Gold Hog Piglet Test and Review.

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what is up everybody today I'm running the gold hog piglet mini high banker medium high banker as far as I can tell this is like a full-size high banker with a few restrictions there you go you got your assembly guide here cute little piglet that's a picture of the top of Doc's head true celebrity right there being following him on YouTube for as long as I can remember and uh right there on the back is the missing component that you would need for Alberta gold that flare into a uh little extension there that's a little bit wider but we're not going to be worrying about that today I want to look at an overall just view of what this unit actually looks like we'll get into how I acquired this thing where I plan on using it but today I just want to see this thing running see how it handles material and I've got a couple suggestions that I think could really take this thing to the next level so let's have a quick peek at build quality first and then we'll get into the number one question just absolutely everybody wants to know before they purchase a high banker so let's have a look at this build quality it's really good okay so we're gonna come up here this is all made out of uh 80 thousandths of an inch thick aluminum really sturdy stuff it's a little thicker than the stuff I use a little bit more weight but this entire unit weighs just under 22 pounds which is excellent we've got sanded Corners everywhere and if we have a look at these welds um the outside of the weld right here that's a that's a really nice TIG weld all the way up but the way you can tell that a professional welded this is look at the penetration on the back side it is very consistent all the way up somebody knows what they're doing they've got a professional welder in the house putting this thing together it's all cut out absolutely beautifully I'm sure this is done with a CNC the volume they're putting through and the only thing that I noticed is this part here where the grizzly is held underneath these Corners they are sanded but that's a little sharp and that is right where you would reach in here and it would get the back of your arm that is the only sharp piece I found on the entire high banker is these little guys right here so I would just go ahead and sand that off myself but the entire rest of this unit build quality wise is absolutely fantastic so as I was saying number one question anyone has before you go out and buy a high banker what is it zero to sixty let's go find out a nearly unfathomable 250 horsepowers hitting the ground through all season tires produced by an incredible horizontally opposed three liter six cylinder engine with plenty of storage capacity let's see how this thing rips ladies and gentlemen I live my life a quarter mile at a time [Music] [Music] so now that we know that the gold hog piglet high banker has a 0-60 of roughly seven and a half seconds let's go see how it actually handles some gravel and to anyone out there who's uh is driving along gets a manifold pressure warning that somehow causes their passenger side floor pan to just drop out of their vehicle don't worry about it happens to the best of us foreign just checked and according to what doc wants us to run we're at nine degrees which is about two inches per foot of slope and what was interesting in the how-to video for this sluice is he was using a Honda wx-15 inch and a half gas water pump that's what I have sitting behind me uh that pump puts out I think it's like depending on the year it changes but it's like 62 gallons per minute roughly 4 000 gallons per hour and that's what doc says this thing likes to run at 4 000 gallons per hour so whatever 60 gallons per minute and then in his video when he sets up he gets everything good to go running this pump and he's like yeah I got the pump running at about 50 to 60 percent throttle water looks good so I'm getting mixed messages as to exactly what the flow rate should be but I'm just gonna run this probably at about 50 to 60 throttle we'll see what the box looks like it's all inch and a half uh Plumbing should be really zero like no resistance in the line and we should get a lot of flow through that box with this pump um I'm just gonna hook everything up and then we'll see how it runs love how quiet that thing runs so basically here's our box now the first issue that I'm potentially seeing is all of these large rocks here some of those just like to sit in a shovel and go straight in the bucket is that going to be an issue with this little piece of clearance I have right here let's find out so there's two ways to feed a high banker by shovel or by bucket I typically prefer a shovel so I'm going to try a bit of that first foreign foreign foreign looks like everything is clearing the grizzly quite nicely now um you do uh you obviously have to work with this a little bit so I'm gonna just throw some troubles in here and sort of see how they hand it [Applause] thank you foreign not bad actually yeah I just cranked that pump up and I've removed a little diverter here and getting that water stream right into here to wash things out a little bit quicker and I'm gonna go take a scoop of some smaller wrap all right foreign thank you that one went right through I got stopped in case we got two shovels into the hopper let's go have a look at that so I just put four shovels into the bucket and