Gold Digger CHEATED On Her Boyfriend To Get FREE Stuff... (ROBLOX BLOX FRUIT)

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all right so in this video we are playing some of our Roblox box fruits star was all the way into snow village right I saw like this girl like a guy over here hey babe it's been so long hi where have you been I just been busy doing what I don't know if this guy's gonna accuse a girl of cheating or something but she doesn't seem like she did anything wrong I've been working for more money oh okay and speaking of money I've been a little bit short on it I can help you with that oh my god really yeah of course I can give you a fruit and you could sell it let's go to the Jungle so we can roll bruh now they're leaving this island but that just gives me like a chance to teleport my butt all the way over there before them they're over here and this guy says promise me before I roll and you won't get mad if it's bad right I won't get mad why would I get mad oh no way this guy just pulled out like a bomb fruit here what you seriously want me to die it's a bomb fruit it's a useless fruit thought you said you wouldn't get mad yeah but I can't sell this trash nobody would want it I'm sorry it's fine I just need to go clear my mind and that guy looks all depressed too I'll be back later I need to figure out where this girl went bro so I made it to the pirate Village and there's like a boat that's parked all the way over here and I found her she's on top of this building and a guy named Ethan is just walking up to her hey babe you're doing good today no but what's up my ex-boyfriend is trying to give me a trash fruit I'm planning on telling him that I want to break up he's always toxic you should you deserve better bro if my girlfriend gave me a trash fruit I'll still love her I think you deserve me winky face and she's all happy about it too I can even treat you a lot better and get you everything you want oh my god really yeah babe can you give me a permanent fruit of course I can I bet your current boyfriend can't do that for you he's just a broke oh me cutie looks like they're about to leave the island now they're on a belt together and they're sailing off straight to Midtown I might as well just sell for myself over there before they can he finally got here there you go babe no way you gave me Permanent love does that mean you love me wait I hear some walking and it's a guy from earlier babe oh hi what are you doing here with this guy he's my best friend yeah so you're telling me that I can't have guy friends oh really I'm into guys squeaky face no I can't believe Ethan it just straight up lied to his face right now I'm sorry that I doubted you babe it's okay you still love me right yeah I do now can you give us some space please I don't want you ruining my friendships yeah that's okay I'll see you around hot stuff and Landon just left God that was awful by any chance do you have a little bit more money I wonder if he can roll me a fruit too yeah duh of course I could do that sweetie okay let's go looks like they're heading back into the jungle I might as well just teleport again over here they're ready up here okay here we go anything just straight up rolled to like the most dog water fruit in its Falcon thanks I guess this gotcha is a money stealing Thief sorry about that sweetie it's all right at least it was better than the bomb fruit but I'm getting being sick and tired of these broke people watch this wait where the heck is she going no way dude she's by the ocean she threw it no why did you do that it wasn't even enough for me but I got you a permanent so I just need more than one permanent fruit and if you can't do that go away and find someone else nah I think I'm probably gonna go tell her boyfriend but first let me go ahead and just roll myself a fruit here and I got myself something really bad but I'm pretty sure he's all the way at Midtown I just use my observation and he's inside of this house yo um hi I know you don't know me but what if I told you your girlfriend is cheating on you you're lying she's not cheating she can have as many guy friends as she wants even my friend Adam told me it was okay do you want me to prove it to you she only wants her money yeah I do but there is no proof follow me I'm gonna be taking this guy back to like the jungle really quickly where is she oh she's right over there talking to like another guy why you gotta be so rude babe I'm not rude I'm disappointed now go away hey we're not dating see I told you she was loyal okay watch this buddy I might approve to you that she isn't loyal hey Sarah who are you get out of my face and I don't like talking to broke monkeys and I have a boyfriend dude I just didn't ask but hey you can have like the spin fruit I want to see her reaction when I give her something really bad seriously a spin fruits you're insulting me cause I need money no no no no I'm not insulting you let me just pull out my leper fruit right here leopard those are selling for so much five million dollars I was lying about my relationships I'm actually single and I don't have a boyfriend oh no I just caught her in 4k dude I'm sorry but I just met you I can't be giving you expensive things right now fine I guess I'll go see my friend at Marine Fortress I'm gonna go tell him to help me awaken my fruits since I don't have the money bye bruh she's just like running off do you believe me now see and what are you talking about she rejected you she told me she was single homie what are you okay dot dot dot yeah but she didn't want to flirt with you she was just trying to get rid of you I'm gonna go meet her at Marine Fortress this guy is seriously going now what nah let me go see what this frit is all about and it's seriously like a garbage fruit so I just made it to Marine Fortress and I just see like the both of them right there are like a little mini dates babe I knew you wouldn't do me dirty I know but I kind of need something can you buy me a chip I want to awaken the Quake fruits okay let's do it I can spend 100K on you now get on the boat babe oh yeah I made up with my other guy friend and I think he's okay going to raid with us that's even better why does this guy really think it's okay she was flirting with me and the other guy now they're just gonna be sailing off and I'm pretty sure they're going to be all the way at like the second season so might as well just go there and teleport myself to the raid room all right babe where's your friend over there and he's just like pulling up here oh hey are you ready to help me and my girl out of course I am by the tip for the both of us since I'm super rich talking to like the NPC and I guess he bought it okay this is my attempt to sneak in here and the raid just started huh what are you doing here well let's talk about that later because I do not want anyone dying in here I had to equip my Buddha fruit because I'm going to be like the person that's going to be carrying this raid and I