GOLD | How It's Made
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Channel: Discovery UK
Views: 2,162,594
Rating: 4.8336067 out of 5
Keywords: discovery, discovery channel, discoveryUK, how it's made, gold, how gold is made, gold rush, making gold, how to, how to make, How its made season, making of, discovery science, how it's made doughnuts, how it's made peanut butter, jewellery, metal, mining, rocks, drilling, blasting, miners, underground, explosives, engineers, geologists, viens of gold, pure, silver, processed, extract, mill, pulp, chemical reaction, dissolve, zinc, chemical cocktail, jelly beans, crayons, soy sauce
Id: 7UdTXIFLw-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 24 2017
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