this is just whatever was in the shovel from that area over there this is sort of how it binds up in here even with this straight so you just have to jiggle this a little bit and to my surprise all of these rocks so far have actually made it through this I mean we've got a few hanging up there but I thought this was going to be a real problem turns out it's actually fairly decent now I'm gonna try shoveling in without the clay cloth because this is loose ground you don't need it to sit there so let's see how it handles that from a different angle so it's a big Grizzly bars being directly in line with the hopper we've got a lot of water coming off this end I'm going to lower this down now with that clay claw open and see how that works foreign all right so kind of what I'm seeing here is a box that seems to function fairly well I would argue that this could potentially in really sandy material have a little bit more in it than I'd like to see just with the amount that's running off of this grizzly but compared to the original um one of these I saw like one of the very first production runs from I don't know 10 15 years ago where the bottom of the grizzly was welded everything just slides right off this grizzly these are all a little bit flexible that's working excellent um I just had this end off and it was blasting back there a little bit better clay claw if you happen to have that otherwise it seems to work pretty well without that um and then of course in the mats I'm not too concerned about what's going on in here today just because I mean I didn't have this down for some of the tests but it seems like everything that's making it through that Grizzly is running over this mat just fine this is just a really small run and uh to be completely fair to Gold hog this isn't necessarily um exactly the setup I would want to use for this super fine flat Alberta gold you would you would want an extension for that so to give gold hog the benefit of the doubt it wouldn't be a fair test if I just um took this out for Recovery today I just wanted to give it my initial Impressions and that's it so initial impressions I was really concerned about the size of this thing right here so in my mind this was too short and I was thinking that considering this piece of metal they've got these edges bent up you could easily just raise this up one inch for a few inches and then taper it back down and then this exact piece would just be raised up one inch higher and if you did that you wouldn't have those Hang-Ups with some of the Rocks like this that once they do get in there you know they potentially hit but look at the size of that rock and it's I mean you gotta this was one of the ones that gave me trouble but it almost makes it through so is it fair if you're bucketing you would probably just not want to carry this extra weight and you'd actually sort of pre-classify with your shovel but I try to communicate to the world through my shovel when I'm out here and if my shovel picks up a rock this size I need to be able to just dump it in this machine and have it go now because this is such a heavy duty machine like this is thick metal it's very sturdy you could easily just Hammer big rocks like that and have them go out and the only thing you'd have to change is raise this up a little bit so I would actually recommend that you lift this thing up one inch if that was the case you could fit some serious rocks through there and you'd never have that as an issue the other issue and this is not really an issue I just think it's a low hanging fruit of improvement is this little box right here it's nine and a half inches long from clay claw to tip and about 10 inches wide and my shovel is longer than that so if you want to be able to throw full shovels in like you can throw full shovels in if you sort of go straight in like this and it's sort of awkward as opposed to just like dumping the shovel in and walking away you have to come at it nice and straight and tip it up and it does actually slow you down when you're just trying to hammer material through the length of this box being 36 inches means you've got long enough pieces of material and your brake is long enough this from here it's bent at the bottom all the way down to there they have a lot of spare room so I don't think it would be difficult to extend this out and just have a slightly longer Hopper and would work totally fine especially with this thing pointing water straight up at it that would just give you that little bit of extra capacity for a shovel to not have to be babied into it you could just dump into that like a large enough Target and the amount of material it would cost to do that and the amount of design change that would be required is almost nothing and so yeah like I'd say give us another four maybe five inches of Hopper length which you've got like a full-size machine capacity that can actually handle a full shovel don't get me wrong it was handling shovels but that would be an improvement and then this piece here yeah just raise that up the tiniest bit now a lot of The Creeks that I'm used to uh out in British Columbia those steeper creeks even the fine gold it's not as flat and fine it's just fine you'd probably catch all your gold in the top foot of this box like these mats do seem to work really good on that kind of gold the box that I use this um like the Box we were using out on the Fraser River in BC that had the older you