just destroyed every single NPC on this island wow what the heck this guy did so much you guys did nothing and her boyfriend is not looking too happy about it either Sarah what are you talking about I did a lot of work all right shout out watch me complete like the second island buddy it's still over down like the first island while I'm just clearing NPCs on the second island already that's how you clear like the second island Landon I might have to break up if he don't do enough work huh this wrecked weight guy seems like he has a lot of money it's super strong but I'm way better than him I think this is a good thing it has happened Landon shut it she's my everything I think you need to have a private conversation with Ethan later bro because he's definitely like the one that was dating your girl oh we finally made it to like the fourth island here these Quake NPCs are getting like a little bit difficult since I'm like the only one carrying on this island and all these guys are doing is just sitting on a belt together and I'm this close I'm clearing the fourth island and we just did it your own girlfriend it's about to save me destroyed his boss unlike you no I'm going to be the one that's going to destroy it yeah okay buddy I'm about to be summoning my giant Seabees here to help me in this raid and I can summon like another one here too why is that thing so big I didn't know he had like a giant Seabees I think they're just jealous because I could just summon three of them bro that's how you destroy a boss and a quake reads I'm so disappointed that you guys did nothing all you guys did there was just stand there and Landon I'm breaking up with you why honestly you're just too broken you have no money I only wanted you for the money you could even tell Ethan that he was dating me for a bit is this true yeah I'm sorry bro she said you were her ex I can't believe this Brian's about to go awaken his Quake fruits I might as well just like do the same thing here here thanks for helping me awaken the Quake fruit for me I know I'm just like too cool for that but I could see like the both of these guys just planning all the way over there follow me really quickly we're just gonna stand here and talk I just want to see their conversation from like a distance my ex is making me super mad I need to go get revenge on her I can't see that bro and we should do that what should we do we should kidnap her and tie her up we have to take her far away as we can from racked away did you hear that they want you to be away from me and Landon is just putting up like a sword in my face you back up whoa they're okay Sarah you're coming with me you're not gonna be seeing her a while and then this guy just flew away on his Flamingo through with her she's going to a better place can you at least give me a hint I know that you guys hate her but she doesn't deserve to get kidnapped she's going to a secluded place that doesn't help me bro and if you give me a permanent fruit I'll tell you this guy seriously wants me to spend money out of my pockets fine I guess I'll be like the nice guy here and this guy can have himself minute Buddha for 1.6 000 Robux are you happy now and by the way you also got scams that dog is where she belongs this guy is so useless I might as well just go find her myself but maybe he gave me a Hint by saying dog because the only place that I know that has a dog is inside like the dog house here since you treated me so badly you want to act like a dog no ew well you're going to be treated like one go inside like the dog house or you're gonna die now bark for me and she's doing it damn good job you tamed her yeah she had it coming and there's still pointing guns at her shut it furry okay I don't think that's how you're supposed to treat a toxic girl that scammed you I might as well just go in there I might have killed like Ethan first and he's getting like absolutely destroyed here Eddie's dead what the you better back up buddy or you're gonna die bro you need to move on to like another relationship you can't let her hurt you like that I can't it's all her faults you see this this is a trash fruit you know what dogs eats trash bro dogs do not eat trash Sarah I want you to get out of there don't let this guy treat you like that I literally thought that she was a bad person but you're 10 times worse than her I might as well just go ahead and just slice this guy into pieces and this guy is dead I guess I gotta teleport me and Sarah straight to like the cafe now I'll be a little bit nice and she can have permanent Dragon for 2.6 000 Robux out of my pockets oh my God no way burn Dragon you're treating me better than Landon and Ethan you're definitely my dream boy okay listen dude I am not your boyfriend we are sick of you and we had enough with you we won a 2V1 and the winner gets to keep Sarah and the permanent fruits Ethan you know packing the fudge I'm sorry all right come outside guys let me just sell for everyone straight to like the Coliseum here I'm gonna be equipping my venom for it are you two ready to lose no you mean you're going to lose the only thing you're going to be losing is her girl forever that's why you're stupid enough to let her be with other guys get out of my face alright fine I gave me enough time to charge up my Venom fruit three two one go oh my God one of them is just like rushing me with like that love for it and he really thinks all those abilities are gonna kill me that's okay but a transform I could easily take this guy out of the sky and I just blasted him and he just died and it looks like the other guy is trying to rush me with his Quake fruit but that's okay all we really gotta do just use our toxic fog it's already covering up the whole Arena and he died that was the light work you see how easy that was yes they're just so weak guys I know she ain't like a good person follow me babe I need to show you a surprise I want to show you guys like a surprise too you'll ruin my relationship and I don't want your surprise whoa there calm down you'll like the surprise follow me let me just go ahead and just sell for everyone straight to the haunted ship what are we here this ain't a clown show okay listen all you guys are horrible people your girl said that you like my sword much more better but let me show you something better than my personal katanas it's my giant sea beast and now just pushing them all away and he's trying to like fight everyone back but that's okay I killed one of them these guys are about to get destroyed too and my Seabees managed to get rid of every single person on this island
Channel: Rektway
Views: 268,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits update, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, blox fruit live, roblox blox fruits update, fruit, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, soul guitar, god human
Id: DRQAlbg33Yc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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