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all right so I was literally just chilling here at like the pyate village and I saw like this giant boat near that cave I literally just see like a girl just jumping down there what is she even doing in this weird looking cave bro why is nobody here the boss told me to meet here and the other girl that doesn't even show up wait is she probably like another clad too I really hope not because I'm done with dealing with clads you're not slick buddy I see everything around me so just show yourself already did I seriously just get myself caught that fast so what are you even doing here in the spider domain bro I didn't even know this was some sort of Base I just saw some cool looking but I was just curious about it well now you know I'm going to be giving you two chances here first you roll me a good fruit I won't tell the boss or your second option is you give me nothing and you'll die this girl is a little bit too crazy boys I might as well just like give her like the freaky fruit so let me go ahead and teleport myself straight to the Jungle let's see what this big boy is going to get for 300K cash when I got myself a dark fruit which is pretty decent dark fruit drop the that crap right now bro CH okay okay fine let me go ahead and just give it to you then you still didn't even give me anything good I guess you're going to get punished by like the spider Clan member and she's dropping her fruit bro am I seriously about to clap this girl's cheeks in like a second bro because she's literally just like freaking comboing me she got me down to like 25% of my HP all right girl if you seriously want to play that game how about you take my freaking Enchanted Hollow side and I managed to freaking clap your cheeks like that thank you very much for my dark fr my ice fruit again where are my fruits did that redheaded idiot seriously take my fruits I mean yeah I did you do not deserve to get anything from me bro whatever I guess I'm going to be finding my other girly for some help wait she literally just went straight to like the freaking volcano area bro she better be here or else I'm going to find her and kill her what is it Elena we got some big problems girl I literally had someone just rob me just now and killed me what on our Island well yeah he stole the fruits that I was going to give to the boss do you have have any spare ones please I'll pay you back I promise I do actually and she pulled out the Phoenix you better be paying me back after this or else you're going to be even in more big trouble curly I got you let's try to grab you that roll so the boss doesn't get mad at us and of course these guys went back to like the freaking jungle okay this is looking pretty good and she got herself a quake fruit these guys are literally Rich I'm pretty sure the boss won't be mad with that man robbing the island now wait girly let's do a trade I want that Quake fruit more than Phoenix H okay I guess and she seriously dropped it and gave her the quak fruit I'm joking you're not getting anything girl thanks for covering me twice I'm going to be heading back to the boss now wait is there boss on this island because she's not even going that far away now you can tell like the girl is freaking crying I can't believe that she did this to me all right you know what boys I got like these two fruits from earlier so I might as well just like walk up to her and she's like I should just jump into the middle of the ocean no no no no no don't do that why not you don't I don't even know what the boss is going to do to me okay listen I feel bad for you and I saw what happened how about you go ahead and just take like the ice fruit and take like the dark fruits yeah but feeling bad isn't going to fix what she did to me and I mean these fruits are pretty good I'm going to be heading back to the boss and I'm praying that he won't kill me you better not die then and I literally just see like this girl going behind like this thing bro what is she doing behind this oh looku finally showed up hey boss I want to say something you're late again and you really want to speak first fine what is is it I just got you some really good fruits but I got myself robbed so I felt bad for her what are you talking about are you trying to take credit for this girl's work over here yeah I think Lydia is going a little bit too crazy I got you this boss and oh my God she's dropping the freaking Phoenix in the Quake fruit I should have been the one that gotten that now this is a quality fruit that I want BOS trust me I promise I got you those shut up Lydia gosh you're talking way too much at this rate the boss is going to hate you but any anyways enough of her I got some more news for you wait is she going to tell me about me what is it well we got a new enemy around he's some redheaded idiot that tried to scam me earlier is he stronger than me no boss I don't think anyone is stronger than you you're daddy materio and Lydia is not looking too happy about this crap either bro all right I need you guys to go take care of him and you better not fail me again all right Bots we'll take care of it now come with me Lydia oh my God they're not looking too happy about this crap and especially pairing these guys up girl stop hitting me but you betrayed me you little rats oh come on it's not like you didn't do anything bad remember my ex-boyfriend you dated him and I was really upset about that oh damn we're getting some tea over here bro yeah but he told me he was single I don't even care bro let's just go find this guy already bro they literally teleported themselves straight to like a prison Island all right curly my spider sensus tells me he's around here you're going to be the one checking that building and I'll look around the area okay looks like that girl is now gone now I have like this girl just running inside and she literally just caught me bro what are you the enemy I'm just so confused on why you help me uh because I felt bad for you why else so are you even the enemy okay listen that girl try to scam me all right I wasn't even trying to become her enemy but you know how evil that girl is yeah she seems horrible I know she's trying to get into the boss's pants bro I didn't even need to know about that information yeah listen I don't think you're a bad guy really oh no bro Elena just like pulled up here um what did he help you with Lydia what do you want to know you're the one that robbed me you seriously want the boss to know that you're talking to the enemy because I can send him a message right now and he'll end your life no please don't do that I haven't done anything wrong um clearly you are by talking to this idiot but I'm going to be giving you a warning and she's literally attacking her and I just can't believe like she freaking killed her you think I'm done with you girl I can ruin your life in seconds like if I go into my inventory I can probably just pull out like a katune fruit and just shove it in her face what you own katune hand that over right now yeah I know you're really funny if you really think I'm going to give you that well I guess your new girlfriend is going to be getting a punishment wait what does she mean she's leaving how's she gone this fast I saw the entire thing but what does she mean that I'm getting punished bro I really don't even know what she means by that maybe she's going to tell your boss or something oh God this isn't good we have to get to the boss now okay let me teleport