are matting in it and we lost 40 percent to a big flare below so so depending on the type of gold you're going after you would want to run this with a flare I think especially here in Alberta where I'm used to to get your recovery rates up so at some point I will take this out into the gold fields and we'll actually do a recovery test with just 36 inches eight inch wide gold hog mat see how they do on this ridiculously hard to capture local gold but I think that for the majority of people out there who aren't after that sort of like Prairie dust uh your recovery I mean you'd be fine I've seen enough videos about gold hog mats doing just fine um so I'd assume your recovery is good but yeah if if this thing was just a little bit longer I don't I don't think that would cause any issue in manufacturing it'd be really cheap and easy to do and then all of a sudden you've got a target for a full-size shovel and then yeah I'd raise that up an inch and then I mean you can just throw anything at it that you want arguably just don't throw big rocks at it but again I typically don't Buck it I'll just shovel straight out of the bank and there's a lot of rocks in an area like this that that would have an issue it doesn't need to be crazy big but I mean it's like two and a half inches you're you are limiting yourself a little bit there um overall very sturdy very well built the the build quality is phenomenal I'm going to pull this mat out we're just gonna see what we got there shouldn't even be a lot of Black Sands in this right now I just wanted to see how it ran close to home um because I've got a bunch of stuff coming up for the next month and I wanted to get a get a starter video out about this box but yeah my my impressions of what I saw out in uh BC compared to this this is just way better which actually brings up the story of how did I acquire this because that might influence sort of how I how I talk about the box so I'll quickly give you guys the story of how I wound up with my gold hog long story short I head out to beautiful British Columbia on the Fraser River and the claim owner who has invited me there has a really old version of a gold hog it's made out of thinner metal it's a lot more rickety um they're using the original you are matting and the grizzly was welded along the bottom so rocks were just getting stuck in there and because the grizzly is hidden behind the actual um the hose that provides the water it was just a real pain to clean out that Grizzly constantly and it was just running rough so I made a video it's like what's wrong with this uh High Bankers Hopper and Bulldog actually saw that video and they they reached out to me and said hey Kyle that's really not what a gold hog piglet is like we think that that's like a a knockoff unit or it's being modified or something's wrong with that could you maybe put that in the video somewhere and by the way um we'd like to send you something uh one of our products so I I replied I'm like dude you don't you don't need to send me anything like I will a hundred percent right on there like not a genuine gold hog piglet because that's just the right thing to do if if that was a modified broken unit that was running terribly or or if it was a knockoff or if it wasn't original like first off the production line and things have changed a lot in the last 10 or 15 years it wouldn't be fair to have that out there and a bunch of people seeing it like oh yeah that thing sucks because it sucked so I just said hey don't worry about sending me anything all 100 um just make a note on that video and uh we'll call her good so they said hey we've been keeping an eye on your channel for a while we'd like to send you something anyways so I wasn't expecting a high back or I was expecting maybe a couple mats I could test out for Recovery or something like that so in the mail I get this thing um at the time I got it delivered in Canadian dollars it was 933 Canadians would be a lot cheaper in US Dollars and they're shipping on top of that there was uh 50 bucks a GST and about a hundred dollar brokerage fee so if you wanted to buy one of these you'd be looking at north of eleven hundred dollars Canadian and the the name piglet indicates it's like a little mini high banker it seems like a lot of money for that but it's it can clearly handle a lot more shovels and production than a mini highbanker I still think that there's some low-hanging fruit just increase this by four or five inches and and raise that thing up an inch and you've got a machine that can handle what you feed it uh all day long um gold Hogs recovery has always been pretty good I think it's it's really difficult for this Alberta Prairie Gold to capture it without that flare but gold hog does sell a flare specifically to help with that issue um so anyways that's how they just basically gave me a high banker uh as my channel was starting to grow right around that time and I thought that was really cool of them there was like I've worked with a few other people who've sent me some stuff videos will be coming out in the future and there's some stipulations we want you to do this we want to talk to you about the video before you post it stuff like that gold hog did none of that they basically just gave me a high banker with zero expectations from me whatsoever which is really cool to see they seem like a very open and honest company and after seeing the build quality I was a little bit