Going To A 1%er Motorcycle Club Party

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My Ghosts on this episode we talk about going to a 1%er party popping up at their Clubhouse any event that they're throwing the proper protocol and we get into it on this episode of Demons Row TV and oh yea we #Ghostin baby My Ghost welcome the Demons Row TV the Holy Grail of MC culture were we cover everything motorcycle club involved I'm so Sose The Ghost I'm your host for the evening and today we're gonna talk about it going to a 1% of clubhouse going to a 1% of event what is the proper protocol can you go over there have a good time or is it very strict we're gonna get into it but the first thing I want you to do like we always do on this channel is to hit me with that #ghostin and that lets me know you're alive and well sitting on twos doing what you do or just part of the Demons Row community one of my ghosts shout to all my new subscribers welcome to the Row follow the Sose The Ghost page a lot of content coming out on that one and also shout to everybody that's been supporting the Demons Row Clothing but let's start this one off with something new it's a new tradition I'm starting and what it is I'm gonna call it the Certified Ghostette every week I'm a feature a new woman on this channel on this segment it will be the Queen's of this road the Queen's of motorcycle culture I want to have women that are not just a pretty face with some small shorts on standing in front of a motorcycle these women will own their motorcycle and they are queens of the road so we're gonna set it off like this the first ever #certifiedghostette big shout to Vishali from California on Instagram is @just_the_letter_v big shout to V I was very impressed with her profile she's Indian and Italian she lives in California but spent her teen years and half her 20s in France and Switzerland very exotic she has a Indian scout and a Harley so she's doing it big a hundred pounds soaking wet and she's cruising through these streets as you can see on the footage so big shout to V much love you are my first #CertifiedGhostette if you know anybody thats Certified Ghostette material hit us on @demonsrow on Instagram we will check everybody out I wanted to show love to everybody in this culture so we're gonna keep that going and we're gonna come with the Certified Ghosts too so y'all hit me with that but let's get into it going to a one percenter party or an event it could be at their Clubhouse it could be at a spot they rented the first step we're gonna take if you're pulling up come with respect no revving the bikes up going on crazy making noise in that town you don't know what they got going on you don't know what type of pressure when you're in a 1% Club that they have from police in the neighborhood if they want to use that as an excuse so you don't want to start off on the wrong foot making mad noise it's like you go into somebody's houses or something show respect when you walk through that door when you get to the door just remember there's always cameras in 1% club houses so they're gonna be looking out and they could see you so whatever you're doing don't do no nut shit that's gonna get you caught up and I'm not saying one percenters is over here to disrespect people I'm just saying you mess with anyone's house they're gonna protect their house so when you pull up knock on that door wait for them to come don't be banging on the door don't do no crazy shit now I know a lot of 99s have these rules where you bypass people and you go straight to the President and salute them I've heard this a lot in 99 clubs I would not advise you to do that in a 1% clubhouse you say what's up to everybody you walk by don't walk by a member and assume that you have to go say what's up to president and walk into their house and disrespect them and not say nothing to them like I don't even know like how that rule got put out but it's a rule that can get people into trouble and another rule ima tell you I don't care what club you're fully patched up or whatever do not disrespect a prospect people think that because you're in a certain club and you're fully patched that you could disrespect another club's prospect let me tell you something I've seen a lot of people get washed up thinking that a prospect oh he's not a member let me talk to him greasy they don't care about you that's their their brother in the making so you could get yourself really caught up over crossing the wrong prospect do not talk down on prospects in a 1% Club especially if your in a 99 if you're in another 1% Club you already know if you go to a spot there's certain protocols but never talk down a prospect I don't care who you think you are I don't care if you're president VP S@A honestly I don't care who you are don't down talk a prospect in a 1% Club in their house it's not gonna end well cuz I know if somebody comes to the house and they disrespected one of my little homies its gonna be a problem you know what I'm saying so I'm just telling you for real that's one thing that'll save you from problems I know a lot of people have told me that they were told by presidents by people in control that you don't go up to a one-percenter until he comes up to you but I'm telling you if you go to a clubhouse you say what's up to everybody and show them that respect and trust me they'll be happy you there and they'll be happy that you're showing love and supporting the bar and that's a very important thing to do if you want to get in good with a club support the bar if you spend money at that bar you're helping that club out or whatever bills they got whatever is going on you're helping them out with that so if you want to get in good with a 1% Club that's the easy way right there cop some motherf#!kin whatever you like to drink and you will make them happy they will rock with you now if you see girls there I would be very leery to talk to women in a 1% Club house or in a 1% event you don't know who's with who now if their old lady and they have on their cut that they're an old lady property of listen I've seen it before do not think that you're cool maybe she's looking at you or being friendly or whatever do not make the mistake of thinking that maybe she's single and you can go talk to her for people that I new because a lot of people that watch this channel are new to clubs they might have just this might be their first time stepping into a 1% clubhouse if you've been in one before you already no please do not act like everything just goes without saying because it doesn't because if you never been in the club before if a girl if a pretty woman looks at you and she's smiling and being nice to you you probably are gonna 9 times out of 10 think she likes you so don't act like you know it's out of this world for somebody to kick it to a ol lady it happens so any women in a 1% clubhouse I mean just in the MC world in general I think that you should stay away from the women it's not really the place it's not the scene to meet women cuz you don't know whos who it could be not an old lady but if somebody's little sister or something like that you gotta be very leery of the women that you deal with women can get you jammed up another thing you're gonna want to do with the pictures I know this is a social media ever