 p.m it's probably bad sweet tea needs to really be younger than 4 hours old and unless they got slammed they don't make new sweet tea after 4 p.m also those coke-free style machines are a pain and difficult to clean also every drink comes out the same spigot which is gross am i the only one who doesn't have a problem with those freestyle machines i'm just excited whenever i see one because i can get vanilla coke worked at chick-fil-a i absolutely hated making the lemonade it was a process of cutting six whole boxes of lemons in half then you would juice the halves the juicer would hit your knuckles and cause small cuts which lemons would sting the whole process took two three hours if you were lucky all i'm hearing is that chick-fil-a makes super fresh lemonade with only minimal chunks of flesh from the juicer i'm still in work mcdonald's back in high school which was a good while ago now 10 11 years so how applicable this remains is hard to say in general if you're ordering outside of peak hours you should expect that the burgers are probably decently old by an hour or two i worked the grills and usually i would only do half batches to try and keep the meat a little fresher but a lot of grillers probably don't for best freshness at late hours when they are not busy ash ask for your burger with no seasoning they'll have to make it fresh or lie that they did similarly for fries if you ask for no salt on them oh and bacon at least when i was there which was before the all-day breakfast thing was not made fresh usually it had been sitting around for a while thankfully it was rarely needed which is part of why it wasn't made often beyond that you should be okay just know that the salads may not be super fresh since our manager at times had us mark them for the next day instead of making fresh ones for the next day why am empty depending on the staff obviously speaking as someone who also worked at mcdonald's please don't ask for fries with no salt yes it will be fresh but it requires cleaning and drying the fry scoop every time it gets salt all over it and dumping the fresh load of fries onto something other than the ordinary fry container again salt covers the whole surface we usually used a clean serving tray fries with no salt is a huge hassle i didn't mind doing it when necessary some people have low sodium diets and still want fries nothing wrong with that but there's nothing more frustrating than going through all that work for fries without salt only to hear the mask the window person for salt packets the universal opinion among the workers at my mcdonald's was that we just wanted them to ask for fresh fries if it was that important to them it takes us five seconds to drop a new basket into the fryer [Music] you
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Id: 5bAG3OcGqp8
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Length: 19min 40sec (1180 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 02 2020
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