concerned when this box showed up to my house after looking at the last one because I was like I don't know if I want to open my mouth about this thing because what if it really sucks I mean I don't want to just make a video saying all these negative things so instead High Banker's making some noises so so instead I open the thing up and I look at it I'm like I'm genuinely impressed here I mean there's a few things that design philosophy wise I might do differently but it's not a bad unit um I think that depending on sort of where you are and what your situation is 22 pounds handles the guy shoveling all day long uh again you'd need a flare on the bottom of this for this Alberta gold I'm just doing that like that's just an assumption but uh we'll test that out in a future video yeah we'll see sort of how much volume of stuff comes out of here not a lot of black sand we're working with today but let's have a look all right threw it down at the bottom there [Music] so that guy pops right out just gonna Stow the hardware on that pin so we don't lose it okay it's got this mat here let me just show you a close-up real quick so directly under that mat this is the Yukon matting so it's got these really deep channels and you can just see it's it's holding on to a lot of material that is exchanging around there again this is not a lot of black sand because I didn't run it in a heavy black sand gold location but I can imagine that would really help and then here's sort of how the riffles are looking decent amount of material behind some of these but they're they're clearly like they were active while it was running and yeah let's just see how much material is in this tub some nice thick half inch thick miners Moss I personally find this stuff really easy to work with easy to clean out what I just did almost all of the material just dropped right into the water and if you're concerned that there's still a few Pebbles and little things in here guess what don't worry about it put it back in your high banker you still have it for another day you got 95 99 of your gold out or you just give it a few more shakes yes if you let this dry out and then you go over a tub and whack it while it's dry you'll get a few more things coming out but just don't worry about it you got 99 of it carry on super easy to work with nice and tight fit there yeah all right just just knock an edge up and then it loosens right up I really like how it just sort of holds everything in the mat pretty solid and this this is the beautiful part of gold hog stuff we'll give it another rinse but that's pretty much everything thank you there you have it [Applause] that's all we got is that a little bit so that is something really cool if you're in an area with the gold that allows you to get away with this mat in a three foot box I would 100 hike this into some of these little Creeks I go to in BC or I'm not after that flower gold just simplifies things for sure don't get excited I just ran a short little run here I don't have all day for this and this location really isn't a a gold bearing spot but if we can get a couple specs that would be pretty cool or at least just see what other kind of rocks we found in here because we've got a Grizzly so there'll be some larger rocks that are cool to see let's go pan this out that's all we got to deal with right there [Applause] well there is some black sand in here that's good very little black sand remember not a great spot I didn't run for very long there's actually gold in this that's cool let's get you a close-up it's not a lot to see but it's nice to see gold all right we're gonna come in we've got this Focus enhancer thing let's see what we can show you guys here there it is definitely what one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve three fourteen fifteen that's actually a decent sized flake right at my fingertip 20 I mean if I would have you know hand this out a fair bit here let's uh move some stuff around yeah but anyways yeah there's uh there's definitely some gold in this gravel Ultra Ultra tiny stuff the hog mats caught it and uh yeah overall fairly impressed with the little guy and I will be using this again in a future video when I go to the appropriate Creek with the appropriate gold there's no reason I would need a bigger high banker than this pretty solid little setup um that's that's basically all I wanted to go over today was got the high banker wanted to give it a quick run through and yeah make the hopper four inches maybe five inches longer and and raise that bottom gate by an inch and you've got a perfect full-size production shoveling high banker in my opinion providing you're on the right kind of gold that those mats capture and uh yeah you throw a flare on the bottom and it should work pretty much anywhere so not a bad unit that's my uh my first take uh I know everyone was mainly here to know what the 0-60 time was on that thing so hope that was helpful and uh yeah until next time cheers and thank you for watching
Channel: Utmost Outdoors
Views: 14,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gold hog, goldhog, piglet highbanker, gold hog piglet, mini highbanker, highbanker, high banker, alberta gold, fine gold, flour gold, gold mining, gold prospecting
Id: GS0soT_NxfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 23sec (2003 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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