Gold Prospecting- With...The Desert Fox !!

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okay here we are with the spiral panting tongue we're give this puppy a shot I'm going to show you guys how this thing works it's a pretty compact little unit everything packs into here we've got some other stuff here get a battery we got some screens and we got the dirt we crack back now we're going to show you how that thing separates everything but first let's go over this and we'll show you the components of this and how it works so everything fits in here like I said you got panic tub they're got catch you've got the pump it's got a little screen on here cuz dirt it's gonna gather at the bottom of this thing and this will screen it out the hose the main piece here that in there jab stick this it's got a little notch right there little notch in here I'm gonna feed that I'm gonna put the pump and the water spout on there this plugs in right behind the unit here plugged in run that right up on top put the wingnut I'll spin it around in a minute be a little bit of fine-tuning going on with this okay this of course goes for the battery you've got a cup you spin a surrounding skin got a cup right here that catches the gold that's right there we're a little too paranoid for that so we roll with our own beggar cup we plan on getting bigger gold obviously than the guy that invented this so we'll set that right on the hook there move the wires out of the way get it dialed in second my thumbs get Pilate it's warming up okay so pull us back a hair set that in there fine-tuning here okay battery to run it around so you can see that Jim plug it in clip it to my battery yes and now I'm ready to go put the battery down out of the way I'm going to test it out there we go switches a little stuck okay so hmm ready to go now the stuff we cracked fact had some bigger pieces in it I don't want to run stuff like that through there I'm gonna weed that out that's what these are for this one still too big this one yeah don't fix it this one - fine I get a little bit of stuff in there so we'll go with this one stick this in that pan dump a little in there fill this and then screen it out and then we'll scoop it in with it so while he's screening that I'm gonna fill this with water and once we're ready to go we'll focus in real tight and we'll show you exactly how this thing works all right let me get some water okay we're fine-tuned now I'm going to scoop up some concentrates from yesterday and I'm going to take the biggest nugget we got we'll start with a big one stick it in there push it down in there and I'm gonna fire it up I'm just gonna just kind of feather it in there water waters blowing well the lighter stuff you'll get a little bit of black sand and maybe some heavier pieces and some wedge shot stuff in your cup but all in all not bad when I get this gold nugget is droppin you'll see it wind up the spiral all right zooming nice and tight sky hopefully we can catch this still mixed in I don't know where it's at but it'll come up here and then there it is right there and red in there okay I'm gonna keep it rolling I'm gonna come up with a smaller piece you're gonna find a nice tiny one now that piece right there can barely see this thing here let's stick it in here bury it in there I'm gonna try it again see if you can spot there it is going right up and in it's 200 off let's go for a smaller piece yet for that enough you can even see that that's boomers piece they're really pretty small stick it in there wanna try it again see if we can get it even smaller sometimes the smaller pieces take a bit to work their way up might not even see it let's consumed up nice and tight there it is right there in beautiful mine now I've got a whole bucket of this stuff to start working so I'm just going to start pouring it in and see if we actually find something in that it was not a sample there at least by trying a sample nugget first you'll know you got it fine-tuned if I can if that thing can spiral up that little tiny piece and not lose it then enough there's anything in here was fine but at the end of the day we're going to end up taking this stuff that goes through here and stays in that tub and panning it out anyway there's a lot of black sand and that wash this is something you can do while you're sitting around and then after noon you can go you can bring your concentrate sold and run them through here very handy piece easy to use easy to set up doesn't take a lot of room and that is very impressive with the small goal that it finds last scoop come on baby where's that make no you that bring out my catch here looks yes I'm in the catch I still got the three Nuggets I tossed in there two and three so that's how that works we didn't catch anything with the crab back but it's still kind of fun working this thing in the afternoon give you a little something to do while you're sitting around and and it's a tool that works it's just another one of the tools that bucket mower like to use one around bobby'll good little toy works fantastic the desert fox spiral panic tub I ordered this from dads Rock shop noon one day and this puppy came in noon the next if I didn't know any better I'd swear dad delivered this thing himself so y-you know you always got to recommend good service and those fantastic service from dads Rock shop if you need anything over there go online find out what they got I like to buy everything online and we don't have to pit as California tax so wrap it up spiral panning tub bucket mower stamp of approval excellent machine
Channel: Bucket & Boomer's Prospecting Adventures
Views: 144,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold, prospecting, california, arizona, spiral, wheel, commercial, spot, advertisement, television, recovery, treasure.,
Id: _XknPqNr7U8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 39sec (819 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 10 2011
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