myself straight to like the freaking jungle area and look at here the girls already back here talking to the boss with the fruits hey boss I'm back I brought you back like a small gift but we ran into like another issue what is it this time oh it's about the traitor Lydia she's with the Enemy now and I think she's dating him that stupid bits how dare she betray this clan why is she making up a bunch of Lies I got to go in there and stop this bro that's a bad idea don't do it what do you know she just goes in there like it's no nothing boss please don't listen to her oh look it's a lost puppy she's back how don't you just shut up don't talk to her that way and you know what I'm going to do I'm done with you this man just pulled out her freaking sword no no no no I need to go save this girl bro let me just go grab her all like a flamingo pause that's the enemy you bits I'm going to destroy you no one's going to mess with a spider clad all right buddy you can have fun with that while I just shoot my low poers at you now me and her are going to go straight to like the second Seas here what are we doing here well we need to get you to become more powerful girl you saw how badly you got destroyed by Elena and I'm pretty sure Xavier has like spider Awakening yeah I guess you're right I'm pretty weak don't worry I'm going to be Awakening spider just for you man so let me go ahead and teleport me and her straight to the raid room I'll even be nice enough and get her like the spider chip for freaking 100K cash oh look who it is the traitor and her stupid boyriend what are you doing here and I'm not a traitor seriously Lydia trying to get stronger good luck you better not forget that I got this too girl my katsune fruit right in your face katsune Exavier I got an idea but I'm going to be telling you later okay I don't know what idea they're talking about but I'm going to be hopping myself inside of like this pod with these guys now let me go ahead and just transform into like the ultimate Buddha and I'm literally just like beaming all these NPCs with like my freaking hollowe bro and I'm already dealing like over 26k damage and this person is trying to use her leer fruit bro you still suck with it but hey we managed to clear out like the first island here okay you're a big boy I see yeah my man did all the work what are you trying to say Elena I'm saying nothing stop trying to get jealous of something that I don't even like how dare you talk to your leader like that well uh this is getting a little bit too awkward let me go ahead and just like transform on like the second island here I got like a bunch of spiky balls trying to hit me and your boy shredding all these NPCs like it's nothing where even is anyone like I don't even see anyone on this freaking Island are they seriously letting me do all the work by my myself I guess it doesn't even matter when I just cleared it dang do you have any other fruits I mean yeah I do I got myself like leopard katun you definitely need to step up your game no wonder why Lydia loves him oh trust me this guy is just a cheater he only relies on his fruits I'm the one that has the real power all right let's see you clear out the next Island now this fruit is definitely going to be impressing the girls bro look how much I'm shredding all these NPCs by myself I'll even go ahead and just use my blasting abilities on all of these NPCs like that and using like the combination of my Hollow St is just going to completely clap all these guys and on the bright side I can go ahead and just use my race Awakening just like that um where's Lydia I hope that she died wow that's just rude as hell yeah this is probably going to impress even more by me transforming into katuni and she's even riding my back I'm jealous you're able to ride him too why don't you let me ride how many times did I have to tell you you're not allowed to touch him yeah okay you just seem like a trashy spider leader you're letting this guy take two of your spider ladies yeah I'm not going to lie she's actually cooking him but anyways I made it to like the final Island here I'm about to go ahead and just like summ of my giant SE be now it's time for me to go spam like a bunch of abilities before like the boss spawns in and I nearly to die but hey that doesn't even matter I got myself like over 160k damage now's my chance to untransform at a katun name put on the bad boy spider fruit and go ahead and just use my race Awakening here now this boss is about to get some serious damage he got himself completely Clapp and that's how you destroy spider rap boys a look Lydia's gone I'm not even surprised she's super weak you should be telling that to yourself you're going to regret talking to me like that Elena whatever you're a bomb anyways I need a new man in my life and she's looking at me okay this is not good because I do not want to be stuck with this crazy girl at all so honey bud how about you leave Lydia and date me why would I want to date a scammer like you listen I need to save my butt from that guy you do not want to mess with him all right whatever you know I'm probably going to go back to like Lydia because I do not trust that girl gosh what took you so long I was waiting for you all right listen Elena is trying to flirt with me and your evil boss is trying to hunt me down I think I need to give you like a different fruit so you can go defend yourself which I'm probably going to go ahead and give her permanent venom for 2,000 Robux out of my own Pockets boys oh my God you're so amazing oh my God the girl is literally like attacking us now looks like Lydia is this close on dying which I got to go ahead and save her which I'm probably going to slap her up like that it's flinger all the way up in the air finish her off with like my portal Dash and I didn't even get any Bounty off of her are you okay bro I'm scared the boss is probably going to be hunting me down too don't worry man let me just pick this girl up and like Flamingo really quickly you see being in a sky is safe right are you sure because I got a good feeling that we're being followed oh my go he's not wrong though it's a guy from from earlier and he literally just hit us down what do you want bro you really thought that I was done with you this is all your fault bro why don't you go blame your Elena girl she was the one playing with your feelings oh my God is he actually going for Lydia he actually killed her H I bet that you're weak as her all right how about you follow me really quickly I'm about to show this guy my true Powers which he's not going to know that I'm about to be summoning a giant seab Beast out of my own pants here I'm about to zap him down all the way into like the ocean too and he won't be able to get up now my cast is beaming this guy and he got himself completely clapped too
Channel: Rektway
Views: 222,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blox fruits, roblox blox fruits, blox fruits codes, blox fruit, blox fruits noob to pro, blox fruits roblox, roblox blox fruit, blox fruits race awakening, roblox blox fruits rare fruit, blox fruits dough awakening, roblox blox fruits update, blox fruit roblox, rektway, leopard fruit, haki colors, observation blox fruit, blox fruit noob to pro, blox fruit all fruit, blox fruit tier list, race awakening v4, mammoth fruit, blox fruit update 20, kitsune fruit, trex fruit
Id: g4157DM0m3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 11 2024
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