everybody likes to take pictures dope cameras you know what I mean you got your old lady with you or your girlfriend and you want to take a picture in the clubhouse first off you don't pull phones out and take pictures in a one percenter clubhouse you have to ask somebody because they might think that you police you don't know and this isn't about being tough this is about protocol this is about respecting someone's house so don't ever let someone tell you oh I'm too tough to move a certain way it's not tough to be disrespectful it's tough when you're faced with adversity and you rise from it but being a knucklehead is not being tough so it's just respect so if you in their Clubhouse just ask one of the brothers is it okay if we take pictures or do you don't you don't allow pictures or whatever a lot of 1% clubhouses they're not gonna want the pictures if they allow it which some will it's fine take the pictures they might even have a film crew if it's like you know like an annual or something nine out of ten there's gonna be pictures flying everywhere the one thing I tell you be careful who is in the background of your pictures because if you're taking a picture and you got some whatever you know team a you know Club a and they're there whatever color and they have drama with team B if team B looks on Instagram and they see in your pictures you got them in the background they can affiliate you with them and you can have problems wherever you live so you have to be very careful with pictures and once again I say this is for people that don't know because a lot of people are know-it-alls they were born knowing everything about MC culture but there's a lot of people that don't know this is for them and I would also say this involves everything in MC culture don't be the funny guy don't be the guy that jokes around too much now you know people like that and you want to joke around with them that's fine you know what I mean you already have a rapport you know how they roll they aint sweat in it that's fine but if you don't know people don't get too familiar don't ask about patches don't ask about insignia don't ask when the club started how it started don't ask any inner club questions just small talk you know whatever is going on do not touch a one percenters back patch when you don't touch a one percenters cut period when you give them a pound they try to pull you in and bring it in if just bring it in without touching it back center patch do not touch that center patch I've seen stupid shit happen because of that you know what I mean some people don't care I'm not gonna lie some people don't care about stuff like that and it's not strict protocol but don't be the one to bump into the wrong Club that's very strict about that and they end up in a bad situation that goes for any MC don't touch their cuts like people work hard and prospect for long periods of time to earn those cuts so don't put your hands on nobody's cuts nobody know where your hands been don't touch people's cuts don't touch people's old ladies it's just common you know respect type shit but you know everybody doesn't learn common respect from home I'm giving you the street version if you're new to this and you never been through this before how you could not get caught up going to a one percenter Clubhouse also one thing I wanted to talk about that somebody asked me about is the helmets putting the helmets on the table and stuff like that when you show up to one percent Clubhouse put your helmet on your bike don't go into a one percent clubhouse with anything that could be deemed as a weapon because then they're gonna make you look stupid and tell you to put it back and got to go back and put it back like don't do shit like that also if you have any weapons on you do not go into a 1% clubhouse with weapons because they're gonna assume that you're making a move on them you don't want those type of problems if you're just going there to have fun and overall people have asked me so can I go to a 1% clubhouse just to have a good time I say yes and I say no if I was going somewhere to have fun a 1% clubhouse is the last place I would want to go to you want to go somewhere where you're free and you have fun and there's no rules and you know I mean there's rules everywhere but you don't want no strict rules where if you mess up is gonna end up bad for you and your team because I've seen women stomped out with they man like I've seen one percenters grab a woman's ass and then get stomped out and then the man gets stomped out with him is I've seen some shit man and I'm trying to put the knowledge out there so people don't get caught up in the dumb shit and I'm not saying one percenter just target people this is stuff that's happened over the years it's not like an all the time thing because you know what MC culture they know how to respect so if you go to a 1% Club house to have fun it can be done depending on the club depending on your relationship with the club with people in the club you had a family member in that club then yeah you could probably have fun because you know if they're gonna protect you from any you know dumb shit that may occur but you know women go there and they dance and they have fun and stuff like that you know but also me I have a certain rule if you go to a 1% clubhouse I don't care of you in a 99 1 percent whatever a lot of people don't do this is just a personal rule of mine of how I roll in the street you don't bring your old lady to a one-percenter clubhouse because somebody grabbed her ass or some shit like that now you gotta you know it's a liability go with your homies and you hold it down you don't bring females to a one percenter house you leave the old ladies at home if you're going to a 1%er club house so I'm not saying let anybody disrespect you I'm just telling you how things can happen and then you from there you choose the road that you want to take but you know what you signed up for you know what I mean you don't get caught up blindside if you have any questions about going to a one-percenter clubhouse a biker run event any type of stuff that they're holding you can hit me in the comments with that shout to everybody that's been supporting the clothing the Demons Row clothing is doing very well I want to come out with the mask cuz a lot of people been asking me about the masks that I wear and I need to try to figure out a connect so I get that custom for all of us so we could just Ghost you know what I mean in our own way you know what I mean that shit would be super dope so I definitely want to do that follow me on instagram @demonsrow @sosetheghost_ and thank you for tuning in to Demons Row TV the Holy Grail of MC culture like subscribe and comment and oh yea we #ghostin baby!
Channel: Demons Row
Views: 562,442
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: going to a 1%er party, going to a mc clubhouse, going to a motorcycle clubhouse, going to a club event, outlaw party, going to a outlaw party, going to a outlaws party, outlaw mc, outlaw event, going to a outlaw event, outlaw motorcycle clubs, outlaw club party, one percenter, demons row, demons row tv, motrcycle club, biker news, outlaw bikers
Id: oLAqcuZ